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Raw Normal View History

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file town_cmd.cpp Handling of town tiles. */
#include "stdafx.h"
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
#include "road.h"
#include "road_internal.h" /* Cleaning up road bits */
#include "road_cmd.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "viewport_kdtree.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "station_kdtree.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "newgrf_debug.h"
#include "newgrf_house.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "autoslope.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "cheat_type.h"
#include "animated_tile_func.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "subsidy_func.h"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "town.h"
#include "town_kdtree.h"
#include "townname_func.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "object_map.h"
#include "object_base.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "town_cmd.h"
#include "landscape_cmd.h"
#include "road_cmd.h"
#include "terraform_cmd.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_cmd.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/town_land.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
/* Initialize the town-pool */
TownPool _town_pool("Town");
TownKdtree _town_kdtree(&Kdtree_TownXYFunc);
void RebuildTownKdtree()
std::vector<TownID> townids;
for (const Town *town : Town::Iterate()) {
_town_kdtree.Build(townids.begin(), townids.end());
* Check if a town 'owns' a bridge.
* Bridges to not directly have an owner, so we check the tiles adjacent to the bridge ends.
* If either adjacent tile belongs to the town then it will be assumed that the town built
* the bridge.
* @param tile Bridge tile to test
* @param t Town we are interested in
* @return true if town 'owns' a bridge.
static bool TestTownOwnsBridge(TileIndex tile, const Town *t)
if (!IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_TOWN)) return false;
TileIndex adjacent = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile)));
bool town_owned = IsTileType(adjacent, MP_ROAD) && IsTileOwner(adjacent, OWNER_TOWN) && GetTownIndex(adjacent) == t->index;
if (!town_owned) {
/* Or other adjacent road */
adjacent = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile))));
town_owned = IsTileType(adjacent, MP_ROAD) && IsTileOwner(adjacent, OWNER_TOWN) && GetTownIndex(adjacent) == t->index;
return town_owned;
if (CleaningPool()) return;
/* Delete town authority window
* and remove from list of sorted towns */
CloseWindowById(WC_TOWN_VIEW, this->index);
/* Check no industry is related to us. */
for (const Industry *i : Industry::Iterate()) {
assert(i->town != this);
/* ... and no object is related to us. */
for (const Object *o : Object::Iterate()) {
assert(o->town != this);
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
/* Check no tile is related to us. */
for (TileIndex tile = 0; tile < Map::Size(); ++tile) {
switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
case MP_HOUSE:
assert(GetTownIndex(tile) != this->index);
case MP_ROAD:
assert(!HasTownOwnedRoad(tile) || GetTownIndex(tile) != this->index);
assert(!TestTownOwnsBridge(tile, this));
/* Clear the persistent storage list. */
DeleteSubsidyWith(ST_TOWN, this->index);
DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_FAKE_TOWNS, this->index);
CargoPacket::InvalidateAllFrom(ST_TOWN, this->index);
* Invalidating of the "nearest town cache" has to be done
* after removing item from the pool.
* @param index index of deleted item
void Town::PostDestructor(size_t index)
/* Give objects a new home! */
for (Object *o : Object::Iterate()) {
if (o->town == nullptr) o->town = CalcClosestTownFromTile(o->location.tile, UINT_MAX);
* Assigns town layout. If Random, generates one based on TileHash.
void Town::InitializeLayout(TownLayout layout)
if (layout != TL_RANDOM) {
this->layout = layout;
2019-04-21 22:56:35 +01:00
this->layout = static_cast<TownLayout>(TileHash(TileX(this->xy), TileY(this->xy)) % (NUM_TLS - 1));
* Return a random valid town.
* @return random town, nullptr if there are no towns
/* static */ Town *Town::GetRandom()
if (Town::GetNumItems() == 0) return nullptr;
int num = RandomRange((uint16)Town::GetNumItems());
size_t index = MAX_UVALUE(size_t);
while (num >= 0) {
/* Make sure we have a valid town */
while (!Town::IsValidID(index)) {
assert(index < Town::GetPoolSize());
return Town::Get(index);
void Town::FillCachedName() const
char *end = GetTownName(buf, this, lastof(buf));
this->cached_name.assign(buf, end);
* Get the cost for removing this house
* @return the cost (inflation corrected etc)
Money HouseSpec::GetRemovalCost() const
return (_price[PR_CLEAR_HOUSE] * this->removal_cost) >> 8;
/* Local */
static int _grow_town_result;
/* Describe the possible states */
enum TownGrowthResult {
static bool BuildTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile);
static Town *CreateRandomTown(uint attempts, uint32 townnameparts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout);
static void TownDrawHouseLift(const TileInfo *ti)
AddChildSpriteScreen(SPR_LIFT, PAL_NONE, 14, 60 - GetLiftPosition(ti->tile));
typedef void TownDrawTileProc(const TileInfo *ti);
static TownDrawTileProc * const _town_draw_tile_procs[1] = {
* Return a random direction
* @return a random direction
static inline DiagDirection RandomDiagDir()
return (DiagDirection)(3 & Random());
* House Tile drawing handler.
* Part of the tile loop process
* @param ti TileInfo of the tile to draw
static void DrawTile_Town(TileInfo *ti)
HouseID house_id = GetHouseType(ti->tile);
if (house_id >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) {
/* Houses don't necessarily need new graphics. If they don't have a
* spritegroup associated with them, then the sprite for the substitute
* house id is drawn instead. */
if (HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0] != nullptr) {
DrawNewHouseTile(ti, house_id);
} else {
house_id = HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->grf_prop.subst_id;
/* Retrieve pointer to the draw town tile struct */
const DrawBuildingsTileStruct *dcts = &_town_draw_tile_data[house_id << 4 | TileHash2Bit(ti->x, ti->y) << 2 | GetHouseBuildingStage(ti->tile)];
if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED);
DrawGroundSprite(dcts->ground.sprite, dcts->ground.pal);
/* If houses are invisible, do not draw the upper part */
if (IsInvisibilitySet(TO_HOUSES)) return;
/* Add a house on top of the ground? */
SpriteID image = dcts->building.sprite;
if (image != 0) {
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, dcts->building.pal,
ti->x + dcts->subtile_x,
ti->y + dcts->subtile_y,
if (IsTransparencySet(TO_HOUSES)) return;
int proc = dcts->draw_proc - 1;
if (proc >= 0) _town_draw_tile_procs[proc](ti);
static int GetSlopePixelZ_Town(TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y)
return GetTileMaxPixelZ(tile);
/** Tile callback routine */
static Foundation GetFoundation_Town(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
2004-08-13 19:27:33 +01:00
HouseID hid = GetHouseType(tile);
/* For NewGRF house tiles we might not be drawing a foundation. We need to
* account for this, as other structures should
* draw the wall of the foundation in this case.
if (hid >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) {
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(hid);
if (hs->grf_prop.spritegroup[0] != nullptr && HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS)) {
uint32 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, 0, 0, hid, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && !ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, callback_res)) return FOUNDATION_NONE;
return FlatteningFoundation(tileh);
2004-08-13 19:27:33 +01:00
* Animate a tile for a town
* Only certain houses can be animated
* The newhouses animation supersedes regular ones
* @param tile TileIndex of the house to animate
static void AnimateTile_Town(TileIndex tile)
if (GetHouseType(tile) >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) {
if (_tick_counter & 3) return;
/* If the house is not one with a lift anymore, then stop this animating.
* Not exactly sure when this happens, but probably when a house changes.
* Before this was just a it'd leak animated tiles..
* That bug seems to have been here since day 1?? */
if (!(HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile))->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_ANIMATED)) {
if (!LiftHasDestination(tile)) {
uint i;
/* Building has 6 floors, number 0 .. 6, where 1 is illegal.
* This is due to the fact that the first floor is, in the graphics,
* the height of 2 'normal' floors.
* Furthermore, there are 6 lift positions from floor N (incl) to floor N + 1 (excl) */
do {
i = RandomRange(7);
} while (i == 1 || i * 6 == GetLiftPosition(tile));
SetLiftDestination(tile, i);
int pos = GetLiftPosition(tile);
int dest = GetLiftDestination(tile) * 6;
pos += (pos < dest) ? 1 : -1;
SetLiftPosition(tile, pos);
if (pos == dest) {
* Determines if a town is close to a tile
* @param tile TileIndex of the tile to query
* @param dist maximum distance to be accepted
* @returns true if the tile correspond to the distance criteria
static bool IsCloseToTown(TileIndex tile, uint dist)
if (_town_kdtree.Count() == 0) return false;
Town *t = Town::Get(_town_kdtree.FindNearest(TileX(tile), TileY(tile)));
return DistanceManhattan(tile, t->xy) < dist;
* Resize the sign(label) of the town after changes in
* population (creation or growth or else)
void Town::UpdateVirtCoord()
Point pt = RemapCoords2(TileX(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE, TileY(this->xy) * TILE_SIZE);
if (this->cache.sign.kdtree_valid) _viewport_sign_kdtree.Remove(ViewportSignKdtreeItem::MakeTown(this->index));
SetDParam(0, this->index);
SetDParam(1, this->cache.population);
this->cache.sign.UpdatePosition(pt.x, pt.y - 24 * ZOOM_LVL_BASE,
_settings_client.gui.population_in_label ? STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_POP : STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN,
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, this->index);
/** Update the virtual coords needed to draw the town sign for all towns. */
void UpdateAllTownVirtCoords()
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
void ClearAllTownCachedNames()
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
* Change the towns population
* @param t Town which population has changed
* @param mod population change (can be positive or negative)
static void ChangePopulation(Town *t, int mod)
t->cache.population += mod;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index); // Cargo requirements may appear/vanish for small populations
if (_settings_client.gui.population_in_label) t->UpdateVirtCoord();
* Determines the world population
* Basically, count population of all towns, one by one
* @return uint32 the calculated population of the world
uint32 GetWorldPopulation()
uint32 pop = 0;
for (const Town *t : Town::Iterate()) pop += t->cache.population;
return pop;
* Remove stations from nearby station list if a town is no longer in the catchment area of each.
2020-05-15 21:18:03 +01:00
* To improve performance only checks stations that cover the provided house area (doesn't need to contain an actual house).
* @param t Town to work on
2020-05-15 21:18:03 +01:00
* @param tile Location of house area (north part)
* @param flags BuildingFlags containing the size of house area
2020-05-15 21:18:03 +01:00
static void RemoveNearbyStations(Town *t, TileIndex tile, BuildingFlags flags)
for (StationList::iterator it = t->stations_near.begin(); it != t->stations_near.end(); /* incremented inside loop */) {
const Station *st = *it;
2020-05-15 21:18:03 +01:00
bool covers_area = st->TileIsInCatchment(tile);
if (flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) covers_area |= st->TileIsInCatchment(tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1));
if (flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) covers_area |= st->TileIsInCatchment(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0));
if (flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) covers_area |= st->TileIsInCatchment(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1));
if (covers_area && !st->CatchmentCoversTown(t->index)) {
it = t->stations_near.erase(it);
} else {
* Helper function for house completion stages progression
* @param tile TileIndex of the house (or parts of it) to "grow"
static void MakeSingleHouseBigger(TileIndex tile)
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
/* progress in construction stages */
if (GetHouseConstructionTick(tile) != 0) return;
if (IsHouseCompleted(tile)) {
/* Now that construction is complete, we can add the population of the
* building to the town. */
ChangePopulation(Town::GetByTile(tile), HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile))->population);
* Make the house advance in its construction stages until completion
* @param tile TileIndex of house
static void MakeTownHouseBigger(TileIndex tile)
uint flags = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile))->building_flags;
if (flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE) MakeSingleHouseBigger(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, 0));
if (flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) MakeSingleHouseBigger(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, 1));
if (flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) MakeSingleHouseBigger(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 0));
if (flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) MakeSingleHouseBigger(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 1));
* Tile callback function.
* Periodic tic handler for houses and town
* @param tile been asked to do its stuff
static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile)
HouseID house_id = GetHouseType(tile);
/* NewHouseTileLoop returns false if Callback 21 succeeded, i.e. the house
* doesn't exist any more, so don't continue here. */
if (house_id >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET && !NewHouseTileLoop(tile)) return;
if (!IsHouseCompleted(tile)) {
/* Construction is not completed. See if we can go further in construction*/
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
/* If the lift has a destination, it is already an animated tile. */
if ((hs->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_ANIMATED) &&
house_id < NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET &&
!LiftHasDestination(tile) &&
Chance16(1, 2)) {
Town *t = Town::GetByTile(tile);
uint32 r = Random();
StationFinder stations(TileArea(tile, 1, 1));
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO)) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO, i, r, house_id, t, tile);
if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED || callback == CALLBACK_HOUSEPRODCARGO_END) break;
CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(GB(callback, 8, 7), hs->grf_prop.grffile);
if (cargo == CT_INVALID) continue;
uint amt = GB(callback, 0, 8);
if (amt == 0) continue;
uint moved = MoveGoodsToStation(cargo, amt, ST_TOWN, t->index, stations.GetStations());
const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(cargo);
t->supplied[cs->Index()].new_max += amt;
t->supplied[cs->Index()].new_act += moved;
} else {
switch (_settings_game.economy.town_cargogen_mode) {
/* Original (quadratic) cargo generation algorithm */
if (GB(r, 0, 8) < hs->population) {
uint amt = GB(r, 0, 8) / 8 + 1;
if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_max += amt;
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_PASSENGERS, amt, ST_TOWN, t->index, stations.GetStations());
if (GB(r, 8, 8) < hs->mail_generation) {
uint amt = GB(r, 8, 8) / 8 + 1;
if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max += amt;
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_MAIL, amt, ST_TOWN, t->index, stations.GetStations());
/* Binomial distribution per tick, by a series of coin flips */
/* Reduce generation rate to a 1/4, using tile bits to spread out distribution.
* As tick counter is incremented by 256 between each call, we ignore the lower 8 bits. */
if (GB(_tick_counter, 8, 2) == GB(tile, 0, 2)) {
/* Make a bitmask with up to 32 bits set, one for each potential pax */
int genmax = (hs->population + 7) / 8;
uint32 genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);
/* Mask random value by potential pax and count number of actual pax */
uint amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
/* Adjust and apply */
if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_max += amt;
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_PASSENGERS, amt, ST_TOWN, t->index, stations.GetStations());
/* Do the same for mail, with a fresh random */
r = Random();
genmax = (hs->mail_generation + 7) / 8;
genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);
amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max += amt;
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_MAIL, amt, ST_TOWN, t->index, stations.GetStations());
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_TOWN, FILE_LINE);
if ((hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE) &&
HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING) &&
CanDeleteHouse(tile) &&
GetHouseAge(tile) >= hs->minimum_life &&
--t->time_until_rebuild == 0) {
t->time_until_rebuild = GB(r, 16, 8) + 192;
ClearTownHouse(t, tile);
/* Rebuild with another house? */
if (GB(r, 24, 8) >= 12) {
/* If we are multi-tile houses, make sure to replace the house
* closest to city center. If we do not do this, houses tend to
* wander away from roads and other houses. */
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_2_TILES) {
/* House tiles are always the most north tile. Move the new
* house to the south if we are north of the city center. */
TileIndexDiffC grid_pos = TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(t->xy, tile);
int x = Clamp(grid_pos.x, 0, 1);
int y = Clamp(grid_pos.y, 0, 1);
if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x2) {
tile = TILE_ADDXY(tile, x, y);
} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_1x2) {
tile = TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, y);
} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x1) {
tile = TILE_ADDXY(tile, x, 0);
BuildTownHouse(t, tile);
static CommandCost ClearTile_Town(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_AUTO) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_BUILDING_MUST_BE_DEMOLISHED);
if (!CanDeleteHouse(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
int rating = hs->remove_rating_decrease;
Town *t = Town::GetByTile(tile);
if (Company::IsValidID(_current_company)) {
if (rating > t->ratings[_current_company] && !(flags & DC_NO_TEST_TOWN_RATING) &&
!_cheats.magic_bulldozer.value && _settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance != TOWN_COUNCIL_PERMISSIVE) {
SetDParam(0, t->index);
ChangeTownRating(t, -rating, RATING_HOUSE_MINIMUM, flags);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ClearTownHouse(t, tile);
return cost;
static void AddProducedCargo_Town(TileIndex tile, CargoArray &produced)
HouseID house_id = GetHouseType(tile);
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
Town *t = Town::GetByTile(tile);
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO)) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO, i, 0, house_id, t, tile);
if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED || callback == CALLBACK_HOUSEPRODCARGO_END) break;
CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(GB(callback, 8, 7), hs->grf_prop.grffile);
if (cargo == CT_INVALID) continue;
} else {
if (hs->population > 0) {
if (hs->mail_generation > 0) {
static inline void AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(CargoID cargo, uint amount, CargoArray &acceptance, CargoTypes *always_accepted)
if (cargo == CT_INVALID || amount == 0) return;
acceptance[cargo] += amount;
SetBit(*always_accepted, cargo);
static void AddAcceptedCargo_Town(TileIndex tile, CargoArray &acceptance, CargoTypes *always_accepted)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
CargoID accepts[lengthof(hs->accepts_cargo)];
/* Set the initial accepted cargo types */
for (uint8 i = 0; i < lengthof(accepts); i++) {
accepts[i] = hs->accepts_cargo[i];
/* Check for custom accepted cargo types */
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ACCEPT_CARGO)) {
uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_ACCEPT_CARGO, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
/* Replace accepted cargo types with translated values from callback */
accepts[0] = GetCargoTranslation(GB(callback, 0, 5), hs->grf_prop.grffile);
accepts[1] = GetCargoTranslation(GB(callback, 5, 5), hs->grf_prop.grffile);
accepts[2] = GetCargoTranslation(GB(callback, 10, 5), hs->grf_prop.grffile);
/* Check for custom cargo acceptance */
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE)) {
uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(accepts[0], GB(callback, 0, 4), acceptance, always_accepted);
AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(accepts[1], GB(callback, 4, 4), acceptance, always_accepted);
if (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape != LT_TEMPERATE && HasBit(callback, 12)) {
/* The 'S' bit indicates food instead of goods */
AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(CT_FOOD, GB(callback, 8, 4), acceptance, always_accepted);
} else {
AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(accepts[2], GB(callback, 8, 4), acceptance, always_accepted);
/* No custom acceptance, so fill in with the default values */
for (uint8 i = 0; i < lengthof(accepts); i++) {
AddAcceptedCargoSetMask(accepts[i], hs->cargo_acceptance[i], acceptance, always_accepted);
static void GetTileDesc_Town(TileIndex tile, TileDesc *td)
const HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile);
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
bool house_completed = IsHouseCompleted(tile);
td->str = hs->building_name;
uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_CUSTOM_NAME, house_completed ? 1 : 0, 0, house, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback_res != 0x400) {
if (callback_res > 0x400) {
ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_HOUSE_CUSTOM_NAME, callback_res);
} else {
StringID new_name = GetGRFStringID(hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, 0xD000 + callback_res);
if (new_name != STR_NULL && new_name != STR_UNDEFINED) {
td->str = new_name;
if (!house_completed) {
SetDParamX(td->dparam, 0, td->str);
if (hs->grf_prop.grffile != nullptr) {
const GRFConfig *gc = GetGRFConfig(hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);
td->grf = gc->GetName();
td->owner[0] = OWNER_TOWN;
static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Town(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
/* not used */
return 0;
static void ChangeTileOwner_Town(TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
/* not used */
2006-01-05 12:40:50 +00:00
static bool GrowTown(Town *t);
static void TownTickHandler(Town *t)
if (HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING)) {
int i = (int)t->grow_counter - 1;
if (i < 0) {
if (GrowTown(t)) {
i = t->growth_rate;
} else {
/* If growth failed wait a bit before retrying */
i = std::min<uint16>(t->growth_rate, TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS - 1);
t->grow_counter = i;
void OnTick_Town()
if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return;
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
* Return the RoadBits of a tile
* @note There are many other functions doing things like that.
* @note Needs to be checked for needlessness.
* @param tile The tile we want to analyse
* @return The roadbits of the given tile
static RoadBits GetTownRoadBits(TileIndex tile)
if (IsRoadDepotTile(tile) || IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile)) return ROAD_NONE;
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
return GetAnyRoadBits(tile, RTT_ROAD, true);
RoadType GetTownRoadType(const Town *t)
RoadType best_rt = ROADTYPE_ROAD;
const RoadTypeInfo *best = nullptr;
const uint16 assume_max_speed = 50;
for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_BEGIN; rt != ROADTYPE_END; rt++) {
if (RoadTypeIsTram(rt)) continue;
const RoadTypeInfo *rti = GetRoadTypeInfo(rt);
/* Unused road type. */
if (rti->label == 0) continue;
/* Can town build this road. */
if (!HasBit(rti->flags, ROTF_TOWN_BUILD)) continue;
/* Not yet introduced at this date. */
if (IsInsideMM(rti->introduction_date, 0, MAX_DAY) && rti->introduction_date > _date) continue;
if (best != nullptr) {
if ((rti->max_speed == 0 ? assume_max_speed : rti->max_speed) < (best->max_speed == 0 ? assume_max_speed : best->max_speed)) continue;
best_rt = rt;
best = rti;
return best_rt;
* Check for parallel road inside a given distance.
* Assuming a road from (tile - TileOffsByDiagDir(dir)) to tile,
* is there a parallel road left or right of it within distance dist_multi?
* @param tile current tile
* @param dir target direction
* @param dist_multi distance multiplayer
* @return true if there is a parallel road
static bool IsNeighborRoadTile(TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection dir, uint dist_multi)
if (!IsValidTile(tile)) return false;
/* Lookup table for the used diff values */
const TileIndexDiff tid_lt[3] = {
TileOffsByDiagDir(ChangeDiagDir(dir, DIAGDIRDIFF_90RIGHT)),
TileOffsByDiagDir(ChangeDiagDir(dir, DIAGDIRDIFF_90LEFT)),
dist_multi = (dist_multi + 1) * 4;
for (uint pos = 4; pos < dist_multi; pos++) {
/* Go (pos / 4) tiles to the left or the right */
TileIndexDiff cur = tid_lt[(pos & 1) ? 0 : 1] * (pos / 4);
/* Use the current tile as origin, or go one tile backwards */
if (pos & 2) cur += tid_lt[2];
/* Test for roadbit parallel to dir and facing towards the middle axis */
if (IsValidTile(tile + cur) &&
GetTownRoadBits(TILE_ADD(tile, cur)) & DiagDirToRoadBits((pos & 2) ? dir : ReverseDiagDir(dir))) return true;
return false;
* Check if a Road is allowed on a given tile
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The target tile
* @param dir The direction in which we want to extend the town
* @return true if it is allowed else false
static bool IsRoadAllowedHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
if (DistanceFromEdge(tile) == 0) return false;
/* Prevent towns from building roads under bridges along the bridge. Looks silly. */
if (IsBridgeAbove(tile) && GetBridgeAxis(tile) == DiagDirToAxis(dir)) return false;
/* Check if there already is a road at this point? */
if (GetTownRoadBits(tile) == ROAD_NONE) {
/* No, try if we are able to build a road piece there.
* If that fails clear the land, and if that fails exit.
* This is to make sure that we can build a road here later. */
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
if (Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile, (dir == DIAGDIR_NW || dir == DIAGDIR_SE) ? ROAD_Y : ROAD_X, rt, DRD_NONE, 0).Failed() &&
Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile).Failed()) {
return false;
Slope cur_slope = ? GetFoundationSlope(tile) : GetTileSlope(tile);
bool ret = !IsNeighborRoadTile(tile, dir, t->layout == TL_ORIGINAL ? 1 : 2);
if (cur_slope == SLOPE_FLAT) return ret;
/* If the tile is not a slope in the right direction, then
* maybe terraform some. */
Slope desired_slope = (dir == DIAGDIR_NW || dir == DIAGDIR_SE) ? SLOPE_NW : SLOPE_NE;
if (desired_slope != cur_slope && ComplementSlope(desired_slope) != cur_slope) {
if (Chance16(1, 8)) {
CommandCost res = CMD_ERROR;
if (!_generating_world && Chance16(1, 10)) {
/* Note: Do not replace "^ SLOPE_ELEVATED" with ComplementSlope(). The slope might be steep. */
res = std::get<0>(Command<CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER,
tile, Chance16(1, 16) ? cur_slope : cur_slope ^ SLOPE_ELEVATED, false));
if (res.Failed() && Chance16(1, 3)) {
/* We can consider building on the slope, though. */
return ret;
return false;
return ret;
static bool TerraformTownTile(TileIndex tile, Slope edges, bool dir)
assert(tile < Map::Size());
CommandCost r = std::get<0>(Command<CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile, edges, dir));
if (r.Failed() || r.GetCost() >= (_price[PR_TERRAFORM] + 2) * 8) return false;
Command<CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER | DC_EXEC, tile, edges, dir);
return true;
static void LevelTownLand(TileIndex tile)
assert(tile < Map::Size());
/* Don't terraform if land is plain or if there's a house there. */
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) return;
Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile);
if (tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) return;
/* First try up, then down */
if (!TerraformTownTile(tile, ~tileh & SLOPE_ELEVATED, true)) {
TerraformTownTile(tile, tileh & SLOPE_ELEVATED, false);
* Generate the RoadBits of a grid tile
* @param t current town
* @param tile tile in reference to the town
* @param dir The direction to which we are growing ATM
* @return the RoadBit of the current tile regarding
* the selected town layout
static RoadBits GetTownRoadGridElement(Town *t, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
/* align the grid to the downtown */
TileIndexDiffC grid_pos = TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(t->xy, tile); // Vector from downtown to the tile
RoadBits rcmd = ROAD_NONE;
switch (t->layout) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TL_2X2_GRID:
if ((grid_pos.x % 3) == 0) rcmd |= ROAD_Y;
if ((grid_pos.y % 3) == 0) rcmd |= ROAD_X;
case TL_3X3_GRID:
if ((grid_pos.x % 4) == 0) rcmd |= ROAD_Y;
if ((grid_pos.y % 4) == 0) rcmd |= ROAD_X;
/* Optimise only X-junctions */
if (rcmd != ROAD_ALL) return rcmd;
RoadBits rb_template;
switch (GetTileSlope(tile)) {
default: rb_template = ROAD_ALL; break;
case SLOPE_W: rb_template = ROAD_NW | ROAD_SW; break;
case SLOPE_SW: rb_template = ROAD_Y | ROAD_SW; break;
case SLOPE_S: rb_template = ROAD_SW | ROAD_SE; break;
case SLOPE_SE: rb_template = ROAD_X | ROAD_SE; break;
case SLOPE_E: rb_template = ROAD_SE | ROAD_NE; break;
case SLOPE_NE: rb_template = ROAD_Y | ROAD_NE; break;
case SLOPE_N: rb_template = ROAD_NE | ROAD_NW; break;
case SLOPE_NW: rb_template = ROAD_X | ROAD_NW; break;
rb_template = ROAD_NONE;
/* Stop if the template is compatible to the growth dir */
if (DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(dir)) & rb_template) return rb_template;
/* If not generate a straight road in the direction of the growth */
return DiagDirToRoadBits(dir) | DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(dir));
* Grows the town with an extra house.
* Check if there are enough neighbor house tiles
* next to the current tile. If there are enough
* add another house.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The target tile for the extra house
* @return true if an extra house has been added
static bool GrowTownWithExtraHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
/* We can't look further than that. */
if (DistanceFromEdge(tile) == 0) return false;
uint counter = 0; // counts the house neighbor tiles
/* Check the tiles E,N,W and S of the current tile for houses */
for (DiagDirection dir = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; dir < DIAGDIR_END; dir++) {
/* Count both void and house tiles for checking whether there
* are enough houses in the area. This to make it likely that
* houses get build up to the edge of the map. */
switch (GetTileType(TileAddByDiagDir(tile, dir))) {
case MP_HOUSE:
case MP_VOID:
/* If there are enough neighbors stop here */
if (counter >= 3) {
if (BuildTownHouse(t, tile)) {
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SUCCEED;
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Grows the town with a road piece.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The current tile
* @param rcmd The RoadBits we want to build on the tile
* @return true if the RoadBits have been added else false
static bool GrowTownWithRoad(const Town *t, TileIndex tile, RoadBits rcmd)
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
if (Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile, rcmd, rt, DRD_NONE, t->index).Succeeded()) {
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SUCCEED;
return true;
return false;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
* Checks if a town road can be continued into the next tile.
* Road vehicle stations, bridges, and tunnels are fine, as long as they are facing the right direction.
* @param t The current town
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
* @param tile The tile where the road would be built
* @param road_dir The direction of the road
* @return true if the road can be continued, else false
static bool CanRoadContinueIntoNextTile(const Town *t, const TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection road_dir)
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
const int delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(road_dir); // +1 tile in the direction of the road
TileIndex next_tile = tile + delta; // The tile beyond which must be connectable to the target tile
RoadBits rcmd = DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(road_dir));
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
/* Before we try anything, make sure the tile is on the map and not the void. */
if (!IsValidTile(next_tile)) return false;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
/* If the next tile is a bridge or tunnel, allow if it's continuing in the same direction. */
if (IsTileType(next_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
return GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(next_tile) == TRANSPORT_ROAD && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(next_tile) == road_dir;
/* If the next tile is a station, allow if it's a road station facing the proper direction. Otherwise return false. */
if (IsTileType(next_tile, MP_STATION)) {
/* If the next tile is a road station, allow if it can be entered by the new tunnel/bridge, otherwise disallow. */
return IsRoadStop(next_tile) && (GetRoadStopDir(next_tile) == ReverseDiagDir(road_dir) || (IsDriveThroughStopTile(next_tile) && GetRoadStopDir(next_tile) == road_dir));
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
/* If the next tile is a road depot, allow if it's facing the right way. */
if (IsTileType(next_tile, MP_ROAD)) {
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
return IsRoadDepot(next_tile) && GetRoadDepotDirection(next_tile) == ReverseDiagDir(road_dir);
/* If the next tile is a railroad track, check if towns are allowed to build level crossings.
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
* If level crossing are not allowed, reject the construction. Else allow DoCommand to determine if the rail track is buildable. */
if (IsTileType(next_tile, MP_RAILWAY) && !_settings_game.economy.allow_town_level_crossings) return false;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
/* If a road tile can be built, the construction is allowed. */
return Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, next_tile, rcmd, rt, DRD_NONE, t->index).Succeeded();
* CircularTileSearch proc which checks for a nearby parallel bridge to avoid building redundant bridges.
* @param tile The tile to search.
* @param user_data Reference to the valid direction of the proposed bridge.
* @return true if another bridge exists, else false.
static bool RedundantBridgeExistsNearby(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
/* Don't look into the void. */
if (!IsValidTile(tile)) return false;
/* Only consider bridge head tiles. */
if (!IsBridgeTile(tile)) return false;
/* Only consider road bridges. */
if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD) return false;
/* If the bridge is facing the same direction as the proposed bridge, we've found a redundant bridge. */
return (GetTileSlope(tile) & InclinedSlope(ReverseDiagDir(*(DiagDirection *)user_data)));
* Grows the town with a bridge.
* At first we check if a bridge is reasonable.
* If so we check if we are able to build it.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The current tile
* @param bridge_dir The valid direction in which to grow a bridge
* @return true if a bridge has been build else false
static bool GrowTownWithBridge(const Town *t, const TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection bridge_dir)
assert(bridge_dir < DIAGDIR_END);
const Slope slope = GetTileSlope(tile);
/* Make sure the direction is compatible with the slope.
* Well we check if the slope has an up bit set in the
* reverse direction. */
if (slope != SLOPE_FLAT && slope & InclinedSlope(bridge_dir)) return false;
/* Assure that the bridge is connectable to the start side */
if (!(GetTownRoadBits(TileAddByDiagDir(tile, ReverseDiagDir(bridge_dir))) & DiagDirToRoadBits(bridge_dir))) return false;
/* We are in the right direction */
uint bridge_length = 0; // This value stores the length of the possible bridge
TileIndex bridge_tile = tile; // Used to store the other waterside
const int delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(bridge_dir);
/* To prevent really small towns from building disproportionately
* long bridges, make the max a function of its population. */
const uint TOWN_BRIDGE_LENGTH_CAP = 11;
uint base_bridge_length = 5;
uint max_bridge_length = std::min(t->cache.population / 1000 + base_bridge_length, TOWN_BRIDGE_LENGTH_CAP);
if (slope == SLOPE_FLAT) {
/* Bridges starting on flat tiles are only allowed when crossing rivers, rails or one-way roads. */
do {
if (bridge_length++ >= base_bridge_length) {
/* Allow to cross rivers, not big lakes, nor large amounts of rails or one-way roads. */
return false;
bridge_tile += delta;
} while (IsValidTile(bridge_tile) && ((IsWaterTile(bridge_tile) && !IsSea(bridge_tile)) || IsPlainRailTile(bridge_tile) || (IsNormalRoadTile(bridge_tile) && GetDisallowedRoadDirections(bridge_tile) != DRD_NONE)));
} else {
do {
if (bridge_length++ >= max_bridge_length) {
/* Ensure the bridge is not longer than the max allowed length. */
return false;
bridge_tile += delta;
} while (IsValidTile(bridge_tile) && (IsWaterTile(bridge_tile) || IsPlainRailTile(bridge_tile) || (IsNormalRoadTile(bridge_tile) && GetDisallowedRoadDirections(bridge_tile) != DRD_NONE)));
/* Don't allow a bridge where the start and end tiles are adjacent with no span between. */
if (bridge_length == 1) return false;
/* Make sure the road can be continued past the bridge. At this point, bridge_tile holds the end tile of the bridge. */
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
if (!CanRoadContinueIntoNextTile(t, bridge_tile, bridge_dir)) return false;
/* If another parallel bridge exists nearby, this one would be redundant and shouldn't be built. We don't care about flat bridges. */
TileIndex search = tile;
DiagDirection direction_to_match = bridge_dir;
if (slope != SLOPE_FLAT && CircularTileSearch(&search, bridge_length, 0, 0, RedundantBridgeExistsNearby, &direction_to_match)) return false;
for (uint8 times = 0; times <= 22; times++) {
byte bridge_type = RandomRange(MAX_BRIDGES - 1);
/* Can we actually build the bridge? */
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
if (Command<CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE>()), tile, bridge_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, bridge_type, rt).Succeeded()) {
Command<CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE>::Do(DC_EXEC | CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE>()), tile, bridge_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, bridge_type, rt);
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SUCCEED;
return true;
/* Quit if it selecting an appropriate bridge type fails a large number of times. */
return false;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
* Grows the town with a tunnel.
* First we check if a tunnel is reasonable.
* If so we check if we are able to build it.
* @param t The current town
* @param tile The current tile
* @param tunnel_dir The valid direction in which to grow a tunnel
* @return true if a tunnel has been built, else false
static bool GrowTownWithTunnel(const Town *t, const TileIndex tile, const DiagDirection tunnel_dir)
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
assert(tunnel_dir < DIAGDIR_END);
Slope slope = GetTileSlope(tile);
/* Only consider building a tunnel if the starting tile is sloped properly. */
if (slope != InclinedSlope(tunnel_dir)) return false;
/* Assure that the tunnel is connectable to the start side */
if (!(GetTownRoadBits(TileAddByDiagDir(tile, ReverseDiagDir(tunnel_dir))) & DiagDirToRoadBits(tunnel_dir))) return false;
const int delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(tunnel_dir);
int max_tunnel_length = 0;
/* There are two conditions for building tunnels: Under a mountain and under an obstruction. */
if (CanRoadContinueIntoNextTile(t, tile, tunnel_dir)) {
/* Only tunnel under a mountain if the slope is continuous for at least 4 tiles. We want tunneling to be a last resort for large hills. */
TileIndex slope_tile = tile;
for (uint8 tiles = 0; tiles < 4; tiles++) {
if (!IsValidTile(slope_tile)) return false;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
slope = GetTileSlope(slope_tile);
if (slope != InclinedSlope(tunnel_dir) && !IsSteepSlope(slope) && !IsSlopeWithOneCornerRaised(slope)) return false;
slope_tile += delta;
/* More population means longer tunnels, but make sure we can at least cover the smallest mountain which neccesitates tunneling. */
max_tunnel_length = (t->cache.population / 1000) + 7;
} else {
/* When tunneling under an obstruction, the length limit is 5, enough to tunnel under a four-track railway. */
max_tunnel_length = 5;
uint8 tunnel_length = 0;
TileIndex tunnel_tile = tile; // Iteratator to store the other end tile of the tunnel.
/* Find the end tile of the tunnel for length and continuation checks. */
do {
if (tunnel_length++ >= max_tunnel_length) return false;
tunnel_tile += delta;
/* The tunnel ends when start and end tiles are the same height. */
} while (IsValidTile(tunnel_tile) && GetTileZ(tile) != GetTileZ(tunnel_tile));
/* Don't allow a tunnel where the start and end tiles are adjacent. */
if (tunnel_length == 1) return false;
/* Make sure the road can be continued past the tunnel. At this point, tunnel_tile holds the end tile of the tunnel. */
if (!CanRoadContinueIntoNextTile(t, tunnel_tile, tunnel_dir)) return false;
/* Attempt to build the tunnel. Return false if it fails to let the town build a road instead. */
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
if (Command<CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL>()), tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, rt).Succeeded()) {
Command<CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL>::Do(DC_EXEC | CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL>()), tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, rt);
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SUCCEED;
return true;
return false;
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
* Checks whether at least one surrounding roads allows to build a house here
* @param t the tile where the house will be built
* @return true if at least one surrounding roadtype allows building houses here
static inline bool RoadTypesAllowHouseHere(TileIndex t)
static const TileIndexDiffC tiles[] = { {-1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1} };
bool allow = false;
for (const TileIndexDiffC *ptr = tiles; ptr != endof(tiles); ++ptr) {
TileIndex cur_tile = t + ToTileIndexDiff(*ptr);
if (!IsValidTile(cur_tile)) continue;
if (!(IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_ROAD) || IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION))) continue;
allow = true;
RoadType road_rt = GetRoadTypeRoad(cur_tile);
RoadType tram_rt = GetRoadTypeTram(cur_tile);
if (road_rt != INVALID_ROADTYPE && !HasBit(GetRoadTypeInfo(road_rt)->flags, ROTF_NO_HOUSES)) return true;
if (tram_rt != INVALID_ROADTYPE && !HasBit(GetRoadTypeInfo(tram_rt)->flags, ROTF_NO_HOUSES)) return true;
/* If no road was found surrounding the tile we can allow building the house since there is
* nothing which forbids it, if a road was found but the execution reached this point, then
* all the found roads don't allow houses to be built */
return !allow;
* Grows the given town.
* There are at the moment 3 possible way's for
* the town expansion:
* @li Generate a random tile and check if there is a road allowed
* @li Check if the town geometry allows a road and which one
* @li TL_2X2_GRID
* @li TL_3X3_GRID
* @li Forbid roads, only build houses
* @param tile_ptr The current tile
* @param cur_rb The current tiles RoadBits
* @param target_dir The target road dir
* @param t1 The current town
static void GrowTownInTile(TileIndex *tile_ptr, RoadBits cur_rb, DiagDirection target_dir, Town *t1)
RoadBits rcmd = ROAD_NONE; // RoadBits for the road construction command
TileIndex tile = *tile_ptr; // The main tile on which we base our growth
assert(tile < Map::Size());
if (cur_rb == ROAD_NONE) {
/* Tile has no road. First reset the status counter
* to say that this is the last iteration. */
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SEARCH_STOPPED;
if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads && !_generating_world) return;
if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_level_crossings && IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) return;
/* Remove hills etc */
if (! || Chance16(1, 6)) LevelTownLand(tile);
/* Is a road allowed here? */
switch (t1->layout) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TL_3X3_GRID:
case TL_2X2_GRID:
rcmd = GetTownRoadGridElement(t1, tile, target_dir);
if (rcmd == ROAD_NONE) return;
if (!IsRoadAllowedHere(t1, tile, target_dir)) return;
DiagDirection source_dir = ReverseDiagDir(target_dir);
if (Chance16(1, 4)) {
/* Randomize a new target dir */
do target_dir = RandomDiagDir(); while (target_dir == source_dir);
if (!IsRoadAllowedHere(t1, TileAddByDiagDir(tile, target_dir), target_dir)) {
/* A road is not allowed to continue the randomized road,
* return if the road we're trying to build is curved. */
if (target_dir != ReverseDiagDir(source_dir)) return;
/* Return if neither side of the new road is a house */
if (!IsTileType(TileAddByDiagDir(tile, ChangeDiagDir(target_dir, DIAGDIRDIFF_90RIGHT)), MP_HOUSE) &&
!IsTileType(TileAddByDiagDir(tile, ChangeDiagDir(target_dir, DIAGDIRDIFF_90LEFT)), MP_HOUSE)) {
/* That means that the road is only allowed if there is a house
* at any side of the new road. */
rcmd = DiagDirToRoadBits(target_dir) | DiagDirToRoadBits(source_dir);
} else if (target_dir < DIAGDIR_END && !(cur_rb & DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(target_dir)))) {
/* Continue building on a partial road.
* Should be always OK, so we only generate
* the fitting RoadBits */
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SEARCH_STOPPED;
if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads && !_generating_world) return;
switch (t1->layout) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TL_3X3_GRID:
case TL_2X2_GRID:
rcmd = GetTownRoadGridElement(t1, tile, target_dir);
rcmd = DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(target_dir));
} else {
bool allow_house = true; // Value which decides if we want to construct a house
/* Reached a tunnel/bridge? Then continue at the other side of it, unless
* it is the starting tile. Half the time, we stay on this side then.*/
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_ROAD && (target_dir != DIAGDIR_END || Chance16(1, 2))) {
*tile_ptr = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
/* Possibly extend the road in a direction.
* Randomize a direction and if it has a road, bail out. */
target_dir = RandomDiagDir();
RoadBits target_rb = DiagDirToRoadBits(target_dir);
TileIndex house_tile; // position of a possible house
if (cur_rb & target_rb) {
/* If it's a road turn possibly build a house in a corner.
* Use intersection with straight road as an indicator
* that we randomed corner house position.
* A turn (and we check for that later) always has only
* one common bit with a straight road so it has the same
* chance to be chosen as the house on the side of a road.
if ((cur_rb & ROAD_X) != target_rb) return;
/* Check whether it is a turn and if so determine
* position of the corner tile */
switch (cur_rb) {
case ROAD_N:
house_tile = TileAddByDir(tile, DIR_S);
case ROAD_S:
house_tile = TileAddByDir(tile, DIR_N);
case ROAD_E:
house_tile = TileAddByDir(tile, DIR_W);
case ROAD_W:
house_tile = TileAddByDir(tile, DIR_E);
return; // not a turn
target_dir = DIAGDIR_END;
} else {
house_tile = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, target_dir);
/* Don't walk into water. */
if (HasTileWaterGround(house_tile)) return;
if (!IsValidTile(house_tile)) return;
if (target_dir != DIAGDIR_END && (_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads || _generating_world)) {
switch (t1->layout) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TL_3X3_GRID: // Use 2x2 grid afterwards!
GrowTownWithExtraHouse(t1, TileAddByDiagDir(house_tile, target_dir));
case TL_2X2_GRID:
rcmd = GetTownRoadGridElement(t1, tile, target_dir);
allow_house = (rcmd & target_rb) == ROAD_NONE;
case TL_BETTER_ROADS: // Use original afterwards!
GrowTownWithExtraHouse(t1, TileAddByDiagDir(house_tile, target_dir));
/* Allow a house at the edge. 60% chance or
* always ok if no road allowed. */
rcmd = target_rb;
allow_house = (!IsRoadAllowedHere(t1, house_tile, target_dir) || Chance16(6, 10));
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
allow_house &= RoadTypesAllowHouseHere(house_tile);
if (allow_house) {
/* Build a house, but not if there already is a house there. */
if (!IsTileType(house_tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
/* Level the land if possible */
if (Chance16(1, 6)) LevelTownLand(house_tile);
/* And build a house.
* Set result to -1 if we managed to build it. */
if (BuildTownHouse(t1, house_tile)) {
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SUCCEED;
_grow_town_result = GROWTH_SEARCH_STOPPED;
/* Return if a water tile */
if (HasTileWaterGround(tile)) return;
/* Make the roads look nicer */
rcmd = CleanUpRoadBits(tile, rcmd);
if (rcmd == ROAD_NONE) return;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
/* Only use the target direction for bridges and tunnels to ensure they're connected.
* The target_dir is as computed previously according to town layout, so
* it will match it perfectly. */
if (GrowTownWithBridge(t1, tile, target_dir)) return;
2021-01-08 17:32:44 +00:00
if (GrowTownWithTunnel(t1, tile, target_dir)) return;
GrowTownWithRoad(t1, tile, rcmd);
* Checks whether a road can be followed or is a dead end, that can not be extended to the next tile.
* This only checks trivial but often cases.
* @param tile Start tile for road.
* @param dir Direction for road to follow or build.
* @return true If road is or can be connected in the specified direction.
static bool CanFollowRoad(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
TileIndex target_tile = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
if (!IsValidTile(target_tile)) return false;
if (HasTileWaterGround(target_tile)) return false;
RoadBits target_rb = GetTownRoadBits(target_tile);
if (_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads || _generating_world) {
/* Check whether a road connection exists or can be build. */
switch (GetTileType(target_tile)) {
case MP_ROAD:
return target_rb != ROAD_NONE;
return IsDriveThroughStopTile(target_tile);
return GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(target_tile) == TRANSPORT_ROAD;
case MP_HOUSE:
return false;
/* Checked for void and water earlier */
return true;
} else {
/* Check whether a road connection already exists,
* and it leads somewhere else. */
RoadBits back_rb = DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(dir));
return (target_rb & back_rb) != 0 && (target_rb & ~back_rb) != 0;
* Returns "growth" if a house was built, or no if the build failed.
* @param t town to inquiry
* @param tile to inquiry
* @return true if town expansion was possible
static bool GrowTownAtRoad(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
/* Special case.
* @see GrowTownInTile Check the else if
DiagDirection target_dir = DIAGDIR_END; // The direction in which we want to extend the town
assert(tile < Map::Size());
/* Number of times to search.
* Better roads, 2X2 and 3X3 grid grow quite fast so we give
* them a little handicap. */
switch (t->layout) {
_grow_town_result = 10 + t->cache.num_houses * 2 / 9;
case TL_3X3_GRID:
case TL_2X2_GRID:
_grow_town_result = 10 + t->cache.num_houses * 1 / 9;
_grow_town_result = 10 + t->cache.num_houses * 4 / 9;
do {
RoadBits cur_rb = GetTownRoadBits(tile); // The RoadBits of the current tile
/* Try to grow the town from this point */
GrowTownInTile(&tile, cur_rb, target_dir, t);
if (_grow_town_result == GROWTH_SUCCEED) return true;
/* Exclude the source position from the bitmask
* and return if no more road blocks available */
if (IsValidDiagDirection(target_dir)) cur_rb &= ~DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(target_dir));
if (cur_rb == ROAD_NONE) return false;
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
/* Only build in the direction away from the tunnel or bridge. */
target_dir = ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile));
} else {
/* Select a random bit from the blockmask, walk a step
* and continue the search from there. */
do {
if (cur_rb == ROAD_NONE) return false;
RoadBits target_bits;
do {
target_dir = RandomDiagDir();
target_bits = DiagDirToRoadBits(target_dir);
} while (!(cur_rb & target_bits));
cur_rb &= ~target_bits;
} while (!CanFollowRoad(tile, target_dir));
tile = TileAddByDiagDir(tile, target_dir);
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_ROAD) && !IsRoadDepot(tile) && HasTileRoadType(tile, RTT_ROAD)) {
/* Don't allow building over roads of other cities */
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
if (IsRoadOwner(tile, RTT_ROAD, OWNER_TOWN) && Town::GetByTile(tile) != t) {
return false;
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
} else if (IsRoadOwner(tile, RTT_ROAD, OWNER_NONE) && _game_mode == GM_EDITOR) {
/* If we are in the SE, and this road-piece has no town owner yet, it just found an
* owner :) (happy happy happy road now) */
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
SetRoadOwner(tile, RTT_ROAD, OWNER_TOWN);
SetTownIndex(tile, t->index);
/* Max number of times is checked. */
} while (--_grow_town_result >= 0);
return false;
* Generate a random road block.
* The probability of a straight road
* is somewhat higher than a curved.
* @return A RoadBits value with 2 bits set
static RoadBits GenRandomRoadBits()
uint32 r = Random();
uint a = GB(r, 0, 2);
uint b = GB(r, 8, 2);
if (a == b) b ^= 2;
return (RoadBits)((ROAD_NW << a) + (ROAD_NW << b));
* Grow the town
* @param t town to grow
* @return true iff something (house, road, bridge, ...) was built
2006-01-05 12:40:50 +00:00
static bool GrowTown(Town *t)
static const TileIndexDiffC _town_coord_mod[] = {
{-1, 0},
{ 1, 1},
{ 1, -1},
{-1, -1},
{-1, 0},
{ 0, 2},
{ 2, 0},
{ 0, -2},
{-1, -1},
{-2, 2},
{ 2, 2},
{ 2, -2},
{ 0, 0}
/* Current "company" is a town */
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_TOWN, FILE_LINE);
TileIndex tile = t->xy; // The tile we are working with ATM
/* Find a road that we can base the construction on. */
const TileIndexDiffC *ptr;
for (ptr = _town_coord_mod; ptr != endof(_town_coord_mod); ++ptr) {
if (GetTownRoadBits(tile) != ROAD_NONE) {
bool success = GrowTownAtRoad(t, tile);
return success;
tile = TILE_ADD(tile, ToTileIndexDiff(*ptr));
/* No road available, try to build a random road block by
* clearing some land and then building a road there. */
if (_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads || _generating_world) {
tile = t->xy;
for (ptr = _town_coord_mod; ptr != endof(_town_coord_mod); ++ptr) {
/* Only work with plain land that not already has a house */
if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) && IsTileFlat(tile)) {
if (Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile).Succeeded()) {
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
RoadType rt = GetTownRoadType(t);
Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO, tile, GenRandomRoadBits(), rt, DRD_NONE, t->index);
return true;
tile = TILE_ADD(tile, ToTileIndexDiff(*ptr));
return false;
void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t)
static const uint32 _town_squared_town_zone_radius_data[23][5] = {
{ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // 0
{ 16, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{ 25, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{ 36, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{ 49, 0, 4, 0, 0},
{ 64, 0, 4, 0, 0}, // 20
{ 64, 0, 9, 0, 1},
{ 64, 0, 9, 0, 4},
{ 64, 0, 16, 0, 4},
{ 81, 0, 16, 0, 4},
{ 81, 0, 16, 0, 4}, // 40
{ 81, 0, 25, 0, 9},
{ 81, 36, 25, 0, 9},
{ 81, 36, 25, 16, 9},
{ 81, 49, 0, 25, 9},
{ 81, 64, 0, 25, 9}, // 60
{ 81, 64, 0, 36, 9},
{ 81, 64, 0, 36, 16},
{100, 81, 0, 49, 16},
{100, 81, 0, 49, 25},
{121, 81, 0, 49, 25}, // 80
{121, 81, 0, 49, 25},
{121, 81, 0, 49, 36}, // 88
if (t->cache.num_houses < 92) {
memcpy(t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius, _town_squared_town_zone_radius_data[t->cache.num_houses / 4], sizeof(t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius));
} else {
int mass = t->cache.num_houses / 8;
/* Actually we are proportional to sqrt() but that's right because we are covering an area.
* The offsets are to make sure the radii do not decrease in size when going from the table
* to the calculated value.*/
t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[0] = mass * 15 - 40;
t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[1] = mass * 9 - 15;
t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[2] = 0;
t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[3] = mass * 5 - 5;
t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[4] = mass * 3 + 5;
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t)
t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max = t->cache.population >> 3;
t->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max = t->cache.population >> 4;
static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t);
static void UpdateTownGrowth(Town *t);
* Does the actual town creation.
* @param t The town
* @param tile Where to put it
* @param townnameparts The town name
* @param size Parameter for size determination
* @param city whether to build a city or town
* @param layout the (road) layout of the town
* @param manual was the town placed manually?
static void DoCreateTown(Town *t, TileIndex tile, uint32 townnameparts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout, bool manual)
t->xy = tile;
t->cache.num_houses = 0;
t->time_until_rebuild = 10;
t->flags = 0;
t->cache.population = 0;
/* Spread growth across ticks so even if there are many
* similar towns they're unlikely to grow all in one tick */
t->grow_counter = t->index % TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS;
t->growth_rate = TownTicksToGameTicks(250);
t->show_zone = false;
/* Set the default cargo requirement for town growth */
switch (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape) {
if (FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(TE_FOOD) != nullptr) t->goal[TE_FOOD] = TOWN_GROWTH_WINTER;
if (FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(TE_FOOD) != nullptr) t->goal[TE_FOOD] = TOWN_GROWTH_DESERT;
if (FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(TE_WATER) != nullptr) t->goal[TE_WATER] = TOWN_GROWTH_DESERT;
t->fund_buildings_months = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i != MAX_COMPANIES; i++) t->ratings[i] = RATING_INITIAL;
t->have_ratings = 0;
t->exclusivity = INVALID_COMPANY;
t->exclusive_counter = 0;
t->statues = 0;
TownNameParams tnp(_settings_game.game_creation.town_name);
t->townnamegrfid = tnp.grfid;
t->townnametype = tnp.type;
t->townnameparts = townnameparts;
t->larger_town = city;
int x = (int)size * 16 + 3;
if (size == TSZ_RANDOM) x = (Random() & 0xF) + 8;
/* Don't create huge cities when founding town in-game */
if (city && (!manual || _game_mode == GM_EDITOR)) x *= _settings_game.economy.initial_city_size;
t->cache.num_houses += x;
int i = x * 4;
do {
} while (--i);
t->cache.num_houses -= x;
* Checks if it's possible to place a town at given tile
* @param tile tile to check
* @return error value or zero cost
static CommandCost TownCanBePlacedHere(TileIndex tile)
/* Check if too close to the edge of map */
if (DistanceFromEdge(tile) < 12) {
/* Check distance to all other towns. */
if (IsCloseToTown(tile, 20)) {
/* Can only build on clear flat areas, possibly with trees. */
if ((!IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) && !IsTileType(tile, MP_TREES)) || !IsTileFlat(tile)) {
return CommandCost(EXPENSES_OTHER);
* Verifies this custom name is unique. Only custom names are checked.
* @param name name to check
* @return is this name unique?
static bool IsUniqueTownName(const std::string &name)
for (const Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
if (!t->name.empty() && t->name == name) return false;
return true;
* Create a new town.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param tile coordinates where town is built
* @param size size of the town (@see TownSize)
* @param city true iff it should be a city
* @param layout town road layout (@see TownLayout)
* @param random_location use random location (randomize \c tile )
* @param townnameparts town name parts
* @param text Custom name for the town. If empty, the town name parts will be used.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
std::tuple<CommandCost, Money, TownID> CmdFoundTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout, bool random_location, uint32 townnameparts, const std::string &text)
TownNameParams par(_settings_game.game_creation.town_name);
if (size >= TSZ_END) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (layout >= NUM_TLS) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
/* Some things are allowed only in the scenario editor and for game scripts. */
if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _current_company != OWNER_DEITY) {
if (_settings_game.economy.found_town == TF_FORBIDDEN) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (size == TSZ_LARGE) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (random_location) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (_settings_game.economy.found_town != TF_CUSTOM_LAYOUT && layout != _settings_game.economy.town_layout) {
return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
} else if (_current_company == OWNER_DEITY && random_location) {
/* Random parameter is not allowed for Game Scripts. */
return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (text.empty()) {
/* If supplied name is empty, townnameparts has to generate unique automatic name */
if (!VerifyTownName(townnameparts, &par)) return { CommandCost(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE), 0, INVALID_TOWN };
} else {
/* If name is not empty, it has to be unique custom name */
if (Utf8StringLength(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS) return { CMD_ERROR, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (!IsUniqueTownName(text)) return { CommandCost(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE), 0, INVALID_TOWN };
/* Allocate town struct */
if (!Town::CanAllocateItem()) return { CommandCost(STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TOWNS), 0, INVALID_TOWN };
if (!random_location) {
CommandCost ret = TownCanBePlacedHere(tile);
if (ret.Failed()) return { ret, 0, INVALID_TOWN };
static const byte price_mult[][TSZ_RANDOM + 1] = {{ 15, 25, 40, 25 }, { 20, 35, 55, 35 }};
/* multidimensional arrays have to have defined length of non-first dimension */
static_assert(lengthof(price_mult[0]) == 4);
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_OTHER, _price[PR_BUILD_TOWN]);
byte mult = price_mult[city][size];
/* Create the town */
TownID new_town = INVALID_TOWN;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (cost.GetCost() > GetAvailableMoneyForCommand()) {
return { CommandCost(EXPENSES_OTHER), cost.GetCost(), INVALID_TOWN };
Backup<bool> old_generating_world(_generating_world, true, FILE_LINE);
Town *t;
if (random_location) {
t = CreateRandomTown(20, townnameparts, size, city, layout);
if (t == nullptr) {
cost = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_NO_SPACE_FOR_TOWN);
} else {
new_town = t->index;
} else {
t = new Town(tile);
DoCreateTown(t, tile, townnameparts, size, city, layout, true);
if (t != nullptr && !text.empty()) {
t->name = text;
if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
/* 't' can't be nullptr since 'random' is false outside scenedit */
if (_current_company == OWNER_DEITY) {
SetDParam(0, t->index);
} else {
SetDParam(0, _current_company);
NewsStringData *company_name = new NewsStringData(GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME));
SetDParamStr(0, company_name->string);
SetDParam(1, t->index);
AddTileNewsItem(STR_NEWS_NEW_TOWN, NT_INDUSTRY_OPEN, tile, company_name);
AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventTownFounded(t->index));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventTownFounded(t->index));
return { cost, 0, new_town };
* Towns must all be placed on the same grid or when they eventually
* interpenetrate their road networks will not mesh nicely; this
* function adjusts a tile so that it aligns properly.
* @param tile the tile to start at
* @param layout which town layout algo is in effect
* @return the adjusted tile
static TileIndex AlignTileToGrid(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
switch (layout) {
case TL_2X2_GRID: return TileXY(TileX(tile) - TileX(tile) % 3, TileY(tile) - TileY(tile) % 3);
case TL_3X3_GRID: return TileXY(TileX(tile) & ~3, TileY(tile) & ~3);
default: return tile;
* Towns must all be placed on the same grid or when they eventually
* interpenetrate their road networks will not mesh nicely; this
* function tells you if a tile is properly aligned.
* @param tile the tile to start at
* @param layout which town layout algo is in effect
* @return true if the tile is in the correct location
static bool IsTileAlignedToGrid(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
switch (layout) {
case TL_2X2_GRID: return TileX(tile) % 3 == 0 && TileY(tile) % 3 == 0;
case TL_3X3_GRID: return TileX(tile) % 4 == 0 && TileY(tile) % 4 == 0;
default: return true;
* Used as the user_data for FindFurthestFromWater
struct SpotData {
TileIndex tile; ///< holds the tile that was found
uint max_dist; ///< holds the distance that tile is from the water
TownLayout layout; ///< tells us what kind of town we're building
* CircularTileSearch callback; finds the tile furthest from any
* water. slightly bit tricky, since it has to do a search of its own
* in order to find the distance to the water from each square in the
* radius.
* Also, this never returns true, because it needs to take into
* account all locations being searched before it knows which is the
* furthest.
* @param tile Start looking from this tile
* @param user_data Storage area for data that must last across calls;
* must be a pointer to struct SpotData
* @return always false
static bool FindFurthestFromWater(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
SpotData *sp = (SpotData*)user_data;
uint dist = GetClosestWaterDistance(tile, true);
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
IsTileFlat(tile) &&
IsTileAlignedToGrid(tile, sp->layout) &&
dist > sp->max_dist) {
sp->tile = tile;
sp->max_dist = dist;
return false;
* CircularTileSearch callback; finds the nearest land tile
* @param tile Start looking from this tile
* @param user_data not used
static bool FindNearestEmptyLand(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
return IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR);
* Given a spot on the map (presumed to be a water tile), find a good
* coastal spot to build a city. We don't want to build too close to
* the edge if we can help it (since that retards city growth) hence
* the search within a search within a search. O(n*m^2), where n is
* how far to search for land, and m is how far inland to look for a
* flat spot.
* @param tile Start looking from this spot.
* @param layout the road layout to search for
* @return tile that was found
static TileIndex FindNearestGoodCoastalTownSpot(TileIndex tile, TownLayout layout)
SpotData sp = { INVALID_TILE, 0, layout };
TileIndex coast = tile;
if (CircularTileSearch(&coast, 40, FindNearestEmptyLand, nullptr)) {
CircularTileSearch(&coast, 10, FindFurthestFromWater, &sp);
return sp.tile;
/* if we get here just give up */
static Town *CreateRandomTown(uint attempts, uint32 townnameparts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout)
assert(_game_mode == GM_EDITOR || _generating_world); // These are the preconditions for CMD_DELETE_TOWN
if (!Town::CanAllocateItem()) return nullptr;
do {
/* Generate a tile index not too close from the edge */
TileIndex tile = AlignTileToGrid(RandomTile(), layout);
/* if we tried to place the town on water, slide it over onto
* the nearest likely-looking spot */
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_WATER)) {
tile = FindNearestGoodCoastalTownSpot(tile, layout);
if (tile == INVALID_TILE) continue;
/* Make sure town can be placed here */
if (TownCanBePlacedHere(tile).Failed()) continue;
/* Allocate a town struct */
Town *t = new Town(tile);
DoCreateTown(t, tile, townnameparts, size, city, layout, false);
/* if the population is still 0 at the point, then the
* placement is so bad it couldn't grow at all */
if (t->cache.population > 0) return t;
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_TOWN, FILE_LINE);
[[maybe_unused]] CommandCost rc = Command<CMD_DELETE_TOWN>::Do(DC_EXEC, t->index);
/* We already know that we can allocate a single town when
* entering this function. However, we create and delete
* a town which "resets" the allocation checks. As such we
* need to check again when assertions are enabled. */
} while (--attempts != 0);
return nullptr;
static const byte _num_initial_towns[4] = {5, 11, 23, 46}; // very low, low, normal, high
* This function will generate a certain amount of towns, with a certain layout
* It can be called from the scenario editor (i.e.: generate Random Towns)
* as well as from world creation.
* @param layout which towns will be set to, when created
* @return true if towns have been successfully created
bool GenerateTowns(TownLayout layout)
uint current_number = 0;
uint difficulty = (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) ? _settings_game.difficulty.number_towns : 0;
uint total = (difficulty == (uint)CUSTOM_TOWN_NUMBER_DIFFICULTY) ? _settings_game.game_creation.custom_town_number : Map::ScaleBySize(_num_initial_towns[difficulty] + (Random() & 7));
total = std::min<uint>(TownPool::MAX_SIZE, total);
uint32 townnameparts;
TownNames town_names;
SetGeneratingWorldProgress(GWP_TOWN, total);
/* First attempt will be made at creating the suggested number of towns.
* Note that this is really a suggested value, not a required one.
* We would not like the system to lock up just because the user wanted 100 cities on a 64*64 map, would we? */
do {
bool city = (_settings_game.economy.larger_towns != 0 && Chance16(1, _settings_game.economy.larger_towns));
/* Get a unique name for the town. */
if (!GenerateTownName(_random, &townnameparts, &town_names)) continue;
/* try 20 times to create a random-sized town for the first loop. */
if (CreateRandomTown(20, townnameparts, TSZ_RANDOM, city, layout) != nullptr) current_number++; // If creation was successful, raise a flag.
} while (--total);
/* Build the town k-d tree again to make sure it's well balanced */
if (current_number != 0) return true;
/* If current_number is still zero at this point, it means that not a single town has been created.
* So give it a last try, but now more aggressive */
if (GenerateTownName(_random, &townnameparts) &&
CreateRandomTown(10000, townnameparts, TSZ_RANDOM, _settings_game.economy.larger_towns != 0, layout) != nullptr) {
return true;
/* If there are no towns at all and we are generating new game, bail out */
if (Town::GetNumItems() == 0 && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
return false; // we are still without a town? we failed, simply
* Returns the bit corresponding to the town zone of the specified tile
* @param t Town on which town zone is to be found
* @param tile TileIndex where town zone needs to be found
* @return the bit position of the given zone, as defined in HouseZones
HouseZonesBits GetTownRadiusGroup(const Town *t, TileIndex tile)
uint dist = DistanceSquare(tile, t->xy);
if (t->fund_buildings_months && dist <= 25) return HZB_TOWN_CENTRE;
HouseZonesBits smallest = HZB_TOWN_EDGE;
for (HouseZonesBits i = HZB_BEGIN; i < HZB_END; i++) {
if (dist < t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[i]) smallest = i;
return smallest;
* Clears tile and builds a house or house part.
* @param tile tile index
* @param t The town to clear the house for
* @param counter of construction step
* @param stage of construction (used for drawing)
* @param type of house. Index into house specs array
* @param random_bits required for newgrf houses
* @pre house can be built here
static inline void ClearMakeHouseTile(TileIndex tile, Town *t, byte counter, byte stage, HouseID type, byte random_bits)
[[maybe_unused]] CommandCost cc = Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile);
IncreaseBuildingCount(t, type);
MakeHouseTile(tile, t->index, counter, stage, type, random_bits);
if (HouseSpec::Get(type)->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_ANIMATED) AddAnimatedTile(tile);
* Write house information into the map. For houses > 1 tile, all tiles are marked.
* @param t tile index
* @param town The town related to this house
* @param counter of construction step
* @param stage of construction (used for drawing)
* @param type of house. Index into house specs array
* @param random_bits required for newgrf houses
* @pre house can be built here
static void MakeTownHouse(TileIndex t, Town *town, byte counter, byte stage, HouseID type, byte random_bits)
BuildingFlags size = HouseSpec::Get(type)->building_flags;
ClearMakeHouseTile(t, town, counter, stage, type, random_bits);
if (size & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) ClearMakeHouseTile(t + TileDiffXY(0, 1), town, counter, stage, ++type, random_bits);
if (size & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) ClearMakeHouseTile(t + TileDiffXY(1, 0), town, counter, stage, ++type, random_bits);
if (size & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) ClearMakeHouseTile(t + TileDiffXY(1, 1), town, counter, stage, ++type, random_bits);
ForAllStationsAroundTiles(TileArea(t, (size & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) ? 2 : 1, (size & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) ? 2 : 1), [town](Station *st, TileIndex tile) {
return true;
* Checks if a house can be built here. Important is slope, bridge above
* and ability to clear the land.
* @param tile tile to check
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built here
static inline bool CanBuildHouseHere(TileIndex tile, bool noslope)
/* cannot build on these slopes... */
Slope slope = GetTileSlope(tile);
if ((noslope && slope != SLOPE_FLAT) || IsSteepSlope(slope)) return false;
2019-04-06 07:46:15 +01:00
/* at least one RoadTypes allow building the house here? */
if (!RoadTypesAllowHouseHere(tile)) return false;
/* building under a bridge? */
if (IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return false;
/* can we clear the land? */
return Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, tile).Succeeded();
* Checks if a house can be built at this tile, must have the same max z as parameter.
* @param tile tile to check
* @param z max z of this tile so more parts of a house are at the same height (with foundation)
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built here
* @see CanBuildHouseHere()
static inline bool CheckBuildHouseSameZ(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
if (!CanBuildHouseHere(tile, noslope)) return false;
/* if building on slopes is allowed, there will be flattening foundation (to tile max z) */
if (GetTileMaxZ(tile) != z) return false;
return true;
* Checks if a house of size 2x2 can be built at this tile
* @param tile tile, N corner
* @param z maximum tile z so all tile have the same max z
* @param noslope are slopes (foundations) allowed?
* @return true iff house can be built
* @see CheckBuildHouseSameZ()
static bool CheckFree2x2Area(TileIndex tile, int z, bool noslope)
/* we need to check this tile too because we can be at different tile now */
if (!CheckBuildHouseSameZ(tile, z, noslope)) return false;
for (DiagDirection d = DIAGDIR_SE; d < DIAGDIR_END; d++) {
tile += TileOffsByDiagDir(d);
if (!CheckBuildHouseSameZ(tile, z, noslope)) return false;
return true;
* Checks if current town layout allows building here
* @param t town
* @param tile tile to check
* @return true iff town layout allows building here
* @note see layouts
static inline bool TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
/* Allow towns everywhere when we don't build roads */
if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads && !_generating_world) return true;
TileIndexDiffC grid_pos = TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(t->xy, tile);
switch (t->layout) {
case TL_2X2_GRID:
if ((grid_pos.x % 3) == 0 || (grid_pos.y % 3) == 0) return false;
case TL_3X3_GRID:
if ((grid_pos.x % 4) == 0 || (grid_pos.y % 4) == 0) return false;
return true;
* Checks if current town layout allows 2x2 building here
* @param t town
* @param tile tile to check
* @return true iff town layout allows 2x2 building here
* @note see layouts
static inline bool TownLayoutAllows2x2HouseHere(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
/* Allow towns everywhere when we don't build roads */
if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads && !_generating_world) return true;
/* Compute relative position of tile. (Positive offsets are towards north) */
TileIndexDiffC grid_pos = TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(t->xy, tile);
switch (t->layout) {
case TL_2X2_GRID:
grid_pos.x %= 3;
grid_pos.y %= 3;
if ((grid_pos.x != 2 && grid_pos.x != -1) ||
(grid_pos.y != 2 && grid_pos.y != -1)) return false;
case TL_3X3_GRID:
if ((grid_pos.x & 3) < 2 || (grid_pos.y & 3) < 2) return false;
return true;
* Checks if 1x2 or 2x1 building is allowed here, also takes into account current town layout
* Also, tests both building positions that occupy this tile
* @param tile tile where the building should be built
* @param t town
* @param maxz all tiles should have the same height
* @param noslope are slopes forbidden?
* @param second diagdir from first tile to second tile
static bool CheckTownBuild2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool noslope, DiagDirection second)
/* 'tile' is already checked in BuildTownHouse() - CanBuildHouseHere() and slope test */
TileIndex tile2 = *tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(second);
if (TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(t, tile2) && CheckBuildHouseSameZ(tile2, maxz, noslope)) return true;
tile2 = *tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(ReverseDiagDir(second));
if (TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(t, tile2) && CheckBuildHouseSameZ(tile2, maxz, noslope)) {
*tile = tile2;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if 2x2 building is allowed here, also takes into account current town layout
* Also, tests all four building positions that occupy this tile
* @param tile tile where the building should be built
* @param t town
* @param maxz all tiles should have the same height
* @param noslope are slopes forbidden?
static bool CheckTownBuild2x2House(TileIndex *tile, Town *t, int maxz, bool noslope)
TileIndex tile2 = *tile;
for (DiagDirection d = DIAGDIR_SE;; d++) { // 'd' goes through DIAGDIR_SE, DIAGDIR_SW, DIAGDIR_NW, DIAGDIR_END
if (TownLayoutAllows2x2HouseHere(t, tile2) && CheckFree2x2Area(tile2, maxz, noslope)) {
*tile = tile2;
return true;
if (d == DIAGDIR_END) break;
tile2 += TileOffsByDiagDir(ReverseDiagDir(d)); // go clockwise
return false;
* Tries to build a house at this tile
* @param t town the house will belong to
* @param tile where the house will be built
* @return false iff no house can be built at this tile
static bool BuildTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
/* forbidden building here by town layout */
if (!TownLayoutAllowsHouseHere(t, tile)) return false;
/* no house allowed at all, bail out */
if (!CanBuildHouseHere(tile, false)) return false;
Slope slope = GetTileSlope(tile);
int maxz = GetTileMaxZ(tile);
/* Get the town zone type of the current tile, as well as the climate.
* This will allow to easily compare with the specs of the new house to build */
HouseZonesBits rad = GetTownRadiusGroup(t, tile);
/* Above snow? */
int land = _settings_game.game_creation.landscape;
if (land == LT_ARCTIC && maxz > HighestSnowLine()) land = -1;
uint bitmask = (1 << rad) + (1 << (land + 12));
/* bits 0-4 are used
* bits 11-15 are used
* bits 5-10 are not used. */
HouseID houses[NUM_HOUSES];
uint num = 0;
uint probs[NUM_HOUSES];
uint probability_max = 0;
/* Generate a list of all possible houses that can be built. */
for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_HOUSES; i++) {
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(i);
/* Verify that the candidate house spec matches the current tile status */
if ((~hs->building_availability & bitmask) != 0 || !hs->enabled || hs->grf_prop.override != INVALID_HOUSE_ID) continue;
/* Don't let these counters overflow. Global counters are 32bit, there will never be that many houses. */
if (hs->class_id != HOUSE_NO_CLASS) {
/* id_count is always <= class_count, so it doesn't need to be checked */
if (t->cache.building_counts.class_count[hs->class_id] == UINT16_MAX) continue;
} else {
/* If the house has no class, check id_count instead */
if (t->cache.building_counts.id_count[i] == UINT16_MAX) continue;
uint cur_prob = hs->probability;
probability_max += cur_prob;
probs[num] = cur_prob;
houses[num++] = (HouseID)i;
TileIndex baseTile = tile;
while (probability_max > 0) {
/* Building a multitile building can change the location of tile.
* The building would still be built partially on that tile, but
* its northern tile would be elsewhere. However, if the callback
* fails we would be basing further work from the changed tile.
* So a next 1x1 tile building could be built on the wrong tile. */
tile = baseTile;
uint r = RandomRange(probability_max);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (probs[i] > r) break;
r -= probs[i];
HouseID house = houses[i];
probability_max -= probs[i];
/* remove tested house from the set */
houses[i] = houses[num];
probs[i] = probs[num];
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
if (!_generating_world && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR && (hs->extra_flags & BUILDING_IS_HISTORICAL) != 0) {
if (_cur_year < hs->min_year || _cur_year > hs->max_year) continue;
/* Special houses that there can be only one of. */
uint oneof = 0;
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_CHURCH) {
SetBit(oneof, TOWN_HAS_CHURCH);
} else if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_STADIUM) {
SetBit(oneof, TOWN_HAS_STADIUM);
if (t->flags & oneof) continue;
/* Make sure there is no slope? */
bool noslope = (hs->building_flags & TILE_NOT_SLOPED) != 0;
if (noslope && slope != SLOPE_FLAT) continue;
if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x2) {
if (!CheckTownBuild2x2House(&tile, t, maxz, noslope)) continue;
} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x1) {
if (!CheckTownBuild2House(&tile, t, maxz, noslope, DIAGDIR_SW)) continue;
} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_1x2) {
if (!CheckTownBuild2House(&tile, t, maxz, noslope, DIAGDIR_SE)) continue;
} else {
/* 1x1 house checks are already done */
byte random_bits = Random();
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ALLOW_CONSTRUCTION)) {
uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_ALLOW_CONSTRUCTION, 0, 0, house, t, tile, true, random_bits);
if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && !Convert8bitBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_ALLOW_CONSTRUCTION, callback_res)) continue;
/* build the house */
/* Special houses that there can be only one of. */
t->flags |= oneof;
byte construction_counter = 0;
byte construction_stage = 0;
if (_generating_world || _game_mode == GM_EDITOR) {
uint32 construction_random = Random();
construction_stage = TOWN_HOUSE_COMPLETED;
if (Chance16(1, 7)) construction_stage = GB(construction_random, 0, 2);
if (construction_stage == TOWN_HOUSE_COMPLETED) {
ChangePopulation(t, hs->population);
} else {
construction_counter = GB(construction_random, 2, 2);
MakeTownHouse(tile, t, construction_counter, construction_stage, house, random_bits);
return true;
return false;
* Update data structures when a house is removed
* @param tile Tile of the house
* @param t Town owning the house
* @param house House type
static void DoClearTownHouseHelper(TileIndex tile, Town *t, HouseID house)
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
DecreaseBuildingCount(t, house);
DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_HOUSES, tile);
* Determines if a given HouseID is part of a multitile house.
* The given ID is set to the ID of the north tile and the TileDiff to the north tile is returned.
* @param house Is changed to the HouseID of the north tile of the same house
* @return TileDiff from the tile of the given HouseID to the north tile
TileIndexDiff GetHouseNorthPart(HouseID &house)
if (house >= 3) { // house id 0,1,2 MUST be single tile houses, or this code breaks.
if (HouseSpec::Get(house - 1)->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x1) {
return TileDiffXY(-1, 0);
} else if (HouseSpec::Get(house - 1)->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) {
return TileDiffXY(0, -1);
} else if (HouseSpec::Get(house - 2)->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) {
house -= 2;
return TileDiffXY(-1, 0);
} else if (HouseSpec::Get(house - 3)->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) {
house -= 3;
return TileDiffXY(-1, -1);
return 0;
void ClearTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile)
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile);
/* need to align the tile to point to the upper left corner of the house */
tile += GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies house to the ID of the north tile
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
/* Remove population from the town if the house is finished. */
if (IsHouseCompleted(tile)) {
ChangePopulation(t, -hs->population);
/* Clear flags for houses that only may exist once/town. */
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_CHURCH) {
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_HAS_CHURCH);
} else if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_IS_STADIUM) {
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_HAS_STADIUM);
/* Do the actual clearing of tiles */
DoClearTownHouseHelper(tile, t, house);
2020-05-15 21:18:03 +01:00
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) DoClearTownHouseHelper(tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1), t, ++house);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) DoClearTownHouseHelper(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0), t, ++house);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) DoClearTownHouseHelper(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1), t, ++house);
RemoveNearbyStations(t, tile, hs->building_flags);
* Rename a town (server-only).
* @param flags type of operation
* @param town_id town ID to rename
* @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRenameTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, const std::string &text)
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
bool reset = text.empty();
if (!reset) {
if (Utf8StringLength(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!IsUniqueTownName(text)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (reset) {
} else {
t->name = text;
return CommandCost();
* Determines the first cargo with a certain town effect
* @param effect Town effect of interest
* @return first active cargo slot with that effect
const CargoSpec *FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(TownEffect effect)
for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) {
if (cs->town_effect == effect) return cs;
return nullptr;
* Change the cargo goal of a town.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param town_id Town ID to cargo game of.
* @param te TownEffect to change the game of.
* @param goal The new goal value.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdTownCargoGoal(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, TownEffect te, uint32 goal)
if (_current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;
if (te < TE_BEGIN || te >= TE_END) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Validate if there is a cargo which is the requested TownEffect */
const CargoSpec *cargo = FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect(te);
if (cargo == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->goal[te] = goal;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, town_id);
return CommandCost();
* Set a custom text in the Town window.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param town_id Town ID to change the text of.
* @param text The new text (empty to remove the text).
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdTownSetText(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, const std::string &text)
if (_current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (!text.empty()) t->text = text;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, town_id);
return CommandCost();
* Change the growth rate of the town.
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param town_id Town ID to cargo game of.
* @param growth_rate Amount of days between growth, or TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE, or 0 to reset custom growth rate.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdTownGrowthRate(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, uint16 growth_rate)
if (_current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (growth_rate == 0) {
/* Just clear the flag, UpdateTownGrowth will determine a proper growth rate */
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH);
} else {
uint old_rate = t->growth_rate;
if (t->grow_counter >= old_rate) {
/* This also catches old_rate == 0 */
t->grow_counter = growth_rate;
} else {
/* Scale grow_counter, so half finished houses stay half finished */
t->grow_counter = t->grow_counter * growth_rate / old_rate;
t->growth_rate = growth_rate;
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, town_id);
return CommandCost();
* Change the rating of a company in a town
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param town_id Town ID to change, bit 16..23 =
* @param company_id Company ID to change.
* @param rating New rating of company (signed int16).
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdTownRating(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, CompanyID company_id, int16 rating)
if (_current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id)) return CMD_ERROR;
int16 new_rating = Clamp(rating, RATING_MINIMUM, RATING_MAXIMUM);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->ratings[company_id] = new_rating;
InvalidateWindowData(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, town_id);
return CommandCost();
* Expand a town (scenario editor only).
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param TownID Town ID to expand.
* @param grow_amount Amount to grow, or 0 to grow a random size up to the current amount of houses.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdExpandTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, uint32 grow_amount)
if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* The more houses, the faster we grow */
if (grow_amount == 0) {
uint amount = RandomRange(ClampToU16(t->cache.num_houses / 10)) + 3;
t->cache.num_houses += amount;
uint n = amount * 10;
do GrowTown(t); while (--n);
t->cache.num_houses -= amount;
} else {
for (; grow_amount > 0; grow_amount--) {
/* Try several times to grow, as we are really suppose to grow */
for (uint i = 0; i < 25; i++) if (GrowTown(t)) break;
return CommandCost();
* Delete a town (scenario editor or worldgen only).
* @param flags Type of operation.
* @param town_id Town ID to delete.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdDeleteTown(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id)
if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && !_generating_world) return CMD_ERROR;
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Stations refer to towns. */
for (const Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
if (st->town == t) {
/* Non-oil rig stations are always a problem. */
if (!(st->facilities & FACIL_AIRPORT) || st->airport.type != AT_OILRIG) return CMD_ERROR;
/* We can only automatically delete oil rigs *if* there's no vehicle on them. */
CommandCost ret = Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(flags, st->airport.tile);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Depots refer to towns. */
for (const Depot *d : Depot::Iterate()) {
if (d->town == t) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Check all tiles for town ownership. First check for bridge tiles, as
* these do not directly have an owner so we need to check adjacent
* tiles. This won't work correctly in the same loop if the adjacent
* tile was already deleted earlier in the loop. */
for (TileIndex current_tile = 0; current_tile < Map::Size(); ++current_tile) {
if (IsTileType(current_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && TestTownOwnsBridge(current_tile, t)) {
CommandCost ret = Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(flags, current_tile);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Check all remaining tiles for town ownership. */
for (TileIndex current_tile = 0; current_tile < Map::Size(); ++current_tile) {
bool try_clear = false;
switch (GetTileType(current_tile)) {
case MP_ROAD:
try_clear = HasTownOwnedRoad(current_tile) && GetTownIndex(current_tile) == t->index;
case MP_HOUSE:
try_clear = GetTownIndex(current_tile) == t->index;
try_clear = Industry::GetByTile(current_tile)->town == t;
if (Town::GetNumItems() == 1) {
/* No towns will be left, remove it! */
try_clear = true;
} else {
Object *o = Object::GetByTile(current_tile);
if (o->town == t) {
if (o->type == OBJECT_STATUE) {
/* Statue... always remove. */
try_clear = true;
} else {
/* Tell to find a new town. */
if (flags & DC_EXEC) o->town = nullptr;
if (try_clear) {
CommandCost ret = Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(flags, current_tile);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* The town destructor will delete the other things related to the town. */
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (t->cache.sign.kdtree_valid) _viewport_sign_kdtree.Remove(ViewportSignKdtreeItem::MakeTown(t->index));
delete t;
return CommandCost();
* Factor in the cost of each town action.
* @see TownActions
const byte _town_action_costs[TACT_COUNT] = {
2, 4, 9, 35, 48, 53, 117, 175
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseSmall(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x40, 10);
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseMedium(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0x70, 15);
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionAdvertiseLarge(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 0xA0, 20);
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionRoadRebuild(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if the company is allowed to fund new roads. */
if (!_settings_game.economy.fund_roads) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->road_build_months = 6;
SetDParam(0, _current_company);
NewsStringData *company_name = new NewsStringData(GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME));
SetDParam(0, t->index);
SetDParamStr(1, company_name->string);
AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventRoadReconstruction((ScriptCompany::CompanyID)(Owner)_current_company, t->index));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventRoadReconstruction((ScriptCompany::CompanyID)(Owner)_current_company, t->index));
return CommandCost();
* Check whether the land can be cleared.
* @param tile Tile to check.
* @return The tile can be cleared.
static bool TryClearTile(TileIndex tile)
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_NONE, FILE_LINE);
CommandCost r = Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_NONE, tile);
return r.Succeeded();
/** Structure for storing data while searching the best place to build a statue. */
struct StatueBuildSearchData {
TileIndex best_position; ///< Best position found so far.
int tile_count; ///< Number of tiles tried.
StatueBuildSearchData(TileIndex best_pos, int count) : best_position(best_pos), tile_count(count) { }
* Search callback function for #TownActionBuildStatue.
* @param tile Tile on which to perform the search.
* @param user_data Reference to the statue search data.
* @return Result of the test.
static bool SearchTileForStatue(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
static const int STATUE_NUMBER_INNER_TILES = 25; // Number of tiles int the center of the city, where we try to protect houses.
StatueBuildSearchData *statue_data = (StatueBuildSearchData *)user_data;
/* Statues can be build on slopes, just like houses. Only the steep slopes is a no go. */
if (IsSteepSlope(GetTileSlope(tile))) return false;
/* Don't build statues under bridges. */
if (IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return false;
/* A clear-able open space is always preferred. */
if ((IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsTileType(tile, MP_TREES)) && TryClearTile(tile)) {
statue_data->best_position = tile;
return true;
bool house = IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE);
/* Searching inside the inner circle. */
if (statue_data->tile_count <= STATUE_NUMBER_INNER_TILES) {
/* Save first house in inner circle. */
if (house && statue_data->best_position == INVALID_TILE && TryClearTile(tile)) {
statue_data->best_position = tile;
/* If we have reached the end of the inner circle, and have a saved house, terminate the search. */
return statue_data->tile_count == STATUE_NUMBER_INNER_TILES && statue_data->best_position != INVALID_TILE;
/* Searching outside the circle, just pick the first possible spot. */
statue_data->best_position = tile; // Is optimistic, the condition below must also hold.
return house && TryClearTile(tile);
* Perform a 9x9 tiles circular search from the center of the town
* in order to find a free tile to place a statue
* @param t town to search in
* @param flags Used to check if the statue must be built or not.
* @return Empty cost or an error.
static CommandCost TownActionBuildStatue(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (!Object::CanAllocateItem()) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS);
TileIndex tile = t->xy;
StatueBuildSearchData statue_data(INVALID_TILE, 0);
if (!CircularTileSearch(&tile, 9, SearchTileForStatue, &statue_data)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_STATUE_NO_SUITABLE_PLACE);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_NONE, FILE_LINE);
Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(DC_EXEC, statue_data.best_position);
BuildObject(OBJECT_STATUE, statue_data.best_position, _current_company, t);
SetBit(t->statues, _current_company); // Once found and built, "inform" the Town.
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionFundBuildings(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if it's allowed to buy the rights */
if (!_settings_game.economy.fund_buildings) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
/* And grow for 3 months */
t->fund_buildings_months = 3;
/* Enable growth (also checking GameScript's opinion) */
/* Build a new house, but add a small delay to make sure
* that spamming funding doesn't let town grow any faster
* than 1 house per 2 * TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS ticks.
* Also emulate original behaviour when town was only growing in
* TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS intervals, to make sure that it's not too
* tick-perfect and gives player some time window where they can
* spam funding with the exact same efficiency.
t->grow_counter = std::min<uint16>(t->grow_counter, 2 * TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS - (t->growth_rate - t->grow_counter) % TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionBuyRights(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* Check if it's allowed to buy the rights */
if (!_settings_game.economy.exclusive_rights) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
t->exclusive_counter = 12;
t->exclusivity = _current_company;
ModifyStationRatingAround(t->xy, _current_company, 130, 17);
/* Spawn news message */
CompanyNewsInformation *cni = new CompanyNewsInformation(Company::Get(_current_company));
SetDParam(2, t->index);
SetDParamStr(3, cni->company_name);
AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventExclusiveTransportRights((ScriptCompany::CompanyID)(Owner)_current_company, t->index));
Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventExclusiveTransportRights((ScriptCompany::CompanyID)(Owner)_current_company, t->index));
return CommandCost();
static CommandCost TownActionBribe(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (Chance16(1, 14)) {
/* set as unwanted for 6 months */
t->unwanted[_current_company] = 6;
/* set all close by station ratings to 0 */
for (Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
if (st->town == t && st->owner == _current_company) {
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) st->goods[i].rating = 0;
/* only show error message to the executing player. All errors are handled command.c
* but this is special, because it can only 'fail' on a DC_EXEC */
/* decrease by a lot!
* ChangeTownRating is only for stuff in demolishing. Bribe failure should
* be independent of any cheat settings
if (t->ratings[_current_company] > RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO) {
t->ratings[_current_company] = RATING_BRIBE_DOWN_TO;
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
} else {
return CommandCost();
typedef CommandCost TownActionProc(Town *t, DoCommandFlag flags);
static TownActionProc * const _town_action_proc[] = {
* Get a list of available actions to do at a town.
* @param cid the company that is querying the town
* @param t the town that is queried
* @return bitmasked value of enabled actions
TownActions GetMaskOfTownActions(CompanyID cid, const Town *t)
TownActions buttons = TACT_NONE;
/* Spectators and unwanted have no options */
if (cid != COMPANY_SPECTATOR && !(_settings_game.economy.bribe && t->unwanted[cid])) {
/* Actions worth more than this are not able to be performed */
Money avail = Company::Get(cid)->money;
/* Check the action bits for validity and
* if they are valid add them */
for (uint i = 0; i != lengthof(_town_action_costs); i++) {
const TownActions cur = (TownActions)(1 << i);
/* Is the company not able to bribe ? */
if (cur == TACT_BRIBE && (!_settings_game.economy.bribe || t->ratings[cid] >= RATING_BRIBE_MAXIMUM)) continue;
/* Is the company not able to buy exclusive rights ? */
if (cur == TACT_BUY_RIGHTS && !_settings_game.economy.exclusive_rights) continue;
/* Is the company not able to fund buildings ? */
if (cur == TACT_FUND_BUILDINGS && !_settings_game.economy.fund_buildings) continue;
/* Is the company not able to fund local road reconstruction? */
if (cur == TACT_ROAD_REBUILD && !_settings_game.economy.fund_roads) continue;
/* Is the company not able to build a statue ? */
if (cur == TACT_BUILD_STATUE && HasBit(t->statues, cid)) continue;
if (avail >= _town_action_costs[i] * _price[PR_TOWN_ACTION] >> 8) {
buttons |= cur;
return buttons;
* Do a town action.
* This performs an action such as advertising, building a statue, funding buildings,
* but also bribing the town-council
* @param flags type of operation
* @param town_id town to do the action at
* @param action action to perform, @see _town_action_proc for the list of available actions
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdDoTownAction(DoCommandFlag flags, TownID town_id, uint8 action)
Town *t = Town::GetIfValid(town_id);
if (t == nullptr || action >= lengthof(_town_action_proc)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!HasBit(GetMaskOfTownActions(_current_company, t), action)) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_OTHER, _price[PR_TOWN_ACTION] * _town_action_costs[action] >> 8);
CommandCost ret = _town_action_proc[action](t, flags);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, town_id);
return cost;
template <typename Func>
static void ForAllStationsNearTown(Town *t, Func func)
/* Ideally the search radius should be close to the actual town zone 0 radius.
* The true radius is not stored or calculated anywhere, only the squared radius. */
/* The efficiency of this search might be improved for large towns and many stations on the map,
* by using an integer square root approximation giving a value not less than the true square root. */
uint search_radius = t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[0] / 2;
ForAllStationsRadius(t->xy, search_radius, [&](const Station * st) {
if (DistanceSquare(st->xy, t->xy) <= t->cache.squared_town_zone_radius[0]) {
static void UpdateTownRating(Town *t)
/* Increase company ratings if they're low */
for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
if (t->ratings[c->index] < RATING_GROWTH_MAXIMUM) {
t->ratings[c->index] = std::min((int)RATING_GROWTH_MAXIMUM, t->ratings[c->index] + RATING_GROWTH_UP_STEP);
ForAllStationsNearTown(t, [&](const Station *st) {
if (st->time_since_load <= 20 || st->time_since_unload <= 20) {
if (Company::IsValidID(st->owner)) {
int new_rating = t->ratings[st->owner] + RATING_STATION_UP_STEP;
t->ratings[st->owner] = std::min<int>(new_rating, INT16_MAX); // do not let it overflow
} else {
if (Company::IsValidID(st->owner)) {
int new_rating = t->ratings[st->owner] + RATING_STATION_DOWN_STEP;
t->ratings[st->owner] = std::max(new_rating, INT16_MIN);
/* clamp all ratings to valid values */
for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
t->ratings[i] = Clamp(t->ratings[i], RATING_MINIMUM, RATING_MAXIMUM);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
* Updates town grow counter after growth rate change.
* Preserves relative house builting progress whenever it can.
* @param t The town to calculate grow counter for
* @param prev_growth_rate Town growth rate before it changed (one that was used with grow counter to be updated)
static void UpdateTownGrowCounter(Town *t, uint16 prev_growth_rate)
if (t->growth_rate == TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) return;
if (prev_growth_rate == TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) {
t->grow_counter = std::min<uint16>(t->growth_rate, t->grow_counter);
t->grow_counter = RoundDivSU((uint32)t->grow_counter * (t->growth_rate + 1), prev_growth_rate + 1);
* Calculates amount of active stations in the range of town (HZB_TOWN_EDGE).
* @param t The town to calculate stations for
* @returns Amount of active stations
static int CountActiveStations(Town *t)
int n = 0;
ForAllStationsNearTown(t, [&](const Station * st) {
if (st->time_since_load <= 20 || st->time_since_unload <= 20) {
return n;
* Calculates town growth rate in normal conditions (custom growth rate not set).
* If town growth speed is set to None(0) returns the same rate as if it was Normal(2).
* @param t The town to calculate growth rate for
* @returns Calculated growth rate
static uint GetNormalGrowthRate(Town *t)
* Note:
* Unserviced+unfunded towns get an additional malus in UpdateTownGrowth(),
* so the "320" is actually not better than the "420".
static const uint16 _grow_count_values[2][6] = {
{ 120, 120, 120, 100, 80, 60 }, // Fund new buildings has been activated
{ 320, 420, 300, 220, 160, 100 } // Normal values
int n = CountActiveStations(t);
uint16 m = _grow_count_values[t->fund_buildings_months != 0 ? 0 : 1][std::min(n, 5)];
uint growth_multiplier = _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate != 0 ? _settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate - 1 : 1;
m >>= growth_multiplier;
if (t->larger_town) m /= 2;
return TownTicksToGameTicks(m / (t->cache.num_houses / 50 + 1));
* Updates town growth rate.
* @param t The town to update growth rate for
static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t)
if (HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH)) return;
uint old_rate = t->growth_rate;
t->growth_rate = GetNormalGrowthRate(t);
UpdateTownGrowCounter(t, old_rate);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
* Updates town growth state (whether it is growing or not).
* @param t The town to update growth for
static void UpdateTownGrowth(Town *t)
ClrBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
if (_settings_game.economy.town_growth_rate == 0 && t->fund_buildings_months == 0) return;
if (t->fund_buildings_months == 0) {
/* Check if all goals are reached for this town to grow (given we are not funding it) */
for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) {
switch (t->goal[i]) {
if (TileHeight(t->xy) >= GetSnowLine() && t->received[i].old_act == 0 && t->cache.population > 90) return;
if (GetTropicZone(t->xy) == TROPICZONE_DESERT && t->received[i].old_act == 0 && t->cache.population > 60) return;
if (t->goal[i] > t->received[i].old_act) return;
if (HasBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH)) {
if (t->growth_rate != TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
if (t->fund_buildings_months == 0 && CountActiveStations(t) == 0 && !Chance16(1, 12)) return;
SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
static void UpdateTownAmounts(Town *t)
for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) t->supplied[i].NewMonth();
for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) t->received[i].NewMonth();
if (t->fund_buildings_months != 0) t->fund_buildings_months--;
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, t->index);
static void UpdateTownUnwanted(Town *t)
for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
if (t->unwanted[c->index] > 0) t->unwanted[c->index]--;
* Checks whether the local authority allows construction of a new station (rail, road, airport, dock) on the given tile
* @param tile The tile where the station shall be constructed.
* @param flags Command flags. DC_NO_TEST_TOWN_RATING is tested.
* @return Succeeded or failed command.
CommandCost CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* The required rating is hardcoded to RATING_VERYPOOR (see below), not the authority attitude setting, so we can bail out like this. */
if (_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance == TOWN_COUNCIL_PERMISSIVE) return CommandCost();
if (!Company::IsValidID(_current_company) || (flags & DC_NO_TEST_TOWN_RATING)) return CommandCost();
Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, _settings_game.economy.dist_local_authority);
if (t == nullptr) return CommandCost();
if (t->ratings[_current_company] > RATING_VERYPOOR) return CommandCost();
SetDParam(0, t->index);
* Return the town closest to the given tile within \a threshold.
* @param tile Starting point of the search.
* @param threshold Biggest allowed distance to the town.
* @return Closest town to \a tile within \a threshold, or \c nullptr if there is no such town.
* @note This function only uses distance, the #ClosestTownFromTile function also takes town ownership into account.
Town *CalcClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold)
if (Town::GetNumItems() == 0) return nullptr;
TownID tid = _town_kdtree.FindNearest(TileX(tile), TileY(tile));
Town *town = Town::Get(tid);
if (DistanceManhattan(tile, town->xy) < threshold) return town;
return nullptr;
* Return the town closest (in distance or ownership) to a given tile, within a given threshold.
* @param tile Starting point of the search.
* @param threshold Biggest allowed distance to the town.
* @return Closest town to \a tile within \a threshold, or \c nullptr if there is no such town.
* @note If you only care about distance, you can use the #CalcClosestTownFromTile function.
Town *ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold)
switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
case MP_ROAD:
if (IsRoadDepot(tile)) return CalcClosestTownFromTile(tile, threshold);
if (!HasTownOwnedRoad(tile)) {
TownID tid = GetTownIndex(tile);
if (tid == INVALID_TOWN) {
/* in the case we are generating "many random towns", this value may be INVALID_TOWN */
if (_generating_world) return CalcClosestTownFromTile(tile, threshold);
assert(Town::GetNumItems() == 0);
return nullptr;
Town *town = Town::Get(tid);
if (DistanceManhattan(tile, town->xy) >= threshold) town = nullptr;
return town;
case MP_HOUSE:
return Town::GetByTile(tile);
return CalcClosestTownFromTile(tile, threshold);
static bool _town_rating_test = false; ///< If \c true, town rating is in test-mode.
static SmallMap<const Town *, int> _town_test_ratings; ///< Map of towns to modified ratings, while in town rating test-mode.
* Switch the town rating to test-mode, to allow commands to be tested without affecting current ratings.
* The function is safe to use in nested calls.
* @param mode Test mode switch (\c true means go to test-mode, \c false means leave test-mode).
void SetTownRatingTestMode(bool mode)
static int ref_count = 0; // Number of times test-mode is switched on.
if (mode) {
if (ref_count == 0) {
} else {
assert(ref_count > 0);
_town_rating_test = !(ref_count == 0);
* Get the rating of a town for the #_current_company.
* @param t Town to get the rating from.
* @return Rating of the current company in the given town.
static int GetRating(const Town *t)
if (_town_rating_test) {
SmallMap<const Town *, int>::iterator it = _town_test_ratings.Find(t);
if (it != _town_test_ratings.End()) {
return it->second;
return t->ratings[_current_company];
* Changes town rating of the current company
* @param t Town to affect
* @param add Value to add
* @param max Minimum (add < 0) resp. maximum (add > 0) rating that should be achievable with this change.
* @param flags Command flags, especially DC_NO_MODIFY_TOWN_RATING is tested
void ChangeTownRating(Town *t, int add, int max, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* if magic_bulldozer cheat is active, town doesn't penalize for removing stuff */
if (t == nullptr || (flags & DC_NO_MODIFY_TOWN_RATING) ||
!Company::IsValidID(_current_company) ||
(_cheats.magic_bulldozer.value && add < 0)) {
int rating = GetRating(t);
if (add < 0) {
if (rating > max) {
rating += add;
if (rating < max) rating = max;
} else {
if (rating < max) {
rating += add;
if (rating > max) rating = max;
if (_town_rating_test) {
_town_test_ratings[t] = rating;
} else {
SetBit(t->have_ratings, _current_company);
t->ratings[_current_company] = rating;
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, t->index);
* Does the town authority allow the (destructive) action of the current company?
* @param flags Checking flags of the command.
* @param t Town that must allow the company action.
* @param type Type of action that is wanted.
* @return A succeeded command if the action is allowed, a failed command if it is not allowed.
CommandCost CheckforTownRating(DoCommandFlag flags, Town *t, TownRatingCheckType type)
/* if magic_bulldozer cheat is active, town doesn't restrict your destructive actions */
if (t == nullptr || !Company::IsValidID(_current_company) ||
_cheats.magic_bulldozer.value || (flags & DC_NO_TEST_TOWN_RATING)) {
return CommandCost();
/* minimum rating needed to be allowed to remove stuff */
static const int needed_rating[][TOWN_RATING_CHECK_TYPE_COUNT] = {
/* check if you're allowed to remove the road/bridge/tunnel
* owned by a town no removal if rating is lower than ... depends now on
* difficulty setting. Minimum town rating selected by difficulty level
int needed = needed_rating[_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance][type];
if (GetRating(t) < needed) {
SetDParam(0, t->index);
return CommandCost();
void TownsMonthlyLoop()
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
if (t->road_build_months != 0) t->road_build_months--;
if (t->exclusive_counter != 0) {
if (--t->exclusive_counter == 0) t->exclusivity = INVALID_COMPANY;
void TownsYearlyLoop()
/* Increment house ages */
for (TileIndex t = 0; t < Map::Size(); t++) {
if (!IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)) continue;
static CommandCost TerraformTile_Town(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, int z_new, Slope tileh_new)
if (AutoslopeEnabled()) {
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile);
GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies house to the ID of the north tile
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
/* Here we differ from TTDP by checking TILE_NOT_SLOPED */
if (((hs->building_flags & TILE_NOT_SLOPED) == 0) && !IsSteepSlope(tileh_new) &&
(GetTileMaxZ(tile) == z_new + GetSlopeMaxZ(tileh_new))) {
bool allow_terraform = true;
/* Call the autosloping callback per tile, not for the whole building at once. */
house = GetHouseType(tile);
hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_AUTOSLOPE)) {
/* If the callback fails, allow autoslope. */
uint16 res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_AUTOSLOPE, 0, 0, house, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (res != CALLBACK_FAILED && ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_AUTOSLOPE, res)) allow_terraform = false;
if (allow_terraform) return CommandCost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, _price[PR_BUILD_FOUNDATION]);
return Command<CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR>::Do(flags, tile);
/** Tile callback functions for a town */
extern const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_town_procs = {
DrawTile_Town, // draw_tile_proc
GetSlopePixelZ_Town, // get_slope_z_proc
ClearTile_Town, // clear_tile_proc
AddAcceptedCargo_Town, // add_accepted_cargo_proc
GetTileDesc_Town, // get_tile_desc_proc
GetTileTrackStatus_Town, // get_tile_track_status_proc
nullptr, // click_tile_proc
AnimateTile_Town, // animate_tile_proc
TileLoop_Town, // tile_loop_proc
ChangeTileOwner_Town, // change_tile_owner_proc
AddProducedCargo_Town, // add_produced_cargo_proc
nullptr, // vehicle_enter_tile_proc
GetFoundation_Town, // get_foundation_proc
TerraformTile_Town, // terraform_tile_proc
HouseSpec _house_specs[NUM_HOUSES];
void ResetHouses()
memset(&_house_specs, 0, sizeof(_house_specs));
memcpy(&_house_specs, &_original_house_specs, sizeof(_original_house_specs));
/* Reset any overrides that have been set. */