- Fix: Allow loading savegames from the console without specifying the '.sav' extension, i.e. make it consistent with saving savegames from the console [FS#3761] (r19885)
- Fix: Dropdowns did affect positioning of new windows because they were not yet removed when the new windows were positioned [FS#3812] (r19883)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIEngine::IsValidEngine() and AIEngine::IsBuildable() returned false positives. Especially wagons of unavailable railtypes were reported available (r19880)
- Fix: Default vehicle group texts were drawn one pixel too low [FS#3851] (r19878)
- Fix: It was not possible to send all trains with common waypoint order to depot (r19876)
- Fix: If the (guessed initial) destination tile of a road vehicle was not a road stop but was a T-junction or turn, the road vehicles would jump around in circles [FS#3817] (r19873)
- Fix: When a network connection gets lost and a game with AIs was loaded the client might crash due to the AIs not being loaded while the game loop is executed [FS#3819] (r19869)
- Fix: Use non-breaking spaces for currency pre-/postfixes (r19867)
- Fix: Crash when changing/viewing locale settings in the console [FS#3830] (r19865, r19864, r19863, r19862)
- Fix: Ensure that both texts of the NewGRF gui download button fit (r19823)
- Fix: Kicking clients by IP did not work [FS#3784] (r19818)
- Fix: Compilation with MinGW GCC 4.5.0 and UNICODE (r19787)
- Fix: If a waypoint is immediately followed by a path signal a reservation would be made from that path signal before the waypoint is marked passed. As a result the order to go to the waypoint is used to reserve the path after the waypoint and as such trains get lost [FS#3770] (r19784)
- Fix: NULL pointer deference when testing relative scope *action2 on an unbuilt engine [FS#3828] (r19782)
- Fix: Crash on too long paths [FS#3807] (r19780, r19779, r19778, r19777, r19776)
- Fix: MP_VOID tiles shall have no tropic zone [FS#3820] (r19769)
- Fix: Half-desert tiles would never revert back to clear tiles (r19768)
- Fix: Height in smallmap was different from measured heights [FS#3808] (r19767)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Vehicle var 43 missed AI information in purchase list (r19761)
- Fix: Blocked roadvehicles should first check whether they are still blocked before accelerating again, instead of continuous starting/stopping (r19755)
- Fix: Try harder to find a suitable font that can be loaded, i.e. while searching for a suitable font test whether you can open it [FS#3740] (r19753)
- Fix: Make sure the chat area fits in the default window size; if you want it larger, you can always change/override it in the config file [FS#3798] (r19751)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Industry var 0x43 is not 'safe' during callbacks 22 and 38 either (r19750)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Possible divide-by-zero if a NewGRF checked industry var 42 while the production level was 0 (r19749)
- Fix: Do not recenter usually centered windows when resizing main window or changing language, if they have been moved/resized before [FS#3675] (r19746)
- Fix: The GUI is controlled by _local_company, not _current_company (r19745)
- Fix: NewGRFs could access map bits of not yet constructed industries and houses during construction callbacks (r19748, r19743)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Passing some invalid data to industry variable 67/68 could cause a crash (r19713)
- Fix: Check for industry availability more thoroughly and cancel object placement when selecting not available industries [FS#3787] (r19701)
- Fix: Avoid showing building toolbars behind the main toolbar when the 'Link landscape toolbar' setting is active [FS#3781] (r19696)
- Fix: Under some circumstances the player's name could be empty (r19693)
- Fix: Do not show an error message when trying to give another client an amount of 0 money [FS#3779] (r19684)
- Fix: Do not display an error message when double clicking on a vehicle in the 'available vehicles'-window (r19669)
- Change: Name invalid engines, cargos and industries 'invalid', if the player removed the supplying NewGRFs, hide invalid engines from the purchase list (r19879, r19877)
- Fix: Industry generation failed for large maps and lots of industry types (r19652, r19643)
- Fix: When a company is sold, move connected clients to spectators [FS#3745] (r19651)
- Fix: A client would not be properly moved when moved while joining, e.g. when entering a company's password. This caused the client to be in the wrong company (according to the rest of the clients) and the client being kicked on the first command [FS#3760] (r19648)
- Fix: Trains loaded above the original IDs did not have a default railtypelabel assigned to them, causing them to be unavailable. Could cause desyncs if the multiplayer game was not started from a savegame [FS#3768] (r19647)
- Fix: Do not allow building cacti outside of the desert or rain forest trees outside of the rain forest area. This to prevent people from thinking planting rain forest trees makes the rain forest bigger and thus adds more place to build a lumber mill [FS#3728] (r19644, r19635, r19634)
- Fix: Desync when taking over companies (r19636)
- Fix: Chat message caused glitch when rejoining a network game [FS#3757] (r19629)
- Fix: Desync when a command is received and in the queue while a client starts joining, i.e. save the game state. This can happen in two ways: with frame_freq > 1 a command received in a previous frame might not be executed yet or when a command is received in the same frame as the join but before the savegame is made. In both cases the joining client would not get all commands to get in-sync with the server (and the other clients) (r19620)
- Fix: Company related graphs were not updated correctly after changing the company colour [FS#3763] (r19615)
- Fix: Possible invalid read when server moves client to spectators before he finishes joining [FS#3755] (r19613)
- Fix: Crash when opening a savegame with a waypoint from around 0.4.0 [FS#3756] (r19612)
- Fix: Improve joining behaviour; kicking clients when entering passwords that was just cleared, 'connection lost' for people failing the password, access restriction circumvention [CVE-2010-0401] [FS#3754] (r19610, r19609, r19608, r19607, r19606)
- Fix: Desync debugging; false positives in the cache validity checks and saving/loading the command stream (r19619, r19617, r19602, r19601, r19600, r19596, r19593, r19592, r19589, r19587, r19586)
- Fix: Presence of online content was not properly updated after download due to duplicate slashes in the path (r19600)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Setting industry prop 0x24 to 0 caused empty station names (r19590)
- Fix: Crash when pressing 'h' (non-stop) in the order window of a ship or aircraft [FS#3744] (r19584)
- Fix: Graphs were not properly updated when going toggling keys (i.e. companies) (r19574)
- Fix: The timetable button was not automatically raised [FS#3739] (r19571)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Possible buffer underflow in NewGRF string code (r19569)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not return a random colour for unowned industries in var 45; TTDPatch does not seem to set the colour data in that case either and it could lead to desyncs (r19566)
- Fix: Window::OnResize() was not always called while resizing a window causing incorrect windows [FS#3730] (r19563, r19558)
- Fix: Bridge build error message should not show the same message twice (r19560, r19559)
- Fix: [NewGRF] During NewGRF loading, store rail type labels in temporary data and process after loading has finished. This avoids deactivated rail vehicles being reactivated if the climate property is set after the rail type property (r19557, r19502)
- Fix: Improperly scaled cargo payment graph when having lots of cargo (r19550, 19543)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Properties set before property 08 (house, industry, industry tiles) should be ignored, not trigger the NewGRF to be disabled [FS#3725] (r19547)
- Fix: Sorting industries by production was broken for NewGRF industries (r19538)
- Fix: Vehicle details window did not resize correctly after refitting a road vehicle to a longer variant [FS#3720] (r19533)
- Fix: Prevent drawing industries disabled at the smallmap as land tiles when they are built on water (r19523)
- Fix: Tunnels, bridges and roadstops are build with only one roadtype (r19506)
- Fix: Remove same_industry_close setting did not do what it said and caused NewGRF trouble (r19499)
- Fix: Keep number padding intact when cloning vehicle names [FS#3710] (r19498)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Bytes and words get sign-extended for temporary/persistent storage (r19497)
- Fix: Stop reducing the size of the vehicle list after selecting a vehicle with a long description (r19480)
- Feature: Append rail type speed limit (if set) to rail type selection list, and toolbar title (r19431)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Smallmap colours for railtypes (r19307)
- Change: Make the drive through and cargo list consistency checks only run when 'desync' debugging is enabled (r19403, r19398)
- Change: Update documentation for console command connect to use ip:port#company parameter format, in line with command line help (r19374)
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase railtype cost range (r19306)
- Fix: Mark industry windows dirty more often [FS#3701] (r19443)
- Fix: Custom group names are misaligned with default ones when using rtl languages [FS#3700] (r19438)
- Fix: With certain game settings one could clear tiles for free when building long roads (r19436)
- Fix: When loading a savegame created with a house NewGRF without that NewGRF available all houses became tall office blocks (r19435)
- Fix: Limit rail clearance earnings to 3/4s of rail build cost, to avoid money making loophole when rail build cost is less than rail removal earnings (r19433)
- Fix: Crash when the error message 'owned by <town>' was shown [FS#3696] (r19432)
- Fix: [NoAI] When the title game contains an AIPL block the AI settings where overwritten by those from the title game (r19429)
- Fix: Gracefully handle the case where we cannot open a .tar file (r19427)
- Fix: [YAPP] A train on a bridge/tunnel was not always found when checking for trains on a reserved path (r19425)
- Fix: [NoAI] The AI Debug window did not open if an AI or library fails to compile when loading a savegame [FS#3669] (r19395)
- Fix: One could not level the whole map anymore at once (r19392)
- Fix: Only show the 'No AIs available' error message when explicitly changing the number of AI opponents [FS3676] (r19389)
- Fix: [NoAI] When reloading a savegame, an AI failing to compile could trigger (trying) to read the not yet loaded information of another AI via the AI Debug window and its 'open with the most recently used AI' feature [FS#3666] (r19388)
- Feature: [YAPF] Consider the railtype imposed speed limit for pathfinding (r19301)
- Feature: BaNaNaS support for music sets (r19262)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add 2 bits of pseudo-random data for rail types, based on tile location (r19235)
- Feature: [Windows] Add OpenMSX to the installer (r19220, r19219)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add CB36 support for aircraft properties 0F and 11 (r19218)
- Feature: Scroll to current order destination when ctrl+clicking the start/stop bar (r19216, r19215)
- Feature: Concept of fallback base sets, i.e. do not automatically load the NoMusic/NoSound sets when there is another set; make NoSound part of base installations (r19214, r19213, r19212, r19211, r19206)
- Feature: Support for genders for cargos, industries, vehicles, stations (r19180, r19179, r19178, r19177)
- Change: Increase the default small font size for freetype fonts as 6 point fonts are usually unreadable [FS#3655] (r19308)
- Change: [NewGRF] Railtype cost factor from byte to word value (r19306)
- Change: Improve error message with track building when signals are in the way (r19190, r19189)
- Change: Do not print the absolute path to AI script files in the AI debug window, use the relative path from /ai/ instead (r19166)
- Change: The Debian packaging; bring it in sync with the packaging used at Debian excluding package splitting (r19162)
- Fix: [Windows] Disable sound when a sound error happens instead of crashing [FS#3652] (r19304)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Return the TTD airport type in station var 0xF1 (r19299)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Segfault when station vars 0xF2/0xF3 is accessed when there is no truck/bus stop (r19298)
- Fix: [NoAI] Some methods of AIAbstractList left invalid iterators [FS#3566] (r19293)
- Fix: [YAPP] If reversing at path signals was disabled, a train would not reverse when hitting the back of an one-way signal (r19286)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Ensure prices cannot be set to zero. Zero prices break a lot of the internal logic to determine whether something has been done [FS#3646] (r19277)
- Fix: 'Cannot build <industry> here... <industry> in the way' showed the to-be-built industry twice, instead of the to-be-built industry and the industry that is in the way [FS#3618] (r19265)
- Fix: Writing (console) output to a file failed on Windows if the date would not be logged [FS#3639] (r19252)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Some GRF error messages did not free the previous error messages, creating a memory leak (r19251)
- Fix: With RTL languages clicking a horizontal scrollbar that could not scroll could cause a crash [FS#3643] (r19250)
- Fix: Start and end tiles were swapped in CMD_REMOVE_LONG_ROAD causing too much road to be removed [FS#3642] (r19249)
- Fix: DOS 'port' did not compile anymore (r19248)
- Fix: The -M command line option did not work (r19233)
- Fix: GetDestination() is invalid for nearest-depot orders (r19210)
- Fix: Compilation was broken for gcc 3.3 (r19207)
- Fix: The vehicle info in the autoreplace gui was drawn even when the window was shaded [FS#3634] (r19187)
- Fix: When selecting 'build many industries' in the scenario editor the 'build' button was not enabled [FS#3632] (r19176)
- Fix: Buoys are no Stations, only BaseStations (r19174)
- Fix: Under some circumstances timidity (via extmidi) would not shut down properly causing all kinds of trouble (e.g. blocked audio output). Try harder to shut down timidity and first shut down the music so shut down order is the inverse of initialisation order (r19168)
- Fix: Industry 0 could be choosen even if not available [FS#3631] (r19167)
- Fix: Vehicle running costs should not be changed in a running game [FS#3629] (r19165)
- Feature: Allow to select different land colours for the smallmap (r19064)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Action 3/2/1 (i.e. new graphics) support for rail types (r19056)
- Feature: Add zoom-out to smallmap (r19039)
- Add: [NoAI] AIOrder::[G|S]etStopLocation to get/set the stop location of trains in a rail station (r19014)
- Change: Move home directory to a better place in Haiku [FS#3625] (r19151)
- Change: Do not load the 'new game' NewGRFs when you are certain the savegame would not have been saved with them, i.e. do not load the 'new game' NewGRFs for TTO savegames (r19044)
- Fix: Invisible depots draw the track, so also draw the overlays (r19154)
- Fix: [v]seprintf should return the number of added characters excluding '\0' on truncation [FS#3627] (r19149, r19148)
- Fix: [YAPF] Look-ahead for multitile waypoints 'made up' data that should not go into the cache, causing desyncs in MP [FS#3619] (r19141)
- Fix: Report a more useful error when failing to build a bubble generator (r19137)
- Fix: Resize station cargo widget when needed to display all accepted cargo types [FS#3617] (r19123)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Industry property 0x17 was interpreted incorrectly and in some cases circumvented the density difficulty setting (r19120)
- Fix: removing towns (in the scenario editor) that had stations/depots refer to them or vehicles were on the town's road could cause a crash [FS#3616] (r19119)
- Fix: In the order window the Non-stop dropdown was not enabled for depot and waypoint orders and some buttons were raised too soon [FS#3593] (r19118, r19117)
- Fix: Do not crash on broken lng file and prevent it from happening again [FS#3611] (r19113, r19112)
- Fix: Not all news data was properly freed when starting a new game [FS#3614] (r19105)
- Fix: The BeMidi driver was broken [FS#3610] (r19097)
- Fix: Crash when one of the items in the news_display group in the config file has no value (r19096)
- Fix: Crash when a baseset has an empty metadata field (r19095)
- Fix: Possible read/write after free when the client triggered the server to close the connection [FS#3599] (r19072)
- Fix: Remove Bidi control characters from the reordered text so they are not drawn [FS#3604] (r19067)
- Fix: When banning yourself via rcon do not send the 'command response' to the client as the connection has already been terminated [FS#3598] (r19054)
- Fix: Mass stopping/starting/autoreplacing gave empty errors when there were no vehicles [FS#3577] (r19024)
- Fix: City airport introduction date had become 5 years later (r19023)
- Fix: Loading old (0.1-ish) savegames failed (r19022)
- Fix: Do not NULL the pointers when saving the savegame on an error during saving; the savegame is still valid, so do not make it invalid [FS#3570] (r19021)
- Fix: When removing roads, the player was also charged for removing the foundations [FS#3591] (r19016)
- Feature: Show empty query after creating new group (instead of 'Group nnn') (r18981)
- Feature: [NewGRF] NewGRF-settable rail type properties, increase number of possible rail types, per rail type speed limits (r18970, r18969)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Allow layering of multiple groundsprites in spritelayouts of stations, houses and industrytiles; so hacks with zero-sized bounding boxes are no longer needed and no longer cause trouble (r18959)
- Feature: [NoAI] Introduce GetBuildCost functions in several classes to get easier cost estimations before you start building (r18955)
- Feature: [NoAI] Allow editing AI settings while an AI is running (r18953)
- Feature: Make it possible to change newgame settings from within a game via the console (use setting_newgame instead of setting) [FS#2885] (r18943)
- Feature: Add a setting to reduce/disable aircraft crashes [FS#2678] (r18942)
- Feature: Make the crash position of aircraft a bit random by giving aircraft a chance to crash every tick they are breaking (r18940)
- Change: [NoAI] Use the highest version of an AI that can load the AI data from a savegame instead of the exact same version [FS#3232] (r18944)
- Fix: Off-by-one in the music playlist (song missing) [FS#3588] (r18997)
- Fix: [NewGRF] industry var A5 (=high 8 bits of var A4) returned the high 8 bits of var A2. Same problem for 9B/9A/98 (r18988)
- Fix: [NoAI] Make building long rails fail for AIs if there is an obstacle in the way (r18987)
- Fix: Possible invalid memory access when merging companies [FS#3584] (r18978)
- Fix: Estimating the cost of removing statues could clear the presence flag in the town (r18976)
- Fix: CMD_BUILD_ROAD missed CMD_AUTO. Also do not access tiles anymore after clearing them; that fails either in test or exec run [FS#3578] (r18974)
- Fix: Train acceleration for original acceleration model was not updated if the train's power changed (r18971)
- Fix: Make sure the values of settings loaded from a savegame are valid (r18950)
- Fix: After clicking move up/move down in the NewGRF/AI the selected item could be out of range [FS#1510] (r18948, r18947)
- Fix: It was possible to change AI settings without changing to the custom difficulty level by using the query text window (r18946)
- Fix: Remove the loading indicators as soon as a train crashes [FS#3575] (r18941)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Industrylayout's special water tile check did not properly check for crossing north border of map (r18938)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Value of variables 90 and 91 were not what NARS expects [FS#3551] (r18935)
- Fix: [Windows] In some rare case a deadlock could happen when stopping sound driver (r18934, r18913, r18892)
- Fix: [NoAI] Autoreplace is also valid for the default group (r18930)
- Fix: Preserve some timetable related vehicle flags during autorenew/-replace [FS#3568] (r18929)
- Fix: AIOrder::GetOrderDestination could return a non-waypoint tile when the waypoint was a multitile waypoint [NoAI] (r18924)
- Fix: On bankruptcy the company value did include the loan and as such the value at which you bought the company was too low [FS#3561] (r18908)
- Fix: Writing LZO-compressed savegames would produce invalid files and potentially overwrite memory (r18904)
- Fix: [Windows] File locations for Windows were not documented correctly for all versions of Windows [FS#3562] (r18903)
- Fix: Pressing cancel for the query windows of the world generation window caused the default to be set instead of no changes to the value [FS#3558] (r18896)
- Fix: Avoid duplicate path separator when searching for PNG files which prevented tar-lookups (r18891)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Perform bounds checking for all NewGRF data reads. Explicit length checks (which were not always correct) are no longer needed so these are removed to simplify code (r18884)
- Fix: Aircraft can be send to an hangar when the target airport has one and when it can land, not only when it has a plane terminal (r18880)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Crash when a NewGRF used var62 in an industry tile chain when the industry tile was part of an original industry (r18878)
- Feature: Make building (long) roads work like building rail; build upon the first obstruction instead of failing totally [FS#3318] (r18803)
- Feature: Allow user customisable compression levels for the zlib compression (r18772)
- Feature: [NoAI] Rerandomise AIs on reloading (via the debug window) when they were randomly chosen [FS#3095] (r18763)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Implement VarAction2Houses variables 66 and 67 (r18736)
- Change: [SDL/Allegro] Make the number of samples/frequency runtime configurable (r18821, r18820)
- Change: Be consistent with airport naming [FS#3493] (r18819)
- Change: [NewGRF] Consider callback 19 only broken after subcargos 0 to 255 have been used, instead of stopping at 15 (r18774)
- Change: Replace MiniLZO with the real library (r18769)
- Fix: Town noise population settings could not be changed in-game [FS#3532] (r18864)
- Fix: Do not pass AI strings through iconv [FS#3544] (r18862)
- Fix: Do not do screen redraw when the landscape contains broken slopes [FS#3540] (r18850)
- Fix: Default-waypoint was drawn incorrectly for monorail and maglev in the waypoint picker (r18841)
- Fix: In some cases error messages were not properly sent to the client before closing the connection. As a result the client would say 'connection lost' when the cause was something completely different (r18801)
- Fix: In some cases with invalid packets one can crash OpenTTD (r18800)
- Fix: [SDL] Possible deadlock when killing OpenTTD while starting it [FS#3521] (r18796)
- Fix: When copying an 'image' back into the buffer the 32bpp anim blitter triggered palette check of the whole window instead of only the part the got copied back [FS#3504] (r18791)
- Fix: Viewport could jump under high CPU load [FS#3515] (r18790)
- Fix: Crash when getting the tooltip of the industry amount in the world generation window [FS#3516] (r18787)
- Fix: [NoAI] NoAI's custom implementation of DoCommandP has several flaws (not masking of bits, not resetting town authority updates on checks/estimates, ...). Let it use DoCommandPInternal, DoCommandP without showing error messages and such, instead [FS#3507] (r18786)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIs did update their last cost incorrectly in network games if the cost of the DC_EXEC phase differed from the ~DC_EXEC phase (r18781)
- Fix: [YAPP] Remove a special check for two-sided signals when reserving a path as this causes trains to get stuck in front of them [FS#3483] (r18778)
- Fix: Assertions because the unloading and signal wait counter got into eachother's way [FS#3422] (r18764)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Spritelayouts do not need an Action 1 if only using default sprites [FS#3497] (r18761)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Action 9 did not properly detect whether an Action 8 was encountered already [FS#3500] (r18760)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not segfault when a NewGRF contains an Action 2 and Action 3 but no Action 0 (r18759)
- Fix: [NewGRF] CircularTileSearch skipped a few tiles close to the starting tile, as a result some NewGRF houses could be placed too close together [FS#3495] (r18755)
- Fix: The cargo payment button states were not properly set on opening the window [FS#3492] (r18750)
- Fix: [NoAI] The AI's name and version in the debug panel was not properly centered [FS#3491] (r18749)
- Fix: Clear the cached NewGRFs of a server when receiving a reply instead of when requesting the information. With slow/unstable network connections it would look like the NewGRF settings button went randomly missing [FS#3489] (r18746)
- Fix: Do not toggle the sticky- and shading-button twice per mouseclick when clicking fast [FS#3487] (r18744)
- Fix: [NewGRF] House prop 1D was trashed when a NewGRF contains prop 14 after prop 1D (r18742)
- Fix: Building trees on snow with rocks underneed caused an assert [FS#3501] (r18739)
- Fix: When a tree died while there was snow the amount of snow on the tile changed (r18738)
- Fix: [NewGRF] VarAction2Station variable 67 was not swapped properly for orientation (r18737)
- Feature: Do not delete the rough/rocky status of a tile when it is covered by snow, this allows rocky tiles under snow if you have a variable snowline (r18719)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for custom station foundation graphics (r18708)
- Feature: Allow virtually paying a percentage of the leg profit in feeder chains. This to give the user a better chance to get a feeder system without 'losses' (r18703)
- Feature: Configurable slope steepness for trains from 0% to 10%, default is 3% as before [FS#3459] (r18674)
- Feature: Allow contour-map to be shown with coloured industries in smallmap [FS#567] (r18665)
- Change: [NoAI] Merge buoy and waypoint functions (r18725)
- Change: [NoAI] AIEngine::IsValidEngine will now also return true when you have at least one vehicle of that type even if you cannot build it anymore (r18687)
- Change: Update Squirrel from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (r18639)
- Fix: New viewports did not center on the correct position [FS#3414] (r18730)
- Fix: The lock in the company window was only drawn for your own company [FS#3427] (r18729)
- Fix: Some invalid gender/plural indices in strings, which could eventually cause crashes [FS#3480] (r18727)
- Fix: With non-uniform industries the 'supplies' text when building a station could be incorrect (missing a cargo) [FS#3463] (r18726)
- Fix: Refitting a non-refittable vehicle to it's default cargotype failed, causing problems for AIs [FS#3475] (r18724)
- Fix: The join station window did not account for scrolling, so if you did scroll the station was not joined with the selected station [FS#3476] (r18713)
- Fix: The wrong town is mentioned in the error when trying to make one way roads of town owned roads [FS#3478] (r18710)
- Fix: Animation buffer for 32bpp-anim blitter was only validated during sprite blitting, other drawing operations did not check it. Initial startup and window resize could therefore lead to crash [FS#3464] (r18709)
- Fix: Enable DrawGroundSpriteAt() to deal with foundations as DrawGroundSprite() does, and use this for drawing one-way-road-signs and clear-land-fences [FS#3467] (r18702)
- Fix: When deleting an industry on water (oil rigs) the tiles on water were not marked dirty (r18700)
- Fix: [NewGRF] GRF parameters were not properly initialised to zero, and not always checked for valid range (r18699)
- Fix: Crash when scrolling to an item removed by filtering in the 'add NewGRF window' [FS#3471] (r18697)
- Fix: [NoAI] AITile::IsCoastTile returned false for coast tiles with trees on them [FS#3404] (r18696)
- Fix: After a company went bankrupt it was impossible to build a new waypoint close to a deleted one until the grey sign was gone (r18692)
- Fix: Some keys that open windows that want to be located relatively to the toolbars/statusbar could cause a crash when in one of the end game screens [FS#3469] (r18690)
- Fix: In some cases _sl.chs is used when not initialised. As _sl.chs always refers to a single table when initialised replace _sl.chs with the actual table [FS#3470] (r18686)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Tile area of waypoints was not correctly given to NewGRFs in case of multi tile waypoints (r18679)
- Fix: [NewGRF] If an action B did not have a 'data' string but would print it OpenTTD would segfault [FS#3452] (r18671)
- Fix: Update all tiles when snowline height changes in larger steps than one tile [FS#3455] (r18670)
- Fix: Aircraft on the metropolitan airport took a long route to the closest loading pad [FS#3169] (r18661)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Wrong strings drawn for cargo subtype in vehicle details [FS#3443] (r18658)
- Fix: When trying to attach a wagon to an existing free wagon chain, do not attach it to itself [FS#3442] (r18653)
- Fix: [NoAI] When AI tried to create NO_UNLOAD order, GOTO_NEAREST_DEPOT order was created instead [FS#3438] (r18651)
- Fix: [YAPP] Treat the backside of an one-way path signals as a safe waiting point [FS#3430] (r18648)
- Fix: [YAPP] A train inside a station was not always found when checking for trains on a reserved path (r18647)
- Fix: [YAPP] Do not extend the reserved path through a newly built path signal directly in front of a stopped or loading train. Also restore the reserved path in more cases after removing a signal [FS#3418] (r18646)
- Fix: Company league window was too narrow [FS#3434] (r18644)
- Fix: Rotation could not be changed for heightmaps [FS#3436] (r18643)
- Fix: When a company goes bankrupt and has vehicles on a drive through road stop that is not theirs, the 'filled' cache of the road stops would get corrupted [FS#3432] (r18642)
- Fix: Downloading music sets would fail (r18638)
- Fix: Crash when invalid pointers are left due to saveload failing at e.g. decompressing the savegame [FS#3421] (r18634)
- Fix: When making a screenshot the name of the previous screenshot went missing in the 'successful screenshot' message and the console command would be shown twice [FS#3419] (r18631, r18630)
- Fix: (un)loading counter being reset while loading a train and changing the (path) signal setup around the station [FS#3422] (r18628)
- Fix: {CARGO} takes 2 parameters, not 1. This made {N:XYZ} commands after CARGO mess up their indices and that then triggered an assertion [FS#3425] (r18626)
- Feature: Make penalty for road stop occupancy user configurable (r18404)
- Feature: Fully scalable, by font size and content, GUI and improved right-to-left language support [FS#1905] (r15800-r18350)
- Feature: Set the start time of a timetable (r18294)
- Feature: Show the expected arrival/departure dates in the timetable window (r18285)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add new price bases for removing industries, building/removing unmovables (new objects), building/removing rail-waypoints/buoys, interacting with town-authority, building foundations, funding primary industries (when not prospecting) and towns (r18283)
- Feature: Founding towns in-game (r18281)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Make price base multipliers related to vehicles only apply to the GRF locally, if it defines engines of that type itself (r18268)
- Feature: Non-automatic screenshot name can be entered in console (r17938)
- Feature: Make it possible to disable background saving, only via the config file/in game console though [FS#2633] (r17893)
- Feature: Automatically select the railtype with the most engines for the autoreplace window/try to avoid showing an empty autoreplace list [FS#1760] (r17892)
- Feature: Show maximum tractive effort in the 'exclusive test'/'early offer'/'engine preview' window [FS#1619] (r17891)
- Feature: Double clicking on a NewGRF opens the parameters window (r17890)
- Feature: Double click on a item in the refit list refits without the need to click on the refit button (r17889)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Textstack support for CB 37 [FS#1862] (r17802)
- Feature: [OSX] Implement automatic fallback font selection for OSX (r17794)
- Feature: Translatable base sound/graphics set descriptions (r17790)
- Feature: Show the nickname of the person you are PMing [FS#3116] (r17741)
- Feature: [OSX] Add a MIDI driver using Cocoa/CoreAudio [FS#3223] (r17710)
- Feature: [OSX] Implement clipboard support for OS X [FS#2053] (r17708)
- Feature: Possibility to choose (randomise or enter custom) town name before its creation (r17612)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Callbacks for houses to disable drawing foundations and to disable slope changes, like industry tile callbacks 30 and 3C (r17558)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Implement callback 145 (custom station rating) (r17547)
- Feature: Filtering in Add-NewGRF dialog (r17541)
- Feature: Add the date to all logging in the (real, not in-game) console if show_date_in_console is set. For dedicated server binaries the default is 'on', for the rest it is 'off' [FS#2339] (r17488)
- Feature: Reconnect console command (r17466)
- Feature: Allow building rail stations over existing rail without signals but will upgrade normal rail to electrified rail if necessary (r17460)
- Feature: Crash logger for all Unixy OSes in a similar way as the Windows crash logger (r17453)
- Feature: Open the 'Rename group' dialog after creating new group (r17281)
- Feature: [NoAI] Older API compatability wrappers, so one can get the 0.7 API in later versions while keeping the real API clean (r17214)
- Feature: The Windows installer can now optionnaly download OpenGFX and OpenSFX (r17191)
- Feature: Sort vehicle lists on (timetable) delay [FS#2945] (r17182)
- Feature: Localised decimal separator (r17157)
- Feature: Improved the sample rate conversion a bit (r17146)
- Feature: Sound replacement sets, like graphics replacement sets (r17139)
- Feature: Multi tile waypoints (r17002, r17000, r16993)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Turn variable 0E/8E (vertical offset for trains in depot) and variable 1E/9E bit 3 (wagon width in depot) into grf-local variables (r16867)
- Feature: Highlight whole articulated vehicles in traindepot instead of only the first part (r16818)
- Feature: Ability to enter server and company password via command line when joining a server [FS#570] (r16555)
- Feature: Give the town generator a slight tendency to build towns near water by not discarding watery random tiles but by searching for near land [FS#2635] (r16147)
- Feature: Configurable digit group separator per language with user override (r16129)
- Feature: Make the first 4 rail building tools behave more like autorail (r16095)
- Feature: Allow sorting stations by the lowest cargo rating instead of only by the highest cargo rating [FS#597] (r16045)
- Feature: Allow filtering of vehicle purchase lists by cargo [FS#1941] (r16042)
- Feature: Allow (per order) to let a train stop at the near end, middle or far end of a platform from the point of view of the driver of the train that enters the station (r16037)
- Feature: Listen on multiple IPs/sockets and register all IPs to the master server (r16014, r15975, r15973, r15971)
- Feature: Full IPv6 support (r16000)
- Feature: Allow train vehicles to be shorten to 1/8 length, even if not at the end of the train (r15793)
- Add: [NoAI] AIOrder::AIOF_GOTO_NEAREST_DEPOT for goto nearest depot orders (r18518)
- Add: [NoAI] Enable the squirrel standard math library (r17498)
- Add: [NoAI] A vehicle list for all vehicle that are ordered to a specific depot (r17486)
- Change: Forbid industries to clear sea/river when leveling land (r18554)
- Change: Make it visible when you are to pass the next signal on danger and possible to cancel it (r18515)
- Change: Move the 'check online content' button from the AI list window to the AI configuration window. This makes it consistent with the NewGRF windows [FS#3340] (r18507)
- Change: Use zł instead of zl for the Polish Zloty [FS#565] (r18434)
- Change: Show different texts in town GUI when the town does not need food the whole year to grow (r18433)
- Change: Make road vehicles behave more like trains 'around' stations and use pathfinder penalties to determine to which 'part' to go (r18382)
- Change: Do not split up articulated vehicles in the train details view. If an articulated vehicle it too 'wide' draw the information on the next line and if there are multiple cargos split that over multiple lines too [FS#2923] (r18344)
- Change: Make pause on join pause during the whole joining (including download) phase [FS#3287] (r18054)
- Change: Prefer extmidi over allegro midi and allegro over null driver [FS#3272] (r17875)
- Change: Several improvements to the performance of CargoPackets/CargoLists; time spent in those functions reduces by 55-85% (r17840, r17836, r17818, r17814, r17812, r17801, r17736, r17735, r17733, r17731, r17730)
- Change: [SDL] Make 'update the video card'-process asynchronious. Improvements of 2%-25% (real time) during fast forward on dual core/hyperthreading-enabled CPUs (r17776)
- Change: [NoAI] Make AIEngine:CanRefitCargo() not report refittability to Mail by default for aircraft. It is not necessarily true, and the special case of carrying both passenger&mail is better handled by AIs themself than by the API (r17719)
- Change: [OSX] Do not use deprecated methods/undocumented functions [FS#1411] (r17712, r17711)
- Change: Make SDL's video driver more likely to be loaded than Allegro's video driver; SDL seems to perform better (r17583)
- Change: Do not assume that there is always 'another' industry tile after two '0x18' industry tiles (r17521)
- Change: Make the performance ratings harder to exploit; only count profitable vehicles and recently serviced stations [FS2459] (r17485)
- Change: When removing a station or waypoint keep the rail unless Ctrl is pressed. This makes the behaviour consistent between the two (r17471)
- Change: Show the client id in join messages at the server (r17467)
- Change: NewGRF price modifiers now take effect everytime when loading NewGRFs instead of once on gamestart (r17433)
- Change: Make a distinction between missing and corrupted data files. If (at least) one data file is missing do not consider the set to be useable. Do also no autodetect sets with missing files (r17241)
- Change: Update MiniLZO to 2.0.3 (r17215)
- Change: Update Squirrel to 2.2.3 (r17195)
- Change: Remove UNICODE notice in windows installer (r17186)
- Change: Apply the subsidy when subsidy's destination is in station's catchment area and cargo packets originate from subsidy's source [FS#265,FS#2094,FS#2589] (r17113)
- Change: Subsidies are not bound to stations after awarding anymore, they still apply to town or industry, no matter what station is used for loading and unloading. Awarded subsidies from older savegames are lost [FS#1134] (r17113)
- Change: [NoAI] Add AIBaseStation as a parentclass for AIStation and AIWaypoint, and move GetName, SetName and GetLocation to AIBaseStation (r17011)
- Fix: Conditional orders were seen as 'valid' and as such aircraft with only conditional orders did not crash (r18615)
- Fix: Pressing default for the starting year/snow line height edit boxes of the world generation windows did not work [FS#3398] (r18586)
- Fix: [OSX] Try to get a generic RGB colour space if getting the system colour profile failed [FS#3198] (r18573)
- Fix: [NewGRF] House property 15 did not work [FS#2613] (r18567)
- Fix: Do not try to overtake a vehicle in a road station as overtaking in a station is not allowed [FS#3390] (r18561)
- Fix: Make aircraft behave the same on autoreplace/autorenew as other vehicle types (r18553)
- Fix: First do the time-since-last-service check and only then determine whether autoreplace needs to take place. This way they will not keep autoreplacing continuously on failure, but only after some timeout. Also check some minimal requirements (engine availability, refittability) and a heuristic for the needed money when sending vehicles for autoreplace [FS#1762] (r18551, r18549)
- Fix: Do not account for path reservation costs when entering a signal block via a 'block' signal. This way you won't get double penalties, both red signals and reservation costs, for the block signalled tracks [FS#2722] (r18535)
- Fix: [NewGRF] An industry NewGRF that defined a too small size for action0 prop 0A could cause a crash (r18527)
- Fix: Allegro does not like to work with extmidi, so warn the user about that [FS#3272] (r18520)
- Fix: When you pass a signal at danger, in a PBS controlled area, do not try to do the 'safe' thing and stop, but continue going; the user wanted the train to pass the signal at danger so (s)he has to suffer the consequences. Ofcourse one can always stop the train manually [FS#2891] (r18515)
- Fix: No error message was created for the first fatal NewGRF error [FS#3368] (r18506)
- Fix: Improve airport movement on several airports [FS#3169] (r18505)
- Fix: Autoreplace and autorenew always reset their cargo sub type to 0. Now find a sub cargo type with the exact same name and use that, otherwise fallback to 0. So cargo sub types can be maintained via autoreplace *if* the new vehicle supports the same cargo sub type [FS#3159] (r18499)
- Fix: Cloning of vehicles could create vehicles with invalid cargo sub types for the build year of the vehicle. Fall back to another cargo sub type with the exact same name, otherwise fallback to cargo sub type 0 [FS#2616] (r18498)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Direction is accounted for long before motion counter is updated (r18479)
- Fix: Moving vehicles around/selling vehicle in the train depot could create states that are not allowed by the NewGRF attach callback [FS#3146] (r18472, r18470)
- Fix: Unselect an AI in the AI Settings window when it falls out of the range of active AIs [FS#3357] (r18436)
- Fix: Road vehicles would not pick an empty drive through stop. Now they will *if* the penalty for driving around is less than the occupancy penalty [FS#1944] (r18404)
- Fix: Long (articulated) road vehicles could block loading of others when the following road vehicle already got 'permission' to go to the next bay even when it could not reach it [FS#1495] (r18404)
- Fix: The tree 'which one to draw' hash wasn't anywhere near random and thus showed a very visible repeated pattern when only one tree type was used [FS#3343] (r18398)
- Fix: [NoAI] Make AIIndustryType::GetConstructionCost() return -1, if the industry is neither buildable nor prospectable (r18276)
- Fix: Use free type ascender/descender metrics to position font offset correctly (r18096)
- Fix: Make the 'pause' chat message when actually executing the pause command. This to prevent showing paused and especially unpaused to be shown when the state does not change. Output now mentions whether pause changes keep the game paused and what reasons for pausing there 'currently' are (r18052)
- Fix: [NoAI] Improve behaviour of (AIEngine|AIEventEnginePreview)::GetCargoType() and AIEngine::CanRefitCargo() wrt. articulated vehicles (r17898)
- Fix: [NewGRF] CB15 and CB36 (capacity) were not always called when they should [FS#3255] (r17897)
- Fix: Invalidate cache of vehicle vars 40-43 after testruns of certain commands, that change them temporarily (r17894)
- Fix: [OSX] The splash image was not displayed if the Quartz video driver was used (r17793)
- Fix: Do not let aircraft drive a while over the grass when landing at high altitude airports [FS#3259] (r17762
- Fix: Make the -c <config file> location relative to the current directory instead of the directory of the binary [FS#3247] (r17686)
- Fix: Some semaphore signals fell outside of the signal GUI. Now the signals are properly centered which should make that problem go away [FS#3242] (r17657)
- Fix: Some inconsistencies with the difficulty settings in the scenario editor. Also re-enable changing some difficulty settings (e.g. max loan) in the scenario editor [FS#3219] (r17644)
- Fix: Do not accept cargo produced in the same industry; generalise and improve the check used only for valuables (r17437)
- Fix: Pay only for cargo actually delivered, not for all cargo unloaded at station; can differ with 'stockpiling' industries (r17436)
- Fix: Improve movement of aircraft; do not make turns bigger than 45 degrees while in flight, do not move while turning on the ground (r17415, r17405)
- Fix: Crash in order GUI when changing some orders with both the mouse and keyboard at the exact same time [FS#2859] (r17384)
- Fix: Trains would not show smoke if the load/unload counter was not 0, though there does not seem to be a reason to check that variable anyhow anymore [FS#3162] (r17352)
- Fix: One was not offered to take over bankrupt companies anymore; caused by the introduction NoAI, although NewAI had the same problem too [FS#2769] (r17345)
- Fix: Minor improvements of the airport state machines (r17338, r17337, r17334)
- Fix: Road vehicles forgetting their servicing order when the path takes them away (in bird distance) from their destination first [FS#3057] (r17333)
- Fix: Mention of Ctrl modifier was missing from some tooltips [FS#3120] (r17300, r17297)
- Fix: Keep vehicle news and viewports following vehicles, when autoreplacing/renewing them [FS#3048] (r17147)
- Fix: Inconsistency between signs of stations and waypoints [FS#3081] (r17040)
- Fix: NewGRF stations would be triggering assertions for waypoints all over the place when using the more advanced station types [FS#2996] (r16909)
- Fix: Skipping a 'nearest depot order' because none could be found could cause multiple orders to get skipped [FS#2925] (r16457)
- Fix: Makedepend cannot handle the amount of files we have and it also miss some dependencies. So use our custom implementation of makedepend (r16307)
- Fix: Autopause and manual pausing conflict with eachother, new game + pause on new game + autopause make the game not unpause on the first join [FS#2864] (r16242)
- Remove: [NoAI] AIVehicle::SkipToVehicleOrder as it was a duplicate of AIOrder.SkipToOrder (r18504)
- Remove: OPF for RVs and NTP for trains; both the oldest path finders (r18362)
- Remove: Support for gcc2. It has not been able to compile OTTD for months. All attempts to do another workaround failed (r16492)
- Add: Some missing latin-ish characters from the OpenGFX set (r18431)
- Change: Recolour the bubble generator just like any other industry [FS#3349] (r18409)
- Fix: Read after free in case no network connection could be made with the content server (r18493)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Initialisation of cargo payment was broken for NewGRF cargos [FS#3344] (r18475)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIOrder::SkipToOrder did not properly resolve ORDER_CURRENT (r18471)
- Fix: When moving a wagon and only the last part of a dual headed engine you could split the dual headed engine over two vehicles. This could be used to crash servers [CVE-2009-4007] (r18462)
- Fix: [Windows] Forgot to load the symbol from SDL.dll (r18439)
- Fix: Do not run the 'jam protection' for vehicles in a depot [FS#3360] (r18428)
- Fix: Under some circumstances a pointer could be left untouched and then freed. Make sure this does not happen by ensuring it starts out as NULL instead of 'garbage' [FS#3298] (r18418)
- Fix: On slopes the original and better road layouts did not check their minimum distance requirements [FS#3332] (r18415)
- Fix: Aqueducts were not influenced by the 'long bridges' setting [FS#3338] (r18407)
- Fix: Drive through road stops did not get flooded (r18401)
- Fix: [YAPP] Trains on bridges were not found, when searching for the origin of a reservation [FS#3345] (r18392)
- Fix: (Invalid) GRFs could trigger invalid reads (r18391)
- Fix: One could not share orders between buses carrying different cargos (r18380)
- Fix: Off-by-one in the preconfigured music lists [FS#3339] (r18369)
- Change: Prefer extmidi over allegro midi and allegro over null driver [FS#3272] (r17875)
- Change: [NewGRF] Apply default refitmasks only when the NewGRF did not set any of the three refittability properties (xor mask, positive classes, negative classes) (r17663)
- Fix: Crash when an articulated RV is turning on a drive through road station that gets forcefully (bankrupt) removed [FS#3310] (r18049)
- Fix: GCC 4.5 compiling (r18045)
- Fix: AIs failed to load their data from savegames by crashing them when they tried [FS#3290] (r18038)
- Fix: Screen jumped a bit for at least SDL and Allegro when right-click-dragging (r18030)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Improve parsing of RIFF data. Skip unknown chunks and check chunk sizes (r17999)
- Fix: When you start giving money (input window for amount), then get moved to spectators and you click 'Ok' a crash would occur (r17953)
- Fix: Use 24bpp BMP format instead of 32bpp for screenshots. Saves space and is supported by more image viewers (r17943)
- Fix: Close BMP file when making screenshot fails (r17941)
- Fix: Deadlock when trying to create screenshot with too long name (including path) (r17936)
- Fix: Crash when closing NewGRF parameter window with no NewGRF selected [FS#3291] (r17922)
- Fix: 32bpp BMP screenshots were in wrong colours on big endian machines and broken when screen width was not a multiple of 4 (r17910, r17909)
- Fix: Uninitialised values in some paths of loading TTO savegames [FS#3288] (r17908)
- Fix: Make the plane speed setting unchangeable in network games because it can be read by NewGRFs on game load and thus if it changes cause desyncs (r17902)
- Fix: [NewGRF] 'subtract-in' is also signed for production callback version 0 (r17857)
- Fix: [NewGRF] _date_fract runs from 0 to 73 since r2041. Variable 0x09 should not (r17824)
- Fix: Do not fail hard when no soundcard could be detected; just fall back on the null-driver [FS#3268] (r17788)
- Fix: CJK languages do not have spaces, so for adding newlines (multi line strings) we need to (properly) handle the case when there are no spaces instead of truncating the string [FS#3264] (r17772)
- Update: Documentation about bug reporting and known bugs (r17554)
- Fix: When a command did not fail in test run and failed in execution run, error message was not set. Affects only few commands (r17607)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Crash when defining the same tile in a tile layout twice [FS#3218] (r17605)
- Fix: Vehicle image was not always updated when needed (r17594)
- Fix: [NoAI] Could not query the size of small airports when they could not be build anymore [FS#3212] (r17591)
- Fix: Erroneous message about changing the difficulty level [FS#3220] (r17588)
- Fix: Assertion triggered when the second vehicle in a 101+ (or 11+ if mammoth trains is disabled) vehicle free wagon chain is an engine and the first vehicle is moved to another chain [FS#3208] (r17576)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Memory leak when viewing the NewGRF settings of a server (r17563)
- Fix: [NewGRF] The NewGRF settings of (remote) network games did not get properly updated when the NewGRFs were rescanned causing reading of freed data [FS#2972] (r17562)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Close the 'Add NewGRF' window when you close the 'NewGRF Settings' window. The add window has a pointer to the settings which means that not deleting it would cause dereferencing an already freed pointer [FS#3206] (r17559)
- Change: [NoAI] AITown::GetLastMonthProduction now returns the same value as AITown::GetMaxProduction (r17293)
- Change: Mention the MD5 checksum of the original NewGRF in the 'saveload failed horribly'-error message and make it more clear that the filename is of the current NewGRF [FS#3139] (r17267)
- Change: Make overbuilding the front tile of a road station/depot with road consistent with overbuilding the front tile of tunnels/bridges [FS#2802] (r17239)
- Change: Improve error output on missing or corrupt files (r17238)
- Change: [Unix] Only use colorized error output on interactive terminals (r17227)
- Change: [NoAI] Crash an AI when it uses a DoCommand / Sleep instead of just printing an error message in the AI Debug Window [FS#2980] (r17223)
- Change: [NoAI] When the API requests a string as parameter allow every squirrel type and convert to a string [FS#3101] (r17221)
- Change: Make strgen warn if the translation uses STRINGn or RAW_STRING instead of STRING (r17137, r17129)
- Change: [NoAI] Load the API before compiling an AI script so AIs can subclass API classes and use API constants as part of their own constants (r17043)
- Change: Add notion of Ctrl+Click in the tooltip for Loan borrow/repay buttons [FS#3066] (r16979)
- Change: [MSVC] Make all language files depend on english.txt (r16975)
- Change: There is no point in not randomising engine introduction-date before 1922. Instead disable the randomisation for the first two years after game-start, so you do not have to wait for the first engine (r16929)
- Fix: [Squirrel] In some cases the call stack would not be cleaned up properly during crash handling. Occasionally this causes asserts to be triggered or crashes [FS#3189] (r17515)
- Fix: When loading GRFConfigs from ini file, validate them wrt. duplicate GRF IDs [FS#3197] (r17510)
- Fix: When building a part fails during cloning, sell what was already cloned instead of leaving it 'for free'. Also make cloning multiheaded trains possible with with 'max - 1' vehicles existing [FS#3196] (r17509)
- Fix: [NoAI] The wrong value was restored to SetAllowDoCommand possible resulting in an AI that was not allowed to do any actions (r17500)
- Fix: Road vehicles could get lost when the prelimiary destination (for the pathfinder heuristics) is unreachable [FS#3188] (r17491)
- Fix: When building roads is not allowed for town, then do not build the initial piece either [FS#3173] (r17444)
- Fix: Destruction of depots did not remove any vehicle lists related to the depot, causing windows pointing to deleted depots and (thus) crashes [FS#3180] (r17442)
- Fix: Economy recession would never end when economy is set to Steady while in recession (r17426)
- Fix: The index of orders loaded from old savegames was owerwritten with an unitialized value (r17419)
- Fix: Incomplete check on validity of industry type when building industries (r17413)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Guard against Squirrel stack overflows (r17403)
- Fix: [NoAI] During every save a few slots on the Squirrel stack were leaked (r17402)
- Fix: [NoAI] Several AITile::* functions did not check whether their parameters were valid (r17378)
- Fix: Memory leak when trying to bankrupt the local company, other minor improvements of bankruptcy (r17342, r17341, r17340)
- Fix: Not all non-ASCII characters were entered with escapes in the About window (r17309)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIRail::RemoveRailTrack returned ERR_PRECONDITION_ERROR for road/rail-crossings (r17307)
- Fix: [NoAI] Reloading an AI started a new AI in the first available company slot causing other AIs to be started [FS#3153] (r17298)
- Fix: [NoAI] AITown::GetLastMonthTransported did not work as documented at all, make it return what AITown::GetLastMonthProduction did (r17293)
- Fix: Crash after upgrading base graphics set when opening the game options menu and you were using the upgraded set [FS#3147] (r17291)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Stack was not always cleared properly with tail recursion (r17284)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Calling a function that has default parameters with not enough parameters can cause a crash (r17273)
- Fix: Other tunnel end not shown if building rail tunnels and the first railtype is not available yet [FS#3141] (r17251)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIs that crashed during Save() were not killed as they should [FS#3134] (r17231)
- Fix: [NoAI] Do not assert when an AI uses AI*Mode objects incorrectly but crash the AI instead (r17230)
- Fix: Remove the (deprecated since 2006) Encoding entry from the openttd.desktop file (r17226)
- Fix: With time tables vehicles would stay in the 'loading' state after they have finished loading [FS#3129, FS#3130] (r17222)
- Fix: Do not ignore white space changes (e.g. alignment fixes) in the exporter (r17220)
- Fix: [NoAI] IsRoadTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRoadType()) was not a precondition for several AIRoad::* functions (r17203)
- Fix: [NoAI] Do not say you are building a depot when you are actually building a station (API docs typo) (r17201)
- Fix: Accept monthly production values in the scenario editor [FS#2406] (r17198)
- Fix: [Squirrel] FPE when an AI tried to do '% 0' (r17195)
- Fix: [NoAI] Guard the valuator against 'external' modifications of the valuated list which could cause it to go into an infinite loop [FS#3124] (r17193)
- Fix: Do not return exit value of rm, but of the actual configure run (r17163)
- Fix: A stuck train could free the reservation of another train if it was reversed or did crash (r17152)
- Fix: A train entering a PBS section through a block signal could cause a train crash if another reservation ending at a safe tile was already present in the section [FS#3104] (r17151)
- Fix: Update vehicle position cache when the vehicle sprite changes [FS#3060] (r17121)
- Fix: Mark industry tiles dirty when trigger are triggered (r17118)
- Fix: Squirrel_export.sh failed for some locales (r17109)
- Fix: Make restart command work again and make the help show how it works and how it does not work [FS#3092] (r17097)
- Fix: News message about ordered refits failing was not very clear [FS#3091] (r17096)
- Fix: Crash when renaming some stations [FS#3082] (r17078)
- Fix: RPM spec file failed for CentOS; apparantly their rpmbuild is pickier or so [FS#3024] (r17077)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Mark house tiles dirty when triggers were triggered (r17047)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Trigger house trigger 02 only for the north tile [FS#3085] (r17046)
- Fix: Graphical glitch with graph key [FS#3083] (r17041)
- Fix: '[bd]ash'-ism in configure [FS#3076] (r17026)
- Fix: Infinite recursion in content dependency checking [FS#3075] (r17015)
- Fix: Concatenating strings in Squirrel when non-ASCII strings were received from OpenTTD failed [FS#3074] (r17013)
- Fix: [NoAI] Documentation of AITile::LevelTiles was wrong (r17049)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIBridge::GetPrice returned incorrect values (r16986)
- Fix: Make it so that failing to generate many random towns in scenario editor returns a failing message [FS#3059] (r16977)
- Fix: The last manually added server would not be saved [FS#3062] (r16981)
- Fix: When marking trains stuck do not reset the unload/stuck counter when the vehicle is unloading. It will be automatically reset once the vehicle wants to leave the station [FS#3038] (r16901)
- Fix: Savegames from before 0.4 would get their waypoint 'index' messed up (r16854)
- Fix: Cargo payments were not destroyed when a vehicle was destructed. This only happened when you crashed a vehicle while it was unloading [FS#3032, FS#3046] (r16801)
- Add: [NoAI] AIVehicle::GetReliability to get the current reliability of vehicles (r16790)
- Fix: Call the AI Save() function only once so AIs can not crash OpenTTD [FS#3034] (r16834)
- Fix: Use the palette of the vehicle being drawn instead of the one of the front vehicle (r16819)
- Fix: Automatic resizing of SelectCompanyLiveryWindow was not working as expected [FS#3021] (r16809)
- Fix: Service orders did not behave like conditional orders; if a train does not need service it did not completely skip the order, but still go in the direction of the depot [FS#3031] (r16802)
- Fix: Houses would not get build on the map edge [FS#3025] (r16795)
- Fix: Audio playback rate was fixed at 11025Hz regardless of the rate specified to the audio driver, resulting in incorrect playback speed. It is still preferable to use 11025Hz output rate if possible as OpenTTD's sample rate converter is very low quality (r16784)
- Fix: Do not use the same error message for turning around road vehicles and flipping parts of trains in the depot [FS#3019] (r16772)
- Fix: When loading a savegame Engine::grffile might be left NULL in certain cases (dynamic_engines enabled, articulated vehicle with only wagon-override action3s) (r16737)
- Fix: Show Close instead of Cancel when there is nothing to canel in the content downloading window [FS#2991] (r16732)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIDepotList contained wrong tiles for hangars when st->xy != st->airport_tile (r16731)
- Fix: The Join station window did not show all stations nearby in some cases (r16728)
- Fix: Invalidate subsidies with invalid source or destination when converting older savegames (r16710)
- Fix: The list of animated tiles could have duplicates (only for old savegames) and tiles that were not animated [FS#2994] (r16709)
- Fix: When SDL/Allegro fail to initialise, fall back on another video driver but not to the null driver (r16702, r16700, r16699)
- Fix: Limit the screen's resolution to 65535x65535 so the dirty pixels stay within bounds of a 32 bits integer [FS#3001] (r16701)
- Fix: Only pay for whatever has been actually unloaded and perform the payment when unloading has finished [FS#2995] (r16694)
- Fix: Missing debug string for ESRB_SAFE_TILE in YAPF debugging helper [FS#3002] (r16690)
- Fix: When there is no AI version that can load data from the savegame, load the latest version of the same AI instead of a random AI (r16651, r16650, r16649)
- Fix: Loading of some town data from old savegames was broken (r16631)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Some of the var action 2 80+ variables contained wrong results from NewGRF perspective (r16615, r16613)
- Fix: Give a more meaningful error message when console commands expect an integer but do not get one (r16600)
- Fix: Mouse would under some circumstances not be undrawn when drawing the first chat line causing two mouse pointers to be visible [FS#2969] (r16594)
- Fix: Do not crash when tars/NewGRFs are removed, just tell the file could not be opened/found [FS#2967] (r16590)
- Fix: Set default stack size to 1MB to prevent _chstk crash (MSVC) [FS#2978] (r16589, r16588)
- Fix: [Network] Always send the starting date from the game you are currently playing instead the starting date from the config file (r16573)
- Fix: Also catch FPEs in saveload and the warning about missing NewGRFs; only happens when assertions are disabled and NewGRFs are missing (r16572)
- Fix: In some cases, train could be stuck in depot [FS#2974] (r16571)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIMarine::AreWaterTilesConnected did not return true for bridge head<>neighbouring water tile (r16563)
- Fix: Removing of duplicates of base graphics set could behave randomly (r16548)
- Add: [NoAI] AISignList that can be used to get a list of valid signs (r16400)
- Change: [NoAI] Stop an AI when it takes too long to initialize or load [FS#2869] (r16425)
- Fix: Base graphics names must be unique, so do not add duplicates (r16503)
- Fix: [NoAI] When an AI was suspended while in a function called (indirectly) via call/acall/pcall OpenTTD crashed. Fix this by disallowing AIs to be suspended while called via call/acall/pcall [FS#2935] (r16502)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Invalidate NewGRF variable caches of more vehicles in more places. Esp. they were only invalidated for trains (r16480)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Call callbacks after initialisation of vehicle variables (r16479)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Determining most common (sub-)cargo-type was broken due to someone confusing similiary named variables (r16478)
- Fix: Loading indicator when 'unload' in and 'no loading' is off was pointing in the wrong direction [FS#2936] (r16477)
- Fix: Track reservation was drawn at bridge heads in the menu (r16470)
- Fix: [NoAI] Another try/catch related bug (r16454)
- Fix: Road vehicles ending up on the pavement when they are in a drive through station that got removed due to bankruptcy [FS#2909] (r16448)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIRail::GetRailStationDirection returned incorrect information (r16440)
- Fix: Crash when a company is deleted while a dropdown with company names is open (r16430)
- Fix: Do not allow content download via the console when there is no zlib as it is done for the GUI already [FS#2919] (r16420)
- Fix: Some 64bit architectures require size_t to be aligned at 8-byte boundary, ensure it for MemBlock (r16415)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Disable multitile houses with non-zero population on additional tiles as they cause desyncs and because the specs do not allow that either (r16383)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Valid UTF-8 sequences between 0x20 and 0xFF should be allowed as is instead of being treated as control codes (r16374)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Use a valid StringID as fall-back when undefined generic NewGRF strings of vehicles are requested (r16366)
- Fix: The previously selected NewGRF station type was still remembered after switching to a different game without newstations enabled, preventing stations from being built (r16363)
- Fix: Pointer incremented with wrong count (r16361)
- Fix: Delete invalid depots in TTD savegames caused by improper SVXConverter conversions (r16357)
- Fix: Invalid read when OTTD savegame contains VEH_INVALID (r16353)
- Fix: Signal handler could end in endless loop (r16351)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When overriding 'original sounds', only allow overriding of the 'original sounds' and not any other that is already loaded (r16339)
- Fix: Desyncs when removing lots of stations/towns (r16329, r16328)
- Fix: Desyncs due to the fact that depot searching with a maximum search depth simply does not work with YAPF's caches [FS#2900] (r16323)
- Fix: Trains could get stuck in a depot when they wanted to go to the same depot again [FS#2873] (r16322)
- Fix: In the scenario editor change the (starting) game year of the scenario, not the (starting) game year for new games/scenarios (r16321)
- Fix: Loading of savegames created in revision between 0.3.5 and 0.3.6 caused crash (r16320)
- Fix: [NoAI] Set the autorenew settings for new AI companies to the default values, not to 0 or the local settings (r16316)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Allow accessing the house age when the house is not yet built (r16314)
- Fix: (Get|Set)TrackBits() is only valid for RAIL_TILE_NORMAL and _SIGNALS (r16311)
- Fix: Parameter is invalid when it is equal to length of an array (r16308)
- Fix: Close all windows before unloading the AI system as closing the content-download window will rescan for AIs [FS#2901] (r16306)
- Fix: ICC (Intel C++ Compiler) defined __GNUC__ but does not define __builtin_bswap32, so fall back to the default swap method for ICC (r16295)
- Fix: Road vehicles were unable to find a depot when turning around (in some cases), causing 'nearest depot' orders to be occasionally lost [FS#2893] (r16291
- Fix: Unable to (re)set the desert state for watery tiles [FS#2888] (r16290)
- Fix: Possible (in theory) desync related to autorenew settings (r16287)
- Fix: Crash after using the 'Reset landscape' function and remove all waypoint signs and buoys after resetting landscape (r16280)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Disable multitile houses for which the NewGRF does not define proper additional tiles (r16274)
- Add: [NoAI] UseAsRandomAI as function in info.nut. When an AI returns false, it will never be chosen as random AI (r16113)
- Add: [NoAI] AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT to the orderflags in AIOrder to allow stop-in-depot orders (r16107)
- Add: [NoAI] GetURL() as possible function to info.nut. If AIs implement it, that url is shown when the AI crashes and also in the AI selection window [FS#2808] (r16093)
- Change: [NoAI] Reverse the order of the lines in the AI debug window [FS#2778] (r16091)
- Change: Harden string copying on places where it is possible (r16024)
- Change: Use recent Czech language for plural form (r15965)
- Fix: Wrong number of parameters or wrong parameter types sent to printf-like functions at several places (r16269)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When callback 2E returns an amount of 0, do not transport 1 unit to the station (r16268)
- Fix: [NoAI] Various documentation omissions with respect to IDs of various objects and corners for AITile::(Raise|Lower)Tile (r16267, r16266)
- Fix: [NoAI] Check slopes passed to the API better for validity (r16264, r16262)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Interpret setting bridge property 08 to 0 as always available (r16263)
- Fix: [NoAI] Enable parameter checking for AIController::* functions again (r16249)
- Fix: [NoAI] Make sure AITunnel::BuildTunnel returns what the documentation says it does (r16244)
- Fix: [NoAI] CmdBuildTunnel could be called with invalid parameters from the API code, causing crashes later [FS#2875] (r16243)
- Fix: Improve corner case order handling: mark order as done only when actually done, obey non-stop orders, do only stop/refit at the depot in the order (r16240, r16228, r16199, r16198, r16187)
- Fix: [NoAI] Use the stop/non-stop intermediate orderflags AIs can give for goto-depot orders (r16239)
- Fix: [NewGRF] ActionB should use the online parameters from GRFFile instead of the initial user-specified values from GRFConfig. Also use the values as they were set when the ActionB was executed, not as they are set when the message is shown (r16223)
- Fix: Possible crashes when quiting OpenTTD or forcing resizes/redraws of the screen during map generation [FS#2862] (r16220)
- Fix: Shared orders without orders were not properly converted causing corrupt/invalid orders when loading pre 0.7 savegames [FS#2878] (r16214)
- Fix: [Squirrel] The traps variable was not restored, causing try/catch blocks to be 'forgotten' during a suspend (r16181)
- Fix: Do not try to reserve path for trains crashed in station [FS#2866] (r16178)
- Fix: Forbid joining AI companies via the 'move' and 'join' console commands/multiplayer lobby (r16176, r16175)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIOrder::GetOrderDestination and AIOrder::GetOrderFlags did not work on ORDER_CURRENT when the vehicle was loading/leaving in a station (r16165)
- Fix: [NoAI] Change WAYPOINT_INVALID to 0xFFFF from -1 as that is the value the AIs got (due to casting) (r16150)
- Fix: The overflowsafe type did not like dividing by int64 larger than MAX_INT32 causing division by negative numbers and small anomolies when drawing graphs [FS#2855] (r16130)
- Fix: Road was removed when both the Remove button was active and Ctrl was pressed [FS#2582] (r16119)
- Fix: [NoAI] Make sure AIOrder::GetDestination always returns a tile belonging to the station (16109)
- Fix: [NoAI] When giving an aircraft a goto-hangar order do not let it be a normal goto-station order (r16108)
- Fix: Connect tried to validate too much of the company ID with too little information on hand [FS#2849] (r16096)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIDebug window profiled the blitters by invalidating itself unconditionally on repaint. On the other hand it was not invalidated in other cases when needed (r16094)
- Fix: The language is called Slovak, not Slovakish (r16090)
- Fix: Insanely fast trains would not stop in time for stations/'jump' over waypoints/via stations within a tick, which would cause the order not to be processed causing the train to go in loops until (with luck) it 'hit' the tile [FS#2824] (r16079)
- Fix: Content download progress bar 'resetting' due to mathematical overflow [FS#2845] (r16071)
- Fix: Memory leak when querying a server multiple times (r16064)
- Fix: [NoAI] MOF_COND_DESTINATION was not accepted by CmdModifyOrder() (r16063)
- Fix: Non advanced vehicle list did not handle company switching correctly (r16054)
- Fix: Do not warn that crashed vehicles are getting old; upgrading them is impossible [FS#2740] (r16048)
- Fix: The currency abbreviation for the Romanian Leu is now RON [FS#774] (r16041)
- Fix: Dash was not able to run iconv detection (r16035)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not give '... Mines' as name to the station of oil rigs, or more general: do not add '... Mines' when the all of the cargoes are part of the liquid, passenger or mail classes [FS#2785] (r16029)
- Fix: Storing/loading some currencies failed due to inconsistent settings 'tables' [FS#2826] (r16028)
- Fix: Usage of uninitialised memory when trying to build a random new industry, but there are no industrytypes to choose from (i.e. all appearance probabilities are zero) (r16027)
- Fix: Sometimes the unregister 'query' thread could be delayed so much that the network stuff was already closed and the packet would never reach the master server causing the server to appear online longer than necessary (r16022)
- Feature: Watermark crash.sav and do not generate crash information if a loaded crash.sav causes a crash so the real crash report does not get overwritten (r15893)
- Feature: Add autoclean_novehicles setting which will, when autoclean_companies is true, remove any company with no vehicles and no active client after autoclean_novehicles-months (r15848)
- Add: [NoAI] AIIndustryType::IsBuiltOnWater(), HasHeliport() and HasDock(). Just like AIIndustry (r15901)
- Add: [NoAI] AIBridge::GetBridgeID() so AIs can get the type of bridge that are already build (r15875)
- Add: [NoAI] AIRoad::GetRoadVehicleTypeForCargo() to tell whether a certain cargo needs a bus- or a truckstop (r15860)
- Fix: Chat completion got called twice causing tab completion to seemingly fail (r15905)
- Fix: YAPF did not apply the platform length (too long/too short) penalties (r15900)
- Fix: Fixing the slopes was done a bit more often than intended making map generation with the original generator horribly slow (r15895)
- Fix: YAPF used different penalties for aqueducts than for other water tiles (r15891)
- Fix: Round the production rate up, so e.g. oilrigs always produce some passengers on lowest production level [FS#2772] (r15888)
- Fix: Libtimidity cannot handle frees of NULL (in contrast of most other frees) [FS#2770] (r15886)
- Fix: Make sure house class/ID counters do not overflow (r15831)
- Fix: When sorting on cost do not sort on the running cost [FS#2749] (r15778)
- Fix: Do not show the message about reporting an AI crash for the dummy AI (r15774)
- Fix: Number of active clients was not always properly updated [FS#2475] (r15773)
- Fix: Settings from the [gameopt] section (from old 0.6 config files) were overwritten with default values (r15771)
- Fix: Infinite loop when skipping sprites when a GRF is invalid (or truncated) (r15767)
- Fix: Crash when opening the content list window twice; inconsistencies when clicking download twice [FS#2744] (r15766)
- Fix: Add Engine::GetDisplayDefaultCapacity() and use it everywhere, so CB 36 is also used everywhere (r15763)
- Fix: [Windows] Inlined UTF-8 characters (in the source code) are not handled properly on Eastern versions of Windows so escape them (r15762)
- Fix: [Windows] On some system searching a font using its English name fails. So now we search the font using the localised name and use the English name for the final 'validation' only (r15757)
- Fix: Number of houses in house variables 0x44, 0x60 and 0x61 were incorrect after 0xFF had been reached and could desync clients joining afterwards (r15755)
- Fix: Crash when clicking the small area between the savegame list and the save button in the save game window [FS#2742] (r15753)
- Fix: Do not try to (un)draw the cursor when the screen is not ready (r15752)
- Fix: The big UFO sometimes landed just outside the map. Instead of landing, just disappear (fly away) in those cases (r15750)
- Fix: Crash because submarines would sometimes start far outside of the map [FS#2739] (r15748)
- Fix: Road ownership getting lost when removing a road stop [FS#2736] (r15747)
- Feature: Pop up the AI Debug Window if one of the AIs crashed and show a message that the user should report the crash [FS#2728] (r15708)
- Feature: Allow the number of towns that will be generated in the generate world window to be customized [FS#2672] (r15695)
- Fix: Enabling freeform edges could cause submarines to get stuck on land tiles (r15733)
- Fix: Centering on a vehicle did not respect its z coordinate (r15725)
- Fix: Do not show passenger-/mail-capacity if the aircraft carries only cargo (r15705)
- Fix: Blame NewGRFs returning inconsistent information in purchase-list/after building before users have a chance to blame OpenTTD for incorrectly autorenewing/-replacing [FS#2595] (r15701)
- Fix: Just sell the old engines after autorenew/replace. Do not bother about trains exceeding the trainlimit, which will be sold anyway [FS#2721] (r15692)
- Fix: Do not crash when the generate map does not contain a suitable location for a town [FS#2720] (r15689)
- Fix: Vehicle images would be determined during the process of moving the vehicle which means that only the (orientation) data for the vehicles in front of it is valid. Now the data for the vehicles behind the vehicle are valid too [FS#2546] (r15677)
- Fix: It was possible to remove rail tunnels/bridges and aqueducts build by rival companies [FS#2718] (r15667)
- Fix: Sorting of engines in the purchase list did not use the same numbers as the GUI showed, e.g. articulated parts were not taken into accound when ordering by capacity [FS#2689] (r15666)
- Fix: Handling of aircraft crash counter did not take account of the reduced number of calls (from 6 down to 2) to the aircraft event handler, resulting in crashed aircraft taking three times longer than they should to clear. Compensate by increasing the counter by 3 on every call instead of 1 (r15665)
- Fix: Growing of vsize as (some) threads were not properly released (r15663)
- Fix: Do not mark a company as having ratings in a town when querying the cost of a command (r15662)
- Feature: Allow downloading scenarios and heightmaps via the in game content download (r15632)
- Feature: When cloning a vehicle with a custom name, add and/or increment a number at the end of name and assign it to the new vehicle (r15621)
- Feature: Show scenarios/heightmaps from both your home directory and installation directory (r15615)
- Feature: Allow building road stops on road/tram tracks of competitors (r15601)
- Feature: Show required/already-delivered cargo needed for town-growth in town-view-window and only if it is really needed (r15559)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Support vehicle vars 0x47 and 0xF2 in purchase list (r15542)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Show the cargo subtype in the vehicle details window (r15480)
- Change: The background of the the waypoint sign is now in the company color (r15593)
- Change: Allow the default debug level of 6 for a dedicated server to be overriden by -d (if used after -D) (r15543)
- Change: [NewGRF] To decide whether a vehicle is refittable do not test its current capacity for being zero, but always use the 'capacity property' (r15541)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Almost infinite loop in garbage collection (r15659)
- Fix: Undeterministic file sorting when the date is equal for all files [FS#2716] (r15657)
- Fix: Changing vehicle.dynamic_engines when there are already vehicles can cause crashes (r15656, r15586)
- Fix: Only ever call any vehicle callbacks after the whole articulated engine has been built (except 0x16) (r15654)
- Fix: Add an EngineOverrideManager to give the term 'compatible NewGRF' again some sense and to not crash because of trivial changes [FS#2612] (r15645)
- Fix: Closing a network connection twice in the case that sending packets starts failing while disconnecting [FS#2710] (r15644)
- Fix: Game crashes when network pools are empty, so always allocate at least one pool block [FS#2712] (r15641)
- Fix: Do not allow more than 64 road vehicles to reserve a slot at a single road stop. 255 + 1 gives trouble, but 64 is even more than the roadstop would be able to handle within the slot timeout time [FS#2707] (r15635)
- Fix: Kicking/banning a client from the Client list window crashed the server [FS#2705] (r15628)
- Fix: UTF8 string handling could cause buffer overruns [FS#2698] (r15626)
- Fix: When trying to reserve a self-crossing path the failed reservation was sometimes not cleared completely [FS#2701] (r15619)
- Fix: Towns would only build houses where the grid would not be, even when they are not allowed to build roads and the user 'implements' another layout [FS#2661] (r15604)
- Fix: Crash when using an extraordinarily large sprite as cursor [FS#2696] (r15601)
- Fix: Crash when opening viewport while scrolling the map and the mouse 'lands' on the window decoration of the viewport [FS#2695] (r15598)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Refit-info in purchase list did only check the first articulated part (r15592)
- Fix: Change owner of waypoints and deleted stations when merging companies or when a company bankrupts (r15588)
- Fix: Last activity time not properly updated causing downloads to be aborted after a minute [FS#2684] (r15580)
- Fix: Force unload not working when trying to force unload at the station where you received the cargo [FS#2680] (r15574)
- Fix: Theoretical buffer overflow when a company with too long name funded a road reconstruction (r15572)
- Fix: When building signals by dragging from a pre/entry/combo block signal, the signal you started at became a normal block signal [FS#2674] (r15567)
- Fix: Dependency information was not requested after the content state was reset causing the dependencies not always being selected (and thus downloaded) automatically [FS#2675] (r15565)
- Fix: Crash when saving a preset with unknown NewGRFs [FS#2646] (r15561)
- Fix: The font width cache was not updated when changing fonts causing the font spacing to be off when changing fonts in-game (auto font detection) (r15557)
- Fix: -v null crashing in 2051 due to trying to show the high score of the spectator (r15554)
- Fix: If a buoy was placed directly in front of a dock, that dock was seen as a buoy and thus skipped once within 3 tiles [FS#2653] (r15545)
- Fix: Extracting downloaded content did not work for Windows if one uses a non-ASCII path [FS#2650] (r15544)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When articulated parts have no available default cargo, use the cargo type of the first part for livery selection [FS#2617] (r15541)
- Fix: Testing of 'only_this' in CmdRefitRoadVeh() could be skipped by 'continue' (r15540)
- Fix: [NewGRF] If an aircraft cannot carry any available cargo, it should not be available either instead of falling back to passenger/mail. Just like the other vehicle types also do (r15539)
- Fix: Do not allow special sprite characters (e.g. the ship sprite) as characters in input like filenames or text that is sent over the network (r15537)
- Fix: The local command queue did not get properly cleaned when leaving a game meaning you could end up executing commands of the previous network game [FS#2644] (r15529)
- Fix: Do not try to find the AIs the server runs when joining a multiplayer server (r15525)
- Fix: Use distance to closest station tile as estimate for YAPF too (NPF already does so). This makes it behave 'better' with wide stations [FS#2631] (r15518)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Wagonoverrides and articulated engine parts use the colour scheme of the engine, but not its recolour callback, nor its 2CC flag. Same applies to roadvehicles [FS#2642] (r15517)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Livery overrides for articulated parts of roadvehicles were not applied (r15516)
- Fix: Make the join/spectate command require to be connected to a network game; in SP it could lead to crashes (r15514)
- Fix: Generating a map with the original map generator with freeform edges on resulted in a crash [FS#2641] (r15511)
- Fix: Pre-0.5 OTTD stored new_nonstop and full_load_any in a different way, savegame conversion was not working for them (r15500)
- Fix: Crash when opening the game options when the currently loaded base graphics pack has less than 2 valid graphics files. For example when someone replaces all his/her original base graphics with custom work (but keeps the name) or renames the dos ones to windows or vice versa [FS#2630] (r15476)
- Feature: Make it possible to have multiple windows with edit box open simultaniously (r15424)
- Feature: Add ability to select which base graphics set is used from the Game Options window. The change takes effect when the window is closed. This option can only be used from the intro menu, as reloading graphics during a game may cause issues (r15389)
- Feature: Do not draw superfluous catenary wires [FS#1761] (r15347)
- Feature: Add option to group and subtotal expenses list in the company finance window (r15301)
- Feature: Allow moving clients between companies/spectators by the server and the clients themselves (r15242)
- Feature: Native support for Transport Tycoon (Original) savegames (r15216)
- Feature: Allow terraforming of the tiles at the edges of the map (r15190)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Allow a grf to customize house name via callback 0x14D, during Tile Inquiry process (r15172)
- Feature: Downloading content from a central server (content.openttd.org) where authors can upload their NewGRFS/AI etc. This should make joining servers that use only NewGRFs that are distributed via this system easier as the players can download the NewGRFs from within the game. It should also make it easier to see whether there are updates for NewGRFs and make the necessary updates (r15126)
- Feature: Add support for IP range bans using CIDR notation (r15094)
- Feature: An AI framework so people can write their own AIs. This also removes the old cheating and heavily broken AI (r15027)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Support var 0x45 (curvature info) also for road vehicles (r14945)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Automatically set last engine ageing year to the last 'introduction year plus half model life', to allow engines later than 2050 to appear (r14926)
- Feature: Distant joining of stations (r14919)
- Feature: Advanced setting to keep various building tools active, which are usually closed after placing an object (r14902)
- Feature: Remove the window limit, but leave a configurable limit on the number of non-sticky non-vital windows (r14899)
- Feature: Allow road vehicles to move multiple steps in a tick (code based on train movement code) and add support for RV prop 15. This gives RVs a maximum speed of 318mph instead 79mph. This only implements higher speeds, not 'realistic acceleration' (r14869)
- Feature: Automatic reversing in front of block signals can now be disabled by setting pf.wait_oneway_signal respectively pf.wait_twoway_signal to 255 (r14852)
- Feature: Few (optional) optimisations to making (initial) orders; like keeping goto selected [FS#1984] (r14827)
- Feature: Make the road grids of town match, when all are using the same road layout ofcourse [FS#2390] (r14821)
- Feature: Pressing CTRL while dragging to build a bridge builds the last built bridge type if possible [FS#2238] (r14805)
- Feature: Make the date format for default savegame/screenshot names configurable (r14792)
- Feature: Allow scrolling with the left mouse button pressed (if enabled). Primarily useful for systems with touch screen (r14789)
- Feature: Allow up to 15 companies (r14735)
- Feature: Allow up to 255 clients in multiplayer games (r14730)
- Feature: When the chosen language is not supported by the current font, try to find a font that does and use that instead (r14618)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Action0Industries property 24 (industry supplies default name for nearby station) (r14598)
- Feature: Non-destructive autofill with option to keep waiting times [FS#1124] (r14592)
- Feature: Stop-in-depot order; after this order you have to manually start the vehicle again (or sell it) (r14524)
- Feature: Arrow key scrolling in the server list (r14517)
- Feature: Initial support for handling bidirectional scripts and connecting Arabic characters (r14479)
- Feature: Allow sorting vehicles by remaining life time (r14352)
- Feature: Ability to reset name to default/automatic value (for vehicles, engines, towns, groups, stations, waypoints, managers and companies) (r14334)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add Variational Action 2 Variable 0x47 for houses, Coordinates of the house tile (r14294)
- Feature: Allow overriding the palette of the base GRFs. This way you can play with NewGRFs made for the Windows palette with the DOS palettes base GRFs (and vice versa). Note that for this to work correctly ALL NewGRFs must use the same palette; mix and match is not yet supported (r14229)
- Feature: Double click to join selected server/company (r14209)
- Feature: Make it possible to choose between the DOS and Windows graphics packs while retaining the possibility to override the palette (r14151)
- Feature: Increase the size of the console backlog. Now it'll only remove backlog items when there are more than a threshold and when they are there longer than (another) threshold (r14056)
- Feature: Make it possible to filter list_patches output like it's done for other list_* console commands (r14041)
- Feature: Path based signalling (r13926-13967)
- Feature: Show [total-]cargo info in depot when [ctrl-]right-clicking on vehicle (r13923)
- Feature: NewGRF presets, selected by a drop down list in the NewGRF window. Presets are saved in the config file (r13781)
- Feature: Add a few extra columns with information to the server list (r13732)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add var 65 in Variational Action 2 Variables for Houses (r13603)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Implement var 63, variational action2 variable for Houses. Or, in more simple terms, the check for the animation frame of nearby house (r13519)
- Feature: Aqueducts (r13464)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add var 0x69 for industries, long format construction date (r13443)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add long format introduction and maximum construction year for house (r13437)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add access to current long year and date from Action 7/9/D and VarAction2 (23/24 or A3/A4), and add access to (long format) building year, in Variational Action2 Variable 49 for Vehicles (r13376)
- Feature: Splitting of the main toolbar when the resolution becomes very low so the buttons are still visible and useable (r13339)
- Feature: Make news messages use a linked list instead of a moving circular buffer. This makes it possible to store more news messages in the history (r13317)
- Feature: The number of news messages is reduced by removing every news message that is a configurable amount older than when it would not be shown in the newspaper popup/ticker, which is e.g. a month for industry production changes and half a year for subsidy offers. As a result the more important messages will stay longer in the message history (if longer than 30 messages) (r13317)
- Feature: Allow to have more than only two airports per town. The number of airports is now controlled by the noise each of them generates, the distance from town's center and how tolerant the town is (13226)
- Feature: Introducing the so called 'engine pool' which primarily removes the fixed engine type limits and also happens to allow (with the patch option 'dynamic_engines') multiple NewGRF vehicle sets to coexist (r12924)
- Feature: [NewGRF] The ability to play NewGRF sounds for industries and stations (r12817)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add some support for NewGRF station animation (r12798)
- Feature: Sorting vehicle lists by road vehicle/train length (r12766)
- Feature: Four different non-stop types, individually selectable per order. Replaces 'TTDP compatible order' setting (r12648)
- Feature: Three different load type in a single game instead of two. One can choose full load all and full load any instead of full load being governed by the 'full load any' patch setting (r12648)
- Change: When loading games in 'network' mode use the start date of the save game for the server and all clients when loading the NewGRFs instead of the current date. Prevents desyncs caused by action 7/9s skipping parts of the GRF based on the date or some other variables that can differ at NewGRF load time (r14769)
- Change: Only say a engine/vehicle is refittable when it can be refitted to at least two cargo type or when it has subcargos (r14683)
- Change: [NewGRF] Since our NewGRF handling is better than it used to be, disable a NewGRF if unexpected sprites are reached (r14184)
- Fix: A town could build a statue under a bridge [FS#2618] (r15397)
- Fix: Multiple vehicles could be filling the timetable and only the data from one vehicle would be taken. Now only allow one to be filling at a time [FS#2466] (r15382)
- Fix: When testing for parallel road two tiles away, do not move more than one tile along the road (r15381)
- Fix: [NewGRF] The subcargo returned by vehicle variable 0x42 should be the most-common-subcargo of the most-common-cargo. If nothing is transported 0x..FFFF00 should be returned (r15378)
- Fix: A tram circling around in a depot did never actually 'enter' the depot [FS#2605] (r15375)
- Fix: Company could never have auto-assigned colour 0 (dark blue) (r15281)
- Fix: Deadlock (with wide fonts) or desync when generating manager name (r15279)
- Fix: Close all windows *before* starting a new game/loading a game instead of doing that as one of the latest steps of loading the game. This caused, in some cases, the NewGRF settings to be reset when the game was already loaded resulting in instant desyncs when joining a network game [FS#2577] (r15256)
- Fix: Aircraft could be 'loading in the air' or have zero speed while in air after converting old savegames [FS#2571] (r15230, r15227)
- Fix: Tile error location not reset when leveling land causing a tile to be highlighted when there was nothing to flatten [FS#2542] (r15138)
- Fix: Signs with sign 'Sign' were lost when converting from TTD savegames (r15137)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Add support for 8 byte action7/9 data, used as a mask for GRFID checks (r15114)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Keep industry variables 8E and 8F in sync with 93, when changing production using results 0D, 0E or 0F of callback 29 or 35 (r15103)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Disable a NewGRF from loading if it contains multiple Action 8s (r14979)
- Fix: Wrong defaults for service interval when switching between service interval in days and service interval in percentages [FS#2508] (r14959)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Building new station parts did not allocate a new station spec effectively breaking variable 41. This was due to the limited number of station specs that we can have per station. This fix makes newly build station parts create a new spec until one cannot allocate new station specs anymore and it'll revert to the old behaviour (sharing station specs) [FS#1832] (r14956)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Station specs did not get deallocated when building a new station part over them (r14955)
- Fix: Sharing/cloning/inserting of orders that the/a vehicle (in the shared list) cannot go to (wrong station type etc) [FS#1890] (r14954)
- Fix: The 'animation state' of the bubbles was stored in a variable that was not stored in the savegame. Using a variable that gets saved in the savegame solves the desync and makes it a bit clearer [FS#2512] (r14931)
- Fix: In an MP game in SP mode no company would go bankrupt. Furthermore companies that passed the 'bankrupt' period (4 quarters) would not go bankrupt when loading the game back in MP. Now any company that is in MP or not 'currently controlled by the player' in SP will bankrupt [FS#1993] (r14750)
- Fix: Do not let any disaster vehicle (Helicopter or Airplane) target invalid industry (r14746)
- Fix: Memory leak in Action 0x0F (new town names) (r14737)
- Fix: Writing a single char to the config file caused reading outside a buffer (r14729)
- Fix: First transfer the whole load of a vehicle chain to industries before triggering any processing. This reduces callback usage and resolves critical rounding errors when using input-cargo-multipliers instead of production callbacks [FS#2460] (r14705)
- Fix: Zeppeliner (disaster) should target st->airport_tile, not st->xy (r14694)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Gradual filling graphics were not chosen according to the NewGRF spec [FS#2435] (r14678)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Property 7 and callback 12 were broken for aircraft. Now callback 12 is properly called also for 'mail'. If the callback is not used, 'mail' uses 1/4 of property 7 (rounded up) [FS#2444] (r14672)
- Fix: Possible stack corruption when reading corrupted sprites [FS#2415] (r14610)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Return the current year as construction year for unfinished houses (r14608)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When callback 1E fails, use the standard random colour (r14605)
- Fix: The company ID is off-by-one with respect to the rest of the GUI in the cheat window [FS#2422] (r14603)
- Fix: The range for kicking/banning clients is based on the maximum number of clients, not the maximum number of companies [FS#2414] (r14588)
- Fix: Allow capacity callbacks (15, 36) to return zero capacity (r14578)
- Fix: Crashes when a NewGRF sends an invalid string [FS#2395] (r14563)
- Fix: Order pool seemed to look full when it was not as it only checked whether it was possible to allocate a new block of pool items instead of checking for free pool items (r14547)
- Fix: Do not deliver cargo to industries not inside station catchment area [FS#2138] (r14530)
- Fix: Allocate stub (empty) sound entries when loading an empty/corrupt/incorrectly sized sample.cat instead of making valid NewGRFs fail to load (r14527)
- Fix: Make sure trains stop at the end of a station; a 3/8th length train did stop 2/8th of it's length too early causing a 63/8th long train not to fit in a 4 tile station [FS#2379] (r14526)
- Fix: Small possible chance of desync due to sorting on pointer instead of by (station) index [FS#2348] (r14463)
- Fix: When a road stop gets moved make sure to update the destination of RVs going to that road stop [FS#2330] (r14446)
- Fix: Support for spaces in directories passed to ./configure [FS#1802] (r14440)
- Fix: Trains would sometimes move one time too often/little when moving from diagonal<->non-diagonal tracks [FS#1793] (r14436)
- Fix: Balance the monthly random industry changes, by introducing a daily random industry change [FS#1885] (r14332)
- Fix: Save the palette of the loaded NewGRFs in the savegame, so joining with a server using Windows palette will make a client with the DOS palette do palette conversion and (thus) not cause a desync (r14233)
- Fix: Glitches (alignment issues/inconsistent vehicle graphics) in original graphics (r14214, r14211)
- Fix: One could not get a list of vehicles sharing an order when the number of orders was 0; you could see that the vehicles had a shared order though [FS#2085] (r14097)
- Fix: The autoreplace gui showed vehicle types for replacement which CmdSetAutoReplace() did not accept (r14037)
- Fix: Automatically recalculate inflation if NewGRFs are changed and cargo types are added, so that cargo payment rates are correct [FS#2074] (r13836)
- Fix: Invalid v->u.air.targetairport could cause crashes at several places [FS#2300] (r14383, r14344, r14343)
- Fix: Moving the first vehicle of a train elsewhere might require a new unitnumber for the remaining chain which might not be available (r14384)
- Fix: Trams jumping when reversing on a single trambit (like caused during road construction reworks) or when (manually) reversing in a corner [FS#1852] (r14371)
- Fix: The ownership of roadtiles was not properly set for very old savegames (including TTD's) making it impossible to remove some pieces of road [FS#2311] (r14359)
- Fix: Desync due to randomly ordered vehicle hash by flooding and road vehicle overtake/following (r14356, r14258)
- Fix: When you rename a town before building something and build something near that town your company would be called '<old townname> Transport' [FS#2251] (r14327)
- Fix: Free any blocks that a helicopter may have on an oilrig when the helicopter gets forcefully removed (bankruptcy). For other airports this is not needed as they cannot be used by multiple companies [FS#2241] (r14324)
- Fix: Do not allow building road over level crossings and drive-through road stops in the wrong direction; do not allow adding roadtypes to non-drive through road stops; pay for all added road bits [FS#2268] (r14316, r14315, r14314, r14308)
- Fix: Aircraft frozen above oil rig when the next order is invalid [FS#2244] (r14309)
- Fix: [YAPF] Only reserve road slots for multistop when they are really reachable [FS#2294] (r14305)
- Fix: One could be trying to get the station name of a station that is outside of the pool (r14297)
- Fix: Default for sound effects and music volume should be in the valid range for that setting [FS#2286] (r14289)
- Fix: Make small UFO aware of articulated RVs so they crash the complete vehicle instead of a small part of it (r14270)
- Fix: Desyncs after deleting a waypoint because of explicit destructor call instead of using operator delete (r14265)
- Fix: Merge keycode for 'normal' 0-9 keys and keypad 0-9 keys so people do not get confused that the keypad does not work as expected [FS#2277] (r14260)
- Fix: Clicking on the smallmap did not break the 'follow vehicle in main viewport' [FS#2269] (r14243)
- Fix: The engine-purchase-list-sorter doubled running-cost and halfed capacity of double-headed engines [FS#2267] (r14239)
- Fix: Feeder share was computed wrong when splitting cargo packet (r14234)
- Fix: Signs (town name, station name, ...) could be too long for 8bit width in pixels (r14221)
- Fix: 10 days != 6*2.5 days, effectively causing the payment graph to show the wrong data (r14219)
- Fix: When determining length of a string with limited size, first check if we are not out of bounds already (r14204)
- Fix: Properly update the current timetable's travel/wait times instead of only doing it for one vehicle in the shared order chain and only when some bit has not been set [FS#2236] (r14192)
- Fix: Sprite payload skipping would not skip enough bytes in a very small subset of compressed sprites (r14191)
- Fix: After applying NewGRF settings, all rail and road types were available as the engine availability check was performed too early (r14182)
- Fix: Close all related vehicle lists when closing a station window (and not only the train list) (r14180)
- Fix: RemoveOrderFromAllVehicles() did not mark enough windows dirty (r14179)
- Fix: Incorrect cargo weights (r14144)
- Fix: GetSlopeZ() gets a virtual coordinate, not a tile (r14139)
- Fix: Close the 'manage vehicles' dropdown once the number of vehicles in the list reaches 0 [FS#2249] (r14133)
- Fix: Make NewGRF action 0x06's changes persistent over the several loading stages [FS#1986] (r14102)
- Fix: Make the 'Transfer Credit' display aware of the entire consist, not only the first vehicle (r14098)
- Fix: Do not flood a NewGRF industry when it implicitly tells that it wants to be build on water (land shape flags bit 5) [FS#2230] (r14093)
- Fix: The vehicle window of articulated road vehicles would show the clone/refit button when the vehicle was not completely stopped in the depot (r14090)
- Fix: Flawed parsing of words (as in 2 bytes) in GRF strings due to sign extension [FS#2228] (r14087)
- Fix: Division by 0 in NewAI [FS#2226] (r14062)
- Fix: NewGRF callback 23 did not use the NewGRF compatible text stack [FS#2224] (r14058)
- Fix: Long strings in the edit box would cause OpenTTD to stop drawing the string. This is especially noticable with low resolutions and the chat input box (r14054)
- Fix: [OSX] Changed the condition for selecting 8 or 32 bpp blitter by default. Now we will pick 32 bpp if no 8 bpp fullscreen resolutions are available on the main display (the one with the dock) (r14032)
- Fix: MSVC cannot handle changed files in the prebuild event, so make the version determination a separate subproject [FS#2004] (r13998)
- Fix: The dedicated console removed any character that was not a printable ASCII character instead. Now it allows UTF8 formated strings too [FS#2189] (r13992)
- Fix: Resetting construction stage counter reset more than it should (r13981)
- Fix: Wrong tooltip for the industry directory's list [FS#2178] (r13917)
- Fix: Custom vehicle names from TTD(Patch) games were lost (r13884)
- Fix: NewGRF Callback 10 (visual effect and powered wagons setting) and powered wagons operation were not performed for articulated wagons [FS#2167] (r13870)
- Fix: In some cases the sprite cache could be filled with unremovable items [FS#2153] (r13869)
- Fix: Return of wrong parent scope of (NewGRF) industry variables (r13868)
- Fix: Loading of TTD(Patch) savegames from the command line did not work (r13859)
- Fix: Selecting non-full length vehicles in the depot gui would place the 'mouse pointer' out of the center of the vehicle making it hard to 'aim' [FS#2147] (r13759)
- Fix: NewGRF rail continuation would always mark a tunnel on the same axis as connected, even when the tunnel faces the wrong direction (r13734)
- Fix: Assumption that non-north tiles of a house do not have the 1x1 building bit set was flawed with some NewGRFs. This caused the amount of houses to differ, which causes the town radii to differ, which causes desyncs when towns are expanded (r13729)
- Fix: Possible desync on the autorenew settings 20+ game years (i.e. 4.5+ hours) after a company was started (r13718)
- Fix: Any player could construct new companies [FS#2144] (r13716)
- Fix: Remove the unique_id from the message that a client has joined as it is only exposes the unique_id more than needed (r13714)
- Fix: Handle SETX(Y) properly when truncating a string instead of ignoring it and returning a too long string (r13699)
- Fix: In some cases the (sound) mixer could overflow causing artefacts in the sound [FS#2120] (r13695)
- Fix: Do not rely on .tar files always ending with a block of zeros (r13693)
- Fix: Make sure a command is ran in the context of autoreplace or not (r13691)
- Fix: In the case that elrails and 'realistic' acceleration are disabled all electrified engines would have no power on load, until the vehicle got turned around, loaded or got into a depot [FS#2102]- Fix: Saving TTD imported games in recession failed due to wrong (and unneeded) type conversions in the saveload code [FS#2131] (r13679)
- Fix: Inactive companies from old (TTD) saves could be marked active in some cases, which then loads garbage in their statistics and such [FS#2126] (r13676)
- Fix: Memory leak when NewGRFs got forcefully disabled and they defined GOTO labels (r13675)
- Fix: Crash when drawing a non-real sprite caused by NewGRF interference [FS#2127] (r13674)
- Fix: Desync when building electrified trains on a dedicated server that was started with electrification disabled [FS#2122] (r13673)
- Fix: Bus/truck forgetting go-to-depot order when entering a non-drivethrough road stop [FS#2117] (r13664)
- Fix: Server crashing when banning the rconning client (r13661)
- Fix: Signals were not updated correctly when a player removed a non-existing track piece (r13626)
- Fix: Crash when one tries to raise the nothern corner of MP_VOID tiles (i.e. the southern corner of the tiles on the southern map edge) in the scenario editor [FS#2106] (r13624)
- Fix: Only the front of a RV would be considered when determining to what cargos a vehicle can be refitted instead of all cargos [FS#2109] (r13622)
- Fix: If the first bridge can not be build for a given length, then none of the other bridges can. Effectively meaning that if someone replaces the first bridge with a bridge that can be only 3 tiles longs then only other bridges that can be 3 tiles long will be buildable, but only if they are 3 tiles long [FS#2100] (r13611)
- Fix: Signal states could be propagated through waypoints built in orthogonal axis (r13589)
- Fix: [OSX] 10.5 failed to switch to fullscreen (r13584)
- Fix: RVs continueing onto next DT station when they are build adjacent to them [FS#2040] (r13581)
- Fix: Disable static NewGRFs when non-static NewGRFs query them in the context of network games. This makes it impossible for static NewGRFs to disable non-static NewGRFs and 'bad' things happening because the non-static NewGRF does not know about the static NewGRF (r13576)
- Fix: Properly count number of non-north housetiles [FS#2083] (r13518)
- Fix: Incorrect usage of strtoul (r13508)
- Fix: Clear the memory for the new AI during the loading of a savegame so it does not try to execute commands generated in a different savegame, which could be resulting in the AI trying to give orders to stations that do not exist (r13505)
- Fix: Drawing of zoomed out partial sprites could cause deadlocks or crashes (r13502)
- Fix: First determine where to *exactly* build a house before asking a NewGRF whether the location is good instead of possibly moving the house a tile after the NewGRF said the location is good (r13489)
- Fix: Vehicle groups, engine replacement rules and player/company names were not properly reset/freed after bankrupt (r12906)
- Fix: Remove trams from savegames saved in OTTD without tram support, it is better than to simply crash [FS#1953] (r12904)
- Fix: GCC on FreeBSD does not support -dumpmachine causing configure to fail. Use g++ instead [FS#1928] (r12876)
- Fix: Make the town rating tests use less memory and much quicker (r12859)
- Fix: Usage of AutoPtr made (trying to) build stuff very (time) expensive (r12857, r12855)
- Fix: Ensure that prop 25 is set for all vehicles in the consist before other properties as it could cause desyncs (r12856)
- Fix: Too much catenary was drawn about tunnel entrances, middle bridge pieces and non-rail station tiles (r12853, r12852)
- Fix: Use YAPF for fairly old savegames from before YAPF was introduced (r12845)
- Fix: The industry tick trigger should only be triggered once every 256 ticks, not every tick... Also bail out of the triggers a little earlier if you know they are not going to happen anyway (r12844)
- Fix: Inconsistent use of 8/15-bitness of NewGRF callback results with respect to TTDP's implementation of the specification (r12819, r12818, r12759)
- Fix: Possible out of bounds array access (r12809)
- Fix: Enforce autorenew values range in command (r12808)
- Fix: Vehicles could break down during loading and keep loading. The intention of the break down code is not to break down when having zero speed, therefor break downs now do not happen when loading [FS#1938] (r12795)
- Fix: [OSX] In some rare cases when using an uncalibrated monitor the system colour space could not be retrieved. Show an error when this happens instead of just trying an assertion (r12776)
- Fix: Slope checking for NewGRFs failed (r12759)
- Fix: Check the TILE_NOT_SLOPED flag of the _north_ tile of multi-tile houses to decide if autoslope is allowed (r12717)
- Fix: Do not move windows below the toolbar on resizes unless they would go behind the toolbar [FS#1904] (r12714)
- Fix: Increase default sound buffer size only for Vista [FS#1914] (r12708)
- Fix: Do not crash very hard on unrecognised savegames, just go back to the intro menu instead (r12707)
- Fix: In some cases a news messages would not be shown [FS#1906] (r12683)
- Fix: Removing road pieces from a town gave you twice the intended penalty [FS#1920] (r12682)
- Fix: When a road vehicle has a tram only stop multiple times in a row in it's orders, only the first one would be skipped [FS#1918] (r12678)
- Fix: Colour remaps on station sprites only worked for company colours [FS#1902] (r12674)
- Fix: Remove buggy buoys at tile 0 from old TTDP savegames (r12642)
- Fix: Possible NULL pointer dereference when reading some NewGRF data [FS#1913] (r12637)
- Fix: Infinite loop in case your compiler decides that enums are unsigned by default (r12622)
- Fix: The convert signal button disallowed signal dragging when the signal GUI was closed (r12577)
- Fix: Binding to a specific IP could cause OpenTTD to not register properly with the masterserver if one has multiple external interfaces (r12574)
- Fix: Towns could not terraform when inflation rised terraform prices enough (r12564)
- Fix: Do not affect town rating change by the order in which we examine stations (r12561)
- Fix: Redraw the signal GUI when the signal drag density changes in the patch settings and vice versa (r12553)
- Fix: Do not install scenarios into the current user's homedir when running 'make install', that is silly. Simply always install scenarios system wide instead (r12542)
- Fix: Update train acceleration and max speed after setting cached value to ensure the correct max speed is used with disabled real acceleration (r12380)
- Fix: Refresh vehicle details window when cached values are updated (r12378)
- Fix: Set cached value for vehicle property 25 before other cached values [FS#1854] (r12377)
- Feature: Vehicle variable FE bit 5, 6 and 8 [FS#1812] (r12331, r12330)
- Feature: Support loading full range of 0xD0xx NewGRF strings which includes 0xD000 to 0xD3FF (r12316)
- Feature: Ability to change aircraft speed factor, from so called 'realistic' (matching other vehicles) (1/1) to original TTD speed (1/4) (r12293, r12294)
- Change: Update readme about where openttd looks for files (r12321)
- Fix: Allow building 2x2 building on slopes if not explicitly forbidden (r12060)
- Fix: It was possible to build 2x1 and 1x2 buildings on slopes even if it was not allowed (r12060)
- Fix: Teach NPF where road vehicles and trams can reverse (r12058)
- Fix: Ships can drive through opponents' ship depots (r12058)
- Fix: Slowdown train when approaching 90deg turn when 90deg turns are forbidden (r12057)
- Fix: Enable YAPF to start searching inside a wormhole [FS#1704] (r12056)
- Fix: Another way to fix AI trying to build road through depots (r12055)
- Fix: The cargo translation table was loaded at the right time, but all the other global variables were now loaded too early [FS#1737] (r12052)
- Fix: Random_func broke for desync debug (r12050)
- Fix: Memset on multibyte array with wrong byte count (r12049)
- Fix: Crash when centering on a vehicle (aircraft) that is outside of the map [FS#1741] (r12044)
- Fix: Allow building transmitters and lighthouses on tree tiles [FS#1736] (r12043)
- Fix: Reimplement how rivers and canals are stored in the map, allowing the sea/river/canal status to also be stored for buoys, docks, locks and depots. All these are now allowed on rivers and removal of them will revert to the original water type [FS#1676] (r12042)
- Fix: Change ownership of or remove statues when merging/bankrupting companies (r12038)
- Fix: For station tiles, only get road types for road stops (r12036)
- Fix: Teach YAPF where trams can reverse, and where not [FS#1702] (r12035)
- Fix: Do not show train speed as zero after loading paused game (r12033)
- Fix: When removing a statue, remove town statue flag for the statue owner, not current player (r12032)
- Fix: Prevent towns from removing or claiming ownership of player owned tiles when growing [FS#1689,FS#1719] (r12031)
- Fix: In one case trees could spread under bridges (r12024)
- Fix: Put a better suited text in the quit-dialog [FS#1690] (r12023)
- Fix: Restore initial intent on the invisible tree while transparent building patch setting [FS#1721] (r12018)
- Fix: When you have more than 9 network interfaces you'll enter the wonderfull world of overflows (r12017)
- Fix: Better work on strings in regard to gender [FS#1716] (r12015)
- Fix: Lighthouses and transmitters were never supposed to be build on a slope (r12014)
- Fix: When modifying watered tiles, mark neighboured canals and rivers dirty in more cases (r12013)
- Fix: Enable TownRatingTestMode during cost estimation with 'shift'-key (r12012)
- Fix: Do not consider one-corner-raised-shores to be watered tiles from all sides [FS#1701] (r12011)
- Fix: Avoid loading sample.cat if it 'looks' incorrect, and avoid later null pointer dereferences by moving volume lookup deeper [FS#1707] (r12009)
- Fix: Possible reading from an invalid pointer [FS#1717] (r12005)
- Fix: When skipping Action 11 or 12, also skip belonging sprites (r12001)
- Fix: Do entrance-slope-check for every tile of railstations (r11999)
- Fix: Possible remote assert by setting bit 6 of p1 for CMD_REMOVE_ROAD [FS#1692] (r11998)
- Fix: Update train statusbar when stopping from zero speed [FS#1706] (r11996)
- Fix: Resize station/roadstop/dock/airport construction windows if cargo acceptance list is too long (r11993)
- Fix: When building two rail stations close to each other (with control) so they looked like one long track trains would see them as one (r11992)
- Fix: Resize autoreplace window to fit purchase information text if it is too large (r11989)
- Fix: Build system ignored changes to table/control_codes.h which require strgen to be rebuilt (r11986)
- Fix: Also draw corner shores under rail tracks (r11984)
- Fix: Use unicode glyph mapping to fix up missing/shuffled sprites in original data files instead of shuffling or skipping sprites directly [FS#1698] (r11981)
- Fix: Industries using results 0D/0E on callback cb29/35 were a bit too eager to close down (r11976)
- Fix: Shore and sea tiles under bridges were converted to canals in old savegames [FS#1684] (r11974)
- Fix: Use grass tiles for corner shores, if shores got replaced by ActionA [FS#1683] (r11973)
- Fix: Allow building drive-through road/tram stops at road/tram track that has no owner (r11944)
- Fix: 'BRIDGE_TOO_LOW_FOR_TERRAIN'-check was wrong for steep slopes (r11936)
- Fix: [Autoreplace] Single to dualhead locomotive replacefailed when player had enough money to replace and refit one but not enough to refit the last one as well [FS#1624] (r11929)
- Fix: [Autoreplace] Autoreplace could refit train engines to the wrong cargo type if the old engine had no cargo capacity and the new one had (r11928)
- Fix: Loading old, pre savegame version 2, savegames (r11925)
- Fix: AI was reading wrong tile slope while building road bridge (r11917)
- Fix: Segmentation faults/wrong frees due uninitialized memory in the AI [FS#1658] (r11887)
- Fix: Assert when trying to remove rail from a house or industry tile [FS#1663,FS#1665-6-7-8,FS#1680,FS#1686-7-8 FS#1715 FS#1742 FS#1771 FS#1776](r11883)
- Fix: Crash in MP in vehicle group window if the currently selected group is deleted by another player (r11878)
- Fix: Another way to crash competitors' train in a station (r11877)
- Fix: Automatically sending aircraft to depot for autoreplace/renew is now triggered by the correct conditions (r11875)
- Feature: Replaced fixed size custom name array. Names are now attached to their object directly and there is no limit to the amount of names (r11822)
- Feature: Add drag-n-drop support to the raise/lower land tools. Land is raised/lowered at the start and the rest of the area levelled to match (r11759)
- Feature: Add support for NewGRF's train 'tilt' flag. Trains with tilt capability (specific details are per NewGRF set) will be given a 20% speed limit bonus on curves (r11741)
- Feature: Added sorting for cost, running costs and speed to road vehicles and ships build windows (r11710)
- Feature: List neutral stations where the player has service in the station list too (r11670)
- Feature: Check whether (some) characters are missing in the current 'font' for the 'currently' chosen language and give a warning when that does happen (r11646)
- Feature: Support shore replacement via Action 5 (r11726)
- Fix: When two NewGRFs 'fight' to define the same cargo it could happen that the strings are defined by one cargo and the 'action2' by another and when one assumes that both come from the same NewGRF [FS#1559] (r11862)
- Fix: Recompute town population when removing a 'newhouses' grf, or when loading a game with missing 'newhouses' grfs [FS#1335] (r11855)
- Fix: Road vehicle count was incorrect in network lobby window (r11844)
- Fix: Mark dirty canal tile even in diagonal direction from flooded tile, draw correctly canal next to half flooded rail tile (r11843, r11838)
- Fix: At least one instance of dmusic driver is needed for it to be registered and usable (r11826)
- Fix: An articulated road vehicle could split up when it turned around at a corner and then would enter a drive through station at the next tile [FS#1627] (r11825)
- Fix: Switch _screen to the output buffer and disable usage of 32bpp-anim animation buffer during giant screenshots [FS#1602] (r11813)
- Fix: Do not crash trains when leaving depot to a very long track [FS#716] (r11802)
- Fix: Take town rating into account when testing if a command can be executed [FS#1616] (r11795)
- Fix: Reversing a train when loading at a station with an adjacent station in the same axis crashed [FS#1632] (r11794)
- Fix: Group names got not deallocated in the command test run [FS#1614] (r11743)
- Fix: Run window tick events when paused, so that news pop-ups and the about window still progress. For other windows the events are ignored when paused [FS#1319] (r11742)
- Fix: Modify and possibly discard key events for code points in the unicode private use area [FS#1610] (r11740)
- Fix: Set the new scroll position after zooming in instead of before, as the zoom will cancel it out [FS#1609] (r11739)
- Fix: Do not reset loading indicator IDs when only reloading NewGRFs [FS#1574] (r11735)
- Fix: Elrail merge gave elrail, monorail & maglev unintended speed bonuses for curves, as the bonus was based on the railtype index. The bonus is now specified by a property of the railtype (r11732)
- Fix: Clear sprite override data before performing NewGRF wagon attach callback. This stopped the callback working for autoreplace and when moving wagons from train to train in a depot [FS#1582] ( r11731)
- Fix: If there are no houses that can be build in a specific year yet, force the houses with the earliest introduction year to be available [FS#1577] (r11727)
- Fix: Make it impossible (for users) to circumvent the length checking of the NewGRF 'allow wagon attach' callback by moving several wagons at a time (r11724)
- Fix: Do not put more than one Random() in function calls because parameter evaluation order is not guaranteed in the C++ standard [FS#1561] (r11716)
- Fix: Do not allow player inauguration date on scenarios to be bigger than current year [FS#1569] (r11714)
- Fix: Add more house string id ranges to MapGRFStringID so NewGRFs use the proper string ids (r11712)
- Fix: Do not allow refitting flooded (destroyed) vehicles (r11707)
- Fix: Trains could have sprites with wrong direction when reversing, also was inconsistent with save/load process [FS#1557] (r11705)
- Fix: When removing buoys, return to water or canal depending on their owner (r11666)
- Fix: Animation informations should not be copied from original industry tile spec, while doing an action 00, industry tile, prop 08 (r11665)
- Fix: Do not allow modifying non-uniform stations when non-uniform stations are disabled [FS#1563] (r11659)
- Fix: 'Initialised' NewGRFs could still be deactivated in the later 'activation' pass (r11650)
- Fix: Vehicles were still followed when sold [FS#1541] (r11632)
- Fix: Many viewports could crash the scenario editor [FS#1527] (r11629)
- Fix: Popping from text reference stack must be done in a precise order. But some compiler (MSVC) over optimised it and inverted this order [FS#1532] (r11627)
- Fix: There were still some cases where one could not build a tram track, but the tram could become blocked [FS#1525] (r11621)
- Fix: Do not make crossing red behind depot the train is entering [FS#1531] (r11619)
- Feature: Allow setting a default password for new companies in network games (r11556)
- Feature: Signal selection GUI for the ones that really like to use that over CTRL (r11547)
- Feature: Make the bridge selection window resizable (r11539)
- Feature: [OSX] Added support for using Quartz instead of Quickdraw in windowed mode on OS X 10.4 and higher (r11496)
- Feature: Allow to resize on creation the smallmap gui in order to show all the types industry available, allow to enable/disable individually or all at once, the industries shown on small map (r11474)
- Codechange: Send and store the passwords a little more secure to/in the servers (r11557)
- Fix: Wrong error messages were shown when trying to build some industries in the scenario editor [FS#1524] (r11609)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not trigger industries, but only the industry's tiles (r11608)
- Fix: Wrong count of Kirby trains when a ship was build [FS#1482] (r11605)
- Fix: Tiles were not marked dirty in some cases when removing a lock or flooding (r11582, r11604)
- Fix: Make price for railtype conversion more realistic; conversion should not be more expensive than removing and rebuilding [FS#1481] (r11603)
- Fix: Do not allow changing network only patches settings from console when not in network game (r11594)
- Fix: IsSlopeRefused() result was half wrong causing banks to be built on wrong places (r11590)
- Fix: When ship depots got destroyed they always returned to water, even when it should have been canals [FS#1514] (r11589)
- Fix: If ever the air/heliport is suddenly not available while the 'chopper' is descending, just go back into flying instead of stopping mid air [FS#1496] (r11546)
- Fix: Cargo translation was sometimes done when it should not be done [FS#1501] (r11544)
- Fix: [OSX] Detect statvfs at runtime (based on OSX version) instead of compile time. This should prevent a crash on OSX 10.3 with the precompiled binaries (in the load/save windows) (r11541)
- Fix: [OSX] Do not try to compile the quartz video driver on OSX 10.3 as it will fail (r11540)
- Fix: Do not do all kinds of 'updates' for town, waypoint, station and other signs when you have not converted the map to the 'current' format as that means you are going to read data in the 'old' format when you assume that it is in the 'current' format, which is eventually going to break (r11525)
- Fix: Assertion when tram reversed at a station [FS#1485] (r11524)
- Fix: The scrollbar of the network gui could run out of bounds (r11522)
- Fix: [OSX] The cocoa video driver let the mouse cursor escape the window when using rmb scrolling (r11520)
- Fix: Signs totally illegible when transparant signs is turned on and zoomed out more than one level [FS#1463] (r11507)
- Fix: Selling vehicles could cause the window of others to scroll to that location [FS#1471] (r11506)
- Fix: Do not do standard production change if callbacks 29/35 failed, disable smooth economy for industries using callbacks 29/35 (r11502)
- Fix: Two small layout issues with the vehicle grouping GUI (r11478)
- Fix: A road vehicle must not show that it is driving max speed when it is standing still waiting for the vehicle in from of it [FS#1451] (r11477)
- Feature: Make news messages related to the industry (production) changes better configurable; you can now disable news messages popping up for industries you are not servicing (r11442)
- Feature: When sorting stations by cargo sum, only sum the cargoes that are selected in the filter (r11437)
- Feature: Show all players who have shares, not just the first two (r11435)
- Feature: Make OTTD's sprites replaceable using Action 5 and make replacing contiguous subsets of sprites in for some types possible in Action 5 (r11433)
- Feature: Allow town-bridges to be build on slopes (r11395)
- Feature: Auto-road; same as auto-rail, but for road and trams and only on X and Y direction (r11339)
- Feature: OTTD version checking for NewGRFs. This allows NewGRFs to do something different for different versions of OpenTTD, like disabling it for too low versions or loading different graphics (r11330)
- Feature: Half tile- and anti-zig-zag-foundations (r11319)
- Feature: Control-Clicking the Centre Main View button on the vehicle window allows the main viewport to follow the chosen vehicle (r11304)
- Feature: User customisable faces (r11269)
- Feature: Make more advanced rail types more expensive to build (r11265)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for newindustries (r11204)
- Feature: Sort the NewGRFs by name, making searching a specific NewGRF a lot easier (r11175)
- Feature: Add possibility to show the bounding boxes of sprites using CTRL-B so one can get a better understanding of the used bounding boxes to fix the glitches that still exist. Note that showing the bounding boxes is not glitch free; it only gives you some knowledge where the bounding boxes are (r11174)
- Feature: Remove the arbitrary limit of 10 articulated parts for a vehicle (r11120)
- Feature: Autoslope, changing of slopes of tiles that already have something build on them. Does not work for tiles of houses/industries/stations that do not allow autosloping (r11107)
- Feature: Support for encapsulating files into a .tar file; you can pack all files in your data/ directory in how ever many .tar files you like, keeping the directory-structure equal to the unpacked version, and OpenTTD can handle them just like the files were unpacked (r11106)
- Feature: Allow slopes under statues (r11069)
- Feature: [OSX] Added more options for right click emulation (controlled from the interface tab in the patch window) (r10996)
- Feature: Allow building and removing tracks and signals when there is a train on a parallel diagonal track that does not interact with this one (r10922)
- Feature: Added TileHeight to the Land Area Information tool [FS#653] (r10878)
- Feature: [OSX] OpenTTD will now pick the same language as finder is set to if no config file is found (r10851)
- Feature: Provide an infrastructure to have resizable windows that are smaller than the default window size. Useful for playing on very low resolution systems (r10704)
- Feature: Support for autosave_on_exit in the console, so dedicated servers can use it (r10658)
- Feature: Add a soft limit of 4096 'entities' in a station's waiting queue and a hard limit of 32768 so (malicious) people cannot cause a 'denial of service' attack by filling cargo lists (r10555)
- Feature: Support for 'prospecting' raw industries, i.e. you pay an amount of money and then it might (with a given chance) build a raw industry somewhere on the map (r10451)
- Feature: Automatic signal completion, enabled by pressing CTRL when dragging signals. Signals will continue following track until an existing signal, junction or station are reached. This currently replaces the existing use of CTRL-drag for changing existing signal type (r10437)
- Feature: New sign editor features including switching to previous/next sign (r10401)
- Feature: Disallow (in the GUI) the building of infrastructure you do not have available vehicles for. This means that the airport building button is disabled till you can actually build aircraft. The game itself will not disallow you to build the infrastructure and this 'new' behaviour can be overridden with a patch setting [FS#669] (r10353)
- Feature: Option to select the 'default' rail type when you start a new game or load a game. This is done either static, i.e. rail, electrified rail, monorail and maglev, or dynamic which takes either the first or last available railtype or the railtype that is used most on the map [FS#812] (r10329)
- Feature: Give a better explanation why the loading of a savegame failed and do not crash on loading savegames that were altered by patches or branches [FS#917] (r10300)
- Feature: A sticky button for the client list window [FS#885] (r10293)
- Feature: Allow double-clicking on certain places: add NewGRF window, build-vehicle and town-action (r10265, r10267)
- Feature: Loading indicator, which shows in % how full a vehicle is while loading/unloading (r10254)
- Feature: Introduce a form of timetabling for vehicles (r10236)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for action 0F (town name generator) (r10211)
- Feature: Add support for anti aliased typefaces via FreeType. This is configurable for each font size in the configuration settings and requires using the 32bpp blitter and suitable fonts (r10166)
- Feature: 32 bpp sprite support and dedicated driver does not blit nor render by default. Can be overruled by user (r10121)
- Feature: Add support for articulated road vehicles (r10097)
- Feature: Allow moving of orders instead of removing them and readding them somewhere else [FS#828] (r10071)
- Feature: Replace hard coded spritecache size with a configuration option, sprite_cache_size. The default size is 2MB and the value can range from 1 to 64MB. If you experience slow-downs when scrolling the map, try increasing this setting (r10042)
- Feature: Sort the strings in server language dropdown and the town names dropdown (r10032, r10036)
- Feature: Build windows of trains, road vehicles and ships can now be sorted by cargo capacity (planes already had this option) (r10024)
- Feature: More languages flags for servers [FS#790] (r10017)
- Feature: Allow different signal types on one tile [FS#362] (r10006)
- Feature: Support for oneway roads (r9999)
- Feature: Add smooth viewport scrolling. This must be enabled with patch setting 'smooth_scroll' (r9962)
- Feature: Allow terraforming under bridges (r9950)
- Feature: Support for trams (r9923)
- Feature: Allow building new stations adjacent to existing stations by holding down control (r9905)
- Feature: Add one new zoom-out level: 8 times (r9884)
- Feature: Advanced vehicle lists a.k.a. group interface. Now you can make groups of vehicles and perform all kinds of tasks on that given group (r9874)
- Feature: Make 'improved loading' a proper improved loading instead of loading one (semi-)random vehicle at a time. Furthermore fill multiple vehicles at once when there is enough cargo to do so (r9838)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add action 1, 2 and 3 support for canals (r9797)
- Feature: Add the possibility to choose different road patterns for towns to use (r9779)
- Feature: Add an option to automatically pause when starting a new game (r9734)
- Feature: Add the concept of cities. A (configurable) proportion of towns can start off larger, and will grow twice as quickly as other towns (r9667)
- Feature: Add NewGRF Action 5 (Sprite Replacement) support for 2cc colour maps, airport, and road stop sprites (r9645)
- Feature: Increase cargo types from 12 to 32 and enable newcargo flag in NewGRF loader (r9638)
- Feature: Make it possible to have some control over the town growth (r9613)
- Feature: Add list_patches console command. This shows all patches along with their current values (r9565)
- Feature: Add more finer control to transparency options, including a new toolbar (r9563)
- Feature: Add support for variable snow lines in the arctic climate, supplied by NewGRF files (r9371)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for newhouses (r9315)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for Action 13, which allows you to translate GRF-specific texts. The translations will only be shown if you are using a language with a GRF language id and if a string has not already been set specifically for the language you are using (r9037)
- Feature: Translation dependant formatting of dates (r8906)
- Feature: If an action 7/9 leads to skipping the rest of the file, disable the NewGRF if an action 8 has not been encountered yet (r8831)
- Feature: Stop loading and disable the current NewGRF if a fatal error message in Action B is encountered. Also be more strict on the values accepted (r8830)
- Feature: Build aircraft windows will no longer show aircraft that cannot use the airport in question (r8771)
- Feature: Drive-through road stops (r8735)
- Feature: Allow upgrading bridges by building a new bridge over the top (r8567)
- Feature: Provide aircraft with vertical separation depending on their altitude and velocity (r8534)
- Feature: When linking the terraform toolbar to the build toolbars place them side by side instead of on top of each other (r8436)
- Feature: The vehicle build windows are now resizable in horizontal direction as well (r8331, r8336, r8338)
- Feature: Automatically build semaphores before a configurable date, which can be set by each network player separately (r8151)
- Feature: Increase sprite limit from 16384 sprites to 16777216 sprites (r8128, r8129)
- Feature: Add the ability to load savegames when you do not have the exact GRF files in your list. GRF files that are found based on GRF ID (but not on matching md5sum) are used instead of disabling them. This does not affect MP games, there you still need an exact match (r8106)
- Feature: Show the activated status of the GRF list after pressing 'apply' in the NewGRF window, instead of the local list (r8094)
- Feature: The station list does now remember the sort settings (r8065)
- Feature: Make it possible to override the bind address and port of a dedicated server from the command line (r7802)
- Feature: Add command line option to prevent saving of high score and configuration on exit and a console command to manually initiate a configuration save (r7801)
- Feature: Allow to build bridges of arbitrary rail/road combinations (including signals) (r7573)
- Codechange: Do not allow configuration changes, that NewGRFs can directly use to change their behaviour, during network games as this can cause desyncs (r11452)
- Codechange: Make opening a new toolbar not overlapping its parent one, by locating it under the parent, and aligned with the left side of it [FS#1310] (r11256)
- Codechange: Do not brute force determine the first vehicle in the chain or previous vehicle, but do it by properly accounting the previous and first pointers when updating the next pointer. This gives a performance increase of about 15% when there are a lot of vehicles in the game (r11011)
- Codechange: Cache expensive NewGRF station variables during sprite lookups/callbacks (r10509)
- Codechange: Keep track of the origin, time of travel and accumulated feeder share (transfers) of individual pieces of cargo. This means that cargo is not thrown on a big pile when it is put in a station or unloaded at a station, however the GUI does not reflect these changes yet so you will not actually see it (r10266)
- Codechange: Do not limit the cost of tunnels (r10248)
- Codechange: Add new vehicle hash table for collision detection and finding vehicles on a tile. The hash area scanned is far smaller than the old hash table, which is now used for viewport updates only. This should give a significant performance improvement for games with many vehicles (r10111)
- Codechange: Implement NewGRF callback 36, which allows changing of various properties which were previously static (r9671 and several others)
- Codechange: Add support for multiple 'base' directories for NewGRF searching (r9560)
- Codechange: Implement actions 1/2/3 for cargoes, callback handler and custom icon sprites (rmany)
- Codechange: Rename the 'New <vehtype>' button of the global vehicle lists to 'Available <vehtype>' as it is a view-only list, not one from which you can purchase (rolling) stock (r8420)
- Codechange: Remove the landscaping button from the build toolbars (r8143)
- Codechange: [NewGRF] Do not mark as unsafe those NewGRFs that set their own parameters (via action D) and/or change only bridge sprite table layouts (action 0, property D) (r7831)
- Fix: The CHANCE16 functions were biased; a 32768 in 65536 chance was really a 32769 in 65536 chance (r11454)
- Fix: Do not create shores in canyons (r11438)
- Fix: Starting OpenTTD with DOS files made it look weird out of the box (r11433)
- Fix: Properly support genders coming from NewGRFs instead of crashing [FS#1430] (r11422)
- Fix: Do not ignore the autorenew settings for new games when creating a new game [FS#1428] (r11415)
- Fix: Do not do a 270 degree turn when 90 degrees is enough on a commuter airport [FS#1422] (r11408)
- Fix: In rare cases OpenTTD could segfault when resizing and scroll the main window (r11405)
- Fix: Manually replacing a vehicle with shared orders makes it lose it is order index and service interval [FS1384] (r11370)
- Fix: Road vehicles must not drive through each other on bridges/in tunnels [FS#1258] (r11366)
- Fix: When stopping a ship or aircraft, set their speed to 0 so they will not continue at the speed where they were stopped at [FS#1288] (r11365)
- Fix: Loading too many GRFs was not handled gracefully causing crashes and such [FS#1377] (r11355)
- Fix: Add missing elrail sprites for some rail build buttons/cursors (r11350)
- Fix: Trees can now be planted on bare land without making it grassy, planting tree in desert does not make it grassy for the first tile-cycle and when a tree dies in desert, it no longer becomes a snowy tile for the first tile-cycle (r11244)
- Fix: The explosion vehicles were placed too far to the south [FS#1312] (r11234)
- Fix: One could sell vehicles that were crashed in a depot, which would still yield money/one could construct trains of crashed vehicles [FS#1307, FS#1228] (r11229, r11230)
- Fix: Electric trains were not shown as stopped in depots when converting it from elrail -> normal rail [FS#1260] (r11167)
- Fix: A lot of graphical glitches by changing some bounding boxes. It is not perfect yet, but a *very* good step into the right direction (r11128)
- Fix: When autorenew is enabled and it cannot renew the vehicle anymore (because the player cannot build the engine), the ageing warnings as if autorenew is not enabled are shown [FS#553] (r11064)
- Fix: Inconsistency between rail<->elrail conversions of different kinds of rail containing tiles (normal rail, stations, depots, etc) [FS#1182] (r11059)
- Fix: Crash when having the Finance window opened of the player you are cheating to [FS#1177] (r11028)
- Fix: Switching players (using the cheat) crashed on Big Endian machines [FS#1150] (r11023)
- Fix: The canal border determination did not take oil rigs into consideration (r11022)
- Fix: One could not give money when (s)he had too much money or rather: when casting the amount of money to an int32 becomes negative [FS#1174] (r11020)
- Fix: When determining the gender of a string, do not assume that the gender is in the front of the string when there can be case switching code at that location [FS#1104] (r10792)
- Fix: Determining whether there is a tunnel going under the lowered area is only needed in two directions instead of all four, so take the directions (one for each axis) to the nearest border (along the given axis) [FS#1058] (r10686)
- Fix: Trolly AI did not know about steep slopes, and used wrong tileh in some cases [FS#1070] (r10655)
- Fix: Be consistent with the space between the company name and the player number, i.e. always put a space between them [FS#1052] (r10627)
- Fix: [YAPF] Ships received curve penalty for non-diagonal straight move (r10578)
- Fix: Do not segfault when you quit in the end-of-the-game screen [FS#1020] (r10548)
- Fix: When Cheat-Window is open and a new month happens, the window was not redrawn instantly (r10547)
- Fix: You can now have both Available Train as Available Ship window open [FS#1026] (r10546)
- Fix: Cargo payment rates overflow and cargo payment rates diverge from cost rates making it impossible to make any profit after a certain number of years. Both are solved by stopping the inflation after 170 years; there is absolutely no point in continuing the inflation after that as it only makes the game have overflows at some point that cannot be solved; using larger variables only delays the inevitable [FS#1028] (r10541)
- Fix: Error dialog was sometimes shown on all clients when a command failed instead of only the client that actually did the command [FS#1015] (r10501)
- Fix: The network protocol check for required NewGRFs sent static NewGRFs too (r10414)
- Fix: When landscape generating, allow for 200ms between screen updates instead of updating every 200ms. Previously slow screen updates would result in very slow map generation (r10396)
- Fix: One could only build a limited number of stations before one had to rename them [FS#278] (r10320)
- Fix: Acceleration not calculated properly when a train goes up a hill between tunnels [FS#786] (r10317)
- Fix: [YAPF] Now it is no longer needed to invalidate the YAPF segment cache every tick in MP (read performance increase). Segment cost now does not contain the curves between segments. As a result the cache should be now accurate (r10302)
- Fix: [YAPF] Assertion triggered in some special cases [FS#901] (r10301)
- Fix: Flush stdout on dedicated server output to ensure an update of stdout [FS#775] (r10295)
- Fix: With smooth_economy, when industry production hit 32, it stayed there for ever. Give it some chance to get out of that uber-lowness (although it is a very slim chance, at least it has one) (r10290)
- Fix: Also age engines that are not front-engines [FS#202] (r10288)
- Fix: Money overflow bugs in many locations [FS#723] (r10212)
- Fix: Fix issues related to fixed names, fixed places of files/directories and application bundles [FS#153, FS#193, FS#502, FS#816, FS#854] (r10182)
- Fix: A vehicle without visual effects is not per definition unpowered (r9802)
- Fix: Do not assume that trains running on monorail/maglev cannot smoke/spark (r9801)
- Fix: Play sound effects based on the engine class, not the rail type (r9800)
- Fix: Separate engine class and engine running cost class (r9799)
- Fix: Clone vehicles will no longer refit for free (r9689)
- Fix: Improved loading does not use a huge amount of processing power anymore when having a lot of trains [FS#423] (r9683)
- Fix: Truncate the NewGRF information text in the NewGRF GUI if it is too long (r9449)
- Fix: If all news-setting buttons show 'full', make the ALL-button show 'full' too (r9137)
- Fix: Open and close messages now have their own setting, so you can hide economy changes, but do show open/close of industries [FS#525] (r9097)
- Fix: Do not make owner signs transparent, as then you loose the information who it owns [FS#637] (r9067)
- Fix: Store the owner of a statue, so when it gets removed, the town is notified of it [FS#638] (r9066)
- Fix: Inactive connections are not automatically kicked, i.e. people who only open a telnet (or similar) connection to a server [FS#115] (r9038)
- Fix: Do not select a disabled platform length/number of track count when going out of drag-drop mode [FS#450] (r8999)
- Fix: Make an aircraft at 400 km/h go as fast as a train at 400 km/h (r8973)
- Fix: You were unable to build roads in the scenario editor when there is no town 0, even though there are other towns (r8608)
- Fix: Road Vehicles now can obtain a slot even if the station is very spread out [FS#577] (r8536)
- Fix: Allow lumber mill to cut trees only when they are full grown (r8535)
- Fix: Segmentation fault when the toolbar gets removed and you have selected one of the items in a sub menu of the toolbar (r8533)
- Fix: Remove phantom oil rigs sometimes present in old savegames (r8485)
- Fix: When a station is removed, vehicles do not get excessive payment any longer, as the origin TILE is now stored as long as the origin STATION for the transported cargoes (r8144)
- Fix: The game could crash when the chat key (<ENTER>) is pressed too vehemently during the join of the game. Your client's id does not exist in the clients list yet, and returns NULL (r8132)
- Fix: Rail vehicles can no longer enter tunnels or bridgeheads with wrong railtype (r7976)
- Fix: When path finding onto a bridge or tunnel end from previous tile (but not warping from the opposite end) check the enter direction. This fixes signal setting if a rail ends on the top of a tunnel end (r7718)
- Fix: When following path for signals, do not skip back to the previous tile, as for tunnels and bridge ends the entering direction is wrong (r7717)
- Fix: [YAPF] Suppress 'Train is lost' message if path finding ended on the first two-way red signal due to YAPF.rail_firstred_twoway_eol option (r7628)
- Fix: [OPF] Signal update was incorrectly propagated (r7620)
- Fix: Spectators are not allowed to issue commands (r11006)
- Fix: Make the AI not crash when it has ships as the AI does not support them [FS#1133] (r10942)
- Fix: Trains would not get flooded when they are at the lower part of a tile that would become a coast tile after flooding [FS#1127] (r10892)
- Fix: Removing road with the road removal tool would also work with a negative bank account, making the bank account even more negative than it was [FS#1125] (r10890)
- Fix: Some isocodes were wrong, resulting in some NewGRF not working properly for the affected languages (r10877)
- Fix: [Windows] Do not try to minimise or restore the window when closing OpenTTD [FS#998] (r10835)
- Fix: Trains going over bridges would get the 'going down hill' accelerate bonus, which causes trains to go faster on bridges than they would be going on level land [FS#1096] (r10739)
- Fix: Trains being split into two pieces when loading an old savegame [FS#1062] (r10735)
- Fix: [OS/2] Fix chdir problem with open/save dialog (r10650)
- Fix: One could not remove locks that were build in a (very) old version of OpenTTD [FS#1038] (r10593)
- Fix: One cannot navigate using arrow keys in the game name text box [FS#1038] (r10500)
- Fix: Ship's maximum speed wrongly shown [FS#1013] (r10497)
- Fix: [OSX] Of the resolution is changed to something that is too high for the monitor, then it is reduced to fit the monitor size, solving several crashes and graphical glitches [FS#458] (r10410)
- Fix: NPF was leaking memory each time it got initialized, except for the first time (r10357)
- Fix: [YAPF] 'target_seen' flag that is set prematurely in some cases (1 tile long cached segment followed by target station) which caused asserts to trigger [FS#884] (r10199)
- Fix: Waypoints could be renamed when you are not the owner (r10368)
- Fix: Smooth economy did not close primary industries and it allowed increasing of production of industries that should not have rising productions (r10348, r10347, r10290)
- Fix: Acceleration for trains on slopes is not calculated properly [FS#786] (r10344, r10317)
- Fix: The 'old' pathfinders (OPF and NPF) for road vehicles could not find a path when in a tunnel [FS#290] (r10345)
- Fix: Only add the autoreplace menu when autoreplace actually knows about the group [FS#880] (r10337)
- Fix: Terraforming wipes out canals. Now you always have to remove the canal before terraforming, instead of 'just' removing the canal [FS#594] (r10240)
- Fix: Only 2 trains could crash at one time as collision checking stopped on the first hit. This could technically cause desyncs in network games as the collision hash order is not guaranteed [FS#892] (r10222)
- Fix: Do not make a 270 degree turn on the international airport when a 90 degree turn is enough (r10187)
- Fix: Crash when trying to get the aircraft movement state of an aircraft going to a just deleted airport [FS#874] (r10165)
- Fix: Airports did not flood when there are aircraft on the airport [FS#601] (r10155)
- Fix: Some vehicles were not drawn when having a high resolution and a high zoom-out level [FS#870] (r10154)
- Fix: Vehicles disappear when crossing certain tiles [FS#869] (r10153)
- Fix: Train disconnects in some old TTD savegames [FS#862] (10151)
- Fix: OpenTTD assumes that the resolution is at least 1 by 1, so force the resolution to be always at least 1 by 1 (r10139)
- Fix: When you got a sufficiently small resolution, there is a possibility for a division by zero when a sound is played (r10138)
- Fix: When removing a dock, a ship will always try to reach the old location of the dock even when it cannot anymore because it the old location of the dock is now land instead of water [FS#810] (r10131)
- Fix: SetCurrentGrfLangID returned the wrong language ids for most languages (r10130)
- Fix: Some NewGRFs use the same (unused in the 'current' climate) sprite IDs. Normally this gives some artefacts, but when one NewGRF expects it to be a sprite and another NewGRF overwrites it with a non-sprite nasty things happen (drawing a non-sprite crashes OTTD) [FS#838] (r10109)
- Fix: Multiple subsequent 'give money' actions could result in duplicate messages that money has been transfered when it only happened once, or tell you paid money when you did not [FS#834, FS#839] (r10087, r10085)
- Fix: 'Deactivate Electrified Railways' did not work [FS#836] (10083)
- Fix: Memory leaks in the networking code [FS#846, FS#844] (r10082, r10075)
- Fix: Coverage area highlight was still show when it was turned off for docks [FS#835] (r10068)
- Fix: Do not use override engine type for articulated wagon parts (r10048)
- Fix: Sprite resulting from '?' substitution was reloaded into the cache entry for SPR_IMG_QUERY instead of the original sprite cache entry. This resulted in unaccounted missing sprite cache memory, and was exacerbated because the original missing sprite was not cached, so it did it again and again and again. Slowdowns and boom (r10038)
- Fix: One could build on (some) slopes when building on slopes was disabled [FS#823] (r10030)
- Fix: When deleting the first engine of a train with multiple engines, only reopen the train window if the player had the original train window open. This fixes 'random' windows opening for multiple players of the same company (r10028)
- Fix: When selling trains, if there were no wagons between multiheaded engines the rear part could be checked despite having already been deleted (10023)
- Feature: Add threading support for MorphOS (r9759)
- Fix: Bridges and tunnels were not always removed on bankruptcy, thus leaving tunnels/bridges with an invalid owner that would crash the game when clicking with the query tool on them (r9966)
- Fix: Null pointer dereference under MorphOS and AmigaOS (r9861)
- Fix: When you have closed the 'Load game'/'New game' windows which you started from the 'start server' menu, you should not start a server when starting a new game [SF#1244842] (r9757)
- Feature: Translation dependant formatting of dates (r8906)
- Feature: Kick inactive initial network connections after some time [FS#115] (r9038, r9061)
- Feature: Add an extra news group for opening and closing of industries (r9097)
- Codechange: Disable shares by default and increase the default maximum distance from edge for oil refineries (r9339)
- Codechange: When you started openttd with '-g' you got the same map every run (r9205)
- Codechange: When all news-setting buttons are 'full', make the for-all button show 'full' too (r9137)
- Codechange: Disable the ability to make flooding water with the canal build tool. In the scenario editor you can still make both canals and flood water at height level 0 [FS#622, FS#629] (r9105, r9115)
- Codechange: The station list, sorted by cargo rating, now takes stations into account that have no cargo waiting [FS#595] (r9062)
- Fix: Close the Shared Order Vehicle List if you remove the shared link with only 2 vehicles (r9338)
- Fix: A34-1000, Z-Shuttle, and Kelling K1 are now listed as small aircraft (r9298)
- Fix: Shared orders got messed up when the 'first' trains got removed in the depot [FS#685] (r9277)
- Fix: Use a less CPU-intensive algorithm to find a random industry for the AI to prevent it slowing down the game [FS#644] (r9251)
- Fix: When loading games, enroute_from was updated in the wrong place, causing issues with TTD savegames/scenarios (r9147)
- Fix: Difficulty level button was not selected when opening the difficulty window (r9117)
- Fix: The wrong catenary wires were drawn for tunnel entrances [FS#612] (r9077)
- Fix: The intercontinental airport used 'T-junction' runway sprites when there is no exit in the middle of the runway as in the city airport [FS#529] (r9076)
- Codechange: Add Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese languages as an official translation (r8286, r8324, r8616)
- Codechange: Increase the size of the sound/video/music-drivers to 32 bytes (instead of 16) so their actual parameters can be passed. Sound has for example bufsize' and 'hz' (r8497)
- Codechange: Be more strict about language generation and fail any languages not having the mandatory ##name, ##ownname and ##isocode pragma's (r8253)
- Fix: Draw canal edges under buoys that are in a canal (r8635)
- Fix: Buoys on canal tiles do not flood anymore (r8620)
- Fix: Store the ownership of a water tile in the buoy tile and set the ownership of the water tile when the buoy is removed. Prevents certain abuses (r8619)
- Fix: When the currently selected player in the performance details window is no longer active, choose the first active player instead of the first player as that may also be inactive [FS#582] (r8612)
- Fix: Road vehicle very close after another (slower) road vehicle gets its speed reset to 0 when entering a tunnel, which causes a traffic jam outside of the tunnel (r8609)
- Fix: Bridges do not get destroyed when the bridge head gets flooded and there is a vehicle on the bridge [FS#564] (r8593)
- Fix: Road Vehicles now can obtain a slot even if the station is very spread out [FS#577] (r8536)
- Fix: Segmentation fault when the toolbar gets removed and you have selected one of the items in a submenu of the toolbar (r8533)
- Fix: Deleting a vehicle with shared orders, but no orders would fail to reset prev_shared and next_shared (r8294)
- Feature: OS/2 support with GCC (Watcom is dropped) (r8042)
- Codechange: Add Japanese, Slovenian language as an official translation and split Norwegian into Bokmal and Nynorsk (r7987, r8084, r8069)
- Codechange: Show error messages about our own data files as a popup, or to stderr if console is available (and not to stdout) (r8013, r8134)
- Codechange: Change the ordering of the network list, compatible servers just missing grf files are below fully compatible servers, not on the bottom (r8118)
- Fix: Return proper error value when unthreaded save fails, prevents server sending 0-sized files (r8171)
- Fix: Network client crashes when a server sends a 0-sized savegame [FS#556] (r8167)
- Fix: Several desync fixes (incorrect roadstop update of old games, autoreplace bugs) [FS#551] (r8137, r8147, r8157)
- Fix: Some disaster-events fixed: combat chopper shoots from right position, submarine once again moves around (r8140, r8158)
- Feature: Double the length of the cargo and rating indicators in the station list window for better visibility (r7466)
- Feature: NewGRF set up window and browser which allows modification and viewing of NewGRF settings ingame or the main menu (r7357)
- Feature: Support for saving NewGRF settings with savegames (r7348)
- Feature: Add support for gradual (un)loading of vehicles (r7326)
- Feature: Add freight trains patch option which is a multiplier for the weight of cargo on freight trains, to simulate longer heavier trains (r7269)
- Feature: UNICODE/UTF8 support, with (optional) usage of fonts rendered by Freetype instead of sprites. This means full unicode support (input, rendering, file/io) and greatly enhanced internationalization for non-latin languages (utf8) (r7182)
- Feature: Add Slovak, Brazil and Slovenian currency [SF 1243657, 1171147; FS#131] (r7160, r5964)
- Feature: Allow towns to be built on top of trees in the scenario editor [FS#396] (r7152)
- Feature: Allow over-building of compatible railtypes, i.e. normal and electrified rail. If building electrified rail, normal rail is upgraded for you (at a cost) (r7106)
- Feature: Change the functionality of the chat window. SHIFT+ENTER (SHIFT+T) sends a message to all players, CTRL+ENTER (CTRL+T) sends a message to all team mates and ENTER (T) is customizable (r6824)
- Feature: Add a measurement tool that will show dimensions and height differences of various draggable tools (r6758)
- Feature: Added sort options to the build aircraft and train windows (r6708)
- Feature: Depot lists are now sorted, so vehicle 1 is always first and so on (r6652)
- Feature: Ability to pause a server if not enough players are connected. The setting for this is 'min_players' (r6628)
- Feature: Ability for servers to execute a script just after a client has connected, e.g. for a MOTD, etc (r6625)
- Feature: Add refit commands to vehicle orders (can only be done in goto depot orders) (r6624)
- Feature: Support cargo subtypes in the refit window. The refit window has been altered to support resizing and scrolling (r6601)
- Feature: Depot and vehicle list windows reworked a bit with more buttons to include 'Autoreplace all' (instantly), 'Sell all', 'Start all' and 'Stop all' (r6542, r6552, r6515)
- Feature: Using goto depot with a different control selection will now alter the service/stopping in depot flag instead of cancelling the goto depot order (r6295)
- Feature: When automatically detecting the language try to first match language+territory (e.g. de_CH), then just language (e.g. de) and fall back to en_GB otherwise (r6290)
- Feature: Save max_companies/clients/spectators in the config file (r6170)
- Feature: Vehicle status bar will show the heading string in different colours to visually discern the difference between a service and a forced stop (r6165, r6414)
- Feature: Control clicking Goto Depot will now make the vehicle service instead of stop in depot (r6165)
- Feature: List of vehicles with the same shared orders, accessible from the orders-window of a given vehicle (r6161)
- Feature: Added -s (source) and -d (destination) to strgen to specify paths for input and output files (r6089)
- Feature: After removing a farm, its farmland is removed too (over time) [FS#82]
- Feature: Clicking twice on the location button in the smallmap centers to your position, clicking twice centres your viewport [FS#54] (r6040)
- Feature: Change the original date format to a 32 bits format based at the year 0. Highest date is the year 5.000.000AC (r5999)
- Feature: Auto-completion in chat-window. It completes Player and Town names (in that order) using <tab> (r5968)
- Feature: Catalan Town Names generator [FS#261] (r5965)
- Feature: Possibility to generate scenarios by importing heightmaps. It can be in PNG or BMP format
- Feature: New (optional) landscape generator based on TerraGenesis Perlin noise with GUI, progress bar and fine-tuning options (r5946)
- Feature: Filter for textboxes to only allow input of certain patterns (like numbers only) (r5944)
- Feature: Add an icon to the SDL openttd executable (r5872)
- Feature: Also allow horizontal and vertical rails on steep slopes (r5864)
- Feature: Allow building of (certain) rails, roads and bridge ramps on steep sloped tiles (r5833)
- Feature: Replacing from a train engine without cargo capacity to one with cargo capacity will now make autoreplace refit the engine to carry the cargo type from the last wagon in the train (r5465)
- Feature: Allow building canals at sea-level, using ctrl to toggle canal or plain water tile. This allows building of non-raisable sea-level water ways (useful in multiplayer) and dikes for low-level areas (r5403)
- Feature: Add 4 new airports. 2 for aircraft, 2 for helicopters (r5346)
- Feature: Implement smooth horizontal depot and, vehicle list scrolling for trains (r5046)
- Feature: Add new pathfinder, YAPF. Has greatly improved performance and better, fully configurable, pathfinding (yapf) (r4987)
- Feature: Station List View can now be sorted and filtered (by waiting cargo type and facilities) (r4822)
- Feature: The integer-list parser now accepts a space character as an item seperator next to the comma for openttd.cfg (r4490)
- Feature: Add support for electric railways as a seperate tracktype. Electric trains will not run on non-electrfied track unless otherwise controlled by patch option (elrails) (r4150)
- Feature: A new multi-lingual multi-measuring-unit system (r4126)
- Feature: Add proper OPENTTD <> LOCALCODE conversion using iconv. Savegames with special characters will be legible in filesystem (r4105)
- Feature: Undraw the mouse when it leaves the window and draw it again when it enters (r4075, r4083)
- Feature: It is now possible to turn a single unit in a train (CTRL+Click on unit in depot) (r3944)
- Feature: Delete news items about vehicles when they get stale (r3757)
- Feature: Save patch settings with the savegame so you are presented with the same behaviour when loading the game on another machine/installment (r3726)
- Feature: Add 2cc (two company colours) livery schemes. This replaces the original colour selection window (r3717, r6455)
- Feature: [OSX] Added support for tripple binaries (binaries optimised for G3, G5 and i686) (r3674)
- Feature: Allow autoreplacing of train wagons (r3535)
- Feature: Allow sorting of vehicle lists by model or value (r3528)
- Feature: Allow trains details view to be resized (r3521)
- Codechange: Improve the usability of the signal-dragger, do not bail out at (certain) errors, just silently ignore them [FS#149] (r7127)
- Codechange: Make the zoom in/out buttons of the extra viewport into proper push-buttons (r7078)
- Codechange: Make the AI choose road vehicles based on a rating (currently max speed * capacity) instead of either the cost or the index of the vehicle (r7070)
- Codechange: Truncate text in window captions to prevent overflow (r7058)
- Codechange: Allow standard ini-file style comments (;) (r6972)
- Codechange: Send server messages with format NETWORK_ACTION_SERVER_MESSAGE so it is general colour like the rest of the server messages. Spectators speak in grey (r6932)
- Codechange: Change textmessage format a bit. Only the sender's name and target are in the sender's colour, the actual message is in white. Should improve readability (r6932)
- Codechange: Remove MSVC6 support. The compiler was too stupid and too many workarounds were needed. Please switch to mingw or VC2005++ express (r5286)
- Codechange: Allow a switch in Makefile.config to disable threads in OpenTTD (r5978)
- Codechange: Add owner attribute to canals and locks. This makes them more useful in multiplayer games, as only the owner can delete them. Does not affect usage (r5084)
- Fix: Changed 'kick off' acceleration resulted in only a small amount of power being applied; this resulted in a perceived delay before trains moved (r7421)
- Fix: Long delay for message windows to appear. Immediately show a new message if present if no news window is open, or has just been closed instead of waiting for the timer of the current news to time out [FS#255] (r7402)
- Fix: Deleting Train in depot with autoreplace fails [FS#418] (r7385)
- Fix: Do not update vehicle images when turning a train around. During this procedure the train is split into parts which can result in incorrect images being used (r7378)
- Fix: Due to some off-by-one errors the width or height of a clipping rectangle could become 0, which is not sensible. This should fix a very rare and hard to trigger assertion in GfxFillRect() (r6351)
- Fix: Never allow scrolling the map in the main menu (scroll-settings were not reset if switched to mainmenu) (r6037)
- Fix: Differing price calculation for tunnels depending on starting point [FS#253] (r5901)
- Fix: Goto sepot not always working for road vehicles [FS#249] (r5898)
- Fix: Bus trying to service in depot of other company [SF1519167] (r5897)
- Fix: If vehicles break down and service is turned off, the vehicles failed to enter any depots; now they will quickly go to a depot if set to be replaced (r5888)
- Fix: Incomplete removal of player owned property due to lack of money [FS#273] (r5886)
- Fix: Prohibit altering a road tile while road works are in progress. This fixes some glitches like 'turning' the excavation by adding/removing road bits or removing the road piece
- Fix: 'Erroneous train reversal on waypoints'. When processing the next train order, do not even consider reversing the train if the last order was to a waypoint
- Fix: Missing glyph(s) in big-font. Added several missing glyphs for the big font [FS#56] (r3970)
- Fix: Increase client list window width so at least most languages fit [SF#1439907] (r3969)
- Fix: Update german and finnish languages (r3968)
- Fix: Properly set back the owner of a crossing/road-under bridge after removing it (r3967)
- Fix: [Autoreplace] Autoreplacing trains now keep their tile length instead of their pixel length [FS#67] (r3964)
- Fix: Mark the right tile as dirty. It's just a graphical glitch which happend in r1592 (r3962)
- Fix: Fix crash when resizing news history window (r3961)
- Fix: Correctly implement minimum search, so road vehicles head twoards the closest station, not the last one in the list (r3960)
- Fix: The tooltips for raising and lowering land buttons in the scenario editor are interchanged [FS#61] (r3959)
- Fix: Correctly restore the roadside after roadworks are finished (r3957)
- Fix: [Multistop] Check the status of the destination road stop instead of a station's first road stop. This only has effect with road vehicle queuing disabled (r3956)
- Fix: On loading a game, GetPlayerRailtypes() did not account for the fact that vehicles are introduced a year after their introduction date. This will also relieve possible (rare) network desyncs (r3952)
- Fix: Restore plural forms of cargo types for several languages (r3951)
- Feature: Change the driver probing algorithm: Use the first music/sound/video which succeeds initialising instead of bailing out after the first. No need to specify -snull if no soundcard is present anymore (r2728)
- Feature: The Main Toolbar Dropdown Menu can now display disabled items (r2734)
- Feature: Clone vehicles (r2764)
- Feature: When starting without a config file determine the language on basis of the current locale (r2777)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Support loading of bridge attributes and tables from GRF (r3004)
- Feature: Native Support for Win64 (r3008)
- Feature: OSX now uses quicktime to play midi files (r3022)
- Feature: [OSX] Command+Q now works in main menu (r3027)
- Feature: Allow unbanning players based on banlist-id (as well as IP) (r3067)
- Feature: 'status' and 'clients' now show the IP of the players (r3067)
- Feature: Make it possible to create a screenshot from the console that is both big and has no console, or any combination of (r3068)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for rail vehicle weight greater than 255 tons (r3071)
- Feature: 'HOME' icon to saveload dialogs that jumps to the default save/load directory based on the dialog (r3096)
- Feature: Turkish translation (r3120)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Support positioning of rail vehicle visual effects (r3132)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Support for articulated rail vehicles (r3139)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for cargo refitting specification by cargo classes (r3148)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Action 7/9 new value : is it TTDPatch or OpenTTD? (r3152)
- Feature: Drag and drop rocky areas in scenario editor (r3153)
- Feature: Added patch option to link the terraform toolbar to the rail, road, water and airport toolbars (r3157)
- Feature: Right-Click-Scrolling optionally moves in the opposite direction (r3222)
- Feature: Native cocoa sound and video drivers for OSX (r3281)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Allow train running cost class to differ from engine class (r3388)
- Feature: Kick and ban now with IP numbers (r3407)
- Feature: Allow seeing and setting the maximum amount of companies and spectators for a server. This can be changed/viewed during runtime as well in the console (r3427)
- Feature: Allow the network game list to be sorted (by name/clients/compatibility ascending/descending) (r3441)
- Feature: Make it possible to ban offline clients (r3469)
- Fix: The refit window now shows the correct refit options (r2365)
- Fix: Refitting to a cargo which is already carried by some vehicles takes their capacities into account for display (r2365)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Load power for dual-headed engines correctly (r2400)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When resolving callbacks, dont ignore wagon overrides (r2410)
- Fix: Station ratings are not affected by speed limits from realistic acceleration anymore (r2411)
- Fix: Building vehicles without depot crashed the game (r2412)
- Fix: Certain resolutions caused a crash when minimap was partly dragged outside the game window (r2424)
- Fix: Deleting canals under bridges removed bridges first in certain configurations (r2436)
- Fix: [NPF] Vehicles try to drive into a tunnel entrance from above (r2471)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Some road vehicle action 0 properties were loaded as the wrong type (int8,int16,int32) causing undefined results. (like cargo types being wrong) (r2474)
- Fix: The console variable autoclean_unprotected was linked to the variable _network_autoclean_protected (r2498)
- Fix: Old bug in the PCX writer: The first pixel column contained garbage, the picture was shifted one to the right, and the last column was dropped (r2512)
- Fix: Using the mouse wheel could lead to a crash if mouse was not over a widget (r2530)
- Fix: Blinking 'lock' gfx in multiplayer games (r2548)
- Fix: Remove original train pathfinder. Enhanced old pathfinder (r2553)
- Fix: Exit the child of the extmidi backend with _exit() instead of exit(), because we do not want any atexit handlers - especially flushing output streams - to run, if exec() fails (r2938)
- Fix: Fix for UFO-broken waypoint [SF#1216203] (r2961)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Include missing grf feature canal
- Fix: [NewGRF] Add bounds checking to VehicleChangeInfo for vehicles
- Fix: [NewGRF] Wagon speed limits do not apply for wagons with livery overrides
- Fix: Align settings pool items to the size of void* to fix bus errors on 64bit architectures which require aligned variables (r2976)
- Fix: Restart_game_date is an UINT16, not a BYTE. Now setting the game restart year via the console should work (r2987)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Some GRF files do not specify a name or description, in which case the Action 8 is 8 bytes, not 9 (r3005)
- Fix: The finnish markka was never abbreviated with capital letters (r3021)
- Fix: Improve handling of non-existent sprite sets (r3044)
- Fix: Do not attempt to map and empty sprite group to a vehicle (r3045)
- Fix: Fixed typo and hang for BeOS Networking (r3053)
- Fix: On Win98 and lower when you go to the root directory of a drive (eg. C:\) you were stuck there indefinitely and could not change any directories or see any files (r3056)
- Fix: Complete rewrite of autoreplace; multiheaded train engines are replaced correctly (r3081)
- Fix: A new train is now made if the front unit is an engine and the former front engine is moved away (r3144)
- Fix: There are only 2 possible directions for ship depots, not 4 (r3199)
- Fix: Allow bribing up to the maximum rating for bribing, do not disable this option at some arbitrary value early (r3201)
- Fix: Do not lower land on tunnel, even with diag tracks on it (r3228)
- Fix: Crash when making a screenshotin the main menu (r3235)
- Fix: Crash when starting a scenarion via 'New Game' fails (r3235)
- Fix: Determine clicked status of sticky icon from window flags rather than the widget click state (r3247)
- Fix: Graphical glitch with autorail tool on a certain tile-types (r3254)
- Fix: Center the X of the window close button (r3302)
- Fix: Network window crash when it receives invalid information for example from the integrated nightly, so validate the network-input when it is received (r3322)
- Fix: Build failed if SDL is built without pthread support (r3326)
- Fix: Move initialization of vehicle random_bits to DC_EXEC blocks to allow use of Random() instead of InteractiveRandom(), which will alleviate some possib le network desyncs (r3352)
- Fix: The default AI tried to change the service intervals of vehicles via the CMD_CHANGE_TRAIN_SERVICE_INT command - regardless of the type of the vehicle (r3367)
- Fix: Out-of-bounds array access when road vehicles overtook in a curve caused desyncs (r3371)
- Fix: Update signal states when building or removing rail station blocks (r3372)
- Fix: Do not allow trains to get bigger than 100 via drag and drop (r3374)
- Fix: Do not reset date in the scenario editor when pressing RandomLand (r3376)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Running cost should be halved for dual head vehicles (r3384)
- Fix: No fence was placed when placing fences and the neighbouring tile is a rail configuration which permits a fence but has a signal (r3389)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Only add a random number of days to an engine's base introduction date if that date is not 0 (r3410)
- Fix: When changing the server password via the console, actually set the password as well as flag whether it is required (r3411)
- Fix: Under certain conditions placing a road tile parallel under a bridge would, instead of failing, succeed and place a perpendicular piece (r3413)
- Fix: Disable the Fund New Industry menu item and window when connected to a server as a spectator (r3414)
- Fix: Disable the clone and refit buttons in the train view when viewing another player's vehicles, or as a spectator (r3415)
- Fix: Disallow building an oil rig above sea level (r3416)
- Fix: When removing a town-owned tunnel the player's rating was not reduced (r3418)
- Fix: (Possible) game crash on removing track/road under bridge if a vehicle was on the track/road under the bridge and the track/road sloped (r3419)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Only power should decide whether a rail vehicle is an engine or a wagon. (fixes SHIKI 810 in jpsetw.grf) (r3424)
- Fix: Incorrect validating of tree-planting command which can allow a buffer-overflow (r3446)
- Fix: [NewGRF] When changing the sprite ID of a vehicle, if it is not FD (custom graphics), the value needs to changed from a 16bit array offset to an array index. (fixes tropicstw.grf) (r3449)
- Fix: You could not remove an item from a list-type of config ingame from the configuration file (r3475)
- Fix: Assertion error on kick. When a company is cleaned all its windows need to be closed. For global vehicle lists, the no-staiton index of -1 was not taken into account [SF#1117327]
- Fix: Speeding up when pressing ALT+TAB (Windows) [SF#1114261]
- Fix: Signals dissaper after typing text and pressing enter!. Signs in Scenario Editor have no owner so ignore that [SF#1149403]
- Fix: Single tile Bridge in Volcano City scenario. Some bridges still had the old single-tile bridge bug that was caused by improper town growth in combination with DC_AUTO. Fixed the scenario [SF#1149766]
- Fix: Stop startup memory corruption crash using optimized MSVC6. MSVC6 workaround as it's too stupid again for its own good [SF#1119147]
- Fix: Dedicated server now accepts '-g' (load game) as param [SF#1101874]
- Fix: Crash with german umlauts in station names [SF#1155696]
- Fix: Segmentation fault when loading savegame, out of bounds array check [SF#1158618]
- Fix: [Windows] Infinite access for A:\. Only requery drive(s) if the user changes a directory, also supress the OS error box that pops up on some windows machines [SF#1024703]
- Fix: Drive side in new games. Setting the driver side is possible during the game until someone buys road vehicles. In networked games only the server can change it [SF#1093200]
- Fix: Vehicle lists are now redrawn when a vehicle arrives in a depot. Station-specific vehicle lists are now redrawn daily as well (not only the master list) [SF#1099535, SF#1102776]
- Fix: Trains do not think they're on a slope any more while they drive around in a tunnel [SF#1105959]
- Fix: Buoys can now only be removed if no ship has it in their schedule. (This makes buoys more useable in multiplayer games again, as buoys cannot be deleted by other players if they are used.) [SF#1105963]
- Fix: Now helicopters will use a hangar in schedule to be replaced in, even if they are only set to service there. Since helicopters are serviced at helipads, they will only go there if they needs to be replaced or renewed. They will also use a hangar in an airport in the schedule if needed
- Fix: Only a server can rename a town in a MP game
- Fix: Shares are now also sold when a company goes bankrupt [SF#1090313]
- Fix: It is no longer possible to crash trains of other companies by building a depot close to a station. (even more: trains do no longer enter tiles that do not belong to his owner) [SF#1087701]
- Fix: Crashed trains are not reported to have too few orders any more [SF#1087403]
- Fix: Backup-order-list was not closed with an OT_NOTHING, [SF#1086375]
- Fix: Docks now have a button to display the catchment area [SF#1085255]
- Fix: Invisible trains. Weird macros and MSVC optimizing do not always mix [SF#1070274]
- Fix: Number of passangers and mail in exclusive test offer window is swapped [SF#1068269]
- Fix: Pause key pauses the game [SF#1066504]
- Fix: Resetting file name after deleting a file [SF#1066121]
- Fix: Code error in win32.c Thanks Shai [SF#1066114]
- Fix: Windows can be placed behind toolbar [SF#1065247]
- Fix: Editor Map-Menu wrong String [SF#1064742]
- Fix: Always report a bus/lorry station as unpassable [SF#1058809]
- Fix: Refit train window stays open [SF#1053397]
- Fix: Incorrect Tooltip in Road Vehicle List [SF#1050993]
- Fix: Monorail and Maglev sounds are swapped [SF#1048596]
- Fix: Flooded wagons in depots do not keep constantly exploding any more [SF#1040119]
- Fix: Bug about lowering tracks built on slopes [SF#1035303]
- Fix: 'Allow goto depot' turned off, no checkpoints in orders [SF#1035066]
- Fix: Place sign and blue message box [SF#1034318]
- Fix: Wrong mapping between music titles and songs [SF#1033947]
- Fix: Some screensizes crashes OTTD. Fix in general bug that only allows resolutions which were multiple of 8 in width and height. Also use closest possible resolution in fullscreen if window size is not a valid resolution [SF#1030393]
- Fix: 'Service at' orders ignored after 2090. After 2090 year is reset to 1. Jan 2090, so most of the time, last service was in the future and no service ensured [SF#1030275]
- Fix: Building a station acted weird in some rare situations [SF#1029064]
- Fix: Ships could unload cargo at stations without docks [SF#1022227]
- Fix: Wrong trees (toyland's) in sub-tropical landscape style [SF#999669]
- Fix: High bridge rendering error [SF#993500]
- Fix: Disabled buttons flicker no more [SF#991101]
- Fix: Start/stop flag in train depots always works, regardless of the horizontal scroll position [SF#985925]
- Fix: Un-owned rail. Trains could cross competitor's tracks if there was a road-crossing over it [SF#985439]
- Fix: Pathfinding bug; train likes the roundabout. If train needs servicing it will now look 16 tiles along the track instead of 12 tiles manhattan style [SF#982611]
- Fix: Fullscreen. New button 'Fullscreen' in 'Game Options' menu which lets you set fullscreen ingame [SF#967096]
- Fix: No longer road/rail crossing signals hang when a train is reversed at the wrong moment [SF#958098]
- Fix: Ctrl + d bug. Longest outstanding bug has been fixed [SF#926105]
- Fix: Music now finally works on WinXP. DirectMusic is now default for an OS >= WinNT4 (WinNT4, Win2k, WinXP), and MIDI driver for lower OS's (Win95, Win98, WinME, etc)
- Fix: Turning on the magic bulldozer removes oil rigs [SF#1010833]
- Fix: Drunk pilot [SF#1012086]
- Fix: TileAddWrap() gave wrong results [SF#1014278]
- Fix: Cached_sprites does now work again [SF#1016954]
- Fix: Bug when dragging a part of a multiheaded engine to 'sell-whole-train' [SF#1022689]
- Fix: Fix for MouseWheel assert error in non-zoomable viewports. Zooming now will only occur if mousepointer is either in an extra viewport window, or main game-window [SF#1023971]
- Fix: Company value problem (again). Now company value rightly shows the value, including ALL your money [SF#1025836]
- Fix: Company values bigger dan int32 were put to negative [SF#1025836]
- Fix: Long bridges had negative value [SF#1025836]
- Fix: Vehicle depots not transparent with transparent buildings [SF#1026271]