(svn r12394) -Fix: make the style of the changelog more uniform.

This commit is contained in:
rubidium 2008-03-22 16:24:36 +00:00
parent 4094e9b495
commit f65b925744

View File

@ -1,213 +1,206 @@
0.6.0-beta5 (2008-03-04)
-Feature: Vehicle variable FE bit 8 (r12331) [FS#1812]
-Feature: Vehicle variable FE bit 5 and 6 (r12330)
-Feature: Support loading full range of 0xD0xx NewGRF strings which includes 0xD000 to 0xD3FF (r12316)
-Feature: Ability to change aircraft speed factor, from so called 'realistic' (matching other vehicles) (1/1) to original TTD speed (1/4) (r12293, r12294)
-Fix: Don't pause/unpause the game when showing load/save windows when the game is paused due to missing GRFs (r12336) [FS#1733]
-Fix: Disallow building level crossings over one-way roads as this allowed competitors to remove the one-way state (r12329) [FS#1819]
-Fix: Wrong Y pillar specified for girder with arch bridge (r12328)
-Fix: Vehicles could be sorted in a wrong order when a vehicle name changed - cached name was not invalidated (r12324)
-Fix: Vehicle sorting by name was broken, it was comparing two the same strings (when caching was not used) (r12323) [FS#1821]
-Fix: Endian issue when saving/loading group owner (r12322)
-Change: Update readme about where openttd looks for files (r12321)
-Fix: Wrong transparency options could be saved after toggling all (r12320) [FS#1817]
-Fix: Map string IDs that are embedded from other strings (r12317) [FS#1815]
-Fix: Include prop 25 data for all train parts, not just those that carry cargo (r12314)
-Fix: YAPF and NTP did not apply penalty for uphill tracks on steep slopes (r12313)
-Fix: Restore timetable from backupped orders and add group ID to the backup (r12296) [FS#1549]
-Fix: Do not draw trees nor lamps between tram tracks (r12290) [FS#1807]
-Fix: [Win32] Don't create save dir on install (r12269)
-Fix: Autoreplace did not update vehicle index for timetable window (r12261) [FS#1805]
-Fix: GetProductionAroundTiles() may fail if only the second production slot exists (r12258)
-Fix: Removing the Broken FollowTrack_t (pathfinding) fixed related functions (r12252) [FS#1801]
-Fix: Town variables 0x9E to 0xAD (company ratings) returned wrong values (r12247)
-Fix: Proper usage of Clamp() (r12246)
-Fix: Typo resulting in no players are given the engine preview offer (r12244)
-Fix: Mac OSX bundle display name should be 'OpenTTD' (r12234) [FS#1798]
-Fix: [NewGRF] Support using any base price for rail and road vehicles' running cost, show running cost of wagons if available (r12209)
-Fix: When loading a savegame fails, don't start creating a new game, just go straight back to the intro screen (r12202)
-Fix: Force AI to build rail or road instead of bridges if possible, so it doesn't build bridges everywhere (r12200)
-Fix: "Transparent buildings" now only toggles buildings, so show tick when buildings are transparent [FS#1789] (r12198)
-Fix: Show correct last year profit when the train had negative income [FS#1788] (r12197)
-Fix: There can be oil rigs at map borders, do not set water class for them [FS#1787] (r12195)
-Fix: Clamp various town variables to 16bit prior to returning the value (r12192)
-Fix: Do not start overtaking if the RV reaches wrong-way one-way-road in the next tiles (r12191)
-Fix: YAPF always shows 0ms PF time in debug for debug level 2 [FS#1786] (r12190)
-Fix: Assert when trying to play tile sound at NW border of map (placing buyos, leveling land) [FS#1784] (r12186)
-Fix: Wrong operator priority, hopefully harmless (r12185)
-Fix: Take into account possible loan when AI is deciding which bridge to build, so it won't build wooden bridges everytime (r12184)
- Feature: Vehicle variable FE bit 5, 6 and 8 [FS#1812] (r12331, r12330)
- Feature: Support loading full range of 0xD0xx NewGRF strings which includes 0xD000 to 0xD3FF (r12316)
- Feature: Ability to change aircraft speed factor, from so called 'realistic' (matching other vehicles) (1/1) to original TTD speed (1/4) (r12293, r12294)
- Change: Update readme about where openttd looks for files (r12321)
- Fix: Don't pause/unpause the game when showing load/save windows when the game is paused due to missing GRFs [FS#1733] (r12336)
- Fix: Disallow building level crossings over one-way roads as this allowed competitors to remove the one-way state [FS#1819] (r12329)
- Fix: Wrong Y pillar specified for girder with arch bridge (r12328)
- Fix: Vehicles could be sorted in a wrong order when a vehicle name changed - cached name was not invalidated (r12324)
- Fix: Vehicle sorting by name was broken, it was comparing the same string (when caching was not used) [FS#1821] (r12323)
- Fix: Endian issue when saving/loading group owner (r12322)
- Fix: Wrong transparency options could be saved after toggling all [FS#1817] (r12320)
- Fix: Map string IDs that are embedded from other strings [FS#1815] (r12317)
- Fix: Include prop 25 data for all train parts, not just those that carry cargo (r12314)
- Fix: YAPF and NTP did not apply penalty for uphill tracks on steep slopes (r12313)
- Fix: Restore timetable from backupped orders and add group ID to the backup [FS#1549] (r12296)
- Fix: Do not draw trees nor lamps between tram tracks (r12290) [FS#1807]
- Fix: [Win32] Do not create save dir on install (r12269)
- Fix: Autoreplace did not update vehicle index for timetable window [FS#1805] (r12261)
- Fix: GetProductionAroundTiles() may fail if only the second production slot exists (r12258)
- Fix: Town variables 0x9E to 0xAD (company ratings) returned wrong values (r12247)
- Fix: Typo resulting in no players are given the engine preview offer (r12244)
- Fix: Mac OSX bundle display name should be 'OpenTTD' [FS#1798] (r12234)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Support using any base price for rail and road vehicles' running cost, show running cost of wagons if available (r12209)
- Fix: When loading a savegame fails, do not start creating a new game, just go straight back to the intro screen (r12202)
- Fix: Force AI to build rail or road instead of bridges if possible, so it doesn't build bridges everywhere (r12200)
- Fix: "Transparent buildings" now only toggles buildings, so show tick when buildings are transparent [FS#1789] (r12198)
- Fix: Show correct last year profit when the train had negative income [FS#1788] (r12197)
- Fix: There can be oil rigs at map borders, do not set water class for them [FS#1787] (r12195)
- Fix: Do not start overtaking if the RV reaches wrong-way one-way-road in the next tiles (r12191)
- Fix: Assert when trying to play tile sound at NW border of map (placing buyos, leveling land) [FS#1784] (r12186)
- Fix: Take into account possible loan when AI is deciding which bridge to build, so it won't build wooden bridges everytime (r12184)
0.6.0-beta4 (2008-02-18)
-Feature: Allow buttons to resize in NewGRF settings window (r12172)
-Feature: Change colour of autorail and autoroad selection when Ctrl is pressed (r12167)
-Feature: Separate catenary transparency settings from building transparency settings (r12103)
-Feature: Allow locking individual transparency settings so they will not be changed by pressing 'x' (r12102)
-Feature: Add some missing VarAction2 variables (r12124)
-Feature: Make snow appear on rail tiles dependant on track height, not on height of the lowest part of the tile (r12098)
-Feature[newGRF]: Specify the purchase, rail and road description of a bridge (r12069)
-Feature[newGRF]: Add support for var 12, Variational Action 2 (r12045)
-Feature: Allow trees on shore (r12029)
-Feature: Invisible trees are now separate from the building concept (r12022)
-Feature: Add support for passenger engine designation for AI-use, NewGRF property 0x08 for trains (r12019)
-Feature: Show all cargo sources (en-route from) in the station view cargo waiting list instead of just one (r11990)
-Feature[newGRF]: Resizable industry view window on callback 3A (r11987)
-Feature[newGRF]: Implement var 8F(random bits) during callback 28 [FS#1697] (r11985)
-Feature[newGRF]: Add support for Action 0D, var 13: informations about current map size (r11961)
-Feature: Make use of new sprites added by Action5 type 0D (r11947)
-Feature: Allow building bridge heads on more slopes (r11937)
-Feature[newGRF]: Add support for Rivers. Rivers can currently only be placed with-in the scenario editor (r11926,r11938,r11949,r12071)
-Feature: Generate.vbs script to allow project files generation for users unable to run generate bash script (r12123)
-Feature: Sort the strings in languages dropdown (r11886)
-Codechange: Drop MSVC 2003 support (r11979)
-Fix: Test purchase list loading/loaded sprites instead of unconditionally returning a possibly non-existant sprite (r12180)
-Fix: Return correct bridge price for AI when DC_QUERY_COST is set [FS#609] (r12171)
-Fix: When drag&drop mode was cancelled by keyboard input, depot/group window wasn't updated [FS#337] (r12166)
-Fix: Buffer overflow when drawing scrolling news [FS#1652, FS#1773] (r12165)
-Fix: If a train is 'stopping' when entering a depot, do not let it leave again [FS#1705] (r12163)
-Fix: Towns shouldn't build over houses owned by another town [FS#1757] (r12162)
-Fix: Towns will no longer build houses > 1x1 there where should be road (with 2x2, 3x3 grid town layouts) (r12161)
-Fix: Remove the arbitrary limit of 64 waypoints per town [FS#1744] (r12160)
-Fix: Chance16I was now biased towards zero - round to nearest now (r12156)
-Fix: Adjust aircraft slowing algorithm (r12144)
-Fix: Callback 0x3D always gets a cargobit in var 0x18, independent of grf version [FS#1766] (r12142)
-Fix: Do not allow adding tram to rail-road crossing when there is a vehicle on it (r12138)
-Fix: Show cargo capacity for articulated vehicles correctly in the purchase list. Multiple cargo types can also now been shown [FS#1769] (r12137)
-Fix: With mammoth trains disabled, maximum train length was limited to 9 (r12131)
-Fix: Use tile index 0 for planes in the air, so it cannot have an invalid tile index [FS#1745] (r12109)
-Fix: X/Y axis swap for station tiles in GetNearbyTile() was wrong way around [FS#1753]( r12108)
-Fix: Loading older savegames fixes (r12096,r12097)
-Fix: When a company bankrupts, remove drive-through road stops, ship depots and buoys too. Update owners of water and road [FS#1703] (r12095)
-Fix: Do not set station owner for buoys when merging company (r12093)
-Fix: Keep production level within delimited boundaries, while using var result 0D/0E and than multiplying/dividing it [FS#1755] (r12092)
-Fix: Assert when loading savegame with wrong tiletype at south map borders (r12088)
-Fix: Check overrides only for industries when mapping newgrf entities to 'real' entities [FS#1747] (r12086)
-Fix: Update waypoint signs when changing language (r12080)
-Fix: Use search paths when opening console scripts (r12079)
-Fix: When reusing a renamed deleted waypoint, keep the new name (r12076)
-Fix: Make docks at sea flood neighboured tiles (r12072)
-Fix: Possible deadlock when there are no houses available to build at given tile (r12062)
-Fix: Houses with zero probability could be built (r12062)
-Fix: Do not clear tiles when the town won't be able to build any buildings anyway (r12060)
-Fix: Allow building 2x2 building on slopes if not explicitly forbidden (r12060)
-Fix: It was possible to build 2x1 and 1x2 buildings on slopes even if it was not allowed (r12060)
-Fix: Teach NPF where road vehicles and trams can reverse (r12058)
-Fix: Ships can drive through opponents' ship depots (r12058)
-Fix: Slowdown train when approaching 90deg turn when 90deg turns are forbidden (r12057)
-Fix: Enable YAPF to start searching inside a wormhole [FS#1704] (r12056)
-Fix: Another way to fix AI trying to build road through depots (r12055)
-Fix: The cargo translation table was loaded at the right time, but all the other global variables were now loaded too early [FS#1737] (r12052)
-Fix: Random_func broke for desync debug (r12050)
-Fix: Memset on multibyte array with wrong byte count (r12049)
-Fix: Crash when centering on a vehicle (aircraft) that is outside of the map [FS#1741] (r12044)
-Fix: Allow building transmitters and lighthouses on tree tiles [FS#1736] (r12043)
-Fix: Reimplement how rivers and canals are stored in the map, allowing the sea/river/canal status to also be
stored for buoys, docks, locks and depots. All these are now allowed on rivers and removal of them will revert to the
original water type [FS#1676] (r12042)
-Fix: Change ownership of or remove statues when merging/bankrupting companies (r12038)
-Fix: For station tiles, only get road types for road stops (r12036)
-Fix: Teach YAPF where trams can reverse, and where not [FS#1702] (r12035)
-Fix: Do not show train speed as zero after loading paused game (r12033)
-Fix: When removing a statue, remove town statue flag for the statue owner, not current player (r12032)
-Fix: Prevent towns from removing or claiming ownership of player owned tiles when growing [FS#1689,FS#1719] (r12031)
-Fix: In one case trees could spread under bridges (r12024)
-Fix: Put a better suited text in the quit-dialog [FS#1690] (r12023)
-Fix: Restore initial intent on the invisible tree while transparent building patch setting [FS#1721] (r12018)
-Fix: When you have more than 9 network interfaces you'll enter the wonderfull world of overflows (r12017)
-Fix: Better work on strings in regard to gender [FS#1716] (r12015)
-Fix: Lighthouses and transmitters were never supposed to be build on a slope (r12014)
-Fix: When modifying watered tiles, mark neighboured canals and rivers dirty in more cases (r12013)
-Fix: Enable TownRatingTestMode during cost estimation with 'shift'-key (r12012)
-Fix: Do not consider one-corner-raised-shores to be watered tiles from all sides [FS#1701] (r12011)
-Fix: Avoid loading sample.cat if it 'looks' incorrect, and avoid later null pointer dereferences by moving volume lookup deeper [FS#1707] (r12009)
-Fix: Possible reading from an invalid pointer [FS#1717] (r12005)
-Fix: When skipping Action 11 or 12, also skip belonging sprites (r12001)
-Fix: Do entrance-slope-check for every tile of railstations (r11999)
-Fix: Possible remote assert by setting bit 6 of p1 for CMD_REMOVE_ROAD [FS#1692] (r11998)
-Fix: Update train statusbar when stopping from zero speed [FS#1706] (r11996)
-Fix: Resize station/roadstop/dock/airport construction windows if cargo acceptance list is too long (r11993)
-Fix: When building two rail stations close to each other (with control) so they looked like one long track trains would see them as one (r11992)
-Fix: Resize autoreplace window to fit purchase information text if it is too large (r11989)
-Fix: Build system ignored changes to table/control_codes.h which require strgen to be rebuilt (r11986)
-Fix: Also draw corner shores under rail tracks (r11984)
-Revert(r8738): Now we have shores in corners. No need to remove them from TTDP games (r11982)
-Fix: Use unicode glyph mapping to fix up missing/shuffled sprites in original data files instead of shuffling or skipping sprites directly [FS#1698] (r11981)
-Fix: Industries using results 0D/0E on callback cb29/35 were a bit too eager to close down (r11976)
-Fix: Shore and sea tiles under bridges were converted to canals in old savegames [FS#1684] (r11974)
-Fix: Use grass tiles for corner shores, if shores got replaced by ActionA [FS#1683] (r11973)
-Fix: Old AI shouldn't build fast planes with a small airport in orders(r11972)
-Fix: MP_ROAD can have railbits too - OPF searching over rail of diffen t owner behind crossing (r11967)
-Fix: OPF was searching through depots and normal road stops [FS#1403, FS#1506] (r11966)
-Fix: Tropic zone data was returned incorrectly [FS#1685] (r11964)
-Fix: NewAI couldn't build any road vehicles when there were any tram grfs loaded (r11958)
-Fix: Disallow building locks and docks on rapids [FS#1675] (r11956)
-Fix: Do not allow modifying roadbits when other roadtypes would need different foundation (r11953)
-Fix: Loading of very old savegames was broken (r11951)
-Fix: Slope detection of bridge ramps.Helps YAPF and Trolly (r11946)
-Fix: FileExists() failed for non latin paths (win32) (r11945)
-Fix: Allow building drive-through road/tram stops at road/tram track that has no owner (r11944)
-Fix: 'BRIDGE_TOO_LOW_FOR_TERRAIN'-check was wrong for steep slopes (r11936)
-Fix[autoreplace]: Single to dualhead locomotive replacefailed when player had enough money to replace and refit one but not enough to refit the last one as well [FS#1624] (r11929)
-Fix[autoreplace]: Autoreplace could refit train engines to the wrong cargo type if the old engine had no cargo capacity and the new one had (r11928)
-Fix: Loading old, pre savegame version 2, savegames (r11925)
-Fix: AI was reading wrong tile slope while building road bridge (r11917)
-Fix: set correctly crossing state after train reversal, train leaving crossing, train crash (r11900)
-Fix: Segmentation faults/wrong frees due uninitialized memory in the AI [FS#1658] (r11887)
-Fix: Assert when trying to remove rail from a house or industry tile [FS#1663,FS#1665-6-7-8,FS#1680,FS#1686-7-8 FS#1715 FS#1742 FS#1771 FS#1776](r11883)
-Fix: Crash in MP in vehicle group window if the currently selected group is deleted by another player (r11878)
-Fix: Another way to crash competitors' train in a station (r11877)
-Fix: Automatically sending aircraft to depot for autoreplace/renew is now triggered by the correct conditions (r11875)
-Fix: EngineHasReplacementForPlayer() didn't look in ALL_GROUP (r11872)
-Fix: Do not update signals after each tile when building/removing a large block of track/signals/station [FS#1074] (r11871)
-Fix: Slow down train when approaching tile we can't enter in more cases (r11870)
-Fix: Do not make crossing red when we can't enter it in any case (r11870)
- Feature: Allow buttons to resize in NewGRF settings window (r12172)
- Feature: Change colour of autorail and autoroad selection when Ctrl is pressed (r12167)
- Feature: Separate catenary transparency settings from building transparency settings (r12103)
- Feature: Allow locking individual transparency settings so they will not be changed by pressing 'x' (r12102)
- Feature: Add some missing VarAction2 variables (r12124)
- Feature: Make snow appear on rail tiles dependant on track height, not on height of the lowest part of the tile (r12098)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Specify the purchase, rail and road description of a bridge (r12069)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for var 12, Variational Action 2 (r12045)
- Feature: Allow trees on shore (r12029)
- Feature: Invisible trees are now separate from the building concept (r12022)
- Feature: Add support for passenger engine designation for AI-use, NewGRF property 0x08 for trains (r12019)
- Feature: Show all cargo sources (en-route from) in the station view cargo waiting list instead of just one (r11990)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Resizable industry view window on callback 3A (r11987)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Implement var 8F (random bits) during callback 28 [FS#1697] (r11985)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for Action 0D, var 13: informations about current map size (r11961)
- Feature: Support Action5 type 0D (newwater) (r11947)
- Feature: Allow building bridge heads on more slopes (r11937)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for Rivers. Rivers can currently only be placed with-in the scenario editor (r11926,r11938,r11949,r12071)
- Feature: Generate.vbs script to allow project files generation for users unable to run generate bash script (r12123)
- Feature: Sort the strings in languages dropdown (r11886)
- Codechange: Drop MSVC 2003 support (r11979)
- Fix: Test purchase list loading/loaded sprites instead of unconditionally returning a possibly non-existant sprite (r12180)
- Fix: Return correct bridge price for AI when DC_QUERY_COST is set [FS#609] (r12171)
- Fix: When drag&drop mode was cancelled by keyboard input, depot/group window wasn't updated [FS#337] (r12166)
- Fix: Buffer overflow when drawing scrolling news [FS#1652, FS#1773] (r12165)
- Fix: If a train is 'stopping' when entering a depot, do not let it leave again [FS#1705] (r12163)
- Fix: Towns shouldn't build over houses owned by another town [FS#1757] (r12162)
- Fix: Towns will no longer build houses > 1x1 there where should be road (with 2x2, 3x3 grid town layouts) (r12161)
- Fix: Remove the arbitrary limit of 64 waypoints per town [FS#1744] (r12160)
- Fix: Chance16I was now biased towards zero - round to nearest now (r12156)
- Fix: Adjust aircraft slowing algorithm (r12144)
- Fix: Callback 0x3D always gets a cargobit in var 0x18, independent of grf version [FS#1766] (r12142)
- Fix: Do not allow adding tram to rail-road crossing when there is a vehicle on it (r12138)
- Fix: Show cargo capacity for articulated vehicles correctly in the purchase list. Multiple cargo types can also now been shown [FS#1769] (r12137)
- Fix: With mammoth trains disabled, maximum train length was limited to 9 (r12131)
- Fix: Use tile index 0 for planes in the air, so it cannot have an invalid tile index [FS#1745] (r12109)
- Fix: X/Y axis swap for station tiles in GetNearbyTile() was wrong way around [FS#1753]( r12108)
- Fix: Loading older savegames fixes (r12096,r12097)
- Fix: When a company bankrupts, remove drive-through road stops, ship depots and buoys too. Update owners of water and road [FS#1703] (r12095)
- Fix: Do not set station owner for buoys when merging company (r12093)
- Fix: Keep production level within delimited boundaries, while using var result 0D/0E and than multiplying/dividing it [FS#1755] (r12092)
- Fix: Assert when loading savegame with wrong tiletype at south map borders (r12088)
- Fix: Check overrides only for industries when mapping newgrf entities to 'real' entities [FS#1747] (r12086)
- Fix: Update waypoint signs when changing language (r12080)
- Fix: Use search paths when opening console scripts (r12079)
- Fix: When reusing a renamed deleted waypoint, keep the new name (r12076)
- Fix: Make docks at sea flood neighboured tiles (r12072)
- Fix: Possible deadlock when there are no houses available to build at given tile (r12062)
- Fix: Houses with zero probability could be built (r12062)
- Fix: Do not clear tiles when the town won't be able to build any buildings anyway (r12060)
- Fix: Allow building 2x2 building on slopes if not explicitly forbidden (r12060)
- Fix: It was possible to build 2x1 and 1x2 buildings on slopes even if it was not allowed (r12060)
- Fix: Teach NPF where road vehicles and trams can reverse (r12058)
- Fix: Ships can drive through opponents' ship depots (r12058)
- Fix: Slowdown train when approaching 90deg turn when 90deg turns are forbidden (r12057)
- Fix: Enable YAPF to start searching inside a wormhole [FS#1704] (r12056)
- Fix: Another way to fix AI trying to build road through depots (r12055)
- Fix: The cargo translation table was loaded at the right time, but all the other global variables were now loaded too early [FS#1737] (r12052)
- Fix: Random_func broke for desync debug (r12050)
- Fix: Memset on multibyte array with wrong byte count (r12049)
- Fix: Crash when centering on a vehicle (aircraft) that is outside of the map [FS#1741] (r12044)
- Fix: Allow building transmitters and lighthouses on tree tiles [FS#1736] (r12043)
- Fix: Reimplement how rivers and canals are stored in the map, allowing the sea/river/canal status to also be stored for buoys, docks, locks and depots. All these are now allowed on rivers and removal of them will revert to the original water type [FS#1676] (r12042)
- Fix: Change ownership of or remove statues when merging/bankrupting companies (r12038)
- Fix: For station tiles, only get road types for road stops (r12036)
- Fix: Teach YAPF where trams can reverse, and where not [FS#1702] (r12035)
- Fix: Do not show train speed as zero after loading paused game (r12033)
- Fix: When removing a statue, remove town statue flag for the statue owner, not current player (r12032)
- Fix: Prevent towns from removing or claiming ownership of player owned tiles when growing [FS#1689,FS#1719] (r12031)
- Fix: In one case trees could spread under bridges (r12024)
- Fix: Put a better suited text in the quit-dialog [FS#1690] (r12023)
- Fix: Restore initial intent on the invisible tree while transparent building patch setting [FS#1721] (r12018)
- Fix: When you have more than 9 network interfaces you'll enter the wonderfull world of overflows (r12017)
- Fix: Better work on strings in regard to gender [FS#1716] (r12015)
- Fix: Lighthouses and transmitters were never supposed to be build on a slope (r12014)
- Fix: When modifying watered tiles, mark neighboured canals and rivers dirty in more cases (r12013)
- Fix: Enable TownRatingTestMode during cost estimation with 'shift'-key (r12012)
- Fix: Do not consider one-corner-raised-shores to be watered tiles from all sides [FS#1701] (r12011)
- Fix: Avoid loading sample.cat if it 'looks' incorrect, and avoid later null pointer dereferences by moving volume lookup deeper [FS#1707] (r12009)
- Fix: Possible reading from an invalid pointer [FS#1717] (r12005)
- Fix: When skipping Action 11 or 12, also skip belonging sprites (r12001)
- Fix: Do entrance-slope-check for every tile of railstations (r11999)
- Fix: Possible remote assert by setting bit 6 of p1 for CMD_REMOVE_ROAD [FS#1692] (r11998)
- Fix: Update train statusbar when stopping from zero speed [FS#1706] (r11996)
- Fix: Resize station/roadstop/dock/airport construction windows if cargo acceptance list is too long (r11993)
- Fix: When building two rail stations close to each other (with control) so they looked like one long track trains would see them as one (r11992)
- Fix: Resize autoreplace window to fit purchase information text if it is too large (r11989)
- Fix: Build system ignored changes to table/control_codes.h which require strgen to be rebuilt (r11986)
- Fix: Also draw corner shores under rail tracks (r11984)
- Fix: Use unicode glyph mapping to fix up missing/shuffled sprites in original data files instead of shuffling or skipping sprites directly [FS#1698] (r11981)
- Fix: Industries using results 0D/0E on callback cb29/35 were a bit too eager to close down (r11976)
- Fix: Shore and sea tiles under bridges were converted to canals in old savegames [FS#1684] (r11974)
- Fix: Use grass tiles for corner shores, if shores got replaced by ActionA [FS#1683] (r11973)
- Fix: Old AI shouldn't build fast planes with a small airport in orders(r11972)
- Fix: MP_ROAD can have railbits too - OPF searching over rail of diffen t owner behind crossing (r11967)
- Fix: OPF was searching through depots and normal road stops [FS#1403, FS#1506] (r11966)
- Fix: Tropic zone data was returned incorrectly [FS#1685] (r11964)
- Fix: NewAI couldn't build any road vehicles when there were any tram grfs loaded (r11958)
- Fix: Disallow building locks and docks on rapids [FS#1675] (r11956)
- Fix: Do not allow modifying roadbits when other roadtypes would need different foundation (r11953)
- Fix: Loading of very old savegames was broken (r11951)
- Fix: Slope detection of bridge ramps. Helps YAPF and Trolly (r11946)
- Fix: FileExists() failed for non latin paths (win32) (r11945)
- Fix: Allow building drive-through road/tram stops at road/tram track that has no owner (r11944)
- Fix: 'BRIDGE_TOO_LOW_FOR_TERRAIN'-check was wrong for steep slopes (r11936)
- Fix: [Autoreplace] Single to dualhead locomotive replacefailed when player had enough money to replace and refit one but not enough to refit the last one as well [FS#1624] (r11929)
- Fix: [Autoreplace] Autoreplace could refit train engines to the wrong cargo type if the old engine had no cargo capacity and the new one had (r11928)
- Fix: Loading old, pre savegame version 2, savegames (r11925)
- Fix: AI was reading wrong tile slope while building road bridge (r11917)
- Fix: set correctly crossing state after train reversal, train leaving crossing, train crash (r11900)
- Fix: Segmentation faults/wrong frees due uninitialized memory in the AI [FS#1658] (r11887)
- Fix: Assert when trying to remove rail from a house or industry tile [FS#1663,FS#1665-6-7-8,FS#1680,FS#1686-7-8 FS#1715 FS#1742 FS#1771 FS#1776](r11883)
- Fix: Crash in MP in vehicle group window if the currently selected group is deleted by another player (r11878)
- Fix: Another way to crash competitors' train in a station (r11877)
- Fix: Automatically sending aircraft to depot for autoreplace/renew is now triggered by the correct conditions (r11875)
- Fix: EngineHasReplacementForPlayer() didn't look in ALL_GROUP (r11872)
- Fix: Do not update signals after each tile when building/removing a large block of track/signals/station [FS#1074] (r11871)
- Fix: Slow down train when approaching tile we can't enter in more cases (r11870)
- Fix: Do not make crossing red when we can't enter it in any case (r11870)
0.6.0-beta3 (2008-01-16)
-Feature: Replaced fixed size custom name array. Names are now attached to their object directly and there is no limit to the amount of names (r11822)
-Feature: Add drag-n-drop support to the raise/lower land tools. Land is raised/lowered at the start and the rest of the area levelled to match (r11759)
-Feature: Add support for NewGRF's train 'tilt' flag. Trains with tilt capability (specific details are per NewGRF set) will be given a 20% speed limit bonus on curves (r11741)
-Feature: Added sorting for cost, running costs and speed to road vehicles and ships build windows (r11710)
-Feature: List neutral stations where the player has service in the station list too (r11670)
-Feature: Check whether (some) characters are missing in the current 'font' for the 'currently' chosen language and give a warning when that does happen (r11646)
-Feature: Support shore replacement via Action 5 (r11726)
-Fix: When two NewGRFs 'fight' to define the same cargo it could happen that the strings are defined by one cargo and the 'action2' by another and when one assumes that both come from the same NewGRF [FS#1559] (r11862)
-Fix: Recompute town population when removing a 'newhouses' grf, or when loading a game with missing 'newhouses' grfs [FS#1335] (r11855)
-Fix: Road vehicle count was incorrect in network lobby window (r11844)
-Fix: Mark dirty canal tile even in diagonal direction from flooded tile, draw correctly canal next to half flooded rail tile (r11843, r11838)
-Fix: At least one instance of dmusic driver is needed for it to be registered and usable (r11826)
-Fix: An articulated road vehicle could split up when it turned around at a corner and then would enter a drive through station at the next tile [FS#1627] (r11825)
-Fix: Switch _screen to the output buffer and disable usage of 32bpp-anim animation buffer during giant screenshots [FS#1602] (r11813)
-Fix: Do not crash trains when leaving depot to a very long track [FS#716] (r11802)
-Fix: Take town rating into account when testing if a command can be executed [FS#1616] (r11795)
-Fix: Reversing a train when loading at a station with an adjacent station in the same axis crashed [FS#1632] (r11794)
-Fix: Group names got not deallocated in the command test run [FS#1614] (r11743)
-Fix: Run window tick events when paused, so that news pop-ups and the about window still progress. For other windows the events are ignored when paused [FS#1319] (r11742)
-Fix: Modify and possibly discard key events for code points in the unicode private use area [FS#1610] (r11740)
-Fix: Set the new scroll position after zooming in instead of before, as the zoom will cancel it out [FS#1609] (r11739)
-Fix: Do not reset loading indicator IDs when only reloading NewGRFs [FS#1574] (r11735)
-Fix: Elrail merge gave elrail, monorail & maglev unintended speed bonuses for curves, as the bonus was based on the railtype index. The bonus is now specified by a property of the railtype (r11732)
-Fix: Clear sprite override data before performing NewGRF wagon attach callback. This stopped the callback working for autoreplace and when moving wagons from train to train in a depot [FS#1582] (r11731)
-Fix: If there are no houses that can be build in a specific year yet, force the houses with the earliest introduction year to be available [FS#1577] (r11727)
-Fix: Make it impossible (for users) to circumvent the length checking of the NewGRF 'allow wagon attach' callback by moving several wagons at a time (r11724)
-Fix: Do not put more than one Random() in function calls because parameter evaluation order is not guaranteed in the c++ standard [FS#1561] (r11716)
-Fix: Do not allow player inauguration date on scenarios to be bigger than current year [FS#1569] (r11714)
-Fix: Add more house string id ranges to MapGRFStringID so NewGRFs use the proper string ids (r11712)
-Fix: Do not allow refitting flooded (destroyed) vehicles (r11707)
-Fix: Trains could have sprites with wrong direction when reversing, also was inconsistent with save/load process [FS#1557] (r11705)
-Fix: When removing buoys, return to water or canal depending on their owner (r11666)
-Fix: Animation informations should not be copied from original industry tile spec, while doing an action 00, industry tile, prop 08 (r11665)
-Fix: Do not allow modifying non-uniform stations when non-uniform stations are disabled [FS#1563] (r11659)
-Fix: 'Initialised' NewGRFs could still be deactivated in the later 'activation' pass (r11650)
-Fix: Vehicles were still followed when sold [FS#1541] (r11632)
-Fix: Many viewports could crash the scenario editor [FS#1527] (r11629)
-Fix: Popping from text reference stack must be done in a precise order. But some compiler (MSVC) over optimised it and inverted this order [FS#1532] (r11627)
-Fix: There were still some cases where one could not build a tram track, but the tram could become blocked [FS#1525] (r11621)
-Fix: Do not make crossing red behind depot the train is entering [FS#1531] (r11619)
-Fix: Buoys are just waypoints, so don't allow load/unload/transfert for them (r11618)
-Fix: Sometimes large values could go off the chart [FS#1526] (r11616)
-Fix: Temperate banks can only be built in towns (over a house) (r11615)
- Feature: Replaced fixed size custom name array. Names are now attached to their object directly and there is no limit to the amount of names (r11822)
- Feature: Add drag-n-drop support to the raise/lower land tools. Land is raised/lowered at the start and the rest of the area levelled to match (r11759)
- Feature: Add support for NewGRF's train 'tilt' flag. Trains with tilt capability (specific details are per NewGRF set) will be given a 20% speed limit bonus on curves (r11741)
- Feature: Added sorting for cost, running costs and speed to road vehicles and ships build windows (r11710)
- Feature: List neutral stations where the player has service in the station list too (r11670)
- Feature: Check whether (some) characters are missing in the current 'font' for the 'currently' chosen language and give a warning when that does happen (r11646)
- Feature: Support shore replacement via Action 5 (r11726)
- Fix: When two NewGRFs 'fight' to define the same cargo it could happen that the strings are defined by one cargo and the 'action2' by another and when one assumes that both come from the same NewGRF [FS#1559] (r11862)
- Fix: Recompute town population when removing a 'newhouses' grf, or when loading a game with missing 'newhouses' grfs [FS#1335] (r11855)
- Fix: Road vehicle count was incorrect in network lobby window (r11844)
- Fix: Mark dirty canal tile even in diagonal direction from flooded tile, draw correctly canal next to half flooded rail tile (r11843, r11838)
- Fix: At least one instance of dmusic driver is needed for it to be registered and usable (r11826)
- Fix: An articulated road vehicle could split up when it turned around at a corner and then would enter a drive through station at the next tile [FS#1627] (r11825)
- Fix: Switch _screen to the output buffer and disable usage of 32bpp-anim animation buffer during giant screenshots [FS#1602] (r11813)
- Fix: Do not crash trains when leaving depot to a very long track [FS#716] (r11802)
- Fix: Take town rating into account when testing if a command can be executed [FS#1616] (r11795)
- Fix: Reversing a train when loading at a station with an adjacent station in the same axis crashed [FS#1632] (r11794)
- Fix: Group names got not deallocated in the command test run [FS#1614] (r11743)
- Fix: Run window tick events when paused, so that news pop-ups and the about window still progress. For other windows the events are ignored when paused [FS#1319] (r11742)
- Fix: Modify and possibly discard key events for code points in the unicode private use area [FS#1610] (r11740)
- Fix: Set the new scroll position after zooming in instead of before, as the zoom will cancel it out [FS#1609] (r11739)
- Fix: Do not reset loading indicator IDs when only reloading NewGRFs [FS#1574] (r11735)
- Fix: Elrail merge gave elrail, monorail & maglev unintended speed bonuses for curves, as the bonus was based on the railtype index. The bonus is now specified by a property of the railtype (r11732)
- Fix: Clear sprite override data before performing NewGRF wagon attach callback. This stopped the callback working for autoreplace and when moving wagons from train to train in a depot [FS#1582] ( r11731)
- Fix: If there are no houses that can be build in a specific year yet, force the houses with the earliest introduction year to be available [FS#1577] (r11727)
- Fix: Make it impossible (for users) to circumvent the length checking of the NewGRF 'allow wagon attach' callback by moving several wagons at a time (r11724)
- Fix: Do not put more than one Random() in function calls because parameter evaluation order is not guaranteed in the C++ standard [FS#1561] (r11716)
- Fix: Do not allow player inauguration date on scenarios to be bigger than current year [FS#1569] (r11714)
- Fix: Add more house string id ranges to MapGRFStringID so NewGRFs use the proper string ids (r11712)
- Fix: Do not allow refitting flooded (destroyed) vehicles (r11707)
- Fix: Trains could have sprites with wrong direction when reversing, also was inconsistent with save/load process [FS#1557] (r11705)
- Fix: When removing buoys, return to water or canal depending on their owner (r11666)
- Fix: Animation informations should not be copied from original industry tile spec, while doing an action 00, industry tile, prop 08 (r11665)
- Fix: Do not allow modifying non-uniform stations when non-uniform stations are disabled [FS#1563] (r11659)
- Fix: 'Initialised' NewGRFs could still be deactivated in the later 'activation' pass (r11650)
- Fix: Vehicles were still followed when sold [FS#1541] (r11632)
- Fix: Many viewports could crash the scenario editor [FS#1527] (r11629)
- Fix: Popping from text reference stack must be done in a precise order. But some compiler (MSVC) over optimised it and inverted this order [FS#1532] (r11627)
- Fix: There were still some cases where one could not build a tram track, but the tram could become blocked [FS#1525] (r11621)
- Fix: Do not make crossing red behind depot the train is entering [FS#1531] (r11619)
- Fix: Buoys are just waypoints, so don't allow load/unload/transfert for them (r11618)
- Fix: Sometimes large values could go off the chart [FS#1526] (r11616)
- Fix: Temperate banks can only be built in towns (over a house) (r11615)
0.6.0-beta2 (2007-12-09)