Update to sysvinit-3.02.
Update to zlib-1.2.12.
Update to expat-2.4.8.
Update to Jinja2-3.1.1.
Update to Python-3.10.4.
Update to procps-ng-4.0.0.
Update to iproute2-5.17.0.
Update to meson-0.62.0.
Update to linux-5.17.1.
Update to util-linux-2.38.
Telling the user to override CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS may cause two problems:
1. We've added --with-gcc-arch=native, so the configure script will add
"-march=native" into CFLAGS. Then we've not really verified which
-march= value is the last one in the GCC command line and being really
2. User may just export CFLAGS="-march=x86_64", without "-O2". This
will produce unoptimized binaries.
Otherwise, warnings are issued when changing runlevel. "ip route"
is a good test of whether network is already up. If users want to
change some config, they should use ifup/down, not the network
Now start and reboot should be called as "script start", and they
should be the last in their runlevel. Note that install_initd
needs to be patched for this to work; see
Presently, there are a lot of special cases:
- runlevel 0 and 6 unconditionally run "script stop" if they
find a Kxxscript symlink. This may lead to trying to stop an
already stopped device if for example switching to runlevel 0/6
from runlevel 1. This can be fixed by stating the convention
that it is the responsability of scripts to check that the service
is running before killing it (or not running before starting it).
Still, we shouldn't try to stop a service if it was marked K in
the previous runlevel. And same for S files: we shouldn't try to
start a service that was marked S in the previous runlevel. Note
that changing runlevel is not a "reset": if a user has manually
changed the state of a daemon, this state will remain the same
upon changing runlevel if the S/K status of that dameon is
the same in both runlevels.
- Sxxscript symlinks in runlevel 0/6 are run as "script stop"
instead of the more intuitive "script start". This does not interact
well with LSB-tools (some scripts would need "Default-Start: S 0 6"
but then it is impossible to get correct "Required-Start" or
"Should-Start" fields). Furthermore, having a counter-intuitive
behavior is error prone. So now runlevel 0/6 will run "script
sart" for a Sxxscript.
Since the kernel can mount /dev if given the proper config
parameter, and we tell users to set this parameter when building
the kernel, this should be mentioned in the script
* Update to Python-3.10.3 (#5028)
* Update to libtool-2.4.7 (#5029)
* Update to linux-5.16.16 (#5030)
* Update to tzdata-2022a (#5031)
* Update to man-db-2.10.2 (#5032)
If run once (as it is now), the only possibility after hitting
control-D is to reboot. Note that init treats the S runlevel
when the last daemon to be run n runlevel S exits, init switches
to the default runlevel. This is not the case for other runlevels.
* update to expat-2.4.7 (#5019)
* update to bc-5.2.3 (#5020)
* update to linux-5.16.14 (#5021)
* update to perl-5.34.1 (#5022)
* update to vim-8.2.4567 (#4500)
Change pdf generation to use 9 point fonts for monospace
sections of the book. Otherwise texy overflows, especially
in Chapter 8, Stripping.
Fix a minor spacing issue in the stripping issue.
MAke a minor grammar fix in creatingfiles.xml.