Report on #lfs-support by "r1c0n3r0": the libhistory and libreadline
filenames have been wrong on the "stripping" page since realine
version bump. Fix taken (with slight modification) from William
Harrington's port to arm:
This is needed so that /etc/default/useradd is not removed by package
managers when rebuilding shadow in BLFS. Change the explanations in
the text accordingly.
Update to e2fsprogs-1.46.5.
Update to zstd-1.5.1.
Update to expat-2.4.2.
Update to shadow-4.10.
Update to sysvinit-3.01.
Update to linux-5.15.12.
Update to iana-etc-20211224.
Update to openssl-3.0.1.
Update to eudev-3.2.11.
Update lfs-latest-git.php currency for new eudev location.
Update to systemd-250 (BLFS coming shortly)
Update to meson-0.60.3
Kernel Configuration: Enable the framebuffer since it's disabled by
default in Linux-5.15.
Kernel Configuration: Add a note about CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME on
"info gccinstall" says:
Tell GCC that when the GNU C Library (glibc) is used on the target
it will be version MAJOR.MINOR or later. Normally this can be
detected from the C library's header files, but this option may be
needed when bootstrapping a cross toolchain without the header
files available for building the initial bootstrap compiler.
So it can, and should be set to the version of glibc which will be built
for the chroot environment.
On x86_64, currently it does not make any difference with values >=
2.13. But it may make a difference if a new feature is added to glibc,
or on other platforms.
Update to iana-etc-20211112.
Update to elfutils-0.186.
Update to jinja2-3.0.3.
Update to bc-5.2.0.
Update to ncurses-6.3.
Update to libpipeline-1.5.4.
Update to meson-0.60.1.
Update to iproute2-5.15.0.
Update to linux-5.15.2.
One change was needed to systemd-249 due to changes in the linux
keernel version 5.14 and later.
A change to ncurses was needed to ensure the .pc files are placed in
the right location (/usr/lib/pkgconfig).
There are some discussion on gcc-help from someone (mis)using LFS to
build a "general" toolchain. Let's stop it before off-topic message got
into lfs-support.
It was moved to chapter 4 during merged-/usr update. However the ln
commands in chapater 4 are "trivial", so move it back to chapter 5 glibc
where we start to use a "different syntactic version" of it.
Update to gawk-5.1.1.
Update to meson-0.60.0.
Update to libcap-2.60.
Update to gdbm-1.22.
Update to file-5.41.
Update to linux-5.14.15.
Update to iana-etc-20211025.
Update to tzdata-2021e.
Change /bin to /usr/bin in passwd, and revisedchroot.
Fix systemd for new meson.