swedish: 1 change by SpamixOfficial
english (us): 7 changes by 2TallTyler
galician: 123 changes by pvillaverde
estonian: 5 changes by RM87
czech: 46 changes by justidan4
romanian: 19 changes by ALEX11BR
russian: 13 changes by gisterecis
finnish: 6 changes by rikkerton
catalan: 188 changes by J0anJosep
turkish: 29 changes by densxd
latvian: 7 changes by lexuslatvia
portuguese: 33 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 546 changes by pasantoro
polish: 24 changes by pAter-exe
english (au): 7 changes by krysclarke
galician: 1 change by pvillaverde
chinese (simplified): 3 changes by WenSimEHRP
italian: 29 changes by Giredson
german: 53 changes by MagnumSociety
ukrainian: 37 changes by StepanIvasyn
dutch: 7 changes by rcpaul
spanish: 144 changes by MontyMontana
french: 4 changes by Lishouuu
portuguese: 48 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 156 changes by pasantoro
polish: 22 changes by azabost, 6 changes by pAter-exe
galician: 25 changes by pvillaverde
czech: 182 changes by justidan4
hungarian: 31 changes by titanicbobo, 13 changes by Norodix
indonesian: 27 changes by tsaqibfs
german: 58 changes by UnsuspiciousGooball
russian: 18 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 6 changes by hpiirai, 5 changes by lanurmi
ukrainian: 39 changes by StepanIvasyn
turkish: 3 changes by metsysma
danish: 55 changes by mamure, 6 changes by bscargo
dutch: 111 changes by Afoklala, 2 changes by robert5800
spanish: 196 changes by MontyMontana
portuguese: 4 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 148 changes by pasantoro
polish: 42 changes by pAter-exe, 16 changes by azabost
If a dropdown menu is set to persist, it will not close when an item is selected. It will close as normal if the window loses focus.
Closing the list is the responsibility of the caller.
spanish (mexican): 7 changes by Skinazo
english (us): 4 changes by 2TallTyler
czech: 37 changes by justidan4
chinese (simplified): 1 change by WenSimEHRP
finnish: 50 changes by Finjet-cyber, 22 changes by hpiirai
spanish: 13 changes by MontyMontana
french: 4 changes by ottdfevr
portuguese (brazilian): 141 changes by pasantoro
polish: 68 changes by pAter-exe
* Fix 2fd90960: Missing default vehicles and industry acceptance/production.
Some default definitions are used across multiple climate types and relied on climate-independent cargo slot even though they specified a climate-dependent cargo type.
Add MixedCargoType that indirectly allows multiple labels to be specified for these.
english (au): 4 changes by krysclarke
chinese (simplified): 21 changes by WenSimEHRP
korean: 4 changes by CoconutKR
finnish: 94 changes by hpiirai
catalan: 20 changes by J0anJosep
danish: 7 changes by bscargo
latvian: 4 changes by lexuslatvia
esperanto: 31 changes by JadedCtrl
portuguese (brazilian): 283 changes by pasantoro
polish: 75 changes by pAter-exe