From macos-14, vcpkg is no longer installed on the runner-image.
It stands to reason that this will also roll out to new images
for other OSes. To be pre-emptive about it, start using our own
cloned vcpkg for all targets.
Normally "cargo install" will use the latest dependencies, but
this causes an issue with "dump_syms". Use "--locked" makes sure
we use the dependency versions as indicated by "dump_syms", instead
of the latest version.
chinese (simplified): 27 changes by WenSimEHRP
korean: 2 changes by telk5093
greek: 42 changes by Xertoveizer
indonesian: 32 changes by tsaqibfs
slovak: 184 changes by ApplePie420
danish: 2 changes by bscargo
latvian: 2 changes by lexuslatvia
dutch: 2 changes by Afoklala
portuguese: 16 changes by jcteotonio
portuguese (brazilian): 77 changes by pasantoro
chinese (simplified): 2 changes by WenSimEHRP
luxembourgish: 2 changes by phreeze83
hungarian: 2 changes by PstasDev
german: 2 changes by Wuzzy2
ukrainian: 10 changes by StepanIvasyn
slovak: 197 changes by ApplePie420
catalan: 2 changes by J0anJosep
portuguese (brazilian): 35 changes by pasantoro
english (au): 2 changes by krysclarke
vietnamese: 1 change by KhoiCanDev
estonian: 4 changes by RM87
russian: 8 changes by Ln-Wolf
ukrainian: 27 changes by StepanIvasyn
slovak: 34 changes by palsoft333
tamil: 41 changes by Aswn
spanish: 4 changes by MontyMontana
portuguese (brazilian): 72 changes by pasantoro
polish: 3 changes by pAter-exe
Avoid iterating all towns and industries when updating station catchment, and scan a limited portion of the map instead.
This provides a modest performance benefit when many towns/industries exist.
chinese (simplified): 2 changes by WenSimEHRP
russian: 1 change by Ln-Wolf
ukrainian: 9 changes by StepanIvasyn
portuguese (brazilian): 66 changes by pasantoro
chinese (simplified): 6 changes by WenSimEHRP
serbian: 16 changes by nkrs
ukrainian: 1 change by StepanIvasyn
portuguese (brazilian): 234 changes by pasantoro
estonian: 166 changes by siimsoni, 22 changes by RM87
chinese (simplified): 6 changes by WenSimEHRP
serbian: 172 changes by nkrs
ukrainian: 11 changes by StepanIvasyn
spanish: 1 change by MontyMontana
portuguese (brazilian): 149 changes by pasantoro
When using the sprite picker the screen is redrawn so that the sprites under the mouse cursor can be captured. This redraw also caused the sprite aligner window to be redrawn before the OnInvalidateData event that updates its scrollbars with the list count.
chinese (simplified): 26 changes by WenSimEHRP
korean: 5 changes by telk5093
dutch: 9 changes by Afoklala
portuguese (brazilian): 25 changes by pasantoro