Currently we use default OS timeout for TCP connections, which
is around 30s. 99% of the users will never notice this, but there
are a few cases where this is an issue:
- If you have a broken IPv6 connection, using Content Service is
first tried over IPv6. Only after 30s it times out and tries
IPv4. Nobody is waiting for that 30s.
- Upcoming STUN support has several methods of establishing a
connection between client and server. This requires feedback
from connect() to know if any method worked (they have to be
tried one by one). With 30s, this would take a very long time.
What is good to mention, is that there is no good value here. Any
value will have edge-cases where the experience is suboptimal. But
with 3s we support most of the stable connections, and if it fails,
the user can just retry. On the other side of the spectrum, with 30s,
it means the user has no possibility to use the service. So worst case
we annoy a few users with them having the retry vs annoying a few
users which have no means of resolving the situation.
They are likely not working as expected on Windows, so prevent their usage.
Winsock does not set errno and strerror does not return anything useful for Winsock error numbers.
english (us): 39 changes by 2TallTyler
korean: 44 changes by telk5093
german: 43 changes by danidoedel
russian: 7 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 39 changes by hpiirai
norwegian (bokmal): 4 changes by Anolitt
spanish (mexican): 3 changes by absay
japanese: 60 changes by scabtert, 38 changes by Azusa257
english (us): 3 changes by 2TallTyler
korean: 3 changes by telk5093
russian: 4 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 3 changes by hpiirai
slovak: 20 changes by FuryPapaya
NewGRF spec says that base payment rate is 32 bits, but it was loaded into a 16 bit variable. This value is loaded into Money variable after inflation is applied.
Especially if there are many players online, trying to chat with
the right one can be a visual challenge. This can be solved by
highlighting the row you are on. This visual cue is often enough
for humans to find the right row.
The GUI now more clearly shows some basic information about the
server you joined, your client name (and the ability to change it),
and what players are in which company.
It also contains useful buttons to press to join companies, chat
with other people, and for admins to kick/ban people.
Additionally, renamed "advertised" to "visibility"; this has to
do with future additions, but also because it is more clear in
korean: 2 changes by telk5093
russian: 3 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 1 change by hpiirai
spanish: 1 change by MontyMontana
polish: 1 change by pAter-exe
hindi: 62 changes by ss141309