- Remove the temporary synchronisation in during the map-transfer as this is no longer needed
- The saved patches work just like the saved gameoptions. You have a _patches and a _patches_newgame struct. The _patches_newgame struct contains the values from the configuration file and thus the defaults for new games. When a new game is started or an older game is loaded, the default values are copied over to _patches to be used. When you load a game that has PATS saved, the default values are also loaded, but immediately overwritten by the values from the savegame. This ensures that player-based values are always taken from your personal preferences.
- The current implementation also changes the default values if you change player-based settings in the game. For example changing window_snap_radius in a certain game will also change it for all next OpenTTD sessions.
- The savegame version has been increased to 22.
- The last 6 orso patches close the following reports:
[ 1366446 ] different names for patches: all patch settings have the same name as in the configuration file and are reachable from the console.
[ 1288024 ] Strange string on OTTD initial screen: configuration (and this includes patches) inputs are validated and clamped to their minimum/maximum values.
[ 1423198 ] Make "Signals on Drive side" player, not server, based: this is only visual so current setting is to save it with the savegame but not synchronise in multiplayer.
[ 1208070 ] Patches and New GRF options saved: apart from newgrf this is done
- Code has been added to the saveload code to honour the SLF_SAVE_NO and SLF_NETWORK_NO flags. SLF_NETWORK_NO just reads in the the bytestream and then discards it because that setting is not synchronised. For this the function SlSkipBytes() has been reinstated
- SAVEGAME_VERSION has been changed from a constant ENUM to a constant integer. This was done for the configuration-code to be able to tell which version of a CONDVAR type to handle. As said before, because settings can be saved to the savegame, they will become conditional at some point. The configuration code always has to read the 'most recent' version.
- GameOptions are saved through the new structure. It is fully compatible with any old savegame...however it is better. Because of the move to this new format we can instruct the loader to skip certain variables. Autosave for example isn't synchronised anymore (in the network). The same goes for currency and kilometers :D. That is the only functionality change this patch is supposed to have if I have written it correctly.
- NOTE! Patches are still not saved so for Multiplayer to work network_client.c and network_server.c needed slight modifications.
- hide and validate variable-size calculation (SlCalcConvMemLen/SlCalcConvFileLen)
- some signed/unsigned fixes
- handle conditional variables the same way for global -and struct types, through checking version_from and version_to
- Change fixed array per player to a single pool. This avoids future problems
with vehicle numbers and decreases savegame size. Engine replacements from
previous savegames will be lost.
- Move engine replacement code from players.c to engine.c.
(thanks to blathijs for rewriting this)
- Fix: savegames only give back one message, show this by ignoring the first argument. Perhaps make the message more verbose in the future by adding STR_ equivalents next to the already existing debug messages.
This means that any user attempt to remove a rear engine will tell the user to move the front engine instead
This fixes the assert when moving multiheaded engines (introduced in r3144)
Note: to make old savegames use this feature, some engines might be turned around in order to link engines in pairs
-Codechange: train subtype is now a bitmask
This allows fast access to info like if it is a wagon or engine and if it is in front and so on
Note: savegame version bump
- Waypoints: Until now stat_id was saved but never assigned to. Instead we now save the GRFID/local index of the custom graphics so that GRF file changes can leave graphics intact.
-Trains will now remember the length of stations it visits and sell cars
when being autoreplaced if they became too long
-If it needs to remove cars, then it starts from the front and sells
all it can find until the train is short enough
-This only works for trains, that knows the station length of the route
so a full uninterrupted run is needed
-a train needs 1-2 runs to detect if the shortest station is expanded
-This feature can be turned on and off in the train replace window
and each company can have it's own setting
-NOTE: minor savegame version bump
When game is saved and you save again you get an error message (not when autosaving) and it's aborted. When a game is loaded in the meanwhile execution pauses until saving thread finishes.
-This means that one company can only have one setting for renew and replacing
more clients will not fight due to different settings anymore
-This is a needed step in the line to fix autoreplacing dualheaded locomotives
NOTE: savegame revision bump (peter1138 + me in coop)
- Do not dereference a local variable which no longer exists; this lead to random crashes when saving
- (Win32) Do not close a handle before it is used last
There are still many major problems (race conditions and resulting memory corruption/crashes) left
Added RandomTile/RandomTileSeed functions to generate a random tile.
Changed landscape routines so they don't assume that the Y map side is a power of two. (support for this is not complete, though)
Changed some frequently used map macros to not compute the values each time.
Silence some warnings on MSVC.
- Fix: autosaving/loading; it no longer returns a fail code when saving is already in progress. In the case of a load, the game pauses to wait for the save to finish. (glx)
- Fix (regression): fix a bug in the 'buggy load' code where a wrong offset was used for the LZO format.
- Fix: fixed GetSavegameFormat() so that it takes the best compressor (highest), or a forced one added with the parameter
- Open issues:
1. Don't attempt to load a game while saving is in progress, it will kick you back to the intro-screen with only the vast ocean to look at.
2. The server is disabled from threaded-saving, but might be enabled in the future.
3. Current implementation only allows 1 additional running thread.
4. Stupid global variables.....grrr
Big thanks for TrueLight and the amazing memorypool :D
- While at it, use TileIndex as the tile index type in AiRemovePlayerRailOrRoad() and AiStateRemoveTrack().
- Make the number of tiles scanned 4*MapSizeX() instead of 1000. It *MIGHT* close bug 1116614.
-Codechange: rewrote some functions while moving waypoint-stuff
-Add: added support for 64k waypoints
-Fix: made the waypoint struct a bit more logic (no bit-fucking)
-Codechange: Added wrappers around depot-access (GetDepot no exists)
-Codechange: Made depot-functions a bit more logic (no longer
GetDepotByTile crashes your game when you request it on a non-depot tile)
-Add: made depots dynamic (yes, 64k depots are possible now)
trains in one game (instead of the 240 which was the current value).
Default max allowed vehicles per type is changed:
Trains: 500 (old 80)
Road: 500 (old 80)
Ships: 200 (old 40)
Aicraft: 300 (old 50)
(Tnx to Celestar and Darkvater for checking the patch)
Moved house type from _map2 to _map3_hi for MP_HOUSE
Moved foundation and roadworks from _map2 to _map3 for
This increases game speed by a factor of around 15(!) if many cities are around.
Converting an old game is done automagically, but can take a while
a single station.
Thanks to: Truelight for the saveload code, Darkvater and Hackykid for
network testing and Tron for proof-reading 1500 lines of diff.
-Codechange: renamed all 'schedule' stuff to 'order(list)'
-Codechange: moved all order-stuff to order_cmd.c / order.h
-Codechange: vehicles that share orders are now linked to eachother
with next_shared/prev_shared in Vehicle
Developers: please use AssignOrder to assign data to an order. If not,
you _WILL_ make the save-routine to assert!
-Codechange: removed next_in_chain_old, and saved ->next for Vehicles
(and bumped savegame revision for that to version 4.4)
-Codechange: Added _sl.full_version, which has both major and minor version
I bumped the minor savegame version for that, even though it's not really necessary. We're not gonna run out of minor savegame versions anyway though. ;)
an uint8 till the savegame version is bumped to version 5. Then it works
automaticly as a fully uint16. So _stations[] can not be increased till
after the bump!!
Works fine, beside some minor stuff:
- Network is not working yet
- Keyboard is not working
- No MIDI support
- 'A few file selector bugs involving drives'
If you set autosave_on_exit = true in openttd.cfg, your game will be saved as exit.sav in the autosave folder and you won't be asked if you want to quit the game any more.