
1224 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* $Id$ */
/** @file players.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "news.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "ai/ai.h"
#include "player_face.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "tile_map.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "autoreplace_func.h"
#include "autoreplace_gui.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "ai/default/default.h"
#include "ai/trolly/trolly.h"
#include "road_func.h"
#include "rail.h"
* Sets the local player and updates the patch settings that are set on a
* per-company (player) basis to reflect the core's state in the GUI.
* @param new_player the new player
* @pre IsValidPlayer(new_player) || new_player == PLAYER_SPECTATOR || new_player == OWNER_NONE
void SetLocalPlayer(PlayerID new_player)
/* Player could also be PLAYER_SPECTATOR or OWNER_NONE */
assert(IsValidPlayer(new_player) || new_player == PLAYER_SPECTATOR || new_player == OWNER_NONE);
_local_player = new_player;
/* Do not update the patches if we are in the intro GUI */
if (IsValidPlayer(new_player) && _game_mode != GM_MENU) {
const Player *p = GetPlayer(new_player);
_patches.autorenew = p->engine_renew;
_patches.autorenew_months = p->engine_renew_months;
_patches.autorenew_money = p->engine_renew_money;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
uint16 GetDrawStringPlayerColor(PlayerID player)
/* Get the color for DrawString-subroutines which matches the color
* of the player */
if (!IsValidPlayer(player)) return _colour_gradient[COLOUR_WHITE][4] | IS_PALETTE_COLOR;
return (_colour_gradient[_player_colors[player]][4]) | IS_PALETTE_COLOR;
void DrawPlayerIcon(PlayerID p, int x, int y)
* Converts an old player face format to the new player face format
* Meaning of the bits in the old face (some bits are used in several times):
* - 4 and 5: chin
* - 6 to 9: eyebrows
* - 10 to 13: nose
* - 13 to 15: lips (also moustache for males)
* - 16 to 19: hair
* - 20 to 22: eye color
* - 20 to 27: tie, ear rings etc.
* - 28 to 30: glasses
* - 19, 26 and 27: race (bit 27 set and bit 19 equal to bit 26 = black, otherwise white)
* - 31: gender (0 = male, 1 = female)
* @param face the face in the old format
* @return the face in the new format
PlayerFace ConvertFromOldPlayerFace(uint32 face)
PlayerFace pf = 0;
GenderEthnicity ge = GE_WM;
if (HasBit(face, 31)) SetBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE);
if (HasBit(face, 27) && (HasBit(face, 26) == HasBit(face, 19))) SetBit(ge, ETHNICITY_BLACK);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_GEN_ETHN, ge, ge);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_GLASSES, ge, GB(face, 28, 3) <= 1);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_EYE_COLOUR, ge, HasBit(ge, ETHNICITY_BLACK) ? 0 : ClampU(GB(face, 20, 3), 5, 7) - 5);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_CHIN, ge, ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_CHIN, ge, GB(face, 4, 2)));
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_EYEBROWS, ge, ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_EYEBROWS, ge, GB(face, 6, 4)));
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAIR, ge, ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_HAIR, ge, GB(face, 16, 4)));
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_JACKET, ge, ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_JACKET, ge, GB(face, 20, 2)));
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_COLLAR, ge, ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_COLLAR, ge, GB(face, 22, 2)));
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_GLASSES, ge, GB(face, 28, 1));
uint lips = GB(face, 10, 4);
if (!HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) && lips < 4) {
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, ge, true);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_MOUSTACHE, ge, max(lips, 1U) - 1);
} else {
if (!HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE)) {
lips = lips * 15 / 16;
lips -= 3;
if (HasBit(ge, ETHNICITY_BLACK) && lips > 8) lips = 0;
} else {
lips = ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_LIPS, ge, lips);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_LIPS, ge, lips);
uint nose = GB(face, 13, 3);
if (ge == GE_WF) {
nose = (nose * 3 >> 3) * 3 >> 2; // There is 'hole' in the nose sprites for females
} else {
nose = ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_NOSE, ge, nose);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_NOSE, ge, nose);
uint tie_earring = GB(face, 24, 4);
if (!HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) || tie_earring < 3) { // Not all females have an earring
if (HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE)) SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, ge, true);
SetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_TIE_EARRING, ge, HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) ? tie_earring : ScalePlayerFaceValue(PFV_TIE_EARRING, ge, tie_earring / 2));
return pf;
* Checks whether a player's face is a valid encoding.
* Unused bits are not enforced to be 0.
* @param pf the fact to check
* @return true if and only if the face is valid
bool IsValidPlayerFace(PlayerFace pf)
if (!ArePlayerFaceBitsValid(pf, PFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM)) return false;
GenderEthnicity ge = (GenderEthnicity)GetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM);
bool has_moustache = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) && GetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_MOUSTACHE, ge) != 0;
bool has_tie_earring = !HasBit(ge, GENDER_FEMALE) || GetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_TIE_EARRING, ge) != 0;
bool has_glasses = GetPlayerFaceBits(pf, PFV_HAS_GLASSES, ge) != 0;
if (!ArePlayerFaceBitsValid(pf, PFV_EYE_COLOUR, ge)) return false;
for (PlayerFaceVariable pfv = PFV_CHEEKS; pfv < PFV_END; pfv++) {
switch (pfv) {
case PFV_MOUSTACHE: if (!has_moustache) continue; break;
case PFV_NOSE: if (has_moustache) continue; break;
case PFV_TIE_EARRING: if (!has_tie_earring) continue; break;
case PFV_GLASSES: if (!has_glasses) continue; break;
default: break;
if (!ArePlayerFaceBitsValid(pf, pfv, ge)) return false;
return true;
void InvalidatePlayerWindows(const Player *p)
PlayerID pid = p->index;
if (pid == _local_player) InvalidateWindow(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0);
InvalidateWindow(WC_FINANCES, pid);
bool CheckPlayerHasMoney(CommandCost cost)
if (cost.GetCost() > 0) {
PlayerID pid = _current_player;
if (IsValidPlayer(pid) && cost.GetCost() > GetPlayer(pid)->player_money) {
SetDParam(0, cost.GetCost());
_error_message = STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES;
return false;
return true;
static void SubtractMoneyFromAnyPlayer(Player *p, CommandCost cost)
if (cost.GetCost() == 0) return;
assert(cost.GetExpensesType() != INVALID_EXPENSES);
p->player_money -= cost.GetCost();
p->yearly_expenses[0][cost.GetExpensesType()] += cost.GetCost();
if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC |
1 << EXPENSES_SHIP_INC, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
p->cur_economy.income -= cost.GetCost();
} else if (HasBit(1 << EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN |
1 << EXPENSES_LOAN_INT, cost.GetExpensesType())) {
p->cur_economy.expenses -= cost.GetCost();
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayer(CommandCost cost)
PlayerID pid = _current_player;
if (IsValidPlayer(pid)) SubtractMoneyFromAnyPlayer(GetPlayer(pid), cost);
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayerFract(PlayerID player, CommandCost cst)
Player *p = GetPlayer(player);
byte m = p->player_money_fraction;
Money cost = cst.GetCost();
p->player_money_fraction = m - (byte)cost;
cost >>= 8;
if (p->player_money_fraction > m) cost++;
if (cost != 0) SubtractMoneyFromAnyPlayer(p, CommandCost(cst.GetExpensesType(), cost));
void GetNameOfOwner(Owner owner, TileIndex tile)
SetDParam(2, owner);
if (owner != OWNER_TOWN) {
if (!IsValidPlayer(owner)) {
SetDParam(0, STR_0150_SOMEONE);
} else {
const Player* p = GetPlayer(owner);
SetDParam(1, p->index);
} else {
const Town* t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, (uint)-1);
SetDParam(0, STR_TOWN);
SetDParam(1, t->index);
bool CheckOwnership(PlayerID owner)
assert(owner < OWNER_END);
if (owner == _current_player) return true;
_error_message = STR_013B_OWNED_BY;
GetNameOfOwner(owner, 0);
return false;
bool CheckTileOwnership(TileIndex tile)
Owner owner = GetTileOwner(tile);
assert(owner < OWNER_END);
if (owner == _current_player) return true;
_error_message = STR_013B_OWNED_BY;
/* no need to get the name of the owner unless we're the local player (saves some time) */
if (IsLocalPlayer()) GetNameOfOwner(owner, tile);
return false;
static void GenerateCompanyName(Player *p)
TileIndex tile;
Town *t;
StringID str;
Player *pp;
uint32 strp;
char buffer[100];
if (p->name_1 != STR_SV_UNNAMED) return;
tile = p->last_build_coordinate;
if (tile == 0) return;
t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, (uint)-1);
strp = t->townnameparts;
/* No player must have this name already */
if (pp->name_1 == str && pp->name_2 == strp) goto bad_town_name;
GetString(buffer, str, lastof(buffer));
if (strlen(buffer) >= 32 || GetStringBoundingBox(buffer).width >= 150)
goto bad_town_name;
p->name_1 = str;
p->name_2 = strp;
if (!IsHumanPlayer(p->index)) {
SetDParam(0, t->index);
AddNewsItem((StringID)(p->index | NB_BNEWCOMPANY), NEWS_FLAGS(NM_CALLBACK, NF_TILE, NT_COMPANY_INFO, DNC_BANKRUPCY), p->last_build_coordinate, 0);
if (p->president_name_1 == SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME) {
strp = p->president_name_2;
goto set_name;
} else {
strp = Random();
goto verify_name;
#define COLOR_SWAP(i,j) do { byte t=colors[i];colors[i]=colors[j];colors[j]=t; } while(0)
static const byte _color_sort[16] = {2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1};
static const byte _color_similar_1[16] = {8, 6, 255, 12, 255, 0, 1, 1, 0, 13, 11, 10, 3, 9, 15, 14};
static const byte _color_similar_2[16] = {5, 7, 255, 255, 255, 8, 7, 6, 5, 12, 255, 255, 9, 255, 255, 255};
static byte GeneratePlayerColor()
byte colors[16], pcolor, t2;
int i,j,n;
uint32 r;
Player *p;
/* Initialize array */
for (i = 0; i != 16; i++) colors[i] = i;
/* And randomize it */
n = 100;
do {
r = Random();
COLOR_SWAP(GB(r, 0, 4), GB(r, 4, 4));
} while (--n);
/* Bubble sort it according to the values in table 1 */
i = 16;
do {
for (j = 0; j != 15; j++) {
if (_color_sort[colors[j]] < _color_sort[colors[j + 1]]) {
COLOR_SWAP(j, j + 1);
} while (--i);
/* Move the colors that look similar to each player's color to the side */
FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) if (p->is_active) {
pcolor = p->player_color;
for (i=0; i!=16; i++) if (colors[i] == pcolor) {
colors[i] = 0xFF;
t2 = _color_similar_1[pcolor];
if (t2 == 0xFF) break;
for (i=0; i!=15; i++) {
if (colors[i] == t2) {
do COLOR_SWAP(i,i+1); while (++i != 15);
t2 = _color_similar_2[pcolor];
if (t2 == 0xFF) break;
for (i = 0; i != 15; i++) {
if (colors[i] == t2) {
do COLOR_SWAP(i, i + 1); while (++i != 15);
/* Return the first available color */
for (i = 0;; i++) {
if (colors[i] != 0xFF) return colors[i];
static void GeneratePresidentName(Player *p)
Player *pp;
char buffer[100], buffer2[40];
for (;;) {
p->president_name_2 = Random();
p->president_name_1 = SPECSTR_PRESIDENT_NAME;
SetDParam(0, p->index);
GetString(buffer, STR_PLAYER_NAME, lastof(buffer));
if (strlen(buffer) >= 32 || GetStringBoundingBox(buffer).width >= 94)
if (pp->is_active && p != pp) {
SetDParam(0, pp->index);
GetString(buffer2, STR_PLAYER_NAME, lastof(buffer2));
if (strcmp(buffer2, buffer) == 0)
goto restart;
static Player *AllocatePlayer()
Player *p;
/* Find a free slot */
if (!p->is_active) {
PlayerID i = p->index;
memset(p, 0, sizeof(Player));
memset(&_players_ai[i], 0, sizeof(PlayerAI));
memset(&_players_ainew[i], 0, sizeof(PlayerAiNew));
p->index = i;
return p;
return NULL;
void ResetPlayerLivery(Player *p)
for (LiveryScheme scheme = LS_BEGIN; scheme < LS_END; scheme++) {
p->livery[scheme].in_use = false;
p->livery[scheme].colour1 = p->player_color;
p->livery[scheme].colour2 = p->player_color;
* Create a new player and sets all player variables default values
* @param is_ai is a ai player?
* @return the player struct
Player *DoStartupNewPlayer(bool is_ai)
Player *p;
p = AllocatePlayer();
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
/* Make a color */
p->player_color = GeneratePlayerColor();
_player_colors[p->index] = p->player_color;
p->name_1 = STR_SV_UNNAMED;
p->is_active = true;
p->player_money = p->current_loan = 100000;
p->is_ai = is_ai;
_players_ai[p->index].state = 5; // AIS_WANT_NEW_ROUTE
p->share_owners[0] = p->share_owners[1] = p->share_owners[2] = p->share_owners[3] = PLAYER_SPECTATOR;
p->avail_railtypes = GetPlayerRailtypes(p->index);
p->avail_roadtypes = GetPlayerRoadtypes(p->index);
p->inaugurated_year = _cur_year;
RandomPlayerFaceBits(p->face, (GenderEthnicity)Random(), false); // create a random player face
/* Engine renewal settings */
p->engine_renew_list = NULL;
p->renew_keep_length = false;
p->engine_renew = _patches_newgame.autorenew;
p->engine_renew_months = _patches_newgame.autorenew_months;
p->engine_renew_money = _patches_newgame.autorenew_money;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0);
InvalidateWindow(WC_TOOLBAR_MENU, 0);
InvalidateWindow(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0);
if (is_ai && (!_networking || _network_server) && _ai.enabled)
memset(p->num_engines, 0, sizeof(p->num_engines));
return p;
void StartupPlayers()
/* The AI starts like in the setting with +2 month max */
_next_competitor_start = _opt.diff.competitor_start_time * 90 * DAY_TICKS + RandomRange(60 * DAY_TICKS) + 1;
static void MaybeStartNewPlayer()
uint n;
Player *p;
/* count number of competitors */
n = 0;
if (p->is_active && p->is_ai) n++;
/* when there's a lot of computers in game, the probability that a new one starts is lower */
if (n < (uint)_opt.diff.max_no_competitors &&
n < (_network_server ?
InteractiveRandomRange(_opt.diff.max_no_competitors + 2) :
RandomRange(_opt.diff.max_no_competitors + 2)
)) {
/* Send a command to all clients to start up a new AI.
* Works fine for Multiplayer and Singleplayer */
DoCommandP(0, 1, 0, NULL, CMD_PLAYER_CTRL);
/* The next AI starts like the difficulty setting said, with +2 month max */
_next_competitor_start = _opt.diff.competitor_start_time * 90 * DAY_TICKS + 1;
_next_competitor_start += _network_server ? InteractiveRandomRange(60 * DAY_TICKS) : RandomRange(60 * DAY_TICKS);
void InitializePlayers()
memset(_players, 0, sizeof(_players));
for (PlayerID i = PLAYER_FIRST; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
_players[i].index = i;
for (uint j = 0; j < 4; j++) _players[i].share_owners[j] = PLAYER_SPECTATOR;
_cur_player_tick_index = 0;
void OnTick_Players()
Player *p;
if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return;
p = GetPlayer((PlayerID)_cur_player_tick_index);
_cur_player_tick_index = (_cur_player_tick_index + 1) % MAX_PLAYERS;
if (p->name_1 != 0) GenerateCompanyName(p);
if (AI_AllowNewAI() && _game_mode != GM_MENU && !--_next_competitor_start)
extern void ShowPlayerFinances(PlayerID player);
void PlayersYearlyLoop()
Player *p;
/* Copy statistics */
if (p->is_active) {
memmove(&p->yearly_expenses[1], &p->yearly_expenses[0], sizeof(p->yearly_expenses) - sizeof(p->yearly_expenses[0]));
memset(&p->yearly_expenses[0], 0, sizeof(p->yearly_expenses[0]));
InvalidateWindow(WC_FINANCES, p->index);
if (_patches.show_finances && _local_player != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) {
p = GetPlayer(_local_player);
if (p->num_valid_stat_ent > 5 && p->old_economy[0].performance_history < p->old_economy[4].performance_history) {
} else {
static void DeletePlayerStuff(PlayerID pi)
Player *p;
p = GetPlayer(pi);
p->name_1 = 0;
p->president_name_1 = 0;
/** Change engine renewal parameters
* @param tile unused
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param p1 bits 0-3 command
* - p1 = 0 - change auto renew bool
* - p1 = 1 - change auto renew months
* - p1 = 2 - change auto renew money
* - p1 = 3 - change auto renew array
* - p1 = 4 - change bool, months & money all together
* - p1 = 5 - change renew_keep_length
* @param p2 value to set
* if p1 = 0, then:
* - p2 = enable engine renewal
* if p1 = 1, then:
* - p2 = months left before engine expires to replace it
* if p1 = 2, then
* - p2 = minimum amount of money available
* if p1 = 3, then:
* - p1 bits 8-15 = engine group
* - p2 bits 0-15 = old engine type
* - p2 bits 16-31 = new engine type
* if p1 = 4, then:
* - p1 bit 15 = enable engine renewal
* - p1 bits 16-31 = months left before engine expires to replace it
* - p2 bits 0-31 = minimum amount of money available
* if p1 = 5, then
* - p2 = enable renew_keep_length
CommandCost CmdSetAutoReplace(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
Player *p;
if (!IsValidPlayer(_current_player)) return CMD_ERROR;
p = GetPlayer(_current_player);
switch (GB(p1, 0, 3)) {
case 0:
if (p->engine_renew == HasBit(p2, 0))
return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
p->engine_renew = HasBit(p2, 0);
if (IsLocalPlayer()) {
_patches.autorenew = p->engine_renew;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
case 1:
if (p->engine_renew_months == (int16)p2)
return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
p->engine_renew_months = (int16)p2;
if (IsLocalPlayer()) {
_patches.autorenew_months = p->engine_renew_months;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
case 2:
if (p->engine_renew_money == (uint32)p2)
return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
p->engine_renew_money = (uint32)p2;
if (IsLocalPlayer()) {
_patches.autorenew_money = p->engine_renew_money;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
case 3: {
EngineID old_engine_type = GB(p2, 0, 16);
EngineID new_engine_type = GB(p2, 16, 16);
GroupID id_g = GB(p1, 16, 16);
CommandCost cost;
if (!IsValidGroupID(id_g) && !IsAllGroupID(id_g) && !IsDefaultGroupID(id_g)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (new_engine_type != INVALID_ENGINE) {
/* First we make sure that it's a valid type the user requested
* check that it's an engine that is in the engine array */
if (!IsEngineIndex(new_engine_type))
return CMD_ERROR;
/* check that the new vehicle type is the same as the original one */
if (GetEngine(old_engine_type)->type != GetEngine(new_engine_type)->type)
return CMD_ERROR;
/* make sure that we do not replace a plane with a helicopter or vise versa */
if (GetEngine(new_engine_type)->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT &&
(AircraftVehInfo(old_engine_type)->subtype & AIR_CTOL) != (AircraftVehInfo(new_engine_type)->subtype & AIR_CTOL))
return CMD_ERROR;
/* make sure that the player can actually buy the new engine */
if (!HasBit(GetEngine(new_engine_type)->player_avail, _current_player))
return CMD_ERROR;
cost = AddEngineReplacementForPlayer(p, old_engine_type, new_engine_type, id_g, flags);
} else {
cost = RemoveEngineReplacementForPlayer(p, old_engine_type,id_g, flags);
if (IsLocalPlayer()) InvalidateAutoreplaceWindow(old_engine_type, id_g);
return cost;
case 4:
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
p->engine_renew = HasBit(p1, 15);
p->engine_renew_months = (int16)GB(p1, 16, 16);
p->engine_renew_money = (uint32)p2;
if (IsLocalPlayer()) {
_patches.autorenew = p->engine_renew;
_patches.autorenew_months = p->engine_renew_months;
_patches.autorenew_money = p->engine_renew_money;
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
case 5:
if (p->renew_keep_length == HasBit(p2, 0))
return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
p->renew_keep_length = HasBit(p2, 0);
if (IsLocalPlayer()) {
return CommandCost();
/** Control the players: add, delete, etc.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param p1 various functionality
* - p1 = 0 - create a new player, Which player (network) it will be is in p2
* - p1 = 1 - create a new AI player
* - p1 = 2 - delete a player. Player is identified by p2
* - p1 = 3 - merge two companies together. Player to merge #1 with player #2. Identified by p2
* @param p2 various functionality, dictated by p1
* - p1 = 0 - ClientID of the newly created player
* - p1 = 2 - PlayerID of the that is getting deleted
* - p1 = 3 - #1 p2 = (bit 0-15) - player to merge (p2 & 0xFFFF)
* - #2 p2 = (bit 16-31) - player to be merged into ((p2>>16)&0xFFFF)
* @todo In the case of p1=0, create new player, the clientID of the new player is in parameter
* p2. This parameter is passed in at function DEF_SERVER_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_CLIENT_COMMAND)
* on the server itself. First of all this is unbelievably ugly; second of all, well,
* it IS ugly! <b>Someone fix this up :)</b> So where to fix?@n
* @arg - network_client.c:536 DEF_CLIENT_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_SERVER_MAP) from where the map has been received
CommandCost CmdPlayerCtrl(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if (flags & DC_EXEC) _current_player = OWNER_NONE;
switch (p1) {
case 0: { /* Create a new player */
/* Joining Client:
* _local_player: PLAYER_SPECTATOR
* _network_playas/cid = requested company/player
* Other client(s)/server:
* _local_player/_network_playas: what they play as
* cid = requested company/player of joining client */
Player *p;
uint16 cid = p2; // ClientID
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* This command is only executed in a multiplayer game */
if (!_networking) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Has the network client a correct ClientID? */
if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost();
if (cid >= MAX_CLIENT_INFO) return CommandCost();
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* Delete multiplayer progress bar */
p = DoStartupNewPlayer(false);
/* A new player could not be created, revert to being a spectator */
if (p == NULL) {
if (_network_server) {
NetworkClientInfo *ci = &_network_client_info[cid];
ci->client_playas = PLAYER_SPECTATOR;
} else if (_local_player == PLAYER_SPECTATOR) {
_network_playas = PLAYER_SPECTATOR;
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* This is the joining client who wants a new company */
if (_local_player != _network_playas && _network_playas == p->index) {
assert(_local_player == PLAYER_SPECTATOR);
if (!StrEmpty(_network_default_company_pass)) {
char *password = _network_default_company_pass;
NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(1, &password);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* Now that we have a new player, broadcast its autorenew settings to
* all clients so everything is in sync */
(_patches.autorenew << 15 ) | (_patches.autorenew_months << 16) | 4,
if (_network_server) {
/* XXX - UGLY! p2 (pid) is mis-used to fetch the client-id, done at
* server-side in network_server.c:838, function
NetworkClientInfo *ci = &_network_client_info[cid];
ci->client_playas = p->index;
if (IsValidPlayer(ci->client_playas)) {
PlayerID player_backup = _local_player;
_network_player_info[p->index].months_empty = 0;
/* XXX - When a client joins, we automatically set its name to the
* player's name (for some reason). As it stands now only the server
* knows the client's name, so it needs to send out a "broadcast" to
* do this. To achieve this we send a network command. However, it
* uses _local_player to execute the command as. To prevent abuse
* (eg. only yourself can change your name/company), we 'cheat' by
* impersonation _local_player as the server. Not the best solution;
* but it works.
* TODO: Perhaps this could be improved by when the client is ready
* with joining to let it send itself the command, and not the server?
* For example in network_client.c:534? */
_cmd_text = ci->client_name;
_local_player = ci->client_playas;
NetworkSend_Command(0, 0, 0, CMD_CHANGE_PRESIDENT_NAME, NULL);
_local_player = player_backup;
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
} break;
case 1: /* Make a new AI player */
if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost();
case 2: { /* Delete a player */
Player *p;
if (!IsValidPlayer((PlayerID)p2)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CommandCost();
p = GetPlayer((PlayerID)p2);
/* Only allow removal of HUMAN companies */
if (IsHumanPlayer(p->index)) {
/* Delete any open window of the company */
/* Show the bankrupt news */
SetDParam(0, p->index);
/* Remove the company */
ChangeOwnershipOfPlayerItems(p->index, PLAYER_SPECTATOR);
p->is_active = false;
} break;
case 3: { /* Merge a company (#1) into another company (#2), elimination company #1 */
PlayerID pid_old = (PlayerID)GB(p2, 0, 16);
PlayerID pid_new = (PlayerID)GB(p2, 16, 16);
if (!IsValidPlayer(pid_old) || !IsValidPlayer(pid_new)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) return CMD_ERROR;
ChangeOwnershipOfPlayerItems(pid_old, pid_new);
} break;
default: return CMD_ERROR;
return CommandCost();
static const StringID _endgame_perf_titles[] = {
StringID EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(uint value)
value = minu(value / 64, lengthof(_endgame_perf_titles) - 1);
return _endgame_perf_titles[value];
/** Return true if any cheat has been used, false otherwise */
static bool CheatHasBeenUsed()
const Cheat* cht = (Cheat*)&_cheats;
const Cheat* cht_last = &cht[sizeof(_cheats) / sizeof(Cheat)];
for (; cht != cht_last; cht++) {
if (cht->been_used) return true;
return false;
/** Save the highscore for the player */
int8 SaveHighScoreValue(const Player *p)
HighScore *hs = _highscore_table[_opt.diff_level];
uint i;
uint16 score = p->old_economy[0].performance_history;
/* Exclude cheaters from the honour of being in the highscore table */
if (CheatHasBeenUsed()) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < lengthof(_highscore_table[0]); i++) {
/* You are in the TOP5. Move all values one down and save us there */
if (hs[i].score <= score) {
/* move all elements one down starting from the replaced one */
memmove(&hs[i + 1], &hs[i], sizeof(HighScore) * (lengthof(_highscore_table[0]) - i - 1));
SetDParam(0, p->index);
SetDParam(1, p->index);
GetString(hs[i].company, STR_HIGHSCORE_NAME, lastof(hs[i].company)); // get manager/company name string
hs[i].score = score;
hs[i].title = EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(score);
return i;
return -1; // too bad; we did not make it into the top5
/** Sort all players given their performance */
static int CDECL HighScoreSorter(const void *a, const void *b)
const Player *pa = *(const Player* const*)a;
const Player *pb = *(const Player* const*)b;
return pb->old_economy[0].performance_history - pa->old_economy[0].performance_history;
/* Save the highscores in a network game when it has ended */
#define LAST_HS_ITEM lengthof(_highscore_table) - 1
int8 SaveHighScoreValueNetwork()
const Player* p;
const Player* pl[MAX_PLAYERS];
size_t count = 0;
int8 player = -1;
/* Sort all active players with the highest score first */
FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) if (p->is_active) pl[count++] = p;
qsort((Player*)pl, count, sizeof(pl[0]), HighScoreSorter);
uint i;
memset(_highscore_table[LAST_HS_ITEM], 0, sizeof(_highscore_table[0]));
/* Copy over Top5 companies */
for (i = 0; i < lengthof(_highscore_table[LAST_HS_ITEM]) && i < count; i++) {
HighScore* hs = &_highscore_table[LAST_HS_ITEM][i];
SetDParam(0, pl[i]->index);
SetDParam(1, pl[i]->index);
GetString(hs->company, STR_HIGHSCORE_NAME, lastof(hs->company)); // get manager/company name string
hs->score = pl[i]->old_economy[0].performance_history;
hs->title = EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(hs->score);
/* get the ranking of the local player */
if (pl[i]->index == _local_player) player = i;
/* Add top5 players to highscore table */
return player;
/** Save HighScore table to file */
void SaveToHighScore()
FILE *fp = fopen(_highscore_file, "wb");
if (fp != NULL) {
uint i;
HighScore *hs;
for (i = 0; i < LAST_HS_ITEM; i++) { // don't save network highscores
for (hs = _highscore_table[i]; hs != endof(_highscore_table[i]); hs++) {
/* First character is a command character, so strlen will fail on that */
byte length = min(sizeof(hs->company), (hs->company[0] == '\0') ? 0 : (int)strlen(&hs->company[1]) + 1);
fwrite(&length, sizeof(length), 1, fp); // write away string length
fwrite(hs->company, length, 1, fp);
fwrite(&hs->score, sizeof(hs->score), 1, fp);
fwrite("", 2, 1, fp); // XXX - placeholder for hs->title, not saved anymore; compatibility
/** Initialize the highscore table to 0 and if any file exists, load in values */
void LoadFromHighScore()
FILE *fp = fopen(_highscore_file, "rb");
memset(_highscore_table, 0, sizeof(_highscore_table));
if (fp != NULL) {
uint i;
HighScore *hs;
for (i = 0; i < LAST_HS_ITEM; i++) { // don't load network highscores
for (hs = _highscore_table[i]; hs != endof(_highscore_table[i]); hs++) {
byte length;
fread(&length, sizeof(length), 1, fp);
fread(hs->company, 1, length, fp);
fread(&hs->score, sizeof(hs->score), 1, fp);
fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR); // XXX - placeholder for hs->title, not saved anymore; compatibility
hs->title = EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(hs->score);
/* Initialize end of game variable (when to show highscore chart) */
_patches.ending_year = 2051;
/* Save/load of players */
static const SaveLoad _player_desc[] = {
SLE_VAR(Player, name_2, SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Player, name_1, SLE_STRINGID),
SLE_VAR(Player, president_name_1,SLE_UINT16),
SLE_VAR(Player, president_name_2,SLE_UINT32),
SLE_VAR(Player, face, SLE_UINT32),
/* money was changed to a 64 bit field in savegame version 1. */
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, player_money, SLE_VAR_I64 | SLE_FILE_I32, 0, 0),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, player_money, SLE_INT64, 1, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, current_loan, SLE_VAR_I64 | SLE_FILE_I32, 0, 64),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, current_loan, SLE_INT64, 65, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_VAR(Player, player_color, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Player, player_money_fraction, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, avail_railtypes, SLE_UINT8, 0, 57),
SLE_VAR(Player, block_preview, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Player, cargo_types, SLE_UINT16),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, location_of_house, SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, 0, 5),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, location_of_house, SLE_UINT32, 6, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, last_build_coordinate, SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, 0, 5),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, last_build_coordinate, SLE_UINT32, 6, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, inaugurated_year, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_I32, 0, 30),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, inaugurated_year, SLE_INT32, 31, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_ARR(Player, share_owners, SLE_UINT8, 4),
SLE_VAR(Player, num_valid_stat_ent, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Player, quarters_of_bankrupcy, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Player, bankrupt_asked, SLE_UINT8),
SLE_VAR(Player, bankrupt_timeout, SLE_INT16),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, bankrupt_value, SLE_VAR_I64 | SLE_FILE_I32, 0, 64),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, bankrupt_value, SLE_INT64, 65, SL_MAX_VERSION),
/* yearly expenses was changed to 64-bit in savegame version 2. */
SLE_CONDARR(Player, yearly_expenses, SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64, 3 * 13, 0, 1),
SLE_CONDARR(Player, yearly_expenses, SLE_INT64, 3 * 13, 2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, is_active, SLE_BOOL, 4, SL_MAX_VERSION),
/* Engine renewal settings */
SLE_CONDNULL(512, 16, 18),
SLE_CONDREF(Player, engine_renew_list, REF_ENGINE_RENEWS, 19, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, engine_renew, SLE_BOOL, 16, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, engine_renew_months, SLE_INT16, 16, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, engine_renew_money, SLE_UINT32, 16, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Player, renew_keep_length, SLE_BOOL, 2, SL_MAX_VERSION), // added with 16.1, but was blank since 2
/* reserve extra space in savegame here. (currently 63 bytes) */
static const SaveLoad _player_economy_desc[] = {
/* these were changed to 64-bit in savegame format 2 */
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, income, SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64, 0, 1),
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, income, SLE_INT64, 2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, expenses, SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64, 0, 1),
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, expenses, SLE_INT64, 2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, company_value, SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64, 0, 1),
SLE_CONDVAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, company_value, SLE_INT64, 2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_VAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, delivered_cargo, SLE_INT32),
SLE_VAR(PlayerEconomyEntry, performance_history, SLE_INT32),
static const SaveLoad _player_livery_desc[] = {
SLE_CONDVAR(Livery, colour1, SLE_UINT8, 34, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SLE_CONDVAR(Livery, colour2, SLE_UINT8, 34, SL_MAX_VERSION),
static void SaveLoad_PLYR(Player* p)
int i;
SlObject(p, _player_desc);
/* Write AI? */
if (!IsHumanPlayer(p->index)) {
/* Write economy */
SlObject(&p->cur_economy, _player_economy_desc);
/* Write old economy entries. */
for (i = 0; i < p->num_valid_stat_ent; i++) {
SlObject(&p->old_economy[i], _player_economy_desc);
/* Write each livery entry. */
int num_liveries = CheckSavegameVersion(63) ? LS_END - 2 : LS_END;
for (i = 0; i < num_liveries; i++) {
SlObject(&p->livery[i], _player_livery_desc);
if (num_liveries == LS_END - 2) {
/* Copy bus/truck liveries over to trams */
p->livery[LS_PASSENGER_TRAM] = p->livery[LS_BUS];
p->livery[LS_FREIGHT_TRAM] = p->livery[LS_TRUCK];
static void Save_PLYR()
Player *p;
if (p->is_active) {
SlAutolength((AutolengthProc*)SaveLoad_PLYR, p);
static void Load_PLYR()
int index;
while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
Player *p = GetPlayer((PlayerID)index);
_player_colors[index] = p->player_color;
/* This is needed so an AI is attached to a loaded AI */
if (p->is_ai && (!_networking || _network_server) && _ai.enabled)
extern const ChunkHandler _player_chunk_handlers[] = {