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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file command_type.h Types related to commands. */
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
struct GRFFile;
* Common return value for all commands. Wraps the cost and
* a possible error message/state together.
class CommandCost {
ExpensesType expense_type; ///< the type of expence as shown on the finances view
Money cost; ///< The cost of this action
StringID message; ///< Warning message for when success is unset
bool success; ///< Whether the command went fine up to this moment
const GRFFile *textref_stack_grffile; ///< NewGRF providing the #TextRefStack content.
uint textref_stack_size; ///< Number of uint32_t values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message.
StringID extra_message = INVALID_STRING_ID; ///< Additional warning message for when success is unset
static uint32_t textref_stack[16];
* Creates a command cost return with no cost and no error
CommandCost() : expense_type(INVALID_EXPENSES), cost(0), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true), textref_stack_grffile(nullptr), textref_stack_size(0) {}
* Creates a command return value with one, or optionally two, error message strings.
explicit CommandCost(StringID msg, StringID extra_msg = INVALID_STRING_ID) : expense_type(INVALID_EXPENSES), cost(0), message(msg), success(false), textref_stack_grffile(nullptr), textref_stack_size(0), extra_message(extra_msg) {}
* Creates a command cost with given expense type and start cost of 0
* @param ex_t the expense type
explicit CommandCost(ExpensesType ex_t) : expense_type(ex_t), cost(0), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true), textref_stack_grffile(nullptr), textref_stack_size(0) {}
* Creates a command return value with the given start cost and expense type
* @param ex_t the expense type
* @param cst the initial cost of this command
CommandCost(ExpensesType ex_t, const Money &cst) : expense_type(ex_t), cost(cst), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true), textref_stack_grffile(nullptr), textref_stack_size(0) {}
* Adds the given cost to the cost of the command.
* @param cost the cost to add
inline void AddCost(const Money &cost)
this->cost += cost;
void AddCost(const CommandCost &cmd_cost);
* Multiplies the cost of the command by the given factor.
* @param factor factor to multiply the costs with
inline void MultiplyCost(int factor)
this->cost *= factor;
* The costs as made up to this moment
* @return the costs
inline Money GetCost() const
return this->cost;
* The expense type of the cost
* @return the expense type
inline ExpensesType GetExpensesType() const
return this->expense_type;
* Makes this #CommandCost behave like an error command.
* @param message The error message.
void MakeError(StringID message, StringID extra_message = INVALID_STRING_ID)
assert(message != INVALID_STRING_ID);
this->success = false;
this->message = message;
this->extra_message = extra_message;
void UseTextRefStack(const GRFFile *grffile, uint num_registers);
* Returns the NewGRF providing the #TextRefStack of the error message.
* @return the NewGRF.
const GRFFile *GetTextRefStackGRF() const
return this->textref_stack_grffile;
* Returns the number of uint32_t values for the #TextRefStack of the error message.
* @return number of uint32_t values.
uint GetTextRefStackSize() const
return this->textref_stack_size;
* Returns a pointer to the values for the #TextRefStack of the error message.
* @return uint32_t values for the #TextRefStack
const uint32_t *GetTextRefStack() const
return textref_stack;
* Returns the error message of a command
* @return the error message, if succeeded #INVALID_STRING_ID
StringID GetErrorMessage() const
if (this->success) return INVALID_STRING_ID;
return this->message;
* Returns the extra error message of a command
* @return the extra error message, if succeeded #INVALID_STRING_ID
StringID GetExtraErrorMessage() const
if (this->success) return INVALID_STRING_ID;
return this->extra_message;
* Did this command succeed?
* @return true if and only if it succeeded
inline bool Succeeded() const
return this->success;
* Did this command fail?
* @return true if and only if it failed
inline bool Failed() const
return !this->success;
* List of commands.
* This enum defines all possible commands which can be executed to the game
* engine. Observing the game like the query-tool or checking the profit of a
* vehicle don't result in a command which should be executed in the engine
* nor send to the server in a network game.
* @see _command_proc_table
enum Commands : uint16_t {
CMD_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK, ///< build a rail track
CMD_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK, ///< remove a rail track
CMD_BUILD_SINGLE_RAIL, ///< build a single rail track
CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_RAIL, ///< remove a single rail track
CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR, ///< demolish a tile
CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE, ///< build a bridge
CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION, ///< build a rail station
CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT, ///< build a train depot
CMD_BUILD_SINGLE_SIGNAL, ///< build a signal
CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_SIGNAL, ///< remove a signal
CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND, ///< terraform a tile
CMD_BUILD_OBJECT, ///< build an object
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CMD_BUILD_OBJECT_AREA, ///< build an area of objects
CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL, ///< build a tunnel
CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION, ///< remove a (rectangle of) tiles from a rail station
CMD_CONVERT_RAIL, ///< convert a rail type
CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT, ///< build a waypoint
CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT, ///< rename a waypoint
CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT, ///< remove a (rectangle of) tiles from a rail waypoint
CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP, ///< build a road stop
CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP, ///< remove a road stop
CMD_BUILD_LONG_ROAD, ///< build a complete road (not a "half" one)
CMD_REMOVE_LONG_ROAD, ///< remove a complete road (not a "half" one)
CMD_BUILD_ROAD, ///< build a "half" road
CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT, ///< build a road depot
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CMD_CONVERT_ROAD, ///< convert a road type
CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT, ///< build an airport
CMD_BUILD_DOCK, ///< build a dock
CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT, ///< build a ship depot
CMD_BUILD_BUOY, ///< build a buoy
CMD_PLANT_TREE, ///< plant a tree
CMD_BUILD_VEHICLE, ///< build a vehicle
CMD_SELL_VEHICLE, ///< sell a vehicle
CMD_REFIT_VEHICLE, ///< refit the cargo space of a vehicle
CMD_SEND_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT, ///< send a vehicle to a depot
CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VISIBILITY, ///< hide or unhide a vehicle in the build vehicle and autoreplace GUIs
CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE, ///< move a rail vehicle (in the depot)
CMD_FORCE_TRAIN_PROCEED, ///< proceed a train to pass a red signal
CMD_REVERSE_TRAIN_DIRECTION, ///< turn a train around
CMD_CLEAR_ORDER_BACKUP, ///< clear the order backup of a given user/tile
CMD_MODIFY_ORDER, ///< modify an order (like set full-load)
CMD_SKIP_TO_ORDER, ///< skip an order to the next of specific one
CMD_DELETE_ORDER, ///< delete an order
CMD_INSERT_ORDER, ///< insert a new order
CMD_CHANGE_SERVICE_INT, ///< change the server interval of a vehicle
CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY, ///< build a new industry
CMD_INDUSTRY_SET_FLAGS, ///< change industry control flags
CMD_INDUSTRY_SET_EXCLUSIVITY, ///< change industry exclusive consumer/supplier
CMD_INDUSTRY_SET_TEXT, ///< change additional text for the industry
CMD_INDUSTRY_SET_PRODUCTION, ///< change industry production
CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE, ///< set the manager's face of the company
CMD_SET_COMPANY_COLOUR, ///< set the colour of the company
CMD_INCREASE_LOAN, ///< increase the loan from the bank
CMD_DECREASE_LOAN, ///< decrease the loan from the bank
CMD_SET_COMPANY_MAX_LOAN, ///< sets the max loan for the company
CMD_WANT_ENGINE_PREVIEW, ///< confirm the preview of an engine
CMD_ENGINE_CTRL, ///< control availability of the engine for companies
CMD_RENAME_VEHICLE, ///< rename a whole vehicle
CMD_RENAME_ENGINE, ///< rename a engine (in the engine list)
CMD_RENAME_COMPANY, ///< change the company name
CMD_RENAME_PRESIDENT, ///< change the president name
CMD_RENAME_STATION, ///< rename a station
CMD_RENAME_DEPOT, ///< rename a depot
CMD_PLACE_SIGN, ///< place a sign
CMD_RENAME_SIGN, ///< rename a sign
CMD_TURN_ROADVEH, ///< turn a road vehicle around
CMD_PAUSE, ///< pause the game
CMD_BUY_COMPANY, ///< buy a company which is bankrupt
CMD_FOUND_TOWN, ///< found a town
CMD_RENAME_TOWN, ///< rename a town
CMD_DO_TOWN_ACTION, ///< do a action from the town detail window (like advertises or bribe)
CMD_TOWN_CARGO_GOAL, ///< set the goal of a cargo for a town
CMD_TOWN_GROWTH_RATE, ///< set the town growth rate
CMD_TOWN_RATING, ///< set rating of a company in a town
CMD_TOWN_SET_TEXT, ///< set the custom text of a town
CMD_EXPAND_TOWN, ///< expand a town
CMD_DELETE_TOWN, ///< delete a town
CMD_ORDER_REFIT, ///< change the refit information of an order (for "goto depot" )
CMD_CLONE_ORDER, ///< clone (and share) an order
CMD_CLEAR_AREA, ///< clear an area
CMD_MONEY_CHEAT, ///< do the money cheat
CMD_CHANGE_BANK_BALANCE, ///< change bank balance to charge costs or give money from a GS
CMD_BUILD_CANAL, ///< build a canal
CMD_CREATE_SUBSIDY, ///< create a new subsidy
CMD_COMPANY_CTRL, ///< used in multiplayer to create a new companies etc.
CMD_CUSTOM_NEWS_ITEM, ///< create a custom news message
CMD_CREATE_GOAL, ///< create a new goal
CMD_REMOVE_GOAL, ///< remove a goal
CMD_SET_GOAL_DESTINATION, ///< update goal destination of a goal
CMD_SET_GOAL_TEXT, ///< update goal text of a goal
CMD_SET_GOAL_PROGRESS, ///< update goal progress text of a goal
CMD_SET_GOAL_COMPLETED, ///< update goal completed status of a goal
CMD_GOAL_QUESTION, ///< ask a goal related question
CMD_CREATE_STORY_PAGE, ///< create a new story page
CMD_CREATE_STORY_PAGE_ELEMENT, ///< create a new story page element
CMD_UPDATE_STORY_PAGE_ELEMENT, ///< update a story page element
CMD_SET_STORY_PAGE_TITLE, ///< update title of a story page
CMD_SET_STORY_PAGE_DATE, ///< update date of a story page
CMD_SHOW_STORY_PAGE, ///< show a story page
CMD_REMOVE_STORY_PAGE, ///< remove a story page
CMD_REMOVE_STORY_PAGE_ELEMENT, ///< remove a story page element
CMD_SCROLL_VIEWPORT, ///< scroll main viewport of players
CMD_STORY_PAGE_BUTTON, ///< selection via story page button
CMD_LEVEL_LAND, ///< level land
CMD_BUILD_LOCK, ///< build a lock
CMD_BUILD_SIGNAL_TRACK, ///< add signals along a track (by dragging)
CMD_REMOVE_SIGNAL_TRACK, ///< remove signals along a track (by dragging)
CMD_GIVE_MONEY, ///< give money to another company
CMD_CHANGE_SETTING, ///< change a setting
CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_SETTING, ///< change a company setting
CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE, ///< set an autoreplace entry
CMD_CLONE_VEHICLE, ///< clone a vehicle
CMD_START_STOP_VEHICLE, ///< start or stop a vehicle
CMD_MASS_START_STOP, ///< start/stop all vehicles (in a depot)
CMD_AUTOREPLACE_VEHICLE, ///< replace/renew a vehicle while it is in a depot
CMD_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_VEHICLES, ///< sell all vehicles which are in a given depot
CMD_DEPOT_MASS_AUTOREPLACE, ///< force the autoreplace to take action in a given depot
CMD_CREATE_GROUP, ///< create a new group
CMD_DELETE_GROUP, ///< delete a group
CMD_ALTER_GROUP, ///< alter a group
CMD_ADD_VEHICLE_GROUP, ///< add a vehicle to a group
CMD_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE_GROUP, ///< add all other shared vehicles to a group which are missing
CMD_REMOVE_ALL_VEHICLES_GROUP, ///< remove all vehicles from a group
CMD_SET_GROUP_FLAG, ///< set/clear a flag for a group
CMD_SET_GROUP_LIVERY, ///< set the livery for a group
CMD_MOVE_ORDER, ///< move an order
CMD_CHANGE_TIMETABLE, ///< change the timetable for a vehicle
CMD_BULK_CHANGE_TIMETABLE, ///< change the timetable for all orders of a vehicle
CMD_SET_VEHICLE_ON_TIME, ///< set the vehicle on time feature (timetable)
CMD_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE, ///< autofill the timetable
CMD_SET_TIMETABLE_START, ///< set the date that a timetable should start
CMD_OPEN_CLOSE_AIRPORT, ///< open/close an airport to incoming aircraft
CMD_CREATE_LEAGUE_TABLE, ///< create a new league table
CMD_CREATE_LEAGUE_TABLE_ELEMENT, ///< create a new element in a league table
CMD_UPDATE_LEAGUE_TABLE_ELEMENT_DATA, ///< update the data fields of a league table element
CMD_UPDATE_LEAGUE_TABLE_ELEMENT_SCORE, ///< update the score of a league table element
CMD_REMOVE_LEAGUE_TABLE_ELEMENT, ///< remove a league table element
CMD_END, ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
* List of flags for a command.
* This enums defines some flags which can be used for the commands.
enum DoCommandFlag {
DC_NONE = 0x000, ///< no flag is set
DC_EXEC = 0x001, ///< execute the given command
DC_AUTO = 0x002, ///< don't allow building on structures
DC_QUERY_COST = 0x004, ///< query cost only, don't build.
DC_NO_WATER = 0x008, ///< don't allow building on water
// 0x010 is unused
DC_NO_TEST_TOWN_RATING = 0x020, ///< town rating does not disallow you from building
DC_BANKRUPT = 0x040, ///< company bankrupts, skip money check, skip vehicle on tile check in some cases
DC_AUTOREPLACE = 0x080, ///< autoreplace/autorenew is in progress, this shall disable vehicle limits when building, and ignore certain restrictions when undoing things (like vehicle attach callback)
DC_NO_CARGO_CAP_CHECK = 0x100, ///< when autoreplace/autorenew is in progress, this shall prevent truncating the amount of cargo in the vehicle to prevent testing the command to remove cargo
DC_ALL_TILES = 0x200, ///< allow this command also on MP_VOID tiles
DC_NO_MODIFY_TOWN_RATING = 0x400, ///< do not change town rating
DC_FORCE_CLEAR_TILE = 0x800, ///< do not only remove the object on the tile, but also clear any water left on it
* Command flags for the command table _command_proc_table.
* This enumeration defines flags for the _command_proc_table.
enum CommandFlags {
CMD_SERVER = 0x001, ///< the command can only be initiated by the server
CMD_SPECTATOR = 0x002, ///< the command may be initiated by a spectator
CMD_OFFLINE = 0x004, ///< the command cannot be executed in a multiplayer game; single-player only
CMD_AUTO = 0x008, ///< set the DC_AUTO flag on this command
CMD_ALL_TILES = 0x010, ///< allow this command also on MP_VOID tiles
CMD_NO_TEST = 0x020, ///< the command's output may differ between test and execute due to town rating changes etc.
CMD_NO_WATER = 0x040, ///< set the DC_NO_WATER flag on this command
CMD_CLIENT_ID = 0x080, ///< set p2 with the ClientID of the sending client.
CMD_DEITY = 0x100, ///< the command may be executed by COMPANY_DEITY
CMD_STR_CTRL = 0x200, ///< the command's string may contain control strings
CMD_NO_EST = 0x400, ///< the command is never estimated.
CMD_LOCATION = 0x800, ///< the command has implicit location argument.
/** Types of commands we have. */
enum CommandType {
CMDT_LANDSCAPE_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Construction and destruction of objects on the map.
CMDT_VEHICLE_CONSTRUCTION, ///< Construction, modification (incl. refit) and destruction of vehicles.
CMDT_MONEY_MANAGEMENT, ///< Management of money, i.e. loans.
CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT, ///< Stopping, starting, sending to depot, turning around, replace orders etc.
CMDT_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT, ///< Modifications to route management (orders, groups, etc).
CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT, ///< Renaming stuff, changing company colours, placing signs, etc.
CMDT_COMPANY_SETTING, ///< Changing settings related to a company.
CMDT_SERVER_SETTING, ///< Pausing/removing companies/server settings.
CMDT_CHEAT, ///< A cheat of some sorts.
CMDT_END, ///< Magic end marker.
/** Different command pause levels. */
enum CommandPauseLevel {
CMDPL_NO_ACTIONS, ///< No user actions may be executed.
CMDPL_NO_CONSTRUCTION, ///< No construction actions may be executed.
CMDPL_NO_LANDSCAPING, ///< No landscaping actions may be executed.
CMDPL_ALL_ACTIONS, ///< All actions may be executed.
template <typename T> struct CommandFunctionTraitHelper;
template <typename... Targs>
struct CommandFunctionTraitHelper<CommandCost(*)(DoCommandFlag, Targs...)> {
using Args = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Targs>...>;
using RetTypes = void;
using CbArgs = Args;
using CbProcType = void(*)(Commands, const CommandCost &);
template <template <typename...> typename Tret, typename... Tretargs, typename... Targs>
struct CommandFunctionTraitHelper<Tret<CommandCost, Tretargs...>(*)(DoCommandFlag, Targs...)> {
using Args = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Targs>...>;
using RetTypes = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Tretargs>...>;
using CbArgs = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Tretargs>..., std::decay_t<Targs>...>;
using CbProcType = void(*)(Commands, const CommandCost &, Tretargs...);
/** Defines the traits of a command. */
template <Commands Tcmd> struct CommandTraits;
#define DEF_CMD_TRAIT(cmd_, proc_, flags_, type_) \
template<> struct CommandTraits<cmd_> { \
using ProcType = decltype(&proc_); \
using Args = typename CommandFunctionTraitHelper<ProcType>::Args; \
using RetTypes = typename CommandFunctionTraitHelper<ProcType>::RetTypes; \
using CbArgs = typename CommandFunctionTraitHelper<ProcType>::CbArgs; \
using RetCallbackProc = typename CommandFunctionTraitHelper<ProcType>::CbProcType; \
static constexpr Commands cmd = cmd_; \
static constexpr auto &proc = proc_; \
static constexpr CommandFlags flags = (CommandFlags)(flags_); \
static constexpr CommandType type = type_; \
static inline constexpr const char *name = #proc_; \
/** Storage buffer for serialized command data. */
typedef std::vector<byte> CommandDataBuffer;
* Define a callback function for the client, after the command is finished.
* Functions of this type are called after the command is finished. The parameters
* are from the #CommandProc callback type. The boolean parameter indicates if the
* command succeeded or failed.
* @param cmd The command that was executed
* @param result The result of the executed command
* @param tile The tile of the command action
* @see CommandProc
typedef void CommandCallback(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile);
* Define a callback function for the client, after the command is finished.
* Functions of this type are called after the command is finished. The parameters
* are from the #CommandProc callback type. The boolean parameter indicates if the
* command succeeded or failed.
* @param cmd The command that was executed
* @param result The result of the executed command
* @param tile The tile of the command action
* @param data Additional data of the command
* @param result_data Additional returned data from the command
* @see CommandProc
typedef void CommandCallbackData(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, const CommandDataBuffer &data, CommandDataBuffer result_data);
#endif /* COMMAND_TYPE_H */