"gcc(1)" is really not a file name.
Use <ulink> and link to the online man page on
https://man.archlinux.org/ so the user can refer to the man pages more
The change is done via a sed command and long lines are wrapped
Disable building nscd in glibc.
Update to iana-etc-20230929.
Update to vim-9.0.1968.
Update to openssl-3.1.3.
Update to meson-1.2.2.
Update to man-db-2.12.0.
Update to linux-6.5.5.
Update to kmod-31.
Update to kbd-2.6.3.
Update to gettext-0.22.2.
Update to bc-6.7.0.
I've not bothered to write an explanation for --disable-crypt because it
will likely be the default of Glibc-2.38, then we may drop it from the
command lines.
Update the rationale for min-kernel in hostreqs. Add a note in
general.ent about the EOL of current min-kernel. Realign the
backslashes in glibc instructions.
We only need a one-line change in upstream fix (because we don't use
"make --shuffle"). Add it as a sed for both Chapter 5 and Chapter 8.
Note that the "minimal" sed would be '/MAEKFLAGS :=/s/r/ -r/'. I
included an additional ')' so it won't modify "-r" again to "- -r".
Tested "make" and "make check" on a x86_64 with -j8 and an arm64 with
Link: https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commit;h=2d7ed98add14
When I changed the sanity check to remove the "dummy.c" file, I
inadvertently used "gcc" instead of "$LFS_TGT-gcc". Which of course
finds the host gcc...
It seems glibc creates dummy.c for its own use. This leaves some
dummy.xxx files in the directory, that may lead some users to think that
the directory is not properly cleaned up after the test (I did :)
So use a pipe so that only a.out is created
It was moved to chapter 4 during merged-/usr update. However the ln
commands in chapater 4 are "trivial", so move it back to chapter 5 glibc
where we start to use a "different syntactic version" of it.