- Feature: BaNaNaS support for music sets (r19262)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Ensure prices cannot be set to zero. Zero prices break a lot of the internal logic to determine whether something has been done [FS#3646] (r19277)
- Fix: 'Cannot build <industry> here... <industry> in the way' showed the to-be-built industry twice, instead of the to-be-built industry and the industry that's in the way [FS#3618] (r19265)
- Fix: strgen segfaults when trying to lookup the command for a non-existing command (r19264)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add 2 bits of pseudo-random data for rail types, based on tile location (r19235)
- Fix: Writing (console) output to a file failed on Windows if the date would not be logged [FS#3639] (r19252)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Some GRF error messages did not free the previous error messages, creating a memory leak (r19251)
- Fix: With RTL languages clicking a horizontal scrollbar that could not scroll could cause a crash [FS#3643] (r19250)
- Fix: Start and end tiles were swapped in CMD_REMOVE_LONG_ROAD causing too much road to be removed [FS#3642] (r19249)
- Fix: DOS 'port' did not compile anymore (r19248)
- Fix: The -M command line option did not work (r19233)
- Feature: Add OpenMSX to the installer (r19220, r19219)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add CB36 support for aircraft properties 0F and 11 (r19218)
- Feature: Scroll to current order destination when ctrl+clicking the start/stop bar (r19216, r19215)
- Feature: Concept of fallback base sets, i.e. do not automatically load the NoMusic/NoSound sets when there is another set; make NoSound part of base installations (r19214, r19213, r19212, r19211, r19206)
- Feature: Support for genders for cargos, industries, vehicles, stations (r19180, r19179, r19178, r19177)
- Change: Improve error message with track building when signals are in the way (r19190, r19189)
- Fix: GetDestination() is invalid for nearest-depot orders (r19210)
- Fix: Compilation was broken for gcc 3.3 (r19207)
- Fix: The vehicle info in the autoreplace gui was drawn even when the window was shaded [FS#3634] (r19187)
- Fix: When selecting 'build many industries' in the scenario editor the 'build' button was not enabled [FS#3632] (r19176)
- Change: Do not print the absolute path to AI script files in the AI debug window, use the relative path from /ai/ instead (r19166)
- Change: The Debian packaging; bring it in sync with the packaging used at Debian excluding package splitting (r19162)
- Fix: Buoys are no Stations, only BaseStations (r19174)
- Fix: Under some circumstances timidity (via extmidi) would not shut down properly causing all kinds of trouble (e.g. blocked audio output). Try harder to shut down timidity and first shut down the music so shut down order is the inverse of initialisation order (r19168)
- Fix: Industry 0 could be choosen even if not available [FS#3631] (r19167)
- Fix: Vehicle running costs should not be changed in a running game [FS#3629] (r19165)
- Fix: Invisible depots draw the track, so also draw the overlays (r19154)
- Fix: PBS reservation was drawn incorrectly for depots (r19153)
- Change: Move home directory to a better place in Haiku [FS#3625] (r19151)
- Fix: [v]seprintf should return the number of added characters excluding '\0' on truncation [FS#3627] (r19149, r19148)
croatian - 1 changes by VoyagerOne
czech - 12 changes by Hadez
dutch - 2 changes by habell
finnish - 1 changes by jpx_
german - 1 changes by planetmaker
hebrew - 2 changes by dnd_man
hungarian - 1 changes by alyr
lithuanian - 4 changes by BlinK_
norwegian_bokmal - 20 changes by mantaray
norwegian_nynorsk - 195 changes by mantaray
russian - 1 changes by Lone_Wolf
serbian - 1 changes by etran
slovak - 21 changes by keso53
slovenian - 1 changes by ntadej
spanish - 1 changes by Terkhen
traditional_chinese - 3 changes by josesun
english_US - 35 changes by agenthh
esperanto - 27 changes by Ailanto
finnish - 1 changes by jpx_
german - 1 changes by planetmaker
hungarian - 51 changes by IPG
icelandic - 55 changes by antonsigur
indonesian - 9 changes by fanioz
lithuanian - 2 changes by
norwegian_bokmal - 229 changes by mantaray
norwegian_nynorsk - 2 changes by mantaray
portuguese - 9 changes by JayCity
brazilian_portuguese - 14 changes by Tucalipe, leandromoh
russian - 7 changes by
serbian - 5 changes by etran
slovenian - 1 changes by ntadej
-Change: Do not scale the number of industry creations during map creation with the number of available industry types.
-Feature: [NewGRF] Implement special industry flag 0x10000.
catalan - 13 changes by arnau
croatian - 1 changes by VoyagerOne
french - 1 changes by glx
lithuanian - 2 changes by
norwegian_nynorsk - 71 changes by mantaray
polish - 5 changes by silver_777
russian - 15 changes by Lone_Wolf
slovak - 27 changes by keso53
slovenian - 6 changes by ntadej
vietnamese - 39 changes by myquartz, nglekhoi