- Fix: Strip non-printable characters before showing it in an edit box, so when renaming a vehicle type you won't get the 'SETX stuff' that some NewGRFs use [FS#3974] (r20220)
- Fix: NewGRFs that defined a vehicle without either loaded or loading groups could crash OpenTTD [FS#3964] (r20199)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Crash when GetNearbyTileInformation is used to get the terrain type of a MP_VOID tile [FS#3963] (r20197)
- Fix: Inconsistencies w.r.t. to km/h vs km-ish/h as 'base' unit for aircraft speeds [FS#3870] (r20164)
- Fix: Do not scan /data and ~/data (if they happen to be your working directory). If it's the directory where your binary is located it will still scan them [FS#3949] (r20166)
- Fix: Integer comparison failed in case the difference was more than "MAX_UINT"/2 [FS#3954] (r20162)
- Fix: [YAPP] Converting a one-way block to a path signal with trains on both sides could lead to a train crash [FS#3937] (r20156)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Improve handling of snowing of railtypes and (infra)structures on foundations [FS#3883] (r20153, r20132, r20126, r20125)
- Add [Debian]: Debug symbols package (r20129)
- Change: Improve desync debugging and crash log data (r20138, r20136)
- Fix: Ships were not marked as dirty when stopping inside a depot [FS#3880] (r20142)
- Fix: Some windows ignored all hotkeys [FS#3902] (r20141, r20140, r20139)
- Fix: Do not allow building a rail track to the water using a tree-tile [FS#3695] (r20110)
- Fix: [NoAI] AITown::GetRating() returned wrong values [FS#3934] (r20103)
- Feature: Translated desktop shortcut comments (r19884)
- Fix: Pay for the rail/road when constructing tunnels, bridges, depots and stations [FS#3859, FS#3827] (r19925, r19887, r19881)
- Fix: Closing chatbox could cause glitches when news message was shown [FS#3865] (r19921)
- Fix: [YAPP] Inform the pathfinder as well about the fact that the backside of an one-way path signal can be a safe waiting point [FS#3803] (r19896)
- Fix: Allow loading savegames from the console without specifying the ".sav" extension, i.e. make it consistent with saving savegames from the console [FS#3761] (r19885)
- Fix: Dropdowns did affect positioning of new windows because they were not yet removed when the new windows were positioned [FS#3812] (r19883)
- Fix: [NoAI] AIEngine::IsValidEngine() and AIEngine::IsBuildable() returned false positives. Especially wagons of unavailable railtypes were reported available (r19880)
- Fix: RandomRange() is used for bigger ranges in many cases, so generally extent it to handle 32 bits (r19652)
- Fix: When a company is sold, move connected clients to spectators [FS#3745] (r19651)
- Fix: A client would not be properly moved when moved while joining, e.g. when entering a company's password. This caused the client to be in the wrong company (according to the rest of the clients) and the client being kicked on the first command [FS#3760] (r19648)
- Fix: Trains loaded above the original IDs did not have a default railtypelabel assigned to them, causing them to be unavailable. Could cause desyncs if the multiplayer game was not started from a savegame [FS#3768] (r19647)
- Fix: Company related graphs were not updated correctly after changing the company colour [FS#3763] (r19615)
- Fix: Crash when opening a savegame with a waypoint from around 0.4.0 [FS#3756] (r19612)
- Fix: Presence of online content was not properly updated after download due to duplicate slashes in the path (r19600)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Setting industry prop 0x24 to 0 caused empty station names (r19590)
- Fix: Mark industry windows dirty more often [FS#3701] (r19443)
- Update: Readme about openmsx and make it easier to find the pulseaudio-ubuntu-slowness bug in the readme/known-bugs (r19442)
- Language updates
- Feature: [YAPF] Consider the railtype imposed speed limit for pathfinding (r19301)
- Change: Increase the default small font size for freetype fonts as 6 point fonts are usually unreadable [FS#3655] (r19308)
- Change: [NewGRF] Railtype cost factor from byte to word value (r19306)
- Fix: Disable sound when a sound error happens instead of crashing [FS#3652] (r19304)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Return the TTD airport type in station var 0xF1 (r19299)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Segfault when station vars 0xF2/0xF3 is accessed when there is no truck/bus stop (r19298)
- Fix: [NoAI] Some methods of AIAbstractList left invalid iterators [FS#3566] (r19293)
- Fix: [YAPP] If reversing at path signals was disabled, a train would not reverse when hitting the back of an one-way signal (r19286)
[1.0] -Update: Intro game
- Feature: Add OpenMSX to the installer (r19220, r19219)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add CB36 support for aircraft properties 0F and 11 (r19218)
- Feature: Scroll to current order destination when ctrl+clicking the start/stop bar (r19216, r19215)
- Feature: Concept of fallback base sets, i.e. do not automatically load the NoMusic/NoSound sets when there is another set; make NoSound part of base installations (r19214, r19213, r19212, r19211, r19206)
- Feature: Support for genders for cargos, industries, vehicles, stations (r19180, r19179, r19178, r19177)
-Change [NoAI]: AITile::GetCargoProduction now returns the number of producers and not the number of tiles of producers.
-Fix [NoAI]: AITileList_IndustryProducing would omit some tiles for at which a station would get cargo.