DestinationID being a union of these types is just hassle without benefit and cannot be handled correctly everywhere because of local lack of information
-Codechange: unified the code for mass goto depot to avoid duplicated code
-Fix: Vehicles already on the way to depots will not be cancelled by mass goto depot (made it really hard to send all vehicles at once)
code to delete an empty shared orders list is now much simpler
cleaned up the code to handle button clicks
fixed an assert if widget 9 was pressed on a list with vehicles for another company
this makes the list type detection much easier and allowed an if cascade to be turned into a switch case
this also makes it easier to add more list types
at the depot and leave right away.
To tell the difference the status of stopping vehicles will be in red,
while servicing vehicles will be green.
-Codechange: remove some dead code in CmdSendAircraftToHangar() since it is
conflicting with new functionality. Now p2 means the same for all types
the list is available in the orders window and looks like the list buttons from the station windows (small vehicle)
The button is disabled if the vehicle do not have any shared orders or it got shared orders, but an empty order list
based on a patch by nycom, thought it ended up getting heavily modified
Thanks to TrueLight for proofreading and suggestions
-Codechange: introduced DestinationID, which is in fact an union of several types
Used in Order struct, so no longer StationID is abused for all targets.
Hangars are a big exception, as they use a station-id with GOTO_DEPOT (go figure)
CodeChange : Move almost all fixed strings from ON_PAINT event to Widget array using WWT_LABEL.
Feature : All "Select Refit Cargo" are now centered, instead of been left aligned
-Cleanup: fix whitespace related coding style issues in date.[ch]
-Cleanup: make original comments doxygen compatible and remove/change outdated comments
1) Improved the road vehicle allocation (aka slotting) for multistop. Stops can now accept unlimited, er... 256, vehicles.
2) Removed the "wait for stop" feature, because it did not work in practise.
3) Slotting now ignores unreachable stations. Uses NPF at the moment because the old pathfinder cannot do it (yet)
4) Now matter how many vehicles approach a station, they will always be distributed evenly over existing stops.
5) Hopefully the last fundamental change to multistop
-Codechange: No longer hijack the VS_STOPPED flag when waiting for a slot.
-Fix: Vehicles waiting for slots can still be controlled (sent to depot, orders modified, ...)
-Fix: Vehicles no longer stop on crossings and during overtake operations
As side effect this is a
-Fix: The default AI tried to change the service intervals of vehicles via the CMD_CHANGE_TRAIN_SERVICE_INT command - regardless of the type of the vehicle - which of course failed for non-trains
-DeMorgan's Law
-Test with NULL or 0 for non-booleans
-'\0' instead of 0 for chars
-Remove redundantly redundant comments (like DoFoo(); // Do foo)
-Join multiple short lines with a single statement
-Split single lines with multiple statements
-Avoid assignments in if