Check if the job is still running two date fract ticks before it is due
to join, and if so pause the game until its done.
When loading a game, check if the game would block immediately due to
a job which is scheduled to be joined within two date fract ticks,
and if so pause the game until its done.
This avoids the main thread being blocked on a thread join, which appears
to the user as if the game is unresponsive, as the UI does not repaint
and cannot be interacted with.
Show if pause is due to link graph job in status bar, update network
This does not apply for network clients.
Various of PatchPacks (Spring 2013, Joker, ChillPP) used versions
slightly higher than ours. Of course, as time went by, this
caught up with us, and we are now almost pushing a new version
that would conflict with them. To avoid users creating unneeded
issues about "why can I not load my savegame", lets be ahead of
the curve and flat-out refuse to load them.
Version-wise, this is totally fine. We have ~32k versions to go
before we run out (0x8000 is masked by JGRPP; we should avoid
using that). At the rate we bump savegames, this is not going to
happen in any sane reality.
Azure Pipelines has build our releases for two years now, but we
are finally switching to GitHub Actions. This to bring the full
workflow to a single place, making it easier for people to see
what is going on and how to influence the process.
This has several ways of being triggered:
- When creating a new release via the GitHub interface. Fully
automated that will produce new binaries, upload them, and it
will even update the website to tell about the new version.
- When triggered in an automated way from OpenTTD/workflows to
start a nightly.
- Manually via the Release workflow, which accepts branches,
Pull Requests and tags to build.
Rerunning a job is safe and should be without issues. Everything
retriggers and updates what-ever might have been broken. In fact,
except for dates, it should produce identical results.
Co-authored-by: Charles Pigott <>
DOS did not have cases in filenames. Different OS interpret
them as either all-lowercase or all-uppercase. So we try both.
All-uppercase is done by the obg/obm/obs files, and if opening
fails, OpenTTD will automatically retry the all-lowercase variant.
So for those who already have the files lowercase, nothing
changes. For those that install fresh from TTO, it should now
work out-of-the-box.
Apple Clang version 12 (bundled with Xcode 12) complaints about copying
small objects in range loop (-Wrange-loop-analysis introduced by -Wall).
This warning can be easily avoided by removing the reference from
the const pointer type.
This means that for NE/NW, it should have one more in case of
freeform-edges, and in case of SE/SW it should have one less.
Reminder: freeform-edges only adds VOID tiles on X=0 and Y=0.
This is for consistency; most other objects add a # to indicate
it is the Nth of that object, except for Trains / RVs / Ships /
This becomes painfully apparent with unnamed vehicles in groups,
which do get a "#".
When a developer attaches the "preview" label, a build is created
and published on After that, new
pushes to the PR are automatically build (as long as the "preview"
label exists).
If a non-developer attaches the "preview" label, it will be
This mode doesn't wrap the mouse constantly, but requests SDL
to lock the mouse pointer. This is needed, as with Emscripten
you are not allowed to change the mouse poisition (only to lock
it into place).
Emscripten compiles to WASM, which can be loaded via
HTML / JavaScript. This allows you to play OpenTTD inside a
Co-authored-by: milek7 <>
This commit prepares for the next commit, as Emscripten needs to
have a way to trigger a single iteration of the main loop. To
keep the real changes more clear, this commit only unrolls the
loop, and makes no changes to the logic itself.