Some windows resize themselves during painting and issue ReInit(). In this case deferred OnResize() causes a visible glitch as the event is handled on the next redraw.
english (au): 6 changes by krysclarke
swedish: 19 changes by sereneavatar
estonian: 30 changes by RM87
chinese (simplified): 3 changes by Kevin-mao0721
hungarian: 60 changes by titanicbobo
italian: 6 changes by Rivarossi
russian: 3 changes by Ln-Wolf, 3 changes by KorneySan
finnish: 6 changes by hpiirai
ukrainian: 7 changes by StepanIvasyn
latvian: 6 changes by lexuslatvia
portuguese: 37 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 19 changes by pasantoro
polish: 6 changes by SzyZuu
vietnamese: 3 changes by KhoiCanDev
chinese (simplified): 5 changes by WenSimEHRP
hungarian: 63 changes by titanicbobo
belarusian: 47 changes by KorneySan
finnish: 2 changes by hpiirai
ukrainian: 25 changes by StepanIvasyn
danish: 38 changes by bscargo
portuguese (brazilian): 158 changes by pasantoro
english (au): 2 changes by krysclarke
spanish (mexican): 149 changes by Can202
estonian: 11 changes by RM87
chinese (simplified): 18 changes by WenSimEHRP
hungarian: 2 changes by PstasDev
italian: 195 changes by Rivarossi
serbian: 42 changes by nkrs
german: 2 changes by Wuzzy2
belarusian: 537 changes by KorneySan
russian: 25 changes by KorneySan
ukrainian: 21 changes by StepanIvasyn
turkish: 14 changes by jnmbk
latvian: 2 changes by lexuslatvia
dutch: 1 change by iamthedutchdude
spanish: 15 changes by MontyMontana
french: 2 changes by ottdfevr
portuguese: 2 changes by jcteotonio, 2 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 149 changes by pasantoro
polish: 2 changes by pAter-exe
english (us): 24 changes by 2TallTyler
vietnamese: 13 changes by KhoiCanDev
estonian: 7 changes by RM87
german: 16 changes by Wuzzy2
belarusian: 328 changes by KorneySan
russian: 6 changes by KorneySan, 5 changes by Ln-Wolf
ukrainian: 9 changes by StepanIvasyn
catalan: 18 changes by J0anJosep
danish: 61 changes by bscargo
french: 8 changes by ottdfevr
portuguese: 29 changes by jcteotonio, 12 changes by azulcosta
portuguese (brazilian): 185 changes by pasantoro
polish: 1 change by pAter-exe
english (au): 12 changes by krysclarke
chinese (simplified): 84 changes by WenSimEHRP
russian: 13 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 12 changes by hpiirai
ukrainian: 12 changes by StepanIvasyn
latvian: 19 changes by lexuslatvia
french: 1 change by ZarTek-Creole
portuguese (brazilian): 169 changes by pasantoro
polish: 12 changes by pAter-exe
english (au): 2 changes by krysclarke
korean: 5 changes by telk5093
russian: 2 changes by Ln-Wolf
tamil: 45 changes by Aswn
portuguese: 1 change by azulcosta
hindi: 85 changes by NisheshTyagi
portuguese (brazilian): 119 changes by pasantoro
a258833 fixed a bug but as a result causes the station list to be rebuilt every time (once per game tick) a vehicle loads/unloads.
Instead just mark the window for redraw.
Add a bitmap of used pool slots which allows finding a free pool slot without having to check if each index is already used or not.
Loosely based on a JGRPP patch.
welsh: 5 changes by Ansbaradigeidfran
estonian: 108 changes by siimsoni, 50 changes by RM87
luxembourgish: 276 changes by phreeze83
hungarian: 81 changes by PstasDev
indonesian: 6 changes by tsaqibfs
italian: 191 changes by AlphaJack
bulgarian: 118 changes by lamarin1
ukrainian: 16 changes by StepanIvasyn
tamil: 408 changes by Aswn
turkish: 43 changes by metsysma
esperanto: 103 changes by JadedCtrl
portuguese (brazilian): 57 changes by pasantoro
polish: 61 changes by pAter-exe