This should hopefully fix the issue where WITH_SDL can be defined while SDL-CONFIG is not
Added an error if WITH_SDL is defined but SDL-CONFIG is not. The same goes for WITH_PNG even though nobody reported this as a problem
removed STATIC_ZLIB_PATH as it turns out that nobody used it
Now OSX stores object files in .OSX and instead of making FAT object files, there are one for each architecture
Each architecture got their own targets to make a non-FAT binary and in the end, lipo will merge them into one binary
It's now possible to select which architectures you want to support by defining OTTD_PPC, OTTD_PPC970 (G5) and/or OTTD_i386
All combos are supported. UNIVERSAL_BINARY and TRIPLE_BINARY can still be used even though it's possible to gain the same result by using the new flags
Making a universal build when you already got part of it compiled (say the PPC part), it will reuse it and only compile the i386 part to save time
Note: in some cases when you switch flags, you risk that openttd is not updated. Delete it and try again. The Makefile can't solve this except if it forces linking each time
This fixes: FS#87 universal binary building borked in 0.4.7
Now universal binaries work on OSX 10.3.9 again
Building universal binaries no longer needs to store flags in Makefile.config as the new design makes it possible to figure everything out automatically
if detected, WITH_ICONV will be defined in the C code
WITH_ICONV is also added to Makefile.config
OSX do not use this flag setting in Makefile.config, as it is set at compile time based on target OS version
the actual C code is not changed as the current iconv code is hardcoded for OSX and would break if any other OS got iconv
This detection system is by request of Darkvater
Instead of compiling a binary for each arch and then join them in the end, each .o file is now compiled as a fat file
This means that the makefile will not call itself to make a binary for each target and we don't have to make clean between each build
it also means that if one file changed, we don't have to recompile all files
Another benefit is since it's handled at .o level and though LDFLAGS, no special code is needed if we decide to compile more binaries (like a lot of stuff used to happen at post linking)
We also needs much less flags to set up, so it should be even easier to get to work out of the box now
The tradeoff in doing so is that now the binary needs at least OSX 10.3.9 to execute
To deal with this issue, the JAGUAR flag can be used to compile for older OSes. We will release a binary for old OSes at next release to see if anybody even downloads it (not that many people use OSX 10.2 anymore)
GPMI will not work on 10.2 anyway so we will cut support for it some day anyway
G4 have no problems using G3 code while G5 can, but really benefit from getting their own optimised code (Apple: G5 is not just a fast G4)
Also changed FAT_BINARY to UNIVERSAL_BINARY since Apple removed most (all?) references to fat binaries on their homepage two days after I added FAT_BINARY
Now OSX users can tell what lines in the C code that keeps the CPU busy instead of just ASM code
Note: PROFILE needs to be enabled in Makefile.config for this to work
you can still use SDL drivers if you like and you have to run "make upgradeconf" to start using the cocoa drivers (or manually write WITH_COCOA:=1)
since SDL breaks the cocoa drivers, you can't compile with both SDL and cocoa support
Using cocoa drivers makes it easier to make universal binaries and it solves:
-FS#18 [OSX] SDL is weird in universal binaries
-FS#2 [OSX] lazy pointer crash on exit
-FS#10 [OSX] linking error when linking statically to SDL 1.2.8 (needless to explain this, but it means it should be able to compile statically with the default settings now)
-[ 1215073 ] Switching to large size out of fullscreen crashes
Using SDL drivers will still have those issues though
now PPC code is always compiled before x86 code
strgen and lng files are only compiled once, which results in shorter building time
the makefile now assigns default values to undefined values so much less needs to be set up
the code is now easier to maintain
this means that ENDIAN_FORCE is obsolite since it's always overwritten with PREPROCESSOR
Since the preprocessor should never be able to pick wrong, it's easier this way
specially when compiling universal binaries as they got both endianess