In this mode you do register to the Game Coordinator, but your
server will not show up in the public server listing. You can give
your friends the invite code of the server with which they can
This removes the need to know a server IP to join it. Invite codes
are small (~7 characters) indentifiers for servers, which can be
exchanged with other players to join the servers.
Normally TCPConnecter will do a DNS resolving of the connection_string
and connect to it. But for SERVER_ADDRESS_INVITE_CODE this is different:
the Game Coordinator does the "resolving".
This means we need to allow TCPConnecter to not setup a connection
and allow it to be told when a connection has been setup by an external
(to TCPConnecter) part of the code. We do this by telling the (active)
socket for the connection.
This means the rest of the code doesn't need to know the TCPConnecter
is not doing a simple resolve+connect. The rest of the code only
cares the connection is established; not how it was established.
This statement was removed by accident, as it felt it could be removed.
But it is used to know if the NewGRF is from the baseset folder or
from the NewGRF folder.
OTTD_COORDINATOR_CS for the game coordinator defaults to
OTTD_CONTENT_SERVER_CS for the content server defaults to
OTTD_CONTENT_MIRROR_CS for the content mirror server defaults to
The C++ std::getenv is guaranteed thread-safe by the C++11 specification,
whereas the POSIX/C getenv might not be thread-safe by the C11 specification.
The outer if statement checks for 'aa' being false, so within the inner
statements anything checking aa will have a known result and the other
branch from there will be dead code.
This reduced the load on compilers, as currently for example MacOS
doesn't like the huge settings-tables.
Additionally, nobody can find settings, as the list is massive and
unordered. By splitting it, it becomes a little bit more sensible.
LoadCheck makes it sound like something is really broken while
loading savegames, while it really is perfectly normal, as most
chunks do not implement LoadCheck.