korean: 4 changes by telk5093
greek: 1 change by dionisis84
russian: 2 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 1 change by hpiirai
portuguese: 1 change by azulcosta
english (us): 3 changes by 2TallTyler
greek: 3 changes by dionisis84
finnish: 3 changes by hpiirai
french: 3 changes by glx22
portuguese: 4 changes by azulcosta
It is not like we will drain the sea first, to put water back in it after.
Besides, the cost for draining the sea isn't calculated for all other cases either.
english (us): 4 changes by 2TallTyler
greek: 10 changes by dionisis84
german: 4 changes by MagnumSociety
dutch: 4 changes by Afoklala
spanish: 66 changes by MontyMontana
polish: 10 changes by pAter-exe
japanese: 30 changes by scabtert
russian: 4 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 4 changes by hpiirai
catalan: 4 changes by J0anJosep
portuguese: 4 changes by azulcosta
If an exceptions is thrown during context creation, just declare the XAudio
driver as unusable. The driver logic will try to find an alternative for us.
spanish (mexican): 4 changes by absay
english (us): 6 changes by 2TallTyler
russian: 6 changes by Ln-Wolf
catalan: 6 changes by J0anJosep
dutch: 6 changes by Afoklala
korean: 6 changes by telk5093
hungarian: 34 changes by pnpBrumi
indonesian: 16 changes by dimaspaf14
latvian: 94 changes by lexuslatvia
polish: 2 changes by pAter-exe
The function clears all stun-handlers. This causes all of those
objects to be destroyed.
A handler can have a pending connecter, which was only killed in
case CloseConnection() was called. This is never the case when
the object is destroyed. In result, the connecter could finish
and cause a use-after-free by calling into the (now deleted)
"stations_near" wasn't updated when founding a town near
a station. As this variable is not saved, any client joining
after the town is founded has a different value for
"stations_near", potentially causing desyncs.
As the intention of this if() statement was to skip an expensive
calculation when there are clearly no stations, better to move
that check inside the function, so other places also enjoy
the speedup.
When coming across any docking tile (for example, all tiles around
an oilrig are docking tiles), it always at least added a penalty
of 3 times a normal tile, even when there are no ships on them.
In result, the pathfinder got suggested to always go around docking
tiles. This was most likely not the intention of the change made in