
362 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* $Id$ */
/** @file train.h Base for the train class. */
#ifndef TRAIN_H
#define TRAIN_H
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
struct Train;
enum VehicleRailFlags {
/* used to calculate if train is going up or down */
/* used to store if a wagon is powered or not */
/* used to reverse the visible direction of the vehicle */
/* used to mark train as lost because PF can't find the route */
/* used to mark that electric train engine is allowed to run on normal rail */
/* used for vehicle var 0xFE bit 8 (toggled each time the train is reversed, accurate for first vehicle only) */
/* used to mark a train that can't get a path reservation */
void CcBuildLoco(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);
void CcBuildWagon(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);
byte FreightWagonMult(CargoID cargo);
int CheckTrainInDepot(const Train *v, bool needs_to_be_stopped);
int CheckTrainStoppedInDepot(const Train *v);
void UpdateTrainAcceleration(Train *v);
void CheckTrainsLengths();
void FreeTrainTrackReservation(const Train *v, TileIndex origin = INVALID_TILE, Trackdir orig_td = INVALID_TRACKDIR);
bool TryPathReserve(Train *v, bool mark_as_stuck = false, bool first_tile_okay = false);
int GetTrainStopLocation(StationID station_id, TileIndex tile, const Train *v, int *station_ahead, int *station_length);
void TrainConsistChanged(Train *v, bool same_length);
void TrainPowerChanged(Train *v);
int GetTrainCurveSpeedLimit(Train *v);
Money GetTrainRunningCost(const Train *v);
/** Variables that are cached to improve performance and such */
struct TrainCache {
/* Cached wagon override spritegroup */
const struct SpriteGroup *cached_override;
uint16 last_speed; // NOSAVE: only used in UI
/* cached values, recalculated on load and each time a vehicle is added to/removed from the consist. */
uint32 cached_power; ///< total power of the consist.
uint16 cached_total_length; ///< Length of the whole train, valid only for first engine.
uint8 cached_veh_length; ///< length of this vehicle in units of 1/8 of normal length, cached because this can be set by a callback
bool cached_tilt; ///< train can tilt; feature provides a bonus in curves
/* cached values, recalculated when the cargo on a train changes (in addition to the conditions above) */
uint32 cached_weight; ///< total weight of the consist.
uint32 cached_veh_weight; ///< weight of the vehicle.
uint32 cached_max_te; ///< max tractive effort of consist
/* cached max. speed / acceleration data */
uint16 cached_max_speed; ///< max speed of the consist. (minimum of the max speed of all vehicles in the consist)
int cached_max_curve_speed; ///< max consist speed limited by curves
* Position/type of visual effect.
* bit 0 - 3 = position of effect relative to vehicle. (0 = front, 8 = centre, 15 = rear)
* bit 4 - 5 = type of effect. (0 = default for engine class, 1 = steam, 2 = diesel, 3 = electric)
* bit 6 = disable visual effect.
* bit 7 = disable powered wagons.
byte cached_vis_effect;
byte user_def_data;
/* NOSAVE: for wagon override - id of the first engine in train
* 0xffff == not in train */
EngineID first_engine;
* 'Train' is either a loco or a wagon.
struct Train : public SpecializedVehicle<Train, VEH_TRAIN> {
TrainCache tcache;
/* Link between the two ends of a multiheaded engine */
Train *other_multiheaded_part;
uint16 crash_anim_pos;
uint16 flags;
TrackBitsByte track;
byte force_proceed;
RailTypeByte railtype;
RailTypes compatible_railtypes;
/** We don't want GCC to zero our struct! It already is zeroed and has an index! */
Train() : SpecializedVehicle<Train, VEH_TRAIN>() {}
/** We want to 'destruct' the right class. */
virtual ~Train() { this->PreDestructor(); }
const char *GetTypeString() const { return "train"; }
void MarkDirty();
void UpdateDeltaXY(Direction direction);
ExpensesType GetExpenseType(bool income) const { return income ? EXPENSES_TRAIN_INC : EXPENSES_TRAIN_RUN; }
void PlayLeaveStationSound() const;
bool IsPrimaryVehicle() const { return this->IsFrontEngine(); }
SpriteID GetImage(Direction direction) const;
int GetDisplaySpeed() const { return this->tcache.last_speed; }
int GetDisplayMaxSpeed() const { return this->tcache.cached_max_speed; }
Money GetRunningCost() const;
int GetDisplayImageWidth(Point *offset = NULL) const;
bool IsInDepot() const { return CheckTrainInDepot(this, false) != -1; }
bool IsStoppedInDepot() const { return CheckTrainStoppedInDepot(this) >= 0; }
bool Tick();
void OnNewDay();
Trackdir GetVehicleTrackdir() const;
TileIndex GetOrderStationLocation(StationID station);
bool FindClosestDepot(TileIndex *location, DestinationID *destination, bool *reverse);
void ReserveTrackUnderConsist() const;
* enum to handle train subtypes
* Do not access it directly unless you have to. Use the access functions below
* This is an enum to tell what bit to access as it is a bitmask
enum TrainSubtype {
TS_FRONT = 0, ///< Leading engine of a train
TS_ARTICULATED_PART = 1, ///< Articulated part of an engine
TS_WAGON = 2, ///< Wagon
TS_ENGINE = 3, ///< Engine, that can be front engine, but might be placed behind another engine
TS_FREE_WAGON = 4, ///< First in a wagon chain (in depot)
TS_MULTIHEADED = 5, ///< Engine is multiheaded
* Set front engine state
FORCEINLINE void SetFrontEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_FRONT); }
* Remove the front engine state
FORCEINLINE void ClearFrontEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_FRONT); }
* Set a vehicle to be an articulated part
FORCEINLINE void SetArticulatedPart() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_ARTICULATED_PART); }
* Clear a vehicle from being an articulated part
FORCEINLINE void ClearArticulatedPart() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_ARTICULATED_PART); }
* Set a vehicle to be a wagon
FORCEINLINE void SetWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_WAGON); }
* Clear wagon property
FORCEINLINE void ClearWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_WAGON); }
* Set engine status
FORCEINLINE void SetEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_ENGINE); }
* Clear engine status
FORCEINLINE void ClearEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_ENGINE); }
* Set if a vehicle is a free wagon
FORCEINLINE void SetFreeWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_FREE_WAGON); }
* Clear a vehicle from being a free wagon
FORCEINLINE void ClearFreeWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_FREE_WAGON); }
* Set if a vehicle is a multiheaded engine
FORCEINLINE void SetMultiheaded() { SetBit(this->subtype, TS_MULTIHEADED); }
* Clear multiheaded engine property
FORCEINLINE void ClearMultiheaded() { ClrBit(this->subtype, TS_MULTIHEADED); }
* Check if train is a front engine
* @return Returns true if train is a front engine
FORCEINLINE bool IsFrontEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_FRONT); }
* Check if train is a free wagon (got no engine in front of it)
* @return Returns true if train is a free wagon
FORCEINLINE bool IsFreeWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_FREE_WAGON); }
* Check if a vehicle is an engine (can be first in a train)
* @return Returns true if vehicle is an engine
FORCEINLINE bool IsEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_ENGINE); }
* Check if a train is a wagon
* @return Returns true if vehicle is a wagon
FORCEINLINE bool IsWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_WAGON); }
* Check if train is a multiheaded engine
* @return Returns true if vehicle is a multiheaded engine
FORCEINLINE bool IsMultiheaded() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_MULTIHEADED); }
* Tell if we are dealing with the rear end of a multiheaded engine.
* @return True if the engine is the rear part of a dualheaded engine.
FORCEINLINE bool IsRearDualheaded() const { return this->IsMultiheaded() && !this->IsEngine(); }
* Check if train is an articulated part of an engine
* @return Returns true if train is an articulated part
FORCEINLINE bool IsArticulatedPart() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, TS_ARTICULATED_PART); }
* Check if an engine has an articulated part.
* @return True if the engine has an articulated part.
FORCEINLINE bool HasArticulatedPart() const { return this->Next() != NULL && this->Next()->IsArticulatedPart(); }
* Get the next part of a multi-part engine.
* Will only work on a multi-part engine (this->EngineHasArticPart() == true),
* Result is undefined for normal engine.
* @return next part of articulated engine
FORCEINLINE Train *GetNextArticPart() const
return this->Next();
* Get the first part of a multi-part engine.
* @return First part of the engine.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetFirstEnginePart()
Train *v = this;
while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
return v;
* Get the first part of a multi-part engine.
* @return First part of the engine.
FORCEINLINE const Train *GetFirstEnginePart() const
const Train *v = this;
while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
return v;
* Get the last part of a multi-part engine.
* @return Last part of the engine.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetLastEnginePart()
Train *v = this;
while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticPart();
return v;
* Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
* @return Next vehicle in the consist.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetNextVehicle() const
const Train *v = this;
while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticPart();
/* v now contains the last artic part in the engine */
return v->Next();
* Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
* @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetPrevVehicle() const
Train *v = this->Previous();
while (v != NULL && v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
return v;
* Get the next real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
* @return Next vehicle in the consist.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetNextUnit() const
Train *v = this->GetNextVehicle();
if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetNextVehicle();
return v;
* Get the previous real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
* @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
FORCEINLINE Train *GetPrevUnit()
Train *v = this->GetPrevVehicle();
if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetPrevVehicle();
return v;
#endif /* TRAIN_H */