#!/bin/sh #1: GIT_USERNAME #2: GIT_TOKEN #3: BRANCH #4: LOG_USERNAME #5: LOG_PASSWORD #6: DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER #7: PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER ruby scripts/analysis/lint-up.rb $1 $2 $3 lintValue=$? ./gradlew assembleGplay app:findbugs # exit codes: # 0: count was reduced # 1: count was increased # 2: count stayed the same echo "Branch: $3" if [ $3 = "master" ]; then echo "New findbugs result for master at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-findbugs/master.html" curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-findbugs/master.html --upload-file app/build/reports/findbugs/findbugs.html summary=$(sed -n "/


Warnings<\/h1>/p" app/build/reports/findbugs/findbugs.html | head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s'/Summary/FindBugs (master)/' | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n") curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT -d "$summary" https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-findbugs/findbugs-summary-master.html if [ $lintValue -ne 1 ]; then echo "New lint result for master at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-lint/master.html" curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-lint/master.html --upload-file app/build/reports/lint/lint.html exit 0 fi else if [ -e $6 ]; then 6="master-"$(date +%F) fi echo "New lint results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-lint/$6.html" curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-lint/$6.html --upload-file app/build/reports/lint/lint.html echo "New findbugs results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-findbugs/$6.html" curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-findbugs/$6.html --upload-file app/build/reports/findbugs/findbugs.html # delete all old comments oldComments=$(curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$7/comments | jq '.[] | (.id |tostring) + "|" + (.user.login | test("nextcloud-android-bot") | tostring) ' | grep true | tr -d "\"" | cut -f1 -d"|") echo $oldComments | while read comment ; do curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/comments/$comment done # add comment with results lintResultNew=$(grep "Lint Report.* [0-9]* warnings" app/build/reports/lint/lint.html | cut -f2 -d':' |cut -f1 -d'<') lintErrorNew=$(echo $lintResultNew | grep "[0-9]* error" -o | cut -f1 -d" ") lintWarningNew=$(echo $lintResultNew | grep "[0-9]* warning" -o | cut -f1 -d" ") lintErrorOld=$(grep "[0-9]* error" scripts/analysis/lint-results.txt -o | cut -f1 -d" ") lintWarningOld=$(grep "[0-9]* warning" scripts/analysis/lint-results.txt -o | cut -f1 -d" ") lintResult="


" findbugsResultNew=$(sed -n "/


Warnings<\/h1>/p" app/build/reports/findbugs/findbugs.html |head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s"#Summary#FindBugs (new)#" | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n") findbugsResultOld=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-findbugs/findbugs-summary-master.html | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n" | sed s'#FindBugs#FindBugs#'| tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n") curl -u $1:$2 -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$7/comments -d "{ \"body\" : \"$lintResult $findbugsResultNew $findbugsResultOld \" }" if [ $lintValue -eq 2 ]; then exit 0 else exit $lintValue fi fi