#!/usr/bin/env bash #1: LOG_USERNAME #2: LOG_PASSWORD #3: DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER #4: DRONE_PULL_REQUEST #5: GITHUB_TOKEN DAV_URL=https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/android-artifacts/ PUBLIC_URL=https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/android-artifacts USER=$1 PASS=$2 BUILD=$3 PR=$4 GITHUB_TOKEN=$5 if ! test -e app/build/outputs/apk/qa/debug/app-qa-*.apk ; then exit 1 fi echo "Uploaded artifact to $DAV_URL/$BUILD-talk.apk" # delete all old comments, starting with "APK file:" oldComments=$(curl 2>/dev/null --header "authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$PR/comments | jq '.[] | (.id |tostring) + "|" + (.user.login | test("github-actions") | tostring) + "|" + (.body | test("APK file:.*") | tostring)' | grep "true|true" | tr -d "\"" | cut -f1 -d"|") echo $oldComments | while read comment ; do curl 2>/dev/null --header "authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/comments/$comment done apt-get -y install qrencode qrencode -o $PR.png "$PUBLIC_URL/$BUILD-talk.apk" curl -u $USER:$PASS -X PUT $DAV_URL/$BUILD-talk.apk --upload-file app/build/outputs/apk/qa/debug/app-qa-*.apk curl -u $USER:$PASS -X PUT $DAV_URL/$BUILD-talk.png --upload-file $PR.png curl --header "authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$PR/comments -d "{ \"body\" : \"APK file: $PUBLIC_URL/$BUILD-talk.apk <br/><br/>  <br/><br/>To test this change/fix you can simply download above APK file and install and test it in parallel to your existing Nextcloud Talk app. \" }"