diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index 4f085b9aa..0a0b58ecb 100644
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -30,14 +30,19 @@ configurations {
-def taskRequest = getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString()
-if (taskRequest.contains("Gplay") || taskRequest.contains("findbugs") || taskRequest.contains("lint")) {
- apply from: 'gplay.gradle'
+for (TaskExecutionRequest tr : getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests()) {
+ for (String arg : tr.args) {
+ // any gplay, but only exact "build", as e.g. buildGeneric shall not apply gplay.grade
+ if (arg.contains("Gplay") || arg.contains("lint") || arg == "build") {
+ apply from: 'gplay.gradle'
+ System.console().println("Applying gplay.gradle")
+ }
+ }
android {
compileSdkVersion 29
- buildToolsVersion '29.0.2'
+ buildToolsVersion '30.0.3'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 29
diff --git a/scripts/analysis/analysis-wrapper.sh b/scripts/analysis/analysis-wrapper.sh
index a1eae6390..b85116e8b 100755
--- a/scripts/analysis/analysis-wrapper.sh
+++ b/scripts/analysis/analysis-wrapper.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@
ruby scripts/analysis/lint-up.rb $1 $2 $3
-./gradlew assembleGplay app:spotbugs
+ruby scripts/analysis/findbugs-up.rb $1 $2 $3
# exit codes:
# 0: count was reduced
@@ -22,37 +24,60 @@ lintValue=$?
echo "Branch: $3"
-if [ $3 = "master" ]; then
- echo "New spotbugs result for master at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-spotbugs/master.html"
- curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-spotbugs/master.html --upload-file app/build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html
- summary=$(sed -n "/
Summary<\/h1>/,/Warnings<\/h1>/p" app/build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html | head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s'/Summary/Spotbugs (master)/' | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n")
- curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT -d "$summary" https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-spotbugs/spotbugs-summary-master.html
+if [ $3 = $stableBranch ]; then
+ echo "New findbugs result for $stableBranch at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/$repository-findbugs/$stableBranch.html"
+ curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/$repository-findbugs/$stableBranch.html --upload-file build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html
+ summary=$(sed -n "/Summary<\/h1>/,/Warnings<\/h1>/p" build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html | head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s"/Summary/SpotBugs ($stableBranch)/" | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n")
+ curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT -d "$summary" https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/$repository-findbugs/findbugs-summary-$stableBranch.html
if [ $lintValue -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "New lint result for master at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-lint/master.html"
- curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-lint/master.html --upload-file app/build/reports/lint/lint.html
+ echo "New lint result for $stableBranch at: https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/$repository-lint/$stableBranch.html"
+ curl -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/$repository-lint/$stableBranch.html --upload-file build/reports/lint/lint.html
exit 0
if [ -e $6 ]; then
- 6="master-"$(date +%F)
+ 6=$stableBranch"-"$(date +%F)
- echo "New lint results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-lint/$6.html"
- curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-lint/$6.html --upload-file app/build/reports/lint/lint.html
- echo "New spotbugs results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-spotbugs/$6.html"
- curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/talk-spotbugs/$6.html --upload-file app/build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html
- # delete all old comments
- oldComments=$(curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$7/comments | jq '.[] | (.id |tostring) + "|" + (.user.login | test("nextcloud-android-bot") | tostring) ' | grep true | tr -d "\"" | cut -f1 -d"|")
- echo $oldComments | while read comment ; do
- curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/comments/$comment
+ echo "New lint results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/$repository-lint/$6.html"
+ curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/$repository-lint/$6.html --upload-file build/reports/lint/lint.html
+ echo "New findbugs results at https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/$repository-findbugs/$6.html"
+ curl 2>/dev/null -u $4:$5 -X PUT https://nextcloud.kaminsky.me/remote.php/webdav/$repository-findbugs/$6.html --upload-file build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html
+ # delete all old comments, starting with Codacy
+ oldComments=$(curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X GET https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/android/issues/$7/comments | jq '.[] | (.id |tostring) + "|" + (.user.login | test("nextcloud-android-bot") | tostring) + "|" + (.body | test("Codacy.*") | tostring)' | grep "true|true" | tr -d "\"" | cut -f1 -d"|")
+ echo $oldComments | while read comment ; do
+ curl 2>/dev/null -u $1:$2 -X DELETE https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/android/issues/comments/$comment
+ # check library, only if base branch is master
+ baseBranch=$(scripts/analysis/getBranchBase.sh $1 $2 $7 | tr -d "\"")
+ if [ $baseBranch = "master" -a $(grep "androidLibraryVersion = \"master-SNAPSHOT\"" build.gradle -c) -ne 1 ]; then
+ checkLibraryMessage="Android-library is not set to master branch in build.gradle
+ checkLibrary=1
+ elif [ $baseBranch != "master" -a $baseBranch = $stableBranch -a $(grep "androidLibraryVersion.*SNAPSHOT" build.gradle -c) -ne 0 ]; then
+ checkLibraryMessage="Android-library is set to a SNAPSHOT in build.gradle
+ checkLibrary=1
+ else
+ checkLibrary=0
+ fi
+ # lint and findbugs file must exist
+ if [ ! -s build/reports/lint/lint.html ] ; then
+ echo "lint.html file is missing!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html ] ; then
+ echo "spotbugs.html file is missing!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
# add comment with results
- lintResultNew=$(grep "Lint Report.* [0-9]* warning" app/build/reports/lint/lint.html | cut -f2 -d':' |cut -f1 -d'<')
+ lintResultNew=$(grep "Lint Report.* [0-9]* warning" build/reports/lint/lint.html | cut -f2 -d':' |cut -f1 -d'<')
lintErrorNew=$(echo $lintResultNew | grep "[0-9]* error" -o | cut -f1 -d" ")
if ( [ -z $lintErrorNew ] ); then
@@ -64,7 +89,7 @@ else
- lintResultOld=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/talk-android/$stableBranch/scripts/analysis/lint-results.txt)
+ lintResultOld=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/android/$stableBranch/scripts/analysis/lint-results.txt)
lintErrorOld=$(echo $lintResultOld | grep "[0-9]* error" -o | cut -f1 -d" ")
if ( [ -z $lintErrorOld ] ); then
@@ -74,14 +99,60 @@ else
if ( [ -z $lintWarningOld ] ); then
- lintResult="Lint
Type | Master | PR |
Warnings | "$lintWarningOld" | "$lintWarningNew" |
Errors | "$lintErrorOld" | "$lintErrorNew" |
- spotbugsResultNew=$(sed -n "/Summary<\/h1>/,/Warnings<\/h1>/p" app/build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html |head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s"#Summary#SpotBugs (new)#" | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n")
- spotbugsResultOld=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/talk-spotbugs/spotbugs-summary-master.html | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n" | sed s'#SpotBugs#SpotBugs#'| tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n")
- curl -u $1:$2 -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/talk-android/issues/$7/comments -d "{ \"body\" : \"$lintResult $findbugsResultNew $findbugsResultOld \" }"
- if [ $lintValue -eq 2 ]; then
+ if [ $stableBranch = "master" ] ; then
+ codacyValue=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://app.codacy.com/dashboards/breakdown\?projectId\=44248 | grep "total issues" | cut -d">" -f3 | cut -d"<" -f1)
+ codacyResult="Codacy
+ else
+ codacyResult=""
+ fi
+ lintResult="Lint
Type | $stableBranch | PR |
Warnings | "$lintWarningOld" | "$lintWarningNew" |
Errors | "$lintErrorOld" | "$lintErrorNew" |
+ findbugsResultNew=$(sed -n "/Summary<\/h1>/,/Warnings<\/h1>/p" build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html |head -n-1 | sed s'/<\/a>//'g | sed s'///'g | sed s"#Summary#SpotBugs (new)#" | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n")
+ findbugsResultOld=$(curl 2>/dev/null https://www.kaminsky.me/nc-dev/$repository-findbugs/findbugs-summary-$stableBranch.html | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\r\n" | sed s"#SpotBugs#SpotBugs#" | tr "\"" "\'" | tr -d "\n")
+ if ( [ $lintValue -eq 1 ] ) ; then
+ lintMessage="Lint increased!
+ fi
+ if ( [ $findbugsValue -eq 1 ] ) ; then
+ findbugsMessage="SpotBugs increased!
+ fi
+ # check gplay limitation: all changelog files must only have 500 chars
+ gplayLimitation=$(scripts/checkGplayLimitation.sh)
+ if [ ! -z "$gplayLimitation" ]; then
+ gplayLimitation="Following files are beyond 500 char limit:
+ fi
+ # check for NotNull
+ if [[ $(grep org.jetbrains.annotations src/main/* -ir -c) -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ notNull="org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull is used. Please use androidx.annotation.NonNull instead.
+ fi
+ curl -u $1:$2 -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/android/issues/$7/comments -d "{ \"body\" : \"$codacyResult $lintResult $findbugsResultNew $findbugsResultOld $checkLibraryMessage $lintMessage $findbugsMessage $gplayLimitation $notNull\" }"
+ if [ ! -z "$gplayLimitation" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ $checkLibrary -eq 1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! $lintValue -eq 2 ]; then
+ exit $lintValue
+ fi
+ if [ $notNull -gt 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ $findbugsValue -eq 2 ]; then
exit 0
- exit $lintValue
- fi
+ exit $findbugsValue
+ fi
diff --git a/scripts/analysis/findbugs-results.txt b/scripts/analysis/findbugs-results.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e92c3c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analysis/findbugs-results.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/analysis/findbugs-up.rb b/scripts/analysis/findbugs-up.rb
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cc59d8e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analysis/findbugs-up.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+## Script from https://github.com/tir38/android-lint-entropy-reducer at 07.05.2017
+# adapts to drone, use git username / token as parameter
+Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
+Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
+puts "=================== starting Android FindBugs Entropy Reducer ===================="
+# get args
+git_user, git_token, git_branch = ARGV
+# ======================== SETUP ============================
+# User name for git commits made by this script.
+TRAVIS_GIT_USERNAME = String.new("Drone CI server")
+# File name and relative path of generated FindBugs report. Must match build.gradle file:
+# lintOptions {
+# htmlOutput file("[FILE_NAME].html")
+# }
+FINDBUGS_REPORT_FILE = String.new("build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html")
+# File name and relative path of previous results of this script.
+# Flag to evaluate warnings. true = check warnings; false = ignore warnings
+# File name and relative path to custom FindBugs rules; Can be null or "".
+CUSTOM_FINDBUGS_FILE = String.new("")
+# ================ SETUP DONE; DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW ================
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
+require 'open3'
+# since we need the xml-simple gem, and we want this script self-contained, let's grab it just when we need it
+ gem "xml-simple"
+ rescue LoadError
+ system("gem install xml-simple")
+ Gem.clear_paths
+require 'xmlsimple'
+# run FindBugs
+puts "running FindBugs..."
+system './gradlew assembleGplayDebug 1>/dev/null'
+# confirm that assemble ran w/out error
+result = $?.to_i
+if result != 0
+ puts "FAIL: failed to run ./gradlew assembleGplayDebug"
+ exit 1
+system './gradlew spotbugsGplayDebugReport 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
+# find FindBugs report file
+findbugs_reports = Dir.glob(FINDBUGS_REPORT_FILE)
+if findbugs_reports.length == 0
+ puts "Findbugs HTML report not found."
+ exit 1
+findbugs_report = String.new(findbugs_reports[0])
+# find number of warnings
+current_warning_count = `grep -A 3 "Total" build/reports/spotbugs/spotbugs.html | tail -n1 | cut -f2 -d">" | cut -f1 -d"<"`.to_i
+puts "found warnings: " + current_warning_count.to_s
+# get warning counts from last successful build
+previous_results = false
+previous_findbugs_reports = Dir.glob(PREVIOUS_FINDBUGS_RESULTS_FILE)
+if previous_findbugs_reports.nil? || previous_findbugs_reports.length == 0
+ previous_findbugs_report = File.new(PREVIOUS_FINDBUGS_RESULTS_FILE, "w") # create for writing to later
+ previous_findbugs_report = String.new(previous_findbugs_reports[0])
+ previous_warning_count = File.open(previous_findbugs_report, &:readline).match(/[0-9]*/)[0].to_i
+ if previous_warning_count.nil?
+ previous_results = false
+ else
+ previous_results = true
+ puts "previous warnings: " + previous_warning_count.to_s
+ end
+# compare previous warning count with current warning count
+if previous_results == true && current_warning_count > previous_warning_count
+ puts "FAIL: warning count increased"
+ exit 1
+# check if warning and error count stayed the same
+if previous_results == true && current_warning_count == previous_warning_count
+ puts "SUCCESS: count stayed the same"
+ exit 2
+# warning count DECREASED
+puts "SUCCESS: count decreased from " + previous_warning_count.to_s + " to " + current_warning_count.to_s
+# write new results to file (will overwrite existing, or create new)
+File.write(previous_findbugs_report, current_warning_count)
+# push changes to github (if this script is run locally, we don't want to overwrite git username and email, so save temporarily)
+previous_git_username, _ = Open3.capture2('git config user.name')
+previous_git_username = previous_git_username.strip
+previous_git_email, _ = Open3.capture3('git config user.email')
+previous_git_email = previous_git_email.strip
+# update git user name and email for this script
+system ("git config --local user.name '" + git_user + "'")
+system ("git config --local user.email 'android@nextcloud.com'")
+system ("git remote rm origin")
+system ("git remote add origin https://" + git_user + ":" + git_token + "@github.com/nextcloud/android")
+# add previous FindBugs result file to git
+# commit changes; Add "skip ci" so that we don't accidentally trigger another Drone build
+system ('git commit -sm "Drone: update FindBugs results to reflect reduced error/warning count [skip ci]" ')
+# push to origin
+system ('git push origin HEAD:' + git_branch)
+# restore previous git user name and email
+system("git config --local user.name '#{previous_git_username}'")
+system("git config --local user.email '#{previous_git_email}'")
+puts "SUCCESS: count was reduced"
+exit 0 # success