2001-04-16 02:04:19 +00:00

37 lines
989 B

<title>Installation of Tar</title>
To be able to directly use bzip2 files with tar, use the tar
patch available from the LFS FTP site. This patch will add the -y option
to tar which works the same as the -z option to tar (which can be used
for gzip files).
Apply the patch by running the following command:
<userinput>cd src &amp;&amp;</userinput>
<userinput>patch -i ../../gnutarpatch.txt &amp;&amp;</userinput>
<userinput>cd ..</userinput>
Install Tar by running the following commands:
<userinput>./configure --prefix=$LFS/usr
--disable-nls \</userinput>
<userinput>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--libexecdir=$LFS/usr/bin &amp;&amp;
<userinput>make LDFLAGS=-static &amp;&amp;</userinput>
<userinput>make install &amp;&amp;</userinput>
<userinput>mv $LFS/usr/bin/tar $LFS/bin</userinput>