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<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
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<sect1 id="ch-system-procps" role="wrap">
  <?dbhtml filename="procps-ng.html"?>

  <sect1info condition="script">


  <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps">
    <primary sortas="a-Procps">Procps-ng</primary>

  <sect2 role="package">

    <para>The Procps-ng package contains programs for monitoring processes.</para>

    <!-- TODO This note will probably not be needed at the next revision. -->
      <para>This package extracts to the directory
      <filename class="directory">procps-3.3.17</filename>, 
      not the expected
      <filename class="directory">procps-ng-3.3.17</filename>.</para>




  <sect2 role="installation">
    <title>Installation of Procps-ng</title>

    <para>Prepare procps-ng for compilation:</para>

<screen revision="sysv"><userinput remap="configure">./configure --prefix=/usr                            \
            --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-&procps-ng-version; \
            --disable-static                         \

<screen revision="systemd"><userinput remap="configure">./configure --prefix=/usr                            \
            --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-&procps-ng-version; \
            --disable-static                         \
            --disable-kill                           \

      <title>The meaning of the configure option:</title>

          <para>This switch disables building the <command>kill</command>
          command that will be installed by the Util-linux package.</para>

    <para>Compile the package:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>
    <para>The test suite needs some custom modifications for LFS.
    Remove a test that fails when scripting does not use a tty device and
    fix two others.
    To run the test suite, run the following commands:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="test">sed -i -r 's|(pmap_initname)\\\$|\1|' testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp
sed -i '/set tty/d' testsuite/pkill.test/pkill.exp
rm testsuite/pgrep.test/pgrep.exp
make check</userinput></screen>
    <para> To run the test suite, run:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="test">make check</userinput></screen>

    <para>Five tests related to pkill are known to fail due to a problem
    with tests that were not updated.</para>
    <para>Install the package:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="install">make install</userinput></screen>


  <sect2 id="contents-procps" role="content">
    <title>Contents of Procps-ng</title>

      <segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
      <segtitle>Installed library</segtitle>
      <segtitle>Installed directories</segtitle>

        <seg>free, pgrep, pidof, pkill, pmap, ps, pwdx, slabtop,
        sysctl, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w, and watch</seg>
        <seg>/usr/include/proc and /usr/share/doc/procps-ng-&procps-ng-version;</seg>

      <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
      <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
      <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

      <varlistentry id="free">
          <para>Reports the amount of free and used memory (both physical and
          swap memory) in the system</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps free">
            <primary sortas="b-free">free</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pgrep">
          <para>Looks up processes based on their name and other attributes</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pgrep">
            <primary sortas="b-pgrep">pgrep</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pidof">
          <para>Reports the PIDs of the given programs</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pidof">
            <primary sortas="b-pidof">pidof</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pkill">
          <para>Signals processes based on their name and other attributes</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pkill">
            <primary sortas="b-pkill">pkill</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pmap">
          <para>Reports the memory map of the given process</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pmap">
            <primary sortas="b-pmap">pmap</primary>

      <varlistentry id="ps">
          <para>Lists the current running processes</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps ps">
            <primary sortas="b-ps">ps</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pwait">
          <para>Waits for a process to finish before executing.</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pwait">
            <primary sortas="b-pwait">pwait</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pwdx">
          <para>Reports the current working directory of a process</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps pwdx">
            <primary sortas="b-pwdx">pwdx</primary>

      <varlistentry id="slabtop">
          <para>Displays detailed kernel slab cache information in real time</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps slabtop">
            <primary sortas="b-slabtop">slabtop</primary>

      <varlistentry id="sysctl">
          <para>Modifies kernel parameters at run time</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps sysctl">
            <primary sortas="b-sysctl">sysctl</primary>

      <varlistentry id="tload">
          <para>Prints a graph of the current system load average</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps tload">
            <primary sortas="b-tload">tload</primary>

      <varlistentry id="top">
          <para>Displays a list of the most CPU intensive processes; it
          provides an ongoing look at processor activity in real time</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps top">
            <primary sortas="b-top">top</primary>

      <varlistentry id="uptime">
          <para>Reports how long the system has been running, how many users are
          logged on, and the system load averages</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps uptime">
            <primary sortas="b-uptime">uptime</primary>

      <varlistentry id="vmstat">
          <para>Reports virtual memory statistics, giving information about
          processes, memory, paging, block Input/Output (IO), traps, and CPU
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps vmstat">
            <primary sortas="b-vmstat">vmstat</primary>

      <varlistentry id="w">
          <para>Shows which users are currently logged on, where, and since
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps w">
            <primary sortas="b-w">w</primary>

      <varlistentry id="watch">
          <para>Runs a given command repeatedly, displaying the first
          screen-full of its output; this allows a user to watch the output
          change over time</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps watch">
            <primary sortas="b-watch">watch</primary>

      <varlistentry id="libprocps">
        <term><filename class="libraryfile">libprocps</filename></term>
          <para>Contains the functions used by most programs in this
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-procps libprocps">
            <primary sortas="c-libprocps">libprocps</primary>


