<sect2><title>Contents of Vim</title>

<para>Last checked against version &vim-contversion;.</para>

<sect3><title>Program Files</title>
<para>efm_filter.pl, efm_perl.pl, ex (link to vim), less.sh, mve.awk,
pltags.pl, ref, rview (link to vim), rvim (link to vim), shtags.pl,
tcltags, vi (link to vim), view (link to vim), vim, vim132, vim2html.pl,
vimdiff (link to vim), vimm, vimspell.sh, vimtutor and xxd</para></sect3>


<para>efm_filter.pl is a filter which reads from stdin, copies to
stdout and creates an error file that can be read by vim.</para></sect4>

<para>efm_perl.pl reformats the error messages of the Perl interpreter for
use with the quickfix mode of vim.</para></sect4>

<para>ex starts vim in Ex mode.</para></sect4>

<para>less.sh is a script which starts vim with less.vim.</para></sect4>

<para>mve.awk processes vim errors.</para></sect4>

<para>pltags.pl creates a tags file for Perl code, for use by

<para>ref checks the spelling of arguments.</para></sect4>

<para>rview is a restricted version of view. No shell commands can be started
and vim can't be suspended.</para></sect4>

<para>rvim is the restricted version of vim. No shell commands can be started
and vim can't be suspended.</para></sect4>

<para>shtags.pl generates a tag file for perl scripts.</para></sect4>

<para>tcltags generates a tag file for TCL code.</para></sect4>

<para>vi starts vim in vi-compatible mode.</para></sect4>

<para>view starts vim in read-only mode.</para></sect4>

<para>vim starts vim in the normal, default way.</para></sect4>

<para>vim132 starts vim with the terminal in 132 column mode.</para></sect4>

<para>vim2html.pl converts vim documentation to HTML.</para></sect4>

<para>vimdiff edits two or three versions of a file with vim and show

<para>vimm enables the DEC locator input model on a remote

<para>vimspell.sh is a script which spells a file and generates the syntax
statements necessary to highlight in vim.</para></sect4>

<para>vimtutor starts the Vim tutor.</para></sect4>

<para>xxd makes a hexdump or does the reverse.</para></sect4>

