
<title>Installation of Bzip2</title>

<para>Since the Bzip2 package has no configure script we can't prepare it
for compilation. Instead we just run the <userinput>make</userinput>
program and start compiling, with a few variables changed to suit our

<para><screen><userinput>make CC="gcc -static -s"</userinput></screen></para>

<para>The meaning of the make option is:</para>

<listitem><para><userinput>CC="gcc -static -s":</userinput> The Bzip2 package
does not honour the <emphasis>LDFLAGS</emphasis> variable, so instead we set
the <emphasis>CC</emphasis> variable which defines which compiler to use.
The <emphasis>-static</emphasis> option tells the compiler to link all
programs statically.</para></listitem>

<para>And finish off installing the package:</para>

<para><screen><userinput>make PREFIX=$LFS/static install</userinput></screen></para>

<para>The meaning of the make option is:</para>

<listitem><para><userinput>PREFIX=$LFS/static:</userinput> Instead of
passing a <emphasis>--prefix=$LFS/static</emphasis> to a configure script,
we set the <emphasis>PREFIX</emphasis> variable to accomplish the same goal
(since there is no configure script present).</para></listitem>
