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<sect1 id="ch-system-texinfo" role="wrap">
  <?dbhtml filename="texinfo.html"?>

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  <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo">
    <primary sortas="a-Texinfo">Texinfo</primary>

  <sect2 role="package">

    <para>The Texinfo package contains programs for reading, writing, and
    converting info pages.</para>




  <sect2 role="installation">
    <title>Installation of Texinfo</title>

    <para>Prepare Texinfo for compilation:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="configure">./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static</userinput></screen>

      <title>The meaning of the configure options:</title>

          <para>In this case, the top-level configure script will complain that
          this is an unrecognized option, but the configure script for
          XSParagraph recognizes it and uses it to disable installing a static
          <filename class="libraryfile">XSParagraph.a</filename> to <filename


    <para>Compile the package:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>

    <para>To test the results, issue:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="test">make check</userinput></screen>

    <para>Install the package:</para>

<screen><userinput remap="install">make install</userinput></screen>

    <para>Optionally, install the components belonging in a TeX
    <!-- FIXME: doesn't the TeX installation in BLFS overwrite files there? -->

<screen><userinput remap="install">make TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf install-tex</userinput></screen>

      <title>The meaning of the make parameter:</title>

          <para>The <envar>TEXMF</envar> makefile variable holds the location
          of the root of the TeX tree if, for example, a TeX package will be
          installed later.</para>


    <para>The Info documentation system uses a plain text file to hold its list of
    menu entries. The file is located at <filename>/usr/share/info/dir</filename>.
    Unfortunately, due to occasional problems in the Makefiles of various packages,
    it can sometimes get out of sync with the info pages installed on the system.
    If the <filename>/usr/share/info/dir</filename> file ever needs to be
    recreated, the following optional commands will accomplish the task:</para>

<screen role="nodump"><userinput>pushd /usr/share/info
rm -v dir
for f in *
  do install-info $f dir 2&gt;/dev/null


  <sect2 id="contents-texinfo" role="content">
    <title>Contents of Texinfo</title>

      <segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
      <segtitle>Installed library</segtitle>
      <segtitle>Installed directories</segtitle>

        <seg>info, install-info, makeinfo (link to texi2any),
        pdftexi2dvi, pod2texi, texi2any, texi2dvi, texi2pdf, and texindex</seg>
        <seg>/usr/share/texinfo and /usr/lib/texinfo</seg>

      <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
      <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
      <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>

      <varlistentry id="info">
          <para>Used to read info pages which are similar to man pages, but
          often go much deeper than just explaining all the available command
          line options [For example, compare <command>man bison</command> and
          <command>info bison</command>.]</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo info">
            <primary sortas="b-info">info</primary>

      <varlistentry id="install-info">
          <para>Used to install info pages; it updates entries in the
          <command>info</command> index file</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo install-info">
            <primary sortas="b-install-info">install-info</primary>

      <varlistentry id="makeinfo">
          <para>Translates the given Texinfo source documents into
          info pages, plain text, or HTML</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo makeinfo">
            <primary sortas="b-makeinfo">makeinfo</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pdftexi2dvi">
          <para>Used to format the given Texinfo document into a
          Portable Document Format (PDF) file</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo pdftexi2dvi">
            <primary sortas="b-pdftexi2dvi">pdftexi2dvi</primary>

      <varlistentry id="pod2texi">
          <para>Converts Pod to Texinfo format</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo pod2texi">
            <primary sortas="b-pod2texi">pod2texi</primary>

      <varlistentry id="texi2any">
          <para>Translate Texinfo source documentation to 
          various other formats</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo texi2any">
            <primary sortas="b-texiany">texi2any</primary>

      <varlistentry id="texi2dvi">
          <para>Used to format the given Texinfo document into a
          device-independent file that can be printed</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo texi2dvi">
            <primary sortas="b-texi2dvi">texi2dvi</primary>

      <varlistentry id="texi2pdf">
          <para>Used to format the given Texinfo document into a
          Portable Document Format (PDF) file</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo texi2pdf">
            <primary sortas="b-texi2pdf">texi2pdf</primary>

      <varlistentry id="texindex">
          <para>Used to sort Texinfo index files</para>
          <indexterm zone="ch-system-texinfo texindex">
            <primary sortas="b-texindex">texindex</primary>


