<sect2><title> </title><para> </para></sect2> <sect2> <title>Installation of Net-tools</title> <para>If you don't know what to answer to all the questions asked during the <userinput>make config</userinput> phase below, then just accept the defaults. This will be just fine in the majority of cases. What you're asked here is a bunch of questions about which network protocols you've enabled in your kernel. The default answers will enable the tools from this package to work with the most common protocols: TCP, PPP, and several others. You still need to actually enable these protocols in the kernel -- what you do here is merely telling the package to include support for those protocols in its programs, but it's up to the kernel to make the protocols available.</para> <para>Prepare Net-tools for compilation with:</para> <para><screen><userinput>make config</userinput></screen></para> <para>If you intend to accept the default settings, you may skip the questions generated by <emphasis>make config</emphasis> by running <userinput>yes "" | make config</userinput> instead.</para> <para>Compile the package:</para> <para><screen><userinput>make</userinput></screen></para> <para>And install it:</para> <para><screen><userinput>make update</userinput></screen></para> </sect2>