modifies the plural noun "libraries"; it must use a plural verb.
Clarified how many "configure" options Readline uses. Tightened the
prose, and used the definite article in lieu of the indefinite article,
because only one readline.pc file can possibly be the "correct" one.
We don't recommend customizing optimizations, but we use optimizations
provided by package default or release build mode.
Reword the paragraph so the people won't be puzzled once they see
"--enable-optimizations" in Python, or "--buildtype=release" (to prevent
unoptimized build) in BLFS meson commands.
Please try not to use the "replace" feature of the text editor blindly.
Appendix C of the GNU C Library Reference Manual clearly says:
By default, the GNU C Library is built with '-Werror'. If you wish
to build without this option (for example, if building with a newer
version of GCC than this version of the GNU C Library was tested
with, so new warnings cause the build with '-Werror' to fail), you
can configure with '--disable-werror'.
Fix make-4.4 bug.
Update to wheel-0.38.4 (Python Module).
Update to texinfo-7.0.
Update to sysvinit-3.05.
Update to shadow-4.13.
Update to sed-4.9.
Update to meson-0.64.0.
Update to linux-6.0.7.
Update to elfutils-0.188.
Update to bc-6.1.1.
We only need a one-line change in upstream fix (because we don't use
"make --shuffle"). Add it as a sed for both Chapter 5 and Chapter 8.
Note that the "minimal" sed would be '/MAEKFLAGS :=/s/r/ -r/'. I
included an additional ')' so it won't modify "-r" again to "- -r".
Tested "make" and "make check" on a x86_64 with -j8 and an arm64 with
Update to iana-etc-20221025.
Update to tzdata-2022f.
Update to Python3-3.11.0.
Update to procps-ng-4.0.1.
Update to man-pages-6.01.
Update to man-db-2.11.0.
Update to make-4.4.
Update to linux-6.0.6.
Update to libffi-3.4.4.
Update to inetutils-2.4.
Update to expat-2.5.0.
Note: I had to run glibc in Chapter 8 at -j1 to avoid an apparant race
condition. With a little more investigation I may be able to find a
better solution.
Update to iana-etc-20221007.
Update to vim-9.0.0739.
Add upstream patches to readline and bash.
Update to zlib-1.2.13.
Update to man-pages-6.00.
Update to gettext-0.21.1.
Update to iproute2-6.0.0.
Update to meson-0.63.3.
Update to Python-3.10.8.
Update to xz-5.2.7.
Update to tzdata-2022e.
Update to linux-6.0.1.
Update to dbus-1.14.4.
I have:
5092 PASS
Let's not be too precise (or we'll need to explain the meaning of
"UNSUPPORTED"). IMO "over 5000" is fine (until we get 5500 tests).
Update to iana-etc-20220922.
Update to tzdata-2022d.
Update to readline-8.2.
Update to linux-5.19.11.
Update to libffi-3.4.3.
Update to libcap-2.66.
Update to dbus-1.14.2.
Update to bc-6.0.3.
Update to bash-5.2.
Don't emphasis "static library" at all, to prevent anyone from thinking
"I need to use static libraries so I'll keep these .la files". And warn
that .la files are known to break BLFS packages.
This reverts commit 395eb462ba.
Not needed as grep is "patched".
Note that I'm still against "patching" grep. All the complains for the
warnings are from only several people and IMO the complains are not
valid. But as bdubbs has made the decision let's keep it for now and
review after some time...
Update to file-5.43.
Update to linux-5.19.8.
Update to gawk-5.2.0.
Update to meson-0.63.2.
Update to ninja-1.11.1.
Update to bc-6.0.2.
Fix the location of udev rules in eudev.
Remove a warning for egrep and fgrep that
Delete an empty binutils man page.