For the minimum I have used allnoconfig, rounded down to allow for
future removal of redundant items (this is unlikely to produce a
bootable kernel), with its SBU rounded down for people with fast
machiens who build on NVMe or in RAM.
For maximum and typical, space is rounded.
Use a fixed UID for "tester" user, instead of the tty owner's UID.
The problem using tty owner's UID is, when tty is owned by "root" the
UID of "tester" will be 0. This cause a namesis between "tester" and
root. And, the "tester" is introduced to run some tests which are not
expected to be ran as root. If "tester" has UID 0, it will have root
priviledge and the tests will fail again.
Bash tests require the user to own the tty. To satisify it, we use
Expect to spawn a new pseudoterminal to run Bash tests.
The default timeout is only 10 seconds, where the bash tests won't
complete on most systems. Then expect will exit early, with bash tests
running in background. We won't like this.
Add MarkupSafe
Add Jinja2
Update to texinfo-6.8
Update to iproute2-5.13.0
Update to Python-3.9.6 (Security Update)
Update to systemd-249 (Security Update)
Update to Linux-5.13.1
Update to iana-etc-20210611.
Update to vim-8.2.3001.
Update to util-linux-2.37.
Update to meson-0.58.1.
Update to linux-5.12.10.
Update to m4-1.4.19.
Update to grub-2.06.
SysV only.
When stopping or rebooting the system, the network boot script is run and looks
at all the /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.* files. Some of the devices these files
refer to may not be active or even refer to interfaces that are not defined on
the current system. This change ignores non-existant interfaces and any
interfaces that are not UP. This change also avoids bogus warning or error
error messages when the system is shutting down.