For creating a tarball without .git directory easier. The tarball will
include version.ent and LFS-RELEASE files so the book rendered from it
won't show "unknown" for all dates.
Update to e2fsprogs-1.46.5.
Update to zstd-1.5.1.
Update to expat-2.4.2.
Update to shadow-4.10.
Update to sysvinit-3.01.
Update to linux-5.15.12.
Update to iana-etc-20211224.
Update to openssl-3.0.1.
Update to eudev-3.2.11.
Update lfs-latest-git.php currency for new eudev location.
Now the version for trunk head is simply rx.y-z. x.y is the last
release, and z is the number of commits after x.y.
For other commits, the version is rx.y-z-g{sha}. An abbreviated sha
hash is added to distinguish commits with same x, y, and z on different
If there are uncommited changes, a "+" is appended to the version,
indicating the version is "unclean".
To make it works correctly, a tag "rx.y" have to be created on the last
commit on trunk of x.y release.