diff --git a/chapter01/acknowledgements.xml b/chapter01/acknowledgements.xml
index e4f79671c..a02f88ac9 100644
--- a/chapter01/acknowledgements.xml
+++ b/chapter01/acknowledgements.xml
@@ -2,123 +2,289 @@
-We thank the following people and organizations for their
-contributions toward the Linux From Scratch project:
+We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their
+contributions to the Linux From Scratch Project.
+Current Project Team Members
-Mark Stone
-<mstone@linux.com> for donating the linuxfromscratch.org
-VA Linux
-Systems for providing rack space and bandwidth for the
-linuxfromscratch.org server.
+Beekmans <gerard@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Project
-Fredrik Danerklint
-for running the se.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Burgess <matthew@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS General Package
+maintainer, LFS Book editor.
-Tim Jackson
-<tim@idge.net> for running the linuxfromscratch.idge.net
+Colton <meerkats@bellsouth.net> : LFS, ALFS, BLFS and Hints
+Project logo creator.
-Hagen Herrschaft
-<hrx@hrxnet.de> for running the de.linuxfromscratch.org
-mirrors, and for his donation of a P4-2.2GHz system to the LFS
+Coumans <@linuxfromscratch.org> : Website developer, FAQ
-UK Mirror
-Service for running the linuxfromscratch.mirror.ac.uk mirror.
+Dubbs <bruce@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Quality Assurance Team
+Leader, BLFS Book editor.
-Passet <guido@primerelay.net> for running the
-www.nl.linuxfromscratch.org and ftp.snt.utwente.nl
-Bauscher <timothy@linuxfromscratch.org> for being more than a
-great help in editing this book.
+Groenewoud <alex@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Book
-Hymers <markh@linuxfromscratch.org> for being more than a
-great help in editing this book.
+Hymers <markh@linuxfromscratch.org> : CVS maintainer, BLFS Book
+Creator, former LFS Book editor.
-Heerdink <marc_heerdink@softhome.net> for also being a great
-help in editing this book.
+Iwanek <iwanek@linuxfromscratch.org> : System Administration
+team member.
-DREAMWVR.COM for their ongoing sponsorship by donating various resources to the LFS and
-related sub projects.
+Leippe <nicholas@linuxfromscratch.org> : Wiki
-Niemann <jan.niemann@tu.bs.de> for running the
-www.de.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Lizardo <lizardo@linuxfromscratch.org> : Website backend scripts
+creator and maintainer.
-Westermann <westermann@linux-provider.net> for running the
-lfs.linux-provider.net mirror.
+Maltby <bill@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Project
-Chilton <ian@ichilton.co.uk> for running the
-www.us.linuxfromscratch.org and www.linuxfromscratch.co.uk
+Scot Mc
+Pherson <scot@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS NNTP gateway
-Stenstad <dag@stenstad.net> for providing the
-www.no.linuxfromscratch.org mirror, and
-Ian Chilton
-<ian@ichilton.co.uk> for running it.
+Oliver <ryan@linuxfromscratch.org> : Testing Team Leader, co-
+creator of PLFS.
-Sprinzl <Antonin.Sprinzl@tuwien.ac.at> for running the
-www.at.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Robertson <jwrober@linuxfromscratch.org> : Bugzilla maintainer,
+Wiki developer, LFS Book editor.
-Andrade <jason@dstc.edu.au> for running the
-www.au.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Schafer <greg@linuxfromscratch.org> : Toolchain Maintainer,
+LFS Book editor, co-creator of PLFS.
-Cooper <ian@wpi.edu> for running the
-www.us2.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Teredesai <tushar@linuxfromscratch.org> : BLFS Book editor,
+Hints and Patches Projects maintainer.
-VA Linux
-Systems who,
-on behalf of Linux.com, donated
-a VA Linux 420 (former StartX SP2) workstation
-towards this project.
+Utley <jeremy@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Book editor, Bugzilla
-Lenglet <johan@linuxfromscratch.org> for leading the French
-LFS translation project.
-Tie-Ten-Quee <highos@linuxfromscratch.org> for donating a
-Yamaha CDRW 8824E cd writer.
-O'Reilly for
-donating books on SQL and PHP.
-Robert Briggs for donating the linuxfromscratch.org and
-linuxfromscratch.com domain names.
-Skettino <bkenoah@oswd.org> at OSWD for coming up with the
-initial design of the LFS website.
-LeSage <garrett@linux.com> for creating the LFS
-Benson <dean@vipersoft.co.uk> for helping out financially
-with setting up the LFS non-profit organization.
-Countless other people on the various LFS mailing lists who are
-making this book happen by giving their suggestions, testing the book
-and submitting bug reports.
+Countless other people on the various LFS and BLFS
+mailinglists who are making this book happen by giving their suggestions,
+testing the book and submitting bug reports, instructions and their
+experiences with installing various packages.
+Canales Esparcia <lfs-es@listas.escomposlinux.org> : Spanish LFS
+translation project.
+Lenglet <johan@linuxfromscratch.org> : French LFS translation
+Lizardo <lizardo@linuxfromscratch.org> : Portugese LFS
+translation project.
+Jason Andrade
+<jason@dstc.edu.au> : au.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+paris8.fr <archive@doc.cs.univ-paris8.fr> :
+www2.fr.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+William Astle
+<lost@l-w.net> : ca.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+<baque@cict.fr> : lfs.cict.fr mirror.
+Stephan Brendel
+<stevie@stevie20.de> : lfs.netservice-neuss.de
+Vrije Universiteit Brussels: linuxfromscratch.rave.org
+Ian Chilton
+<ian@ichilton.co.uk> : us.linuxfromscratch.org, linuxfromscratch.co.uk
+<miha@miha.biz> : lfs.130th.net mirror.
+Fredrik Danerklint: se.linuxfromscratch.org
+David D.W.
+Downey <pgpkeys@aeternamtech.com> : lfs.learnbyexample.com
+Eduardo B.
+Fonseca <ebf@aedsolucoes.com.br> : br.linuxfromscratch.org
+Hagen Herrschaft
+<hrx@hrxnet.de> : de.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Tim Jackson
+<tim@idge.net> : linuxfromscratch.idge.net mirror.
+Barna Koczka
+<barna@siker.hu> : hu.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Simon Nicoll
+<sime@dot-sime.com> : uk.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Ervin S.
+Odisho <ervin@activalink.net> : lfs.activalink.net
+Guido Passet
+<guido@primerelay.net> : nl.linuxfromscratch.org
+Jeremy Polen
+<jpolen@rackspace.com> : us2.linuxfromscratch.org
+UK Mirror Service : linuxfromscratch.mirror.co.uk
+Thomas Skyt
+<thomas@sofagang.dk> : dk.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Sprinzl <Antonin.Sprinzl@tuwien.ac.at> : at.linuxfromscratch.org
+Dag Stenstad
+<dag@stenstad.net> for providing no.linuxfromscratch.org and Ian Chilton for running it.
+Jesse Tie-Ten-
+Quee <highos@linuxfromscratch.org> for providing and running the
+linuxfromscratch.org server.
+Alexander Velin
+<velin@zadnik.org> : bg.linuxfromscratch.org mirror.
+Martin Voss
+<Martin.Voss@ada.de> : lfs.linux-matrix.net mirror.
+Pui Yong
+<pyng@spam.averse.net> : sg.linuxfromscratch.org
+Dean Benson
+<dean@vipersoft.co.uk> for several monetary
+DREAMWVR.COM for their past sponsorship of donating various
+resources to the LFS and related sub projects.
+Hagen Herrschaft
+<hrx@hrxnet.de> for donating a P4 2.2Ghz system.
+O'Reilly for donating books on SQL and PHP.
+VA Software who, on behalf of Linux.com, donated a VA Linux
+420 (former StartX SP2) workstation.
+Mark Stone
+<> for donating shadowfax the linuxfromscratch.org
+Jesse Tie-Ten-Quee <highos@linuxfromscratch.org> for donating a Yamaha CDRW 8824E cd writer.
+Countless other people on the various LFS mailinglists who are
+making this book happen by giving their suggestions, testing the book and
+submitting bug reports.
+Previous Team Members and Contributors
+Bauscher <timothy@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Book editor, Hints
+Project maintainer.
+Robert Briggs for originally donating the linuxfromscratch.org
+and linuxfromscratch.com domain names.
+Ian Chilton
+<ian@ichilton.co.uk> for maintaining the Hints project
+Heerdink <gimli@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS Book
+Seth W.
+Klein <sklein@linuxfromscratch.org> : LFS FAQ
+LeSage <garrett@linuxart.com> : Original LFS banner
+Perreault <nomis80@videotron.ca> : Hints Project
+Geert Poels
+<Geert.Poels@skynet.be> : Original BLFS banner creator; based on the
+original LFS banner by Garrett LeSage.
+Frank Skettino
+<bkenoah@oswd.org> : Initial design of the old website - OSWD.
+Jesse Tie-Ten-
+Quee <highos@linuxfromscratch.org> for answering countless
+questions on irc and having a great deal of patience.
diff --git a/chapter01/changelog.xml b/chapter01/changelog.xml
index 59ea010ad..1ad9da48d 100644
--- a/chapter01/changelog.xml
+++ b/chapter01/changelog.xml
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
+September 17th, 2003 [jwrober]: Updated the acknowledgements
+page to match the website.
September 17th, 2003 [jeremy]: Upgraded File to 4.04
September 17th, 2003 [jeremy]: Chapter 6 - changed 2 of the