diff --git a/chapter01/changelog.xml b/chapter01/changelog.xml
index ce8991527..6a5c1dd61 100644
--- a/chapter01/changelog.xml
+++ b/chapter01/changelog.xml
@@ -35,6 +35,16 @@
+ 2014-03-23
+ [bdubbs] - Update to man-pages-3.65. Fixes
+ #3547.
diff --git a/chapter06/acl.xml b/chapter06/acl.xml
index f38211e32..ee3c459bd 100644
--- a/chapter06/acl.xml
+++ b/chapter06/acl.xml
@@ -54,9 +54,8 @@
Additionally, fix a bug that causes getfacl -e
to segfault on overly long group name:
-sed -i -e "s|: TABS-1;|&\n\n\t\t\tif (x > (TABS-1))\n\t\t\t\tx = (TABS-1);\n|" \
+sed -i -e "/TABS-1;/a if (x > (TABS-1)) x = (TABS-1);" \
Prepare Acl for compilation:
diff --git a/chapter07/network.xml b/chapter07/network.xml
index 97ecf894e..4ec00b6f2 100644
--- a/chapter07/network.xml
+++ b/chapter07/network.xml
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ EOF
Replace eth0 with the correct network interface card
name as described on the beginning of this page.
- These procedures require the configuartion files as specified
+ These procedures require the configuration files as specified
in the previous section.
The network card can also be started or stopped
@@ -147,9 +147,12 @@ Address=
- You can use multiple .network files if desired. You can also specify
- DHCP=yes instead of the Address and Gateway settings. See the man page for
- systemd.network for more details,
+ You can use multiple .network files if desired. You can also specify
+ DHCP=yes instead of the Address and Gateway settings. See the man page for
+ systemd.network for more details,
+ If this method is used, be sure to disable ifupdown@eth0 as
+ described in the previous section (if it was enabled).
diff --git a/chapter07/usage.xml b/chapter07/usage.xml
index 3eb323a6e..885032365 100644
--- a/chapter07/usage.xml
+++ b/chapter07/usage.xml
@@ -207,14 +207,93 @@ EOF
+ Udev Bootscripts
+ The first LFS bootscript,
+ /etc/init.d/mountvirtfs will copy any devices
+ located in /lib/udev/devices to
+ /dev. This is necessary because
+ some devices, directories, and symlinks are needed before the dynamic
+ device handling processes are available during the early stages of
+ booting a system, or are required by udevd itself.
+ Creating static device nodes in /lib/udev/devices also provides an easy
+ workaround for devices that are not supported by the dynamic device
+ handling infrastructure.
+ The /etc/rc.d/init.d/udev initscript starts
+ udevd, triggers any "coldplug" devices that have
+ already been created by the kernel and waits for any rules to complete.
+ The script also unsets the uevent handler from the default of
+ /sbin/hotplug . This is done because the kernel no
+ longer needs to call out to an external binary. Instead
+ udevd will listen on a netlink socket for uevents that
+ the kernel raises.
+ The /etc/rc.d/init.d/udev_retry initscript takes
+ care of re-triggering events for subsystems whose rules may rely on
+ filesystems that are not mounted until the mountfs
+ script is run (in particular, /usr
+ and /var may cause this). This
+ script runs after the mountfs script, so those rules
+ (if re-triggered) should succeed the second time around. It is
+ configured from the /etc/sysconfig/udev_retry file;
+ any words in this file other than comments are considered subsystem names
+ to trigger at retry time. To find the subsystem of a device, use
+ udevadm info --attribute-walk <device> where
+ <device> is an absolute path in /dev or /sys such as /dev/sr0 or
+ /sys/class/rtc.
+ Module Loading
+ Device drivers compiled as modules may have aliases built into them.
+ Aliases are visible in the output of the modinfo
+ program and are usually related to the bus-specific identifiers of devices
+ supported by a module. For example, the snd-fm801
+ driver supports PCI devices with vendor ID 0x1319 and device ID 0x0801,
+ and has an alias of pci:v00001319d00000801sv*sd*bc04sc01i*
+ For most devices, the bus driver exports the alias of the driver that
+ would handle the device via sysfs. E.g., the
+ /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:0d.0/modalias file
+ might contain the string
+ pci:v00001319d00000801sv00001319sd00001319bc04sc01i00
+ The default rules provided with Udev will cause udevd
+ to call out to /sbin/modprobe with the contents of the
+ MODALIAS uevent environment variable (which should be the
+ same as the contents of the modalias file in sysfs),
+ thus loading all modules whose aliases match this string after wildcard
+ expansion.
+ In this example, this means that, in addition to
+ snd-fm801, the obsolete (and unwanted)
+ forte driver will be loaded if it is
+ available. See below for ways in which the loading of unwanted drivers can
+ be prevented.
+ The kernel itself is also able to load modules for network
+ protocols, filesystems and NLS support on demand.
+ Handling Hotpluggable/Dynamic Devices
+ When you plug in a device, such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) MP3
+ player, the kernel recognizes that the device is now connected and
+ generates a uevent. This uevent is then handled by
+ udevd as described above.
Configuring the System Clock
- System V Clock Configuration
- setclock
+ setclock
The setclock script reads the time from the hardware
@@ -268,7 +347,6 @@ EOF
The CLOCKPARAMS and UTC paramaters may be alternatively set
in the /etc/sysconfig/rc.site file.
diff --git a/general.ent b/general.ent
index edcb5b3e7..5c5864715 100644
--- a/general.ent
+++ b/general.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/packages.ent b/packages.ent
index 4f2f107d7..b8bb00c68 100644
--- a/packages.ent
+++ b/packages.ent
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@