diff --git a/chapter01/changelog.xml b/chapter01/changelog.xml
index f34c30dda..a9ad6d065 100644
--- a/chapter01/changelog.xml
+++ b/chapter01/changelog.xml
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@
+ 2009-09-10
+ [bdubbs] - Added a section to the Preface about LFS
+ supported architectures.
diff --git a/general.ent b/general.ent
index a9fa51bfc..8410d5a64 100644
--- a/general.ent
+++ b/general.ent
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/prologue/architecture.xml b/prologue/architecture.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75c29ce36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prologue/architecture.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ %general-entities;
+ LFS Target Architectures
+The primary target architecture of LFS is the 32-bit Intel CPU. If you
+have not built an LFS system before, you should probably start with that
+target. The 32-bit architecture is the most widely supported Linux system and
+is most compatible with both open source and proprietary software.
+On the other hand, the instructions in this book are known to work, with
+some modifications, with both Power PC and 64-bit AMD/Intel CPUs. To build a
+system that utilizes these CPUs, the main prerequsite in addition to those on
+the next few pages, is an existing system such as an earlier LFS system,
+Ubuntu, Red Hat/Fedora, SuSE, or other distribution that targets the system
+that you have. Also note that a 32-bit system can be installed and used as a
+host system on a 64-bit AMD/Intel system.
+If you decide to target a 64-bit AMD/Intel system, LFS does have some
+limitations. First, it does not currently provide instructions for a 64-bit
+boot loader. If there is an existing boot loader, it can be used to boot to
+any LFS system you build, but cannot be
+built on a 64-bit system.
+Some other facts about a 64-bit systems need to be added here. When
+compared to a 32-bit system, the sizes of executable programs are slightly
+larger and the execution speeds are only slightly faster. For example, in a
+test build of LFS-6.5 on a Core2Duo CPU based system, the following statistics
+were measured:
+Architecture Build Time Build Size
+32-bit 198.5 minutes 648 MB
+64-bit 190.6 minutes 709 MB
+As you can see, the 64-bit build is only 4% faster and is 9% larger than
+the 32-bit build. The gain from going to a 64-bit system is relatively
+minimal. Of course, if you have more than 4GB of RAM or want to manipulate
+data that exceeds 4GB, the advantages of a 64-bit system are substantial.
+The default 64-bit build that results from LFS is considered a "pure"
+64-bit system. That is, it supports 64-bit executables only. Building a
+"multi-lib" system requires building many applications twice, once for a 32-bit
+system and once for a 64-bit system. Currently this is not directly supported
+in the book, but is under consideration for a future release. In the meantime,
+you can refer to the Cross Linux From
+Scratch project for this advanced topic.
+There is one last comment about 64-bit systems. There are some packages
+that cannot currently be built in a "pure" 64-bit system or require specialized
+build instructions. Generally, these packages have some embedded 32-bit
+specific assembly language instructions that fail when building on a 64-bit
+system. Examples include the Beyond Linux From Scratch
+(BLFS) packages Zip and some Xorg drivers. Many of these problems can
+be worked around, but may require some specialized procedures or
diff --git a/prologue/preface.xml b/prologue/preface.xml
index 5ad84923e..fde09453d 100644
--- a/prologue/preface.xml
+++ b/prologue/preface.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@