Cleanup after the --disable-libmpx instruction removal in GCC. This required changes to GCC Pass 1 (CH5) and the main GCC page (CH6)

git-svn-id: 4aa44e1e-78dd-0310-a6d2-fbcd4c07a689
This commit is contained in:
Douglas R. Reno 2019-05-11 04:39:07 +00:00
parent 94c160cfe6
commit 3dfd95eaf1
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ cd build</userinput></screen>
<term><parameter>--disable-decimal-float, --disable-threads,
--disable-libatomic, --disable-libgomp, --disable-libmpx,
--disable-libatomic, --disable-libgomp, <!--- -disable-libmpx,-->
--disable-libquadmath, --disable-libssp, --disable-libvtv,
<para>These switches disable support for the decimal floating point
extension, threading, libatomic, libgomp, libmpx, libquadmath, libssp,
extension, threading, libatomic, libgomp, <!--libmpx, --> libquadmath, libssp,
libvtv, and the C++ standard library respectively. These features
will fail to compile when building a cross-compiler and are not
necessary for the task of cross-compiling the temporary libc.</para>

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@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ cd build</userinput></screen>
path to /tools/bin/sed.</para>
<term><parameter>- -disable-libmpx</parameter></term>
<para>This switch tells GCC to not build mpx (Memory Protection
Extensions) that can cause problems on some processors. It has
been removed from the next version of gcc.</para>