diff --git a/chapter08/kernel.xml b/chapter08/kernel.xml
index c8e3a9698..e56ba2917 100644
--- a/chapter08/kernel.xml
+++ b/chapter08/kernel.xml
@@ -202,10 +202,17 @@ cp -r Documentation/* /usr/share/doc/linux-&linux-version;
on the machine. That person would then have write access to the kernel
- If the kernel source tree is going to be retained, run
- chown -R 0:0 on the linux-&linux-version; directory to ensure
- all files are owned by user root.
+ In many cases, the configuration of the kernel will need to be
+ updated for packages that will be installed later in BLFS. Unlike
+ other packages, it is not necessary to remove the kernel source tree
+ after the newly built kernel is installed.
+ If the kernel source tree is going to be retained, run
+ chown -R 0:0 on the linux-&linux-version; directory to ensure
+ all files are owned by user root.
Some kernel documentation recommends creating a symlink from