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2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
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<sect1 id="ch-system-udev" role="wrap" revision="sysv">
<?dbhtml filename="udev.html"?>
<sect1info condition="script">
<title>Udev from Systemd-&systemd-version;</title>
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev">
<primary sortas="a-Udev">Udev</primary>
<sect2 role="package">
<para>The Udev package contains programs for dynamic creation of device
<sect2 role="installation">
<title>Installation of Udev</title>
<para>Udev is part of the systemd-&systemd-version; package. Use
the systemd-&systemd-version;.tar.xz file as the source tarball.</para>
<para>Remove two unneeded groups,
<systemitem class="groupname">render</systemitem> and
<systemitem class="groupname">sgx</systemitem>, from the default udev
<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i -e 's/GROUP="render"/GROUP="video"/' \
-e 's/GROUP="sgx", //' rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.in</userinput></screen>
<para>Remove one udev rule requiring a full Systemd installation:</para>
<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed '/systemd-sysctl/s/^/#/' -i rules.d/99-systemd.rules.in</userinput></screen>
<para>Adjust the hardcoded paths to network configuration files for the
standalone udev installation:</para>
<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed '/NETWORK_DIRS/s/systemd/udev/' -i src/basic/path-lookup.h</userinput></screen>
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<para>Prepare Udev for compilation:</para>
<screen><userinput remap="configure">mkdir -p build
cd build
meson setup \
--prefix=/usr \
--buildtype=release \
-Dmode=release \
-Ddev-kvm-mode=0660 \
-Dlink-udev-shared=false \
-Dlogind=false \
-Dvconsole=false \
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<title>The meaning of the meson options:</title>
<para>This switch overrides the default buildtype
(<quote>debug</quote>), which produces unoptimized
<para>Disable some features considered experimental by upstream.
<para>The default udev rule would allow all users to access
<filename class='devicefile'>/dev/kvm</filename>. The editors
consider it dangerous. This option overrides it.</para>
<para>This option prevents udev from linking to the internal
systemd shared library,
<systemitem class='library'>libsystemd-shared</systemitem>.
This library is designed to be shared by many Systemd components
and it's too overkill for a udev-only installation.</para>
<term><parameter>-Dlogind=false -Dvconsole=false</parameter></term>
<para>These options prevent the generation of several udev rule
files belonging to the other Systemd components that we won't
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
2023-12-16 22:42:54 +00:00
<para>Get the list of the shipped udev helpers and save it into an
environment variable (exporting it is not strictly necessary, but it makes
building as a regular user or using a package manager easier):</para>
2023-12-16 22:42:54 +00:00
<screen><userinput remap="make">export udev_helpers=$(grep "'name' :" ../src/udev/meson.build | \
2023-12-16 22:42:54 +00:00
awk '{print $3}' | tr -d ",'" | grep -v 'udevadm')</userinput></screen>
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<para>Only build the components needed for udev:</para>
<screen><userinput remap="make">ninja udevadm systemd-hwdb \
$(ninja -n | grep -Eo '(src/(lib)?udev|rules.d|hwdb.d)/[^ ]*') \
2023-12-16 22:42:54 +00:00
$(realpath libudev.so --relative-to .) \
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<para>Install the package:</para>
<screen><userinput remap="install">install -vm755 -d {/usr/lib,/etc}/udev/{hwdb.d,rules.d,network}
install -vm755 -d /usr/{lib,share}/pkgconfig
install -vm755 udevadm /usr/bin/
install -vm755 systemd-hwdb /usr/bin/udev-hwdb
ln -svfn ../bin/udevadm /usr/sbin/udevd
cp -av libudev.so{,*[0-9]} /usr/lib/
install -vm644 ../src/libudev/libudev.h /usr/include/
install -vm644 src/libudev/*.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
install -vm644 src/udev/*.pc /usr/share/pkgconfig/
install -vm644 ../src/udev/udev.conf /etc/udev/
install -vm644 rules.d/* ../rules.d/README /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
install -vm644 $(find ../rules.d/*.rules \
-not -name '*power-switch*') /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
install -vm644 hwdb.d/* ../hwdb.d/{*.hwdb,README} /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/
2023-12-16 22:42:54 +00:00
install -vm755 $udev_helpers /usr/lib/udev
install -vm644 ../network/99-default.link /usr/lib/udev/network</userinput></screen>
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<para>Install some custom rules and support files useful in an LFS
<screen><userinput remap="install">tar -xvf ../../&udev-lfs-version;.tar.xz
make -f &udev-lfs-version;/Makefile.lfs install</userinput></screen>
<para>Install the man pages:</para>
<!-- Please make sure systemd man pages tarball has a common leading
component in the path. -->
<screen><userinput remap="install">tar -xf ../../systemd-man-pages-&systemd-man-version;.tar.xz \
--no-same-owner --strip-components=1 \
-C /usr/share/man --wildcards '*/udev*' '*/libudev*' \
'*/systemd.link.5' \
sed 's|systemd/network|udev/network|' \
/usr/share/man/man5/systemd.link.5 \
> /usr/share/man/man5/udev.link.5
sed 's/systemd\(\\\?-\)/udev\1/' /usr/share/man/man8/systemd-hwdb.8 \
> /usr/share/man/man8/udev-hwdb.8
sed 's|lib.*udevd|sbin/udevd|' \
/usr/share/man/man8/systemd-udevd.service.8 \
> /usr/share/man/man8/udevd.8
rm /usr/share/man/man*/systemd*</userinput></screen>
<para>Finally, unset the <envar>udev_helpers</envar> variable:</para>
<!-- remap="make" seems confusing but we don't have sth. like
remap="clean". -->
<screen><userinput remap="install">unset udev_helpers</userinput></screen>
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<sect2 id="conf-udev" role="configuration">
<title>Configuring Udev</title>
<indexterm zone="conf-udev">
<primary sortas="a-Udev">Udev</primary>
<indexterm zone="conf-udev">
<primary sortas="e-/etc/udev/hwdb.bin">/etc/udev/hwdb.bin</primary>
<para>Information about hardware devices is maintained in the
<filename class="directory">/etc/udev/hwdb.d</filename> and
<filename class="directory">/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d</filename> directories.
<application>Udev</application> needs that information to be compiled
into a binary database <filename>/etc/udev/hwdb.bin</filename>. Create the
initial database:</para>
<screen><userinput>udev-hwdb update</userinput></screen>
<para>This command needs to be run each time the hardware information is
<sect2 id="contents-udev" role="content">
<title>Contents of Udev</title>
<segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
<segtitle>Installed libraries</segtitle>
<segtitle>Installed directories</segtitle>
<seg>udevadm, udevd (symlink to udevadm), and udev-hwdb</seg>
<seg>/etc/udev and /usr/lib/udev</seg>
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
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<varlistentry id="udevadm" revision="sysv">
<para>Generic udev administration tool: controls the udevd daemon,
provides info from the Udev database, monitors uevents, waits for
uevents to finish, tests Udev configuration, and triggers uevents
for a given device</para>
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev udevadm">
<primary sortas="b-udevadm">udevadm</primary>
<varlistentry id="udevd">
<para>A daemon that listens for uevents on the netlink socket,
creates devices and runs the configured external programs in
response to these uevents</para>
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev udevd">
<primary sortas="b-udevd">udevd</primary>
<varlistentry id="udev-hwdb">
2023-07-16 16:29:18 +01:00
<para>Updates or queries the hardware database.</para>
2023-07-16 04:02:09 +01:00
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev udev-hwdb">
<primary sortas="b-udev-hwdb">udev-hwdb</primary>
<varlistentry id="libudev">
<term><filename class="libraryfile">libudev</filename></term>
<para>A library interface to udev device information</para>
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev libudev">
<primary sortas="c-libudev">libudev</primary>
<varlistentry id="etc-udev">
<term><filename class="directory">/etc/udev</filename></term>
<para>Contains Udev configuration files,
device permissions, and rules for device naming</para>
<indexterm zone="ch-system-udev etc-udev">
<primary sortas="e-/etc/udev">/etc/udev</primary>