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synced 2025-03-12 02:19:41 +00:00
At least, TGP will try to reach it. It heavily depends on the map if it is reachable at all. But for sure it will do its atmost to get there!
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106 lines
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file genworld.h Functions related to world/map generation. */
#ifndef GENWORLD_H
#define GENWORLD_H
#include "company_type.h"
#include <thread>
/** Constants related to world generation */
enum LandscapeGenerator {
/* Order of these enums has to be the same as in lang/english.txt
* Otherwise you will get inconsistent behaviour. */
LG_ORIGINAL = 0, ///< The original landscape generator
LG_TERRAGENESIS = 1, ///< TerraGenesis Perlin landscape generator
static const uint32 GENERATE_NEW_SEED = UINT32_MAX; ///< Create a new random seed
/** Modes for GenerateWorld */
enum GenWorldMode {
GWM_NEWGAME = 0, ///< Generate a map for a new game
GWM_EMPTY = 1, ///< Generate an empty map (sea-level)
GWM_RANDOM = 2, ///< Generate a random map for SE
GWM_HEIGHTMAP = 3, ///< Generate a newgame from a heightmap
/** Smoothness presets. */
enum TgenSmoothness {
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_BEGIN, ///< First smoothness value.
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_VERY_SMOOTH = TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_BEGIN, ///< Smoothness preset 'very smooth'.
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_SMOOTH, ///< Smoothness preset 'smooth'.
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_ROUGH, ///< Smoothness preset 'rough'.
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_VERY_ROUGH, ///< Smoothness preset 'very rough'.
TGEN_SMOOTHNESS_END, ///< Used to iterate.
static const uint CUSTOM_TERRAIN_TYPE_NUMBER_DIFFICULTY = 5; ///< Value for custom terrain type in difficulty settings.
static const uint CUSTOM_SEA_LEVEL_NUMBER_DIFFICULTY = 4; ///< Value for custom sea level in difficulty settings.
static const uint CUSTOM_SEA_LEVEL_MIN_PERCENTAGE = 1; ///< Minimum percentage a user can specify for custom sea level.
static const uint CUSTOM_SEA_LEVEL_MAX_PERCENTAGE = 90; ///< Maximum percentage a user can specify for custom sea level.
static const uint MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_AUTO_MINIMUM = 30; ///< When map height limit is auto, make this the lowest possible map height limit.
static const uint MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_AUTO_CEILING_ROOM = 15; ///< When map height limit is auto, the map height limit will be the higest peak plus this value.
typedef void GWDoneProc(); ///< Procedure called when the genworld process finishes
typedef void GWAbortProc(); ///< Called when genworld is aborted
/** Properties of current genworld process */
struct GenWorldInfo {
bool abort; ///< Whether to abort the thread ASAP
GenWorldMode mode; ///< What mode are we making a world in
CompanyID lc; ///< The local_company before generating
uint size_x; ///< X-size of the map
uint size_y; ///< Y-size of the map
GWDoneProc *proc; ///< Proc that is called when done (can be nullptr)
GWAbortProc *abortp; ///< Proc that is called when aborting (can be nullptr)
/** Current stage of world generation process */
enum GenWorldProgress {
GWP_MAP_INIT, ///< Initialize/allocate the map, start economy
GWP_LANDSCAPE, ///< Create the landscape
GWP_RIVER, ///< Create the rivers
GWP_ROUGH_ROCKY, ///< Make rough and rocky areas
GWP_TOWN, ///< Generate towns
GWP_INDUSTRY, ///< Generate industries
GWP_OBJECT, ///< Generate objects (radio tower, light houses)
GWP_TREE, ///< Generate trees
GWP_GAME_INIT, ///< Initialize the game
GWP_RUNTILELOOP, ///< Runs the tile loop 1280 times to make snow etc
GWP_RUNSCRIPT, ///< Runs the game script at most 2500 times, or when ever the script sleeps
GWP_GAME_START, ///< Really prepare to start the game
/* genworld.cpp */
void GenerateWorldSetCallback(GWDoneProc *proc);
void GenerateWorldSetAbortCallback(GWAbortProc *proc);
void GenerateWorld(GenWorldMode mode, uint size_x, uint size_y, bool reset_settings = true);
void AbortGeneratingWorld();
bool IsGeneratingWorldAborted();
void HandleGeneratingWorldAbortion();
/* genworld_gui.cpp */
void SetNewLandscapeType(byte landscape);
void SetGeneratingWorldProgress(GenWorldProgress cls, uint total);
void IncreaseGeneratingWorldProgress(GenWorldProgress cls);
void PrepareGenerateWorldProgress();
void ShowGenerateWorldProgress();
void StartNewGameWithoutGUI(uint32 seed);
void ShowCreateScenario();
void StartScenarioEditor();
extern bool _generating_world;
#endif /* GENWORLD_H */