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synced 2025-03-10 08:00:05 +00:00
for i in `find src -type f|grep -v 3rdparty/fmt|grep -v 3rdparty/catch2|grep -v 3rdparty/opengl|grep -v stdafx.h`; do sed 's/uint16& /uint16 \&/g;s/int8\([ >*),;[]\)/int8_t\1/g;s/int16\([ >*),;[]\)/int16_t\1/g;s/int32\([ >*),;[]\)/int32_t\1/g;s/int64\([ >*),;[]\)/int64_t\1/g;s/ uint32(/ uint32_t(/g;s/_uint8_t/_uint8/;s/Uint8_t/Uint8/;s/ft_int64_t/ft_int64/g;s/uint64$/uint64_t/;s/WChar/char32_t/g;s/char32_t char32_t/char32_t WChar/' -i $i; done
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file window_gui.h Functions, definitions and such used only by the GUI. */
#ifndef WINDOW_GUI_H
#define WINDOW_GUI_H
#include "vehiclelist.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "viewport_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "widget_type.h"
#include "string_type.h"
* Flags to describe the look of the frame
enum FrameFlags {
FR_NONE = 0,
FR_TRANSPARENT = 1 << 0, ///< Makes the background transparent if set
FR_BORDERONLY = 1 << 4, ///< Draw border only, no background
FR_LOWERED = 1 << 5, ///< If set the frame is lowered and the background colour brighter (ie. buttons when pressed)
FR_DARKENED = 1 << 6, ///< If set the background is darker, allows for lowered frames with normal background colour when used with FR_LOWERED (ie. dropdown boxes)
struct WidgetDimensions {
RectPadding imgbtn;
RectPadding inset;
RectPadding vscrollbar;
RectPadding hscrollbar;
RectPadding bevel; ///< Widths of bevel border.
RectPadding fullbevel; ///< Always-scaled bevel border.
RectPadding framerect; ///< Offsets within frame area.
RectPadding frametext; ///< Offsets within a text frame area.
RectPadding matrix; ///< Offsets within a matrix cell.
RectPadding shadebox;
RectPadding stickybox;
RectPadding debugbox;
RectPadding defsizebox;
RectPadding resizebox;
RectPadding closebox;
RectPadding captiontext; ///< Offsets of text within a caption.
RectPadding dropdowntext; ///< Offsets of text within a dropdown widget.
RectPadding modalpopup; ///< Padding for a modal popup.
int pressed; ///< Offset for contents of depressed widget.
int vsep_normal; ///< Normal vertical spacing.
int vsep_wide; ///< Wide vertical spacing.
int hsep_normal; ///< Normal horizontal spacing.
int hsep_wide; ///< Wide horizontal spacing.
int hsep_indent; ///< Width of identation for tree layouts.
static const WidgetDimensions unscaled; ///< Unscaled widget dimensions.
static WidgetDimensions scaled; ///< Widget dimensions scaled for current zoom level.
/* widget.cpp */
void DrawFrameRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Colours colour, FrameFlags flags);
static inline void DrawFrameRect(const Rect &r, Colours colour, FrameFlags flags)
DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, colour, flags);
void DrawCaption(const Rect &r, Colours colour, Owner owner, TextColour text_colour, StringID str, StringAlignment align, FontSize fs);
/* window.cpp */
using WindowList = std::list<Window *>;
extern WindowList _z_windows;
extern Window *_focused_window;
/** How do we the window to be placed? */
enum WindowPosition {
WDP_MANUAL, ///< Manually align the window (so no automatic location finding)
WDP_AUTO, ///< Find a place automatically
WDP_CENTER, ///< Center the window
WDP_ALIGN_TOOLBAR, ///< Align toward the toolbar
Point GetToolbarAlignedWindowPosition(int window_width);
struct HotkeyList;
* High level window description
struct WindowDesc : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
WindowDesc(WindowPosition default_pos, const char *ini_key, int16_t def_width_trad, int16_t def_height_trad,
WindowClass window_class, WindowClass parent_class, uint32_t flags,
const NWidgetPart *nwid_parts, int16_t nwid_length, HotkeyList *hotkeys = nullptr);
WindowPosition default_pos; ///< Preferred position of the window. @see WindowPosition()
WindowClass cls; ///< Class of the window, @see WindowClass.
WindowClass parent_cls; ///< Class of the parent window. @see WindowClass
const char *ini_key; ///< Key to store window defaults in openttd.cfg. \c nullptr if nothing shall be stored.
uint32_t flags; ///< Flags. @see WindowDefaultFlag
const NWidgetPart *nwid_parts; ///< Nested widget parts describing the window.
int16_t nwid_length; ///< Length of the #nwid_parts array.
HotkeyList *hotkeys; ///< Hotkeys for the window.
bool pref_sticky; ///< Preferred stickyness.
int16_t pref_width; ///< User-preferred width of the window. Zero if unset.
int16_t pref_height; ///< User-preferred height of the window. Zero if unset.
int16_t GetDefaultWidth() const;
int16_t GetDefaultHeight() const;
static void LoadFromConfig();
static void SaveToConfig();
int16_t default_width_trad; ///< Preferred initial width of the window (pixels at 1x zoom).
int16_t default_height_trad; ///< Preferred initial height of the window (pixels at 1x zoom).
* Dummy private copy constructor to prevent compilers from
* copying the structure, which fails due to _window_descs.
WindowDesc(const WindowDesc &other);
* Window default widget/window handling flags
enum WindowDefaultFlag {
WDF_CONSTRUCTION = 1 << 0, ///< This window is used for construction; close it whenever changing company.
WDF_MODAL = 1 << 1, ///< The window is a modal child of some other window, meaning the parent is 'inactive'
WDF_NO_FOCUS = 1 << 2, ///< This window won't get focus/make any other window lose focus when click
WDF_NO_CLOSE = 1 << 3, ///< This window can't be interactively closed
* Data structure for resizing a window
struct ResizeInfo {
uint step_width; ///< Step-size of width resize changes
uint step_height; ///< Step-size of height resize changes
/** State of a sort direction button. */
enum SortButtonState {
SBS_OFF, ///< Do not sort (with this button).
SBS_DOWN, ///< Sort ascending.
SBS_UP, ///< Sort descending.
* Window flags.
enum WindowFlags {
WF_TIMEOUT = 1 << 0, ///< Window timeout counter.
WF_DRAGGING = 1 << 3, ///< Window is being dragged.
WF_SIZING_RIGHT = 1 << 4, ///< Window is being resized towards the right.
WF_SIZING_LEFT = 1 << 5, ///< Window is being resized towards the left.
WF_SIZING = WF_SIZING_RIGHT | WF_SIZING_LEFT, ///< Window is being resized.
WF_STICKY = 1 << 6, ///< Window is made sticky by user
WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL = 1 << 7, ///< Window does not do autoscroll, @see HandleAutoscroll().
WF_WHITE_BORDER = 1 << 8, ///< Window white border counter bit mask.
WF_HIGHLIGHTED = 1 << 9, ///< Window has a widget that has a highlight.
WF_CENTERED = 1 << 10, ///< Window is centered and shall stay centered after ReInit.
static const int TIMEOUT_DURATION = 7; ///< The initial timeout value for WF_TIMEOUT.
static const int WHITE_BORDER_DURATION = 3; ///< The initial timeout value for WF_WHITE_BORDER.
* Data structure for a window viewport.
* A viewport is either following a vehicle (its id in then in #follow_vehicle), or it aims to display a specific
* location #dest_scrollpos_x, #dest_scrollpos_y (#follow_vehicle is then #INVALID_VEHICLE).
* The actual location being shown is #scrollpos_x, #scrollpos_y.
* @see InitializeViewport(), UpdateViewportPosition(), UpdateViewportCoordinates().
struct ViewportData : Viewport {
VehicleID follow_vehicle; ///< VehicleID to follow if following a vehicle, #INVALID_VEHICLE otherwise.
int32_t scrollpos_x; ///< Currently shown x coordinate (virtual screen coordinate of topleft corner of the viewport).
int32_t scrollpos_y; ///< Currently shown y coordinate (virtual screen coordinate of topleft corner of the viewport).
int32_t dest_scrollpos_x; ///< Current destination x coordinate to display (virtual screen coordinate of topleft corner of the viewport).
int32_t dest_scrollpos_y; ///< Current destination y coordinate to display (virtual screen coordinate of topleft corner of the viewport).
struct QueryString;
/* misc_gui.cpp */
enum TooltipCloseCondition {
* Data structure for an opened window
struct Window : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
static std::vector<Window *> closed_windows;
void InitializeData(WindowNumber window_number);
void InitializePositionSize(int x, int y, int min_width, int min_height);
virtual void FindWindowPlacementAndResize(int def_width, int def_height);
std::vector<int> scheduled_invalidation_data; ///< Data of scheduled OnInvalidateData() calls.
/* Protected to prevent deletion anywhere outside Window::DeleteClosedWindows(). */
virtual ~Window();
Window(WindowDesc *desc);
* Helper allocation function to disallow something.
* Don't allow arrays; arrays of Windows are pointless as you need
* to destruct them all at the same time too, which is kinda hard.
* @param size the amount of space not to allocate
inline void *operator new[](size_t size) = delete;
WindowDesc *window_desc; ///< Window description
WindowFlags flags; ///< Window flags
WindowClass window_class; ///< Window class
WindowNumber window_number; ///< Window number within the window class
uint8_t timeout_timer; ///< Timer value of the WF_TIMEOUT for flags.
uint8_t white_border_timer; ///< Timer value of the WF_WHITE_BORDER for flags.
int left; ///< x position of left edge of the window
int top; ///< y position of top edge of the window
int width; ///< width of the window (number of pixels to the right in x direction)
int height; ///< Height of the window (number of pixels down in y direction)
ResizeInfo resize; ///< Resize information
Owner owner; ///< The owner of the content shown in this window. Company colour is acquired from this variable.
ViewportData *viewport; ///< Pointer to viewport data, if present.
const NWidgetCore *nested_focus; ///< Currently focused nested widget, or \c nullptr if no nested widget has focus.
std::map<int, QueryString*> querystrings; ///< QueryString associated to WWT_EDITBOX widgets.
NWidgetBase *nested_root; ///< Root of the nested tree.
NWidgetBase **nested_array; ///< Array of pointers into the tree. Do not access directly, use #Window::GetWidget() instead.
uint nested_array_size; ///< Size of the nested array.
NWidgetStacked *shade_select; ///< Selection widget (#NWID_SELECTION) to use for shading the window. If \c nullptr, window cannot shade.
Dimension unshaded_size; ///< Last known unshaded size (only valid while shaded).
int mouse_capture_widget; ///< Widgetindex of current mouse capture widget (e.g. dragged scrollbar). -1 if no widget has mouse capture.
Window *parent; ///< Parent window.
WindowList::iterator z_position;
template <class NWID>
inline const NWID *GetWidget(uint widnum) const;
template <class NWID>
inline NWID *GetWidget(uint widnum);
const Scrollbar *GetScrollbar(uint widnum) const;
Scrollbar *GetScrollbar(uint widnum);
const QueryString *GetQueryString(uint widnum) const;
QueryString *GetQueryString(uint widnum);
void UpdateQueryStringSize();
virtual const char *GetFocusedText() const;
virtual const char *GetCaret() const;
virtual const char *GetMarkedText(size_t *length) const;
virtual Point GetCaretPosition() const;
virtual Rect GetTextBoundingRect(const char *from, const char *to) const;
virtual ptrdiff_t GetTextCharacterAtPosition(const Point &pt) const;
void InitNested(WindowNumber number = 0);
void CreateNestedTree(bool fill_nested = true);
void FinishInitNested(WindowNumber window_number = 0);
* Set the timeout flag of the window and initiate the timer.
inline void SetTimeout()
this->flags |= WF_TIMEOUT;
this->timeout_timer = TIMEOUT_DURATION;
* Set the timeout flag of the window and initiate the timer.
inline void SetWhiteBorder()
this->flags |= WF_WHITE_BORDER;
this->white_border_timer = WHITE_BORDER_DURATION;
void DisableAllWidgetHighlight();
void SetWidgetHighlight(byte widget_index, TextColour highlighted_colour);
bool IsWidgetHighlighted(byte widget_index) const;
* Sets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
* By default, widgets are enabled.
* On certain conditions, they have to be disabled.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
* @param disab_stat status to use ie: disabled = true, enabled = false
inline void SetWidgetDisabledState(byte widget_index, bool disab_stat)
assert(widget_index < this->nested_array_size);
if (this->nested_array[widget_index] != nullptr) this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget_index)->SetDisabled(disab_stat);
* Sets a widget to disabled.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
inline void DisableWidget(byte widget_index)
SetWidgetDisabledState(widget_index, true);
* Sets a widget to Enabled.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
inline void EnableWidget(byte widget_index)
SetWidgetDisabledState(widget_index, false);
* Gets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
* @return status of the widget ie: disabled = true, enabled = false
inline bool IsWidgetDisabled(byte widget_index) const
assert(widget_index < this->nested_array_size);
return this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget_index)->IsDisabled();
* Check if given widget is focused within this window
* @param widget_index : index of the widget in the window to check
* @return true if given widget is the focused window in this window
inline bool IsWidgetFocused(byte widget_index) const
return this->nested_focus != nullptr && this->nested_focus->index == widget_index;
* Check if given widget has user input focus. This means that both the window
* has focus and that the given widget has focus within the window.
* @param widget_index : index of the widget in the window to check
* @return true if given widget is the focused window in this window and this window has focus
inline bool IsWidgetGloballyFocused(byte widget_index) const
return _focused_window == this && IsWidgetFocused(widget_index);
* Sets the lowered/raised status of a widget.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
* @param lowered_stat status to use ie: lowered = true, raised = false
inline void SetWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index, bool lowered_stat)
assert(widget_index < this->nested_array_size);
* Invert the lowered/raised status of a widget.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
inline void ToggleWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index)
assert(widget_index < this->nested_array_size);
bool lowered_state = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget_index)->IsLowered();
* Marks a widget as lowered.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
inline void LowerWidget(byte widget_index)
SetWidgetLoweredState(widget_index, true);
* Marks a widget as raised.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
inline void RaiseWidget(byte widget_index)
SetWidgetLoweredState(widget_index, false);
* Gets the lowered state of a widget.
* @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
* @return status of the widget ie: lowered = true, raised= false
inline bool IsWidgetLowered(byte widget_index) const
assert(widget_index < this->nested_array_size);
return this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget_index)->IsLowered();
void UnfocusFocusedWidget();
bool SetFocusedWidget(int widget_index);
EventState HandleEditBoxKey(int wid, char32_t key, uint16_t keycode);
virtual void InsertTextString(int wid, const char *str, bool marked, const char *caret, const char *insert_location, const char *replacement_end);
void HandleButtonClick(byte widget);
int GetRowFromWidget(int clickpos, int widget, int padding, int line_height = -1) const;
void RaiseButtons(bool autoraise = false);
void CDECL SetWidgetsDisabledState(bool disab_stat, int widgets, ...);
void CDECL SetWidgetsLoweredState(bool lowered_stat, int widgets, ...);
void SetWidgetDirty(byte widget_index) const;
void DrawWidgets() const;
void DrawViewport() const;
void DrawSortButtonState(int widget, SortButtonState state) const;
static int SortButtonWidth();
void CloseChildWindows(WindowClass wc = WC_INVALID) const;
virtual void Close();
static void DeleteClosedWindows();
void SetDirty() const;
void ReInit(int rx = 0, int ry = 0, bool reposition = false);
/** Is window shaded currently? */
inline bool IsShaded() const
return this->shade_select != nullptr && this->shade_select->shown_plane == SZSP_HORIZONTAL;
void SetShaded(bool make_shaded);
void InvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true);
void ProcessScheduledInvalidations();
void ProcessHighlightedInvalidations();
/*** Event handling ***/
* Notification that the nested widget tree gets initialized. The event can be used to perform general computations.
* @note #nested_root and/or #nested_array (normally accessed via #GetWidget()) may not exist during this call.
virtual void OnInit() { }
virtual void ApplyDefaults();
* Compute the initial position of the window.
* @param sm_width Smallest width of the window.
* @param sm_height Smallest height of the window.
* @param window_number The window number of the new window.
* @return Initial position of the top-left corner of the window.
virtual Point OnInitialPosition(int16_t sm_width, int16_t sm_height, int window_number);
* The window must be repainted.
* @note This method should not change any state, it should only use drawing functions.
virtual void OnPaint()
* Draw the contents of a nested widget.
* @param r Rectangle occupied by the widget.
* @param widget Number of the widget to draw.
* @note This method may not change any state, it may only use drawing functions.
virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const {}
* Update size and resize step of a widget in the window.
* After retrieval of the minimal size and the resize-steps of a widget, this function is called to allow further refinement,
* typically by computing the real maximal size of the content. Afterwards, \a size is taken to be the minimal size of the widget
* and \a resize is taken to contain the resize steps. For the convenience of the callee, \a padding contains the amount of
* padding between the content and the edge of the widget. This should be added to the returned size.
* @param widget Widget number.
* @param size Size of the widget.
* @param padding Recommended amount of space between the widget content and the widget edge.
* @param fill Fill step of the widget.
* @param resize Resize step of the widget.
virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) {}
* Initialize string parameters for a widget.
* Calls to this function are made during initialization to measure the size (that is as part of #InitNested()), during drawing,
* and while re-initializing the window. Only for widgets that render text initializing is requested.
* @param widget Widget number.
virtual void SetStringParameters(int widget) const {}
* The window has gained focus.
virtual void OnFocus();
* The window has lost focus.
* @param closing True iff the window has lost focus in the process of closing.
virtual void OnFocusLost(bool closing);
* A key has been pressed.
* @param key the Unicode value of the key.
* @param keycode the untranslated key code including shift state.
* @return #ES_HANDLED if the key press has been handled and no other
* window should receive the event.
virtual EventState OnKeyPress(char32_t key, uint16_t keycode) { return ES_NOT_HANDLED; }
virtual EventState OnHotkey(int hotkey);
* The state of the control key has changed
* @return #ES_HANDLED if the change has been handled and no other
* window should receive the event.
virtual EventState OnCTRLStateChange() { return ES_NOT_HANDLED; }
* A click with the left mouse button has been made on the window.
* @param pt the point inside the window that has been clicked.
* @param widget the clicked widget.
* @param click_count Number of fast consecutive clicks at same position
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) {}
* A click with the right mouse button has been made on the window.
* @param pt the point inside the window that has been clicked.
* @param widget the clicked widget.
* @return true if the click was actually handled, i.e. do not show a
* tooltip if tooltip-on-right-click is enabled.
virtual bool OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget) { return false; }
* The mouse is hovering over a widget in the window, perform an action for it.
* @param pt The point where the mouse is hovering.
* @param widget The widget where the mouse is hovering.
virtual void OnHover(Point pt, int widget) {}
* Event to display a custom tooltip.
* @param pt The point where the mouse is located.
* @param widget The widget where the mouse is located.
* @return True if the event is handled, false if it is ignored.
virtual bool OnTooltip(Point pt, int widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) { return false; }
* An 'object' is being dragged at the provided position, highlight the target if possible.
* @param pt The point inside the window that the mouse hovers over.
* @param widget The widget the mouse hovers over.
virtual void OnMouseDrag(Point pt, int widget) {}
* A dragged 'object' has been released.
* @param pt the point inside the window where the release took place.
* @param widget the widget where the release took place.
virtual void OnDragDrop(Point pt, int widget) {}
* Handle the request for (viewport) scrolling.
* @param delta the amount the viewport must be scrolled.
virtual void OnScroll(Point delta) {}
* The mouse is currently moving over the window or has just moved outside
* of the window. In the latter case pt is (-1, -1).
* @param pt the point inside the window that the mouse hovers over.
* @param widget the widget the mouse hovers over.
virtual void OnMouseOver(Point pt, int widget) {}
* The mouse wheel has been turned.
* @param wheel the amount of movement of the mouse wheel.
virtual void OnMouseWheel(int wheel) {}
* Called for every mouse loop run, which is at least once per (game) tick.
virtual void OnMouseLoop() {}
* Called once per (game) tick.
virtual void OnGameTick() {}
* Called periodically.
virtual void OnRealtimeTick(uint delta_ms) {}
* Called when this window's timeout has been reached.
virtual void OnTimeout() {}
* Called after the window got resized.
* For nested windows with a viewport, call NWidgetViewport::UpdateViewportCoordinates.
virtual void OnResize() {}
* A dropdown option associated to this window has been selected.
* @param widget the widget (button) that the dropdown is associated with.
* @param index the element in the dropdown that is selected.
virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) {}
virtual void OnDropdownClose(Point pt, int widget, int index, bool instant_close);
* The text in an editbox has been edited.
* @param widget The widget of the editbox.
virtual void OnEditboxChanged(int widget) {}
* The query window opened from this window has closed.
* @param str the new value of the string, nullptr if the window
* was cancelled or an empty string when the default
* button was pressed, i.e. StrEmpty(str).
virtual void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) {}
* Some data on this window has become invalid.
* @param data information about the changed data.
* @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details.
virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) {}
* The user clicked some place on the map when a tile highlight mode
* has been set.
* @param pt the exact point on the map that has been clicked.
* @param tile the tile on the map that has been clicked.
virtual void OnPlaceObject(Point pt, TileIndex tile) {}
* The user clicked on a vehicle while HT_VEHICLE has been set.
* @param v clicked vehicle
* @return true if the click is handled, false if it is ignored
* @pre v->IsPrimaryVehicle() == true
virtual bool OnVehicleSelect(const struct Vehicle *v) { return false; }
* The user clicked on a vehicle while HT_VEHICLE has been set.
* @param v clicked vehicle
* @return True if the click is handled, false if it is ignored
* @pre v->IsPrimaryVehicle() == true
virtual bool OnVehicleSelect(VehicleList::const_iterator begin, VehicleList::const_iterator end) { return false; }
* The user cancelled a tile highlight mode that has been set.
virtual void OnPlaceObjectAbort() {}
* The user is dragging over the map when the tile highlight mode
* has been set.
* @param select_method the method of selection (allowed directions)
* @param select_proc what will be created when the drag is over.
* @param pt the exact point on the map where the mouse is.
virtual void OnPlaceDrag(ViewportPlaceMethod select_method, ViewportDragDropSelectionProcess select_proc, Point pt) {}
* The user has dragged over the map when the tile highlight mode
* has been set.
* @param select_method the method of selection (allowed directions)
* @param select_proc what should be created.
* @param pt the exact point on the map where the mouse was released.
* @param start_tile the begin tile of the drag.
* @param end_tile the end tile of the drag.
virtual void OnPlaceMouseUp(ViewportPlaceMethod select_method, ViewportDragDropSelectionProcess select_proc, Point pt, TileIndex start_tile, TileIndex end_tile) {}
* The user moves over the map when a tile highlight mode has been set
* when the special mouse mode has been set to 'PRESIZE' mode. An
* example of this is the tile highlight for dock building.
* @param pt the exact point on the map where the mouse is.
* @param tile the tile on the map where the mouse is.
virtual void OnPlacePresize(Point pt, TileIndex tile) {}
/*** End of the event handling ***/
* Is the data related to this window NewGRF inspectable?
* @return true iff it is inspectable.
virtual bool IsNewGRFInspectable() const { return false; }
* Show the NewGRF inspection window. When this function is called it is
* up to the window to call and pass the right parameters to the
* ShowInspectWindow function.
* @pre this->IsNewGRFInspectable()
virtual void ShowNewGRFInspectWindow() const { NOT_REACHED(); }
* Iterator to iterate all valid Windows
* @tparam TtoBack whether we iterate towards the back.
template <bool TtoBack>
struct WindowIterator {
typedef Window *value_type;
typedef value_type *pointer;
typedef value_type &reference;
typedef size_t difference_type;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
explicit WindowIterator(WindowList::iterator start) : it(start)
explicit WindowIterator(const Window *w) : it(w->z_position) {}
bool operator==(const WindowIterator &other) const { return this->it == other.it; }
bool operator!=(const WindowIterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
Window * operator*() const { return *this->it; }
WindowIterator & operator++() { this->Next(); this->Validate(); return *this; }
bool IsEnd() const { return this->it == _z_windows.end(); }
WindowList::iterator it;
void Validate()
while (!this->IsEnd() && *this->it == nullptr) this->Next();
void Next()
if constexpr (!TtoBack) {
} else if (this->it == _z_windows.begin()) {
this->it = _z_windows.end();
} else {
using IteratorToFront = WindowIterator<false>; //!< Iterate in Z order towards front.
using IteratorToBack = WindowIterator<true>; //!< Iterate in Z order towards back.
* Iterable ensemble of all valid Windows
* @tparam Tfront Wether we iterate from front
template <bool Tfront>
struct AllWindows {
AllWindows() {}
WindowIterator<Tfront> begin()
if constexpr (Tfront) {
auto back = _z_windows.end();
if (back != _z_windows.begin()) --back;
return WindowIterator<Tfront>(back);
} else {
return WindowIterator<Tfront>(_z_windows.begin());
WindowIterator<Tfront> end() { return WindowIterator<Tfront>(_z_windows.end()); }
using Iterate = AllWindows<false>; //!< Iterate all windows in whatever order is easiest.
using IterateFromBack = AllWindows<false>; //!< Iterate all windows in Z order from back to front.
using IterateFromFront = AllWindows<true>; //!< Iterate all windows in Z order from front to back.
* Generic helper function that checks if all elements of the range are equal with respect to the given predicate.
* @param begin The start of the range.
* @param end The end of the range.
* @param pred The predicate to use.
* @return True if all elements are equal, false otherwise.
template <class It, class Pred>
inline bool AllEqual(It begin, It end, Pred pred)
return std::adjacent_find(begin, end, std::not_fn(pred)) == end;
* Get the nested widget with number \a widnum from the nested widget tree.
* @tparam NWID Type of the nested widget.
* @param widnum Widget number of the widget to retrieve.
* @return The requested widget if it is instantiated, \c nullptr otherwise.
template <class NWID>
inline NWID *Window::GetWidget(uint widnum)
if (widnum >= this->nested_array_size || this->nested_array[widnum] == nullptr) return nullptr;
NWID *nwid = dynamic_cast<NWID *>(this->nested_array[widnum]);
assert(nwid != nullptr);
return nwid;
/** Specialized case of #Window::GetWidget for the nested widget base class. */
template <>
inline const NWidgetBase *Window::GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(uint widnum) const
if (widnum >= this->nested_array_size) return nullptr;
return this->nested_array[widnum];
* Get the nested widget with number \a widnum from the nested widget tree.
* @tparam NWID Type of the nested widget.
* @param widnum Widget number of the widget to retrieve.
* @return The requested widget if it is instantiated, \c nullptr otherwise.
template <class NWID>
inline const NWID *Window::GetWidget(uint widnum) const
return const_cast<Window *>(this)->GetWidget<NWID>(widnum);
* Base class for windows opened from a toolbar.
class PickerWindowBase : public Window {
PickerWindowBase(WindowDesc *desc, Window *parent) : Window(desc)
this->parent = parent;
void Close() override;
Window *BringWindowToFrontById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
Window *FindWindowFromPt(int x, int y);
* Open a new window.
* @tparam Wcls %Window class to use if the window does not exist.
* @param desc The pointer to the WindowDesc to be created
* @param window_number the window number of the new window
* @param return_existing If set, also return the window if it already existed.
* @return %Window pointer of the newly created window, or the existing one if \a return_existing is set, or \c nullptr.
template <typename Wcls>
Wcls *AllocateWindowDescFront(WindowDesc *desc, int window_number, bool return_existing = false)
Wcls *w = static_cast<Wcls *>(BringWindowToFrontById(desc->cls, window_number));
if (w != nullptr) return return_existing ? w : nullptr;
return new Wcls(desc, window_number);
void RelocateAllWindows(int neww, int newh);
void GuiShowTooltips(Window *parent, StringID str, TooltipCloseCondition close_tooltip, uint paramcount = 0);
/* widget.cpp */
int GetWidgetFromPos(const Window *w, int x, int y);
extern Point _cursorpos_drag_start;
extern int _scrollbar_start_pos;
extern int _scrollbar_size;
extern byte _scroller_click_timeout;
extern bool _scrolling_viewport;
extern bool _mouse_hovering;
/** Mouse modes. */
enum SpecialMouseMode {
WSM_NONE, ///< No special mouse mode.
WSM_DRAGDROP, ///< Drag&drop an object.
WSM_SIZING, ///< Sizing mode.
WSM_PRESIZE, ///< Presizing mode (docks, tunnels).
WSM_DRAGGING, ///< Dragging mode (trees).
extern SpecialMouseMode _special_mouse_mode;
void SetFocusedWindow(Window *w);
void ScrollbarClickHandler(Window *w, NWidgetCore *nw, int x, int y);
#endif /* WINDOW_GUI_H */