2019-11-10 17:59:20 +00:00

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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file rail_map.h Hides the direct accesses to the map array with map accessors */
#ifndef RAIL_MAP_H
#define RAIL_MAP_H
#include "rail_type.h"
#include "depot_type.h"
#include "signal_func.h"
#include "track_func.h"
#include "tile_map.h"
#include "water_map.h"
#include "signal_type.h"
/** Different types of Rail-related tiles */
enum RailTileType {
RAIL_TILE_NORMAL = 0, ///< Normal rail tile without signals
RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS = 1, ///< Normal rail tile with signals
RAIL_TILE_DEPOT = 3, ///< Depot (one entrance)
* Returns the RailTileType (normal with or without signals,
* waypoint or depot).
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @pre IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY)
* @return the RailTileType
static inline RailTileType GetRailTileType(TileIndex t)
assert(IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY));
return (RailTileType)GB(_m[t].m5, 6, 2);
* Returns whether this is plain rails, with or without signals. Iow, if this
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @pre IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY)
* @return true if and only if the tile is normal rail (with or without signals)
static inline bool IsPlainRail(TileIndex t)
RailTileType rtt = GetRailTileType(t);
return rtt == RAIL_TILE_NORMAL || rtt == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS;
* Checks whether the tile is a rail tile or rail tile with signals.
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @return true if and only if the tile is normal rail (with or without signals)
static inline bool IsPlainRailTile(TileIndex t)
return IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) && IsPlainRail(t);
* Checks if a rail tile has signals.
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @pre IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY)
* @return true if and only if the tile has signals
static inline bool HasSignals(TileIndex t)
return GetRailTileType(t) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS;
* Add/remove the 'has signal' bit from the RailTileType
* @param tile the tile to add/remove the signals to/from
* @param signals whether the rail tile should have signals or not
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(tile)
static inline void SetHasSignals(TileIndex tile, bool signals)
SB(_m[tile].m5, 6, 1, signals);
* Is this rail tile a rail depot?
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @pre IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY)
* @return true if and only if the tile is a rail depot
static inline bool IsRailDepot(TileIndex t)
return GetRailTileType(t) == RAIL_TILE_DEPOT;
* Is this tile rail tile and a rail depot?
* @param t the tile to get the information from
* @return true if and only if the tile is a rail depot
static inline bool IsRailDepotTile(TileIndex t)
return IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) && IsRailDepot(t);
* Gets the rail type of the given tile
* @param t the tile to get the rail type from
* @return the rail type of the tile
static inline RailType GetRailType(TileIndex t)
return (RailType)GB(_me[t].m8, 0, 6);
* Sets the rail type of the given tile
* @param t the tile to set the rail type of
* @param r the new rail type for the tile
static inline void SetRailType(TileIndex t, RailType r)
SB(_me[t].m8, 0, 6, r);
* Gets the track bits of the given tile
* @param tile the tile to get the track bits from
* @return the track bits of the tile
static inline TrackBits GetTrackBits(TileIndex tile)
return (TrackBits)GB(_m[tile].m5, 0, 6);
* Sets the track bits of the given tile
* @param t the tile to set the track bits of
* @param b the new track bits for the tile
static inline void SetTrackBits(TileIndex t, TrackBits b)
SB(_m[t].m5, 0, 6, b);
* Returns whether the given track is present on the given tile.
* @param tile the tile to check the track presence of
* @param track the track to search for on the tile
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(tile)
* @return true if and only if the given track exists on the tile
static inline bool HasTrack(TileIndex tile, Track track)
return HasBit(GetTrackBits(tile), track);
* Returns the direction the depot is facing to
* @param t the tile to get the depot facing from
* @pre IsRailDepotTile(t)
* @return the direction the depot is facing
static inline DiagDirection GetRailDepotDirection(TileIndex t)
return (DiagDirection)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 2);
* Returns the track of a depot, ignoring direction
* @pre IsRailDepotTile(t)
* @param t the tile to get the depot track from
* @return the track of the depot
static inline Track GetRailDepotTrack(TileIndex t)
return DiagDirToDiagTrack(GetRailDepotDirection(t));
* Returns the reserved track bits of the tile
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(t)
* @param t the tile to query
* @return the track bits
static inline TrackBits GetRailReservationTrackBits(TileIndex t)
byte track_b = GB(_m[t].m2, 8, 3);
Track track = (Track)(track_b - 1); // map array saves Track+1
if (track_b == 0) return TRACK_BIT_NONE;
return (TrackBits)(TrackToTrackBits(track) | (HasBit(_m[t].m2, 11) ? TrackToTrackBits(TrackToOppositeTrack(track)) : 0));
* Sets the reserved track bits of the tile
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(t) && !TracksOverlap(b)
* @param t the tile to change
* @param b the track bits
static inline void SetTrackReservation(TileIndex t, TrackBits b)
assert(b != INVALID_TRACK_BIT);
Track track = RemoveFirstTrack(&b);
SB(_m[t].m2, 8, 3, track == INVALID_TRACK ? 0 : track + 1);
SB(_m[t].m2, 11, 1, (byte)(b != TRACK_BIT_NONE));
* Try to reserve a specific track on a tile
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(t) && HasTrack(tile, t)
* @param tile the tile
* @param t the rack to reserve
* @return true if successful
static inline bool TryReserveTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t)
assert(HasTrack(tile, t));
TrackBits bits = TrackToTrackBits(t);
TrackBits res = GetRailReservationTrackBits(tile);
if ((res & bits) != TRACK_BIT_NONE) return false; // already reserved
res |= bits;
if (TracksOverlap(res)) return false; // crossing reservation present
SetTrackReservation(tile, res);
return true;
* Lift the reservation of a specific track on a tile
* @pre IsPlainRailTile(t) && HasTrack(tile, t)
* @param tile the tile
* @param t the track to free
static inline void UnreserveTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t)
assert(HasTrack(tile, t));
TrackBits res = GetRailReservationTrackBits(tile);
res &= ~TrackToTrackBits(t);
SetTrackReservation(tile, res);
* Get the reservation state of the depot
* @pre IsRailDepot(t)
* @param t the depot tile
* @return reservation state
static inline bool HasDepotReservation(TileIndex t)
return HasBit(_m[t].m5, 4);
* Set the reservation state of the depot
* @pre IsRailDepot(t)
* @param t the depot tile
* @param b the reservation state
static inline void SetDepotReservation(TileIndex t, bool b)
SB(_m[t].m5, 4, 1, (byte)b);
* Get the reserved track bits for a depot
* @pre IsRailDepot(t)
* @param t the tile
* @return reserved track bits
static inline TrackBits GetDepotReservationTrackBits(TileIndex t)
return HasDepotReservation(t) ? TrackToTrackBits(GetRailDepotTrack(t)) : TRACK_BIT_NONE;
static inline bool IsPbsSignal(SignalType s)
static inline SignalType GetSignalType(TileIndex t, Track track)
assert(GetRailTileType(t) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS);
byte pos = (track == TRACK_LOWER || track == TRACK_RIGHT) ? 4 : 0;
return (SignalType)GB(_m[t].m2, pos, 3);
static inline void SetSignalType(TileIndex t, Track track, SignalType s)
assert(GetRailTileType(t) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS);
byte pos = (track == TRACK_LOWER || track == TRACK_RIGHT) ? 4 : 0;
SB(_m[t].m2, pos, 3, s);
if (track == INVALID_TRACK) SB(_m[t].m2, 4, 3, s);
static inline bool IsPresignalEntry(TileIndex t, Track track)
return GetSignalType(t, track) == SIGTYPE_ENTRY || GetSignalType(t, track) == SIGTYPE_COMBO;
static inline bool IsPresignalExit(TileIndex t, Track track)
return GetSignalType(t, track) == SIGTYPE_EXIT || GetSignalType(t, track) == SIGTYPE_COMBO;
/** One-way signals can't be passed the 'wrong' way. */
static inline bool IsOnewaySignal(TileIndex t, Track track)
return GetSignalType(t, track) != SIGTYPE_PBS;
static inline void CycleSignalSide(TileIndex t, Track track)
byte sig;
byte pos = (track == TRACK_LOWER || track == TRACK_RIGHT) ? 4 : 6;
sig = GB(_m[t].m3, pos, 2);
if (--sig == 0) sig = IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(t, track)) ? 2 : 3;
SB(_m[t].m3, pos, 2, sig);
static inline SignalVariant GetSignalVariant(TileIndex t, Track track)
byte pos = (track == TRACK_LOWER || track == TRACK_RIGHT) ? 7 : 3;
return (SignalVariant)GB(_m[t].m2, pos, 1);
static inline void SetSignalVariant(TileIndex t, Track track, SignalVariant v)
byte pos = (track == TRACK_LOWER || track == TRACK_RIGHT) ? 7 : 3;
SB(_m[t].m2, pos, 1, v);
if (track == INVALID_TRACK) SB(_m[t].m2, 7, 1, v);
* Set the states of the signals (Along/AgainstTrackDir)
* @param tile the tile to set the states for
* @param state the new state
static inline void SetSignalStates(TileIndex tile, uint state)
SB(_m[tile].m4, 4, 4, state);
* Set the states of the signals (Along/AgainstTrackDir)
* @param tile the tile to set the states for
* @return the state of the signals
static inline uint GetSignalStates(TileIndex tile)
return GB(_m[tile].m4, 4, 4);
* Get the state of a single signal
* @param t the tile to get the signal state for
* @param signalbit the signal
* @return the state of the signal
static inline SignalState GetSingleSignalState(TileIndex t, byte signalbit)
return (SignalState)HasBit(GetSignalStates(t), signalbit);
* Set whether the given signals are present (Along/AgainstTrackDir)
* @param tile the tile to set the present signals for
* @param signals the signals that have to be present
static inline void SetPresentSignals(TileIndex tile, uint signals)
SB(_m[tile].m3, 4, 4, signals);
* Get whether the given signals are present (Along/AgainstTrackDir)
* @param tile the tile to get the present signals for
* @return the signals that are present
static inline uint GetPresentSignals(TileIndex tile)
return GB(_m[tile].m3, 4, 4);
* Checks whether the given signals is present
* @param t the tile to check on
* @param signalbit the signal
* @return true if and only if the signal is present
static inline bool IsSignalPresent(TileIndex t, byte signalbit)
return HasBit(GetPresentSignals(t), signalbit);
* Checks for the presence of signals (either way) on the given track on the
* given rail tile.
static inline bool HasSignalOnTrack(TileIndex tile, Track track)
return GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS && (GetPresentSignals(tile) & SignalOnTrack(track)) != 0;
* Checks for the presence of signals along the given trackdir on the given
* rail tile.
* Along meaning if you are currently driving on the given trackdir, this is
* the signal that is facing us (for which we stop when it's red).
static inline bool HasSignalOnTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
assert (IsValidTrackdir(trackdir));
return GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS && GetPresentSignals(tile) & SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir);
* Gets the state of the signal along the given trackdir.
* Along meaning if you are currently driving on the given trackdir, this is
* the signal that is facing us (for which we stop when it's red).
static inline SignalState GetSignalStateByTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
assert(HasSignalOnTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)));
return GetSignalStates(tile) & SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir) ?
* Sets the state of the signal along the given trackdir.
static inline void SetSignalStateByTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, SignalState state)
if (state == SIGNAL_STATE_GREEN) { // set 1
SetSignalStates(tile, GetSignalStates(tile) | SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir));
} else {
SetSignalStates(tile, GetSignalStates(tile) & ~SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir));
* Is a pbs signal present along the trackdir?
* @param tile the tile to check
* @param td the trackdir to check
static inline bool HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
return IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td) &&
IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td)));
* Is a one-way signal blocking the trackdir? A one-way signal on the
* trackdir against will block, but signals on both trackdirs won't.
* @param tile the tile to check
* @param td the trackdir to check
static inline bool HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
return IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(td)) &&
!HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, td) && IsOnewaySignal(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td));
RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile);
/** The ground 'under' the rail */
enum RailGroundType {
RAIL_GROUND_BARREN = 0, ///< Nothing (dirt)
RAIL_GROUND_GRASS = 1, ///< Grassy
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NW = 2, ///< Grass with a fence at the NW edge
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SE = 3, ///< Grass with a fence at the SE edge
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SENW = 4, ///< Grass with a fence at the NW and SE edges
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NE = 5, ///< Grass with a fence at the NE edge
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SW = 6, ///< Grass with a fence at the SW edge
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NESW = 7, ///< Grass with a fence at the NE and SW edges
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT1 = 8, ///< Grass with a fence at the eastern side
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT2 = 9, ///< Grass with a fence at the western side
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ1 = 10, ///< Grass with a fence at the southern side
RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ2 = 11, ///< Grass with a fence at the northern side
RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT = 12, ///< Icy or sandy
RAIL_GROUND_WATER = 13, ///< Grass with a fence and shore or water on the free halftile
RAIL_GROUND_HALF_SNOW = 14, ///< Snow only on higher part of slope (steep or one corner raised)
static inline void SetRailGroundType(TileIndex t, RailGroundType rgt)
SB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4, rgt);
static inline RailGroundType GetRailGroundType(TileIndex t)
return (RailGroundType)GB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4);
static inline bool IsSnowRailGround(TileIndex t)
return GetRailGroundType(t) == RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT;
static inline void MakeRailNormal(TileIndex t, Owner o, TrackBits b, RailType r)
SetTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY);
SetTileOwner(t, o);
SetDockingTile(t, false);
_m[t].m2 = 0;
_m[t].m3 = 0;
_m[t].m4 = 0;
_m[t].m5 = RAIL_TILE_NORMAL << 6 | b;
SB(_me[t].m6, 2, 4, 0);
_me[t].m7 = 0;
_me[t].m8 = r;
static inline void MakeRailDepot(TileIndex t, Owner o, DepotID did, DiagDirection d, RailType r)
SetTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY);
SetTileOwner(t, o);
SetDockingTile(t, false);
_m[t].m2 = did;
_m[t].m3 = 0;
_m[t].m4 = 0;
_m[t].m5 = RAIL_TILE_DEPOT << 6 | d;
SB(_me[t].m6, 2, 4, 0);
_me[t].m7 = 0;
_me[t].m8 = r;
#endif /* RAIL_MAP_H */