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2072 lines
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/* $Id$ */
/** @file settings.cpp
* All actions handling saving and loading of the settings/configuration goes on in this file.
* The file consists of four parts:
* <ol>
* <li>Parsing the configuration file (openttd.cfg). This is achieved with the ini_ functions which
* handle various types, such as normal 'key = value' pairs, lists and value combinations of
* lists, strings, integers, 'bit'-masks and element selections.
* <li>Defining the data structures that go into the configuration. These include for example
* the _patches struct, but also network-settings, banlists, newgrf, etc. There are a lot
* of helper macros available for the various types, and also saving/loading of these settings
* in a savegame is handled inside these structures.
* <li>Handle reading and writing to the setting-structures from inside the game either from
* the console for example or through the gui with CMD_ functions.
* <li>Handle saving/loading of the PATS chunk inside the savegame.
* </ol>
* @see SettingDesc
* @see SaveLoad
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "currency.h"
#include "screenshot.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "network/network_internal.h"
#include "settings_internal.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "rail.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "news.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "player_func.h"
#include "fontcache.h"
#include "spritecache.h"
#include "transparency.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "video/video_driver.hpp"
#include "sound/sound_driver.hpp"
#include "music/music_driver.hpp"
#include "blitter/factory.hpp"
#include "table/strings.h"
GameOptions _opt;
GameOptions _opt_newgame;
GameOptions *_opt_ptr;
Patches _patches;
Patches _patches_newgame;
struct IniFile;
struct IniItem;
struct IniGroup;
struct SettingsMemoryPool;
typedef const char *SettingListCallbackProc(const IniItem *item, uint index);
typedef void SettingDescProc(IniFile *ini, const SettingDesc *desc, const char *grpname, void *object);
typedef void SettingDescProcList(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, char **list, uint len, SettingListCallbackProc proc);
static void pool_init(SettingsMemoryPool **pool);
static void *pool_alloc(SettingsMemoryPool **pool, uint size);
static void *pool_strdup(SettingsMemoryPool **pool, const char *mem, uint size);
static void pool_free(SettingsMemoryPool **pool);
static bool IsSignedVarMemType(VarType vt);
struct SettingsMemoryPool {
uint pos,size;
SettingsMemoryPool *next;
byte mem[1];
static SettingsMemoryPool *pool_new(uint minsize)
SettingsMemoryPool *p;
if (minsize < 4096 - 12) minsize = 4096 - 12;
p = (SettingsMemoryPool*)MallocT<byte>(sizeof(SettingsMemoryPool) - 1 + minsize);
p->pos = 0;
p->size = minsize;
p->next = NULL;
return p;
static void pool_init(SettingsMemoryPool **pool)
*pool = pool_new(0);
static void *pool_alloc(SettingsMemoryPool **pool, uint size)
uint pos;
SettingsMemoryPool *p = *pool;
size = Align(size, sizeof(void*));
/* first check if there's memory in the next pool */
if (p->next && p->next->pos + size <= p->next->size) {
p = p->next;
/* then check if there's not memory in the cur pool */
} else if (p->pos + size > p->size) {
SettingsMemoryPool *n = pool_new(size);
*pool = n;
n->next = p;
p = n;
pos = p->pos;
p->pos += size;
return p->mem + pos;
static void *pool_strdup(SettingsMemoryPool **pool, const char *mem, uint size)
byte *p = (byte*)pool_alloc(pool, size + 1);
p[size] = 0;
memcpy(p, mem, size);
return p;
static void pool_free(SettingsMemoryPool **pool)
SettingsMemoryPool *p = *pool, *n;
*pool = NULL;
while (p) {
n = p->next;
p = n;
/** structs describing the ini format. */
struct IniItem {
char *name;
char *value;
char *comment;
IniItem *next;
struct IniGroup {
char *name; ///< name of group
char *comment; ///<comment for group
IniItem *item, **last_item;
IniGroup *next;
IniFile *ini;
IniGroupType type; ///< type of group
struct IniFile {
SettingsMemoryPool *pool;
IniGroup *group, **last_group;
char *comment; ///< last comment in file
/** allocate an inifile object */
static IniFile *ini_alloc()
IniFile *ini;
SettingsMemoryPool *pool;
ini = (IniFile*)pool_alloc(&pool, sizeof(IniFile));
ini->pool = pool;
ini->group = NULL;
ini->last_group = &ini->group;
ini->comment = NULL;
return ini;
/** allocate an ini group object */
static IniGroup *ini_group_alloc(IniFile *ini, const char *grpt, int len)
IniGroup *grp = (IniGroup*)pool_alloc(&ini->pool, sizeof(IniGroup));
grp->ini = ini;
grp->name = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, grpt, len);
if (!strcmp(grp->name, "newgrf") || !strcmp(grp->name, "servers") || !strcmp(grp->name, "bans")) {
grp->type = IGT_LIST;
} else {
grp->type = IGT_VARIABLES;
grp->next = NULL;
grp->item = NULL;
grp->comment = NULL;
grp->last_item = &grp->item;
*ini->last_group = grp;
ini->last_group = &grp->next;
return grp;
static IniItem *ini_item_alloc(IniGroup *group, const char *name, int len)
IniItem *item = (IniItem*)pool_alloc(&group->ini->pool, sizeof(IniItem));
item->name = (char*)pool_strdup(&group->ini->pool, name, len);
item->next = NULL;
item->comment = NULL;
item->value = NULL;
*group->last_item = item;
group->last_item = &item->next;
return item;
/** load an ini file into the "abstract" format */
static IniFile *ini_load(const char *filename)
char buffer[1024], c, *s, *t, *e;
FILE *in;
IniFile *ini;
IniGroup *group = NULL;
IniItem *item;
char *comment = NULL;
uint comment_size = 0;
uint comment_alloc = 0;
ini = ini_alloc();
in = fopen(filename, "r");
if (in == NULL) return ini;
/* for each line in the file */
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), in)) {
/* trim whitespace from the left side */
for (s = buffer; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; s++) {}
/* trim whitespace from right side. */
e = s + strlen(s);
while (e > s && ((c=e[-1]) == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\t')) e--;
*e = '\0';
/* skip comments and empty lines */
if (*s == '#' || *s == ';' || *s == '\0') {
uint ns = comment_size + (e - s + 1);
uint a = comment_alloc;
uint pos;
/* add to comment */
if (ns > a) {
a = max(a, 128U);
do a*=2; while (a < ns);
comment = ReallocT(comment, comment_alloc = a);
pos = comment_size;
comment_size += (e - s + 1);
comment[pos + e - s] = '\n'; // comment newline
memcpy(comment + pos, s, e - s); // copy comment contents
/* it's a group? */
if (s[0] == '[') {
if (e[-1] != ']') {
ShowInfoF("ini: invalid group name '%s'", buffer);
} else {
s++; // skip [
group = ini_group_alloc(ini, s, e - s);
if (comment_size) {
group->comment = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, comment, comment_size);
comment_size = 0;
} else if (group) {
/* find end of keyname */
if (*s == '\"') {
for (t = s; *t != '\0' && *t != '\"'; t++) {}
if (*t == '\"') *t = ' ';
} else {
for (t = s; *t != '\0' && *t != '=' && *t != '\t' && *t != ' '; t++) {}
/* it's an item in an existing group */
item = ini_item_alloc(group, s, t-s);
if (comment_size) {
item->comment = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, comment, comment_size);
comment_size = 0;
/* find start of parameter */
while (*t == '=' || *t == ' ' || *t == '\t') t++;
/* remove starting quotation marks */
if (*t == '\"') t++;
/* remove ending quotation marks */
e = t + strlen(t);
if (e > t && e[-1] == '\"') e--;
*e = '\0';
item->value = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, t, e - t);
} else {
/* it's an orphan item */
ShowInfoF("ini: '%s' outside of group", buffer);
if (comment_size > 0) {
ini->comment = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, comment, comment_size);
comment_size = 0;
return ini;
/** lookup a group or make a new one */
static IniGroup *ini_getgroup(IniFile *ini, const char *name, int len)
IniGroup *group;
if (len == -1) len = strlen(name);
/* does it exist already? */
for (group = ini->group; group; group = group->next)
if (!memcmp(group->name, name, len) && group->name[len] == 0)
return group;
/* otherwise make a new one */
group = ini_group_alloc(ini, name, len);
group->comment = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, "\n", 1);
return group;
/** lookup an item or make a new one */
static IniItem *ini_getitem(IniGroup *group, const char *name, bool create)
IniItem *item;
uint len = strlen(name);
for (item = group->item; item; item = item->next)
if (strcmp(item->name, name) == 0) return item;
if (!create) return NULL;
/* otherwise make a new one */
return ini_item_alloc(group, name, len);
/** save ini file from the "abstract" format. */
static bool ini_save(const char *filename, IniFile *ini)
FILE *f;
IniGroup *group;
IniItem *item;
f = fopen(filename, "w");
if (f == NULL) return false;
for (group = ini->group; group != NULL; group = group->next) {
if (group->comment) fputs(group->comment, f);
fprintf(f, "[%s]\n", group->name);
for (item = group->item; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
assert(item->value != NULL);
if (item->comment != NULL) fputs(item->comment, f);
/* protect item->name with quotes if needed */
if (strchr(item->name, ' ') != NULL) {
fprintf(f, "\"%s\"", item->name);
} else {
fprintf(f, "%s", item->name);
/* Don't give an equal sign to list items that don't have a parameter */
if (group->type == IGT_LIST && *item->value == '\0') {
fprintf(f, "\n");
} else {
fprintf(f, " = %s\n", item->value);
if (ini->comment) fputs(ini->comment, f);
return true;
static void ini_free(IniFile *ini)
/** Find the index value of a ONEofMANY type in a string seperated by |
* @param many full domain of values the ONEofMANY setting can have
* @param one the current value of the setting for which a value needs found
* @param onelen force calculation of the *one parameter
* @return the integer index of the full-list, or -1 if not found */
static int lookup_oneofmany(const char *many, const char *one, int onelen)
const char *s;
int idx;
if (onelen == -1) onelen = strlen(one);
/* check if it's an integer */
if (*one >= '0' && *one <= '9')
return strtoul(one, NULL, 0);
idx = 0;
for (;;) {
/* find end of item */
s = many;
while (*s != '|' && *s != 0) s++;
if (s - many == onelen && !memcmp(one, many, onelen)) return idx;
if (*s == 0) return -1;
many = s + 1;
/** Find the set-integer value MANYofMANY type in a string
* @param many full domain of values the MANYofMANY setting can have
* @param str the current string value of the setting, each individual
* of seperated by a whitespace,tab or | character
* @return the 'fully' set integer, or -1 if a set is not found */
static uint32 lookup_manyofmany(const char *many, const char *str)
const char *s;
int r;
uint32 res = 0;
for (;;) {
/* skip "whitespace" */
while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '|') str++;
if (*str == 0) break;
s = str;
while (*s != 0 && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != '|') s++;
r = lookup_oneofmany(many, str, s - str);
if (r == -1) return (uint32)-1;
SetBit(res, r); // value found, set it
if (*s == 0) break;
str = s + 1;
return res;
/** Parse an integerlist string and set each found value
* @param p the string to be parsed. Each element in the list is seperated by a
* comma or a space character
* @param items pointer to the integerlist-array that will be filled with values
* @param maxitems the maximum number of elements the integerlist-array has
* @return returns the number of items found, or -1 on an error */
static int parse_intlist(const char *p, int *items, int maxitems)
int n = 0, v;
char *end;
for (;;) {
v = strtol(p, &end, 0);
if (p == end || n == maxitems) return -1;
p = end;
items[n++] = v;
if (*p == '\0') break;
if (*p != ',' && *p != ' ') return -1;
return n;
/** Load parsed string-values into an integer-array (intlist)
* @param str the string that contains the values (and will be parsed)
* @param array pointer to the integer-arrays that will be filled
* @param nelems the number of elements the array holds. Maximum is 64 elements
* @param type the type of elements the array holds (eg INT8, UINT16, etc.)
* @return return true on success and false on error */
static bool load_intlist(const char *str, void *array, int nelems, VarType type)
int items[64];
int i, nitems;
if (str == NULL) {
memset(items, 0, sizeof(items));
nitems = nelems;
} else {
nitems = parse_intlist(str, items, lengthof(items));
if (nitems != nelems) return false;
switch (type) {
case SLE_VAR_BL:
case SLE_VAR_I8:
case SLE_VAR_U8:
for (i = 0; i != nitems; i++) ((byte*)array)[i] = items[i];
case SLE_VAR_I16:
case SLE_VAR_U16:
for (i = 0; i != nitems; i++) ((uint16*)array)[i] = items[i];
case SLE_VAR_I32:
case SLE_VAR_U32:
for (i = 0; i != nitems; i++) ((uint32*)array)[i] = items[i];
default: NOT_REACHED();
return true;
/** Convert an integer-array (intlist) to a string representation. Each value
* is seperated by a comma or a space character
* @param buf output buffer where the string-representation will be stored
* @param array pointer to the integer-arrays that is read from
* @param nelems the number of elements the array holds.
* @param type the type of elements the array holds (eg INT8, UINT16, etc.) */
static void make_intlist(char *buf, const void *array, int nelems, VarType type)
int i, v = 0;
const byte *p = (const byte*)array;
for (i = 0; i != nelems; i++) {
switch (type) {
case SLE_VAR_BL:
case SLE_VAR_I8: v = *(int8*)p; p += 1; break;
case SLE_VAR_U8: v = *(byte*)p; p += 1; break;
case SLE_VAR_I16: v = *(int16*)p; p += 2; break;
case SLE_VAR_U16: v = *(uint16*)p; p += 2; break;
case SLE_VAR_I32: v = *(int32*)p; p += 4; break;
case SLE_VAR_U32: v = *(uint32*)p; p += 4; break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
buf += sprintf(buf, (i == 0) ? "%d" : ",%d", v);
/** Convert a ONEofMANY structure to a string representation.
* @param buf output buffer where the string-representation will be stored
* @param many the full-domain string of possible values
* @param id the value of the variable and whose string-representation must be found */
static void make_oneofmany(char *buf, const char *many, int id)
int orig_id = id;
/* Look for the id'th element */
while (--id >= 0) {
for (; *many != '|'; many++) {
if (*many == '\0') { // not found
sprintf(buf, "%d", orig_id);
many++; // pass the |-character
/* copy string until next item (|) or the end of the list if this is the last one */
while (*many != '\0' && *many != '|') *buf++ = *many++;
*buf = '\0';
/** Convert a MANYofMANY structure to a string representation.
* @param buf output buffer where the string-representation will be stored
* @param many the full-domain string of possible values
* @param x the value of the variable and whose string-representation must
* be found in the bitmasked many string */
static void make_manyofmany(char *buf, const char *many, uint32 x)
const char *start;
int i = 0;
bool init = true;
for (; x != 0; x >>= 1, i++) {
start = many;
while (*many != 0 && *many != '|') many++; // advance to the next element
if (HasBit(x, 0)) { // item found, copy it
if (!init) *buf++ = '|';
init = false;
if (start == many) {
buf += sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
} else {
memcpy(buf, start, many - start);
buf += many - start;
if (*many == '|') many++;
*buf = '\0';
/** Convert a string representation (external) of a setting to the internal rep.
* @param desc SettingDesc struct that holds all information about the variable
* @param str input string that will be parsed based on the type of desc
* @return return the parsed value of the setting */
static const void *string_to_val(const SettingDescBase *desc, const char *str)
switch (desc->cmd) {
case SDT_NUMX: {
char *end;
unsigned long val = strtoul(str, &end, 0);
if (*end != '\0') ShowInfoF("ini: trailing characters at end of setting '%s'", desc->name);
return (void*)val;
long r = lookup_oneofmany(desc->many, str, -1);
/* if the first attempt of conversion from string to the appropriate value fails,
* look if we have defined a converter from old value to new value. */
if (r == -1 && desc->proc_cnvt != NULL) r = desc->proc_cnvt(str);
if (r != -1) return (void*)r; //and here goes converted value
ShowInfoF("ini: invalid value '%s' for '%s'", str, desc->name); //sorry, we failed
return 0;
unsigned long r = lookup_manyofmany(desc->many, str);
if (r != (unsigned long)-1) return (void*)r;
ShowInfoF("ini: invalid value '%s' for '%s'", str, desc->name);
return 0;
if (strcmp(str, "true") == 0 || strcmp(str, "on") == 0 || strcmp(str, "1") == 0)
return (void*)true;
if (strcmp(str, "false") == 0 || strcmp(str, "off") == 0 || strcmp(str, "0") == 0)
return (void*)false;
ShowInfoF("ini: invalid setting value '%s' for '%s'", str, desc->name);
case SDT_INTLIST: return str;
default: break;
return NULL;
/** Set the value of a setting and if needed clamp the value to
* the preset minimum and maximum.
* @param ptr the variable itself
* @param sd pointer to the 'information'-database of the variable
* @param val signed long version of the new value
* @pre SettingDesc is of type SDT_BOOLX, SDT_NUMX,
* SDT_ONEOFMANY or SDT_MANYOFMANY. Other types are not supported as of now */
static void Write_ValidateSetting(void *ptr, const SettingDesc *sd, int32 val)
const SettingDescBase *sdb = &sd->desc;
if (sdb->cmd != SDT_BOOLX &&
sdb->cmd != SDT_NUMX &&
sdb->cmd != SDT_ONEOFMANY &&
sdb->cmd != SDT_MANYOFMANY) {
/* We cannot know the maximum value of a bitset variable, so just have faith */
if (sdb->cmd != SDT_MANYOFMANY) {
/* We need to take special care of the uint32 type as we receive from the function
* a signed integer. While here also bail out on 64-bit settings as those are not
* supported. Unsigned 8 and 16-bit variables are safe since they fit into a signed
* 32-bit variable
* TODO: Support 64-bit settings/variables */
switch (GetVarMemType(sd->save.conv)) {
case SLE_VAR_BL:
case SLE_VAR_I8:
case SLE_VAR_U8:
case SLE_VAR_I16:
case SLE_VAR_U16:
case SLE_VAR_I32: {
/* Override the minimum value. No value below sdb->min, except special value 0 */
int32 min = ((sdb->flags & SGF_0ISDISABLED) && val <= sdb->min) ? 0 : sdb->min;
val = Clamp(val, min, sdb->max);
} break;
case SLE_VAR_U32: {
/* Override the minimum value. No value below sdb->min, except special value 0 */
uint min = ((sdb->flags & SGF_0ISDISABLED) && (uint)val <= (uint)sdb->min) ? 0 : sdb->min;
WriteValue(ptr, SLE_VAR_U32, (int64)ClampU(val, min, sdb->max));
case SLE_VAR_I64:
case SLE_VAR_U64:
default: NOT_REACHED(); break;
WriteValue(ptr, sd->save.conv, (int64)val);
/** Load values from a group of an IniFile structure into the internal representation
* @param ini pointer to IniFile structure that holds administrative information
* @param sd pointer to SettingDesc structure whose internally pointed variables will
* be given values
* @param grpname the group of the IniFile to search in for the new values
* @param object pointer to the object been loaded */
static void ini_load_settings(IniFile *ini, const SettingDesc *sd, const char *grpname, void *object)
IniGroup *group;
IniGroup *group_def = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem *item;
const void *p;
void *ptr;
const char *s;
for (; sd->save.cmd != SL_END; sd++) {
const SettingDescBase *sdb = &sd->desc;
const SaveLoad *sld = &sd->save;
if (!SlIsObjectCurrentlyValid(sld->version_from, sld->version_to)) continue;
/* XXX - wtf is this?? (group override?) */
s = strchr(sdb->name, '.');
if (s != NULL) {
group = ini_getgroup(ini, sdb->name, s - sdb->name);
} else {
s = sdb->name;
group = group_def;
item = ini_getitem(group, s, false);
p = (item == NULL) ? sdb->def : string_to_val(sdb, item->value);
ptr = GetVariableAddress(object, sld);
switch (sdb->cmd) {
case SDT_BOOLX: /* All four are various types of (integer) numbers */
case SDT_NUMX:
Write_ValidateSetting(ptr, sd, (unsigned long)p); break;
switch (GetVarMemType(sld->conv)) {
if (p != NULL) ttd_strlcpy((char*)ptr, (const char*)p, sld->length);
if (p != NULL) {
*(char**)ptr = strdup((const char*)p);
case SLE_VAR_CHAR: *(char*)ptr = *(char*)p; break;
default: NOT_REACHED(); break;
if (!load_intlist((const char*)p, ptr, sld->length, GetVarMemType(sld->conv)))
ShowInfoF("ini: error in array '%s'", sdb->name);
default: NOT_REACHED(); break;
/** Save the values of settings to the inifile.
* @param ini pointer to IniFile structure
* @param sd read-only SettingDesc structure which contains the unmodified,
* loaded values of the configuration file and various information about it
* @param grpname holds the name of the group (eg. [network]) where these will be saved
* @param object pointer to the object been saved
* The function works as follows: for each item in the SettingDesc structure we
* have a look if the value has changed since we started the game (the original
* values are reloaded when saving). If settings indeed have changed, we get
* these and save them.
static void ini_save_settings(IniFile *ini, const SettingDesc *sd, const char *grpname, void *object)
IniGroup *group_def = NULL, *group;
IniItem *item;
char buf[512];
const char *s;
void *ptr;
for (; sd->save.cmd != SL_END; sd++) {
const SettingDescBase *sdb = &sd->desc;
const SaveLoad *sld = &sd->save;
/* If the setting is not saved to the configuration
* file, just continue with the next setting */
if (!SlIsObjectCurrentlyValid(sld->version_from, sld->version_to)) continue;
if (sld->conv & SLF_CONFIG_NO) continue;
/* XXX - wtf is this?? (group override?) */
s = strchr(sdb->name, '.');
if (s != NULL) {
group = ini_getgroup(ini, sdb->name, s - sdb->name);
} else {
if (group_def == NULL) group_def = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
s = sdb->name;
group = group_def;
item = ini_getitem(group, s, true);
ptr = GetVariableAddress(object, sld);
if (item->value != NULL) {
/* check if the value is the same as the old value */
const void *p = string_to_val(sdb, item->value);
/* The main type of a variable/setting is in bytes 8-15
* The subtype (what kind of numbers do we have there) is in 0-7 */
switch (sdb->cmd) {
case SDT_NUMX:
switch (GetVarMemType(sld->conv)) {
case SLE_VAR_BL:
if (*(bool*)ptr == (p != NULL)) continue;
case SLE_VAR_I8:
case SLE_VAR_U8:
if (*(byte*)ptr == (byte)(unsigned long)p) continue;
case SLE_VAR_I16:
case SLE_VAR_U16:
if (*(uint16*)ptr == (uint16)(unsigned long)p) continue;
case SLE_VAR_I32:
case SLE_VAR_U32:
if (*(uint32*)ptr == (uint32)(unsigned long)p) continue;
default: NOT_REACHED();
default: break; /* Assume the other types are always changed */
/* Value has changed, get the new value and put it into a buffer */
switch (sdb->cmd) {
case SDT_NUMX:
uint32 i = (uint32)ReadValue(ptr, sld->conv);
switch (sdb->cmd) {
case SDT_BOOLX: strcpy(buf, (i != 0) ? "true" : "false"); break;
case SDT_NUMX: sprintf(buf, IsSignedVarMemType(sld->conv) ? "%d" : "%u", i); break;
case SDT_ONEOFMANY: make_oneofmany(buf, sdb->many, i); break;
case SDT_MANYOFMANY: make_manyofmany(buf, sdb->many, i); break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
} break;
switch (GetVarMemType(sld->conv)) {
case SLE_VAR_STRB: strcpy(buf, (char*)ptr); break;
case SLE_VAR_STRBQ:sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", (char*)ptr); break;
case SLE_VAR_STR: strcpy(buf, *(char**)ptr); break;
case SLE_VAR_STRQ: sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", *(char**)ptr); break;
case SLE_VAR_CHAR: sprintf(buf, "\"%c\"", *(char*)ptr); break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
make_intlist(buf, ptr, sld->length, GetVarMemType(sld->conv));
default: NOT_REACHED();
/* The value is different, that means we have to write it to the ini */
item->value = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, buf, strlen(buf));
/** Loads all items from a 'grpname' section into a list
* The list parameter can be a NULL pointer, in this case nothing will be
* saved and a callback function should be defined that will take over the
* list-handling and store the data itself somewhere.
* @param ini IniFile handle to the ini file with the source data
* @param grpname character string identifying the section-header of the ini
* file that will be parsed
* @param list pointer to an string(pointer) array that will store the parsed
* entries of the given section
* @param len the maximum number of items available for the above list
* @param proc callback function that can override how the values are stored
* inside the list */
static void ini_load_setting_list(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, char **list, uint len, SettingListCallbackProc proc)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem *item;
const char *entry;
uint i, j;
if (group == NULL) return;
for (i = j = 0, item = group->item; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
entry = (proc != NULL) ? proc(item, i++) : item->name;
if (entry == NULL || list == NULL) continue;
if (j == len) break;
list[j++] = strdup(entry);
/** Saves all items from a list into the 'grpname' section
* The list parameter can be a NULL pointer, in this case a callback function
* should be defined that will provide the source data to be saved.
* @param ini IniFile handle to the ini file where the destination data is saved
* @param grpname character string identifying the section-header of the ini file
* @param list pointer to an string(pointer) array that will be used as the
* source to be saved into the relevant ini section
* @param len the maximum number of items available for the above list
* @param proc callback function that can will provide the source data if defined */
static void ini_save_setting_list(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, char **list, uint len, SettingListCallbackProc proc)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem *item = NULL;
const char *entry;
uint i;
bool first = true;
if (proc == NULL && list == NULL) return;
if (group == NULL) return;
group->item = NULL;
for (i = 0; i != len; i++) {
entry = (proc != NULL) ? proc(NULL, i) : list[i];
if (entry == NULL || *entry == '\0') continue;
if (first) { // add first item to the head of the group
item = ini_item_alloc(group, entry, strlen(entry));
item->value = item->name;
group->item = item;
first = false;
} else { // all other items are attached to the previous one
item->next = ini_item_alloc(group, entry, strlen(entry));
item = item->next;
item->value = item->name;
// OTTD specific INI stuff
/** Settings-macro usage:
* The list might look daunting at first, but is in general easy to understand.
* We have two types of list:
* 1. SDTG_something
* 2. SDT_something
* The 'G' stands for global, so this is the one you will use for a
* SettingDescGlobVarList section meaning global variables. The other uses a
* Base/Offset and runtime variable selection mechanism, known from the saveload
* convention (it also has global so it should not be hard).
* Of each type there are again two versions, the normal one and one prefixed
* with 'COND'.
* COND means that the setting is only valid in certain savegame versions
* (since patches are saved to the savegame, this bookkeeping is necessary.
* Now there are a lot of types. Easy ones are:
* - VAR: any number type, 'type' field specifies what number. eg int8 or uint32
* - BOOL: a boolean number type
* - STR: a string or character. 'type' field specifies what string. Normal, string, or quoted
* A bit more difficult to use are MMANY (meaning ManyOfMany) and OMANY (OneOfMany)
* These are actually normal numbers, only bitmasked. In MMANY several bits can
* be set, in the other only one.
* The most complex type is INTLIST. This is basically an array of numbers. If
* the intlist is only valid in certain savegame versions because for example
* it has grown in size its length cannot be automatically be calculated so
* use SDT(G)_CONDLISTO() meaning Old.
* If nothing fits you, you can use the GENERAL macros, but it exposes the
* internal structure somewhat so it needs a little looking. There are _NULL()
* macros as well, these fill up space so you can add more patches there (in
* place) and you DON'T have to increase the savegame version.
* While reading values from openttd.cfg, some values may not be converted
* properly, for any kind of reasons. In order to allow a process of self-cleaning
* mechanism, a callback procedure is made available. You will have to supply the function, which
* will work on a string, one function per patch. And of course, enable the callback param
* on the appropriate macro.
#define NSD_GENERAL(name, def, cmd, guiflags, min, max, interval, many, str, proc, load)\
{name, (const void*)(def), {cmd}, {guiflags}, min, max, interval, many, str, proc, load}
/* Macros for various objects to go in the configuration file.
* This section is for global variables */
#define SDTG_GENERAL(name, sdt_cmd, sle_cmd, type, flags, guiflags, var, length, def, min, max, interval, full, str, proc, from, to)\
{NSD_GENERAL(name, def, sdt_cmd, guiflags, min, max, interval, full, str, proc, NULL), SLEG_GENERAL(sle_cmd, var, type | flags, length, from, to)}
#define SDTG_CONDVAR(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, min, max, interval, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_NUMX, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, var, 0, def, min, max, interval, NULL, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_VAR(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, min, max, interval, str, proc)\
SDTG_CONDVAR(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, min, max, interval, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDBOOL(name, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_BOOLX, SL_VAR, SLE_BOOL, flags, guiflags, var, 0, def, 0, 1, 0, NULL, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_BOOL(name, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc)\
SDTG_CONDBOOL(name, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDLIST(name, type, length, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, type, flags, guiflags, var, length, def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_LIST(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, type, flags, guiflags, var, lengthof(var), def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDSTR(name, type, length, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_STRING, SL_STR, type, flags, guiflags, var, length, def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_STR(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, str, proc)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_STRING, SL_STR, type, flags, guiflags, var, lengthof(var), def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDOMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, max, full, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_ONEOFMANY, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, var, 0, def, 0, max, 0, full, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_OMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, max, full, str, proc)\
SDTG_CONDOMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, max, full, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDMMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, full, str, proc, from, to)\
SDTG_GENERAL(name, SDT_MANYOFMANY, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, var, 0, def, 0, 0, 0, full, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDTG_MMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, full, str, proc)\
SDTG_CONDMMANY(name, type, flags, guiflags, var, def, full, str, proc, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SDTG_CONDNULL(length, from, to)\
{{"", NULL, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL}, SLEG_CONDNULL(length, from, to)}
#define SDTG_END() {{NULL, NULL, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL}, SLEG_END()}
/* Macros for various objects to go in the configuration file.
* This section is for structures where their various members are saved */
#define SDT_GENERAL(name, sdt_cmd, sle_cmd, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, length, def, min, max, interval, full, str, proc, load, from, to)\
{NSD_GENERAL(name, def, sdt_cmd, guiflags, min, max, interval, full, str, proc, load), SLE_GENERAL(sle_cmd, base, var, type | flags, length, from, to)}
#define SDT_CONDVAR(base, var, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, min, max, interval, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_NUMX, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, 1, def, min, max, interval, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_VAR(base, var, type, flags, guiflags, def, min, max, interval, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDVAR(base, var, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, min, max, interval, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDBOOL(base, var, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_BOOLX, SL_VAR, SLE_BOOL, flags, guiflags, base, var, 1, def, 0, 1, 0, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_BOOL(base, var, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDBOOL(base, var, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDLIST(base, var, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, lengthof(((base*)8)->var), def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_LIST(base, var, type, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDLIST(base, var, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDLISTO(base, var, length, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, length, def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_CONDSTR(base, var, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_STRING, SL_STR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, lengthof(((base*)8)->var), def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_STR(base, var, type, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDSTR(base, var, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDSTRO(base, var, length, type, from, to, flags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_STRING, SL_STR, type, flags, 0, base, var, length, def, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, from, to)
#define SDT_CONDCHR(base, var, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_STRING, SL_VAR, SLE_CHAR, flags, guiflags, base, var, 1, def, 0, 0, 0, NULL, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_CHR(base, var, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDCHR(base, var, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDOMANY(base, var, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, max, full, str, proc, load)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_ONEOFMANY, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, 1, def, 0, max, 0, full, str, proc, load, from, to)
#define SDT_OMANY(base, var, type, flags, guiflags, def, max, full, str, proc, load)\
SDT_CONDOMANY(base, var, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, max, full, str, proc, load)
#define SDT_CONDMMANY(base, var, type, from, to, flags, guiflags, def, full, str, proc)\
SDT_GENERAL(#var, SDT_MANYOFMANY, SL_VAR, type, flags, guiflags, base, var, 1, def, 0, 0, 0, full, str, proc, NULL, from, to)
#define SDT_MMANY(base, var, type, flags, guiflags, def, full, str, proc)\
SDT_CONDMMANY(base, var, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION, flags, guiflags, def, full, str, proc)
#define SDT_CONDNULL(length, from, to)\
{{"", NULL, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL}, SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to)}
#define SDT_END() {{NULL, NULL, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL}, SLE_END()}
/* Shortcuts for macros below. Logically if we don't save the value
* we also don't sync it in a network game */
/* Begin - Callback Functions for the various settings */
/* virtual PositionMainToolbar function, calls the right one.*/
static int32 v_PositionMainToolbar(int32 p1)
if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) PositionMainToolbar(NULL);
return 0;
static int32 AiNew_PatchActive_Warning(int32 p1)
if (p1 == 1) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, TEMP_AI_ACTIVATED, 0, 0);
return 0;
static int32 Ai_In_Multiplayer_Warning(int32 p1)
if (p1 == 1) {
_patches.ainew_active = true;
return 0;
static int32 PopulationInLabelActive(int32 p1)
Town* t;
FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) UpdateTownVirtCoord(t);
return 0;
static int32 RedrawScreen(int32 p1)
return 0;
static int32 InValidateDetailsWindow(int32 p1)
return 0;
static int32 InvalidateStationBuildWindow(int32 p1)
InvalidateWindow(WC_BUILD_STATION, 0);
return 0;
static int32 UpdateConsists(int32 p1)
Vehicle *v;
/* Update the consist of all trains so the maximum speed is set correctly. */
if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && (IsFrontEngine(v) || IsFreeWagon(v))) TrainConsistChanged(v);
return 0;
/* Check service intervals of vehicles, p1 is value of % or day based servicing */
static int32 CheckInterval(int32 p1)
bool warning;
const Patches *ptc = (_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? &_patches_newgame : &_patches;
if (p1) {
warning = ( (IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_trains, 5, 90 + 1) || ptc->servint_trains == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_roadveh, 5, 90 + 1) || ptc->servint_roadveh == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_aircraft, 5, 90 + 1) || ptc->servint_aircraft == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_ships, 5, 90 + 1) || ptc->servint_ships == 0) );
} else {
warning = ( (IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_trains, 30, 800 + 1) || ptc->servint_trains == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_roadveh, 30, 800 + 1) || ptc->servint_roadveh == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_aircraft, 30, 800 + 1) || ptc->servint_aircraft == 0) &&
(IsInsideMM(ptc->servint_ships, 30, 800 + 1) || ptc->servint_ships == 0) );
if (!warning)
return InValidateDetailsWindow(0);
static int32 EngineRenewUpdate(int32 p1)
DoCommandP(0, 0, _patches.autorenew, NULL, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE);
return 0;
static int32 EngineRenewMonthsUpdate(int32 p1)
DoCommandP(0, 1, _patches.autorenew_months, NULL, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE);
return 0;
static int32 EngineRenewMoneyUpdate(int32 p1)
DoCommandP(0, 2, _patches.autorenew_money, NULL, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE);
return 0;
* Check for right TownLayout usage in editor mode.
* The No Road mode is not desirable since towns have to be
* able to grow. If a user desires to have a town with no road,
* he can easily remove them himself. This would create less confusion
* @param p1 unused
* @return always 0
static int32 CheckTownLayout(int32 p1)
if (_patches.town_layout == TL_NO_ROADS && _game_mode == GM_EDITOR) {
_patches.town_layout = TL_ORIGINAL;
return 0;
/** Conversion callback for _gameopt_settings.landscape
* It converts (or try) between old values and the new ones,
* without loosing initial setting of the user
* @param value that was read from config file
* @return the "hopefully" converted value
static int32 ConvertLandscape(const char *value)
/* try with the old values */
return lookup_oneofmany("normal|hilly|desert|candy", value, -1);
/* End - Callback Functions */
#define EXTERNAL_PLAYER "timidity"
static const SettingDesc _music_settings[] = {
SDT_VAR(MusicFileSettings, playlist, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(MusicFileSettings, music_vol, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 128, 0, 100, 1, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(MusicFileSettings, effect_vol, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 128, 0, 100, 1, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_LIST(MusicFileSettings, custom_1, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_LIST(MusicFileSettings, custom_2, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(MusicFileSettings, playing, S, 0, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(MusicFileSettings, shuffle, S, 0, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_STR(MusicFileSettings, extmidi, SLE_STRB, S, 0, EXTERNAL_PLAYER, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* win32_v.c only settings */
#ifdef WIN32
extern bool _force_full_redraw, _window_maximize;
extern uint _display_hz, _fullscreen_bpp;
static const SettingDescGlobVarList _win32_settings[] = {
SDTG_VAR("display_hz", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _display_hz, 0, 0, 120, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("force_full_redraw", S, 0, _force_full_redraw,false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("fullscreen_bpp", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _fullscreen_bpp, 8, 8, 32, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("window_maximize", S, 0, _window_maximize, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
#endif /* WIN32 */
static const SettingDescGlobVarList _misc_settings[] = {
SDTG_BOOL("news_ticker_sound", S, 0, _news_ticker_sound, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("fullscreen", S, 0, _fullscreen, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("videodriver", SLE_STRB,C|S,0, _ini_videodriver, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("musicdriver", SLE_STRB,C|S,0, _ini_musicdriver, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("sounddriver", SLE_STRB,C|S,0, _ini_sounddriver, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("blitter", SLE_STRB,C|S,0, _ini_blitter, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("language", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _dynlang.curr_file, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_LIST("resolution", SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _cur_resolution, "640,480", STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("screenshot_format",SLE_STRB, S, 0, _screenshot_format_name,NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("savegame_format", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _savegame_format, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("rightclick_emulate", S, 0, _rightclick_emulate, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("small_font", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _freetype.small_font, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("medium_font", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _freetype.medium_font, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("large_font", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _freetype.large_font, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("small_size", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _freetype.small_size, 6, 0, 72, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("medium_size", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _freetype.medium_size, 10, 0, 72, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("large_size", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _freetype.large_size, 16, 0, 72, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("small_aa", S, 0, _freetype.small_aa, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("medium_aa", S, 0, _freetype.medium_aa, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("large_aa", S, 0, _freetype.large_aa, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("sprite_cache_size",SLE_UINT, S, 0, _sprite_cache_size, 4, 1, 64, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("player_face", SLE_UINT32, S, 0, _player_face, 0,0,0xFFFFFFFF,0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("transparency_options", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _transparency_opt, 0,0,0x1FF,0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("transparency_locks", SLE_UINT, S, 0, _transparency_lock, 0,0,0x1FF,0, STR_NULL, NULL),
static const SettingDescGlobVarList _network_settings[] = {
SDTG_VAR("sync_freq", SLE_UINT16,C|S,0, _network_sync_freq, 100, 0, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("frame_freq", SLE_UINT8,C|S,0, _network_frame_freq, 0, 0, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("max_join_time", SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _network_max_join_time, 500, 0, 32000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("pause_on_join", S, 0, _network_pause_on_join, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("server_bind_ip", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_server_bind_ip_host, "", STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("server_port", SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _network_server_port, NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT, 0, 65535, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("server_advertise", S, 0, _network_advertise, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("lan_internet", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_lan_internet, 0, 0, 1, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("player_name", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_player_name, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("server_password", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_server_password, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("rcon_password", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_rcon_password, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("default_company_pass", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_default_company_pass, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("server_name", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_server_name, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("connect_to_ip", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_default_ip, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_STR("network_id", SLE_STRB, S, 0, _network_unique_id, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("autoclean_companies", S, 0, _network_autoclean_companies, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("autoclean_unprotected",SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_autoclean_unprotected,12, 0, 60, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("autoclean_protected", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_autoclean_protected, 36, 0, 180, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("max_companies", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_game_info.companies_max, 8, 1, MAX_PLAYERS, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("max_clients", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_game_info.clients_max, 10, 2, MAX_CLIENTS, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("max_spectators", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_game_info.spectators_max, 10, 0, MAX_CLIENTS, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("restart_game_year", SLE_INT32, S,D0, _network_restart_game_year, 0, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR, 1, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_VAR("min_players", SLE_UINT8, S, 0, _network_min_players, 0, 0, 10, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDTG_BOOL("reload_cfg", S, 0, _network_reload_cfg, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
static const SettingDesc _gameopt_settings[] = {
/* In version 4 a new difficulty setting has been added to the difficulty settings,
* town attitude towards demolishing. Needs special handling because some dimwit thought
* it funny to have the GameDifficulty struct be an array while it is a struct of
* same-sized members
* XXX - To save file-space and since values are never bigger than about 10? only
* save the first 16 bits in the savegame. Question is why the values are still int32
* and why not byte for example?
* 'SLE_FILE_I16 | SLE_VAR_U16' in "diff_custom" is needed to get around SlArray() hack
* for savegames version 0 - though it is an array, it has to go through the byteswap process */
SDT_GENERAL("diff_custom", SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_I16 | SLE_VAR_U16, 0, 0, GameOptions, diff, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 3),
SDT_GENERAL("diff_custom", SDT_INTLIST, SL_ARR, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, GameOptions, diff, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, SL_MAX_VERSION),
SDT_VAR(GameOptions, diff_level, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_OMANY(GameOptions, units, SLE_UINT8, N, 0, 1, 2, "imperial|metric|si", STR_NULL, NULL, NULL),
/* There are only 21 predefined town_name values (0-20), but you can have more with newgrf action F so allow these bigger values (21-255). Invalid values will fallback to english on use and (undefined string) in GUI. */
SDT_OMANY(GameOptions, town_name, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 0, 255, "english|french|german|american|latin|silly|swedish|dutch|finnish|polish|slovakish|norwegian|hungarian|austrian|romanian|czech|swiss|danish|turkish|italian|catalan", STR_NULL, NULL, NULL),
SDT_OMANY(GameOptions, landscape, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 0, 3, "temperate|arctic|tropic|toyland", STR_NULL, NULL, ConvertLandscape),
SDT_VAR(GameOptions, snow_line, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 7 * TILE_HEIGHT, 2 * TILE_HEIGHT, 13 * TILE_HEIGHT, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDOMANY(GameOptions,autosave, SLE_UINT8, 0, 22, N, 0, 0, 0, "", STR_NULL, NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDOMANY(GameOptions,autosave, SLE_UINT8,23, SL_MAX_VERSION, S, 0, 1, 4, "off|monthly|quarterly|half year|yearly", STR_NULL, NULL, NULL),
SDT_OMANY(GameOptions, road_side, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 1, 1, "left|right", STR_NULL, NULL, NULL),
/* Some patches do not need to be synchronised when playing in multiplayer.
* These include for example the GUI settings and will not be saved with the
* savegame.
* It is also a bit tricky since you would think that service_interval
* for example doesn't need to be synched. Every client assigns the
* service_interval value to the v->service_interval, meaning that every client
* assigns his value. If the setting was player-based, that would mean that
* vehicles could decide on different moments that they are heading back to a
* service depot, causing desyncs on a massive scale. */
const SettingDesc _patch_settings[] = {
/* User-interface section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, vehicle_speed, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_VEHICLESPEED, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, status_long_date, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LONGDATE, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, show_finances, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SHOWFINANCES, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, autoscroll, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AUTOSCROLL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, reverse_scroll, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_REVERSE_SCROLLING, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, smooth_scroll, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMOOTH_SCROLLING, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, measure_tooltip, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MEASURE_TOOLTIP, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, errmsg_duration, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 5, 0, 20, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ERRMSG_DURATION, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, toolbar_pos, SLE_UINT8, S,MS, 0, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TOOLBAR_POS, v_PositionMainToolbar),
SDT_VAR(Patches, window_snap_radius, SLE_UINT8, S,D0, 10, 1, 32, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SNAP_RADIUS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, invisible_trees, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INVISIBLE_TREES, RedrawScreen),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, population_in_label, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_POPULATION_IN_LABEL, PopulationInLabelActive),
SDT_VAR(Patches, map_x, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 8, 6, 11, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAP_X, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, map_y, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 8, 6, 11, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAP_Y, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, link_terraform_toolbar, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LINK_TERRAFORM_TOOLBAR,NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, liveries, SLE_UINT8, S,MS, 2, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LIVERIES, RedrawScreen),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, prefer_teamchat, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PREFER_TEAMCHAT, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, scrollwheel_scrolling,SLE_UINT8,S,MS, 0, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SCROLLWHEEL_SCROLLING, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches,scrollwheel_multiplier,SLE_UINT8,S, 0, 5, 1, 15, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER,NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, pause_on_newgame, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PAUSE_ON_NEW_GAME, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches,advanced_vehicle_list,SLE_UINT8,S,MS, 1, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ADVANCED_VEHICLE_LISTS,NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, timetable_in_ticks, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TIMETABLE_IN_TICKS, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, loading_indicators, SLE_UINT8, S,MS, 1, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LOADING_INDICATORS, RedrawScreen),
SDT_VAR(Patches, default_rail_type, SLE_UINT8, S,MS, 4, 0, 6, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE, NULL),
/* Construction section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, build_on_slopes, 0,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILDONSLOPES, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, extra_dynamite, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_EXTRADYNAMITE, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, signal_side, N,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SIGNALSIDE, RedrawScreen),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, always_small_airport, 0,NN, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMALL_AIRPORTS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, enable_signal_gui, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ENABLE_SIGNAL_GUI, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, drag_signals_density,SLE_UINT8,S, 0, 4, 1, 20, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY,NULL),
/* Vehicle section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, realistic_acceleration, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_REALISTICACCEL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, forbid_90_deg, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_FORBID_90_DEG, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, mammoth_trains, 0,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAMMOTHTRAINS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, gotodepot, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_GOTODEPOT, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, roadveh_queue, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROADVEH_QUEUE, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, new_pathfinding_all, 0,86, 0, 0, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, yapf.ship_use_yapf, 28,86, 0, 0, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, yapf.road_use_yapf, 28,86, 0, 0, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, yapf.rail_use_yapf, 28,86, 0, 0, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, pathfinder_for_trains, SLE_UINT8, 87, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, MS, 2, 0, 2, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PATHFINDER_FOR_TRAINS, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, pathfinder_for_roadvehs, SLE_UINT8, 87, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, MS, 2, 0, 2, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PATHFINDER_FOR_ROADVEH, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, pathfinder_for_ships, SLE_UINT8, 87, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, MS, 0, 0, 2, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PATHFINDER_FOR_SHIPS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, train_income_warn, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_WARN_INCOME_LESS, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, order_review_system,SLE_UINT8, S,MS, 2, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ORDER_REVIEW, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, never_expire_vehicles, 0,NN, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NEVER_EXPIRE_VEHICLES,NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, lost_train_warn, S, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_WARN_LOST_TRAIN, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, autorenew, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE, EngineRenewUpdate),
SDT_VAR(Patches, autorenew_months, SLE_INT16, S, 0, 6, -12, 12, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AUTORENEW_MONTHS, EngineRenewMonthsUpdate),
SDT_VAR(Patches, autorenew_money, SLE_UINT, S,CR,100000, 0, 2000000, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AUTORENEW_MONEY, EngineRenewMoneyUpdate),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, always_build_infrastructure, S, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ALWAYS_BUILD_INFRASTRUCTURE, RedrawScreen),
SDT_VAR(Patches, max_trains, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, 500, 0, 5000, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_TRAINS, RedrawScreen),
SDT_VAR(Patches, max_roadveh, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, 500, 0, 5000, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_ROADVEH, RedrawScreen),
SDT_VAR(Patches, max_aircraft, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, 200, 0, 5000, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_AIRCRAFT, RedrawScreen),
SDT_VAR(Patches, max_ships, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, 300, 0, 5000, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_SHIPS, RedrawScreen),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, servint_ispercent, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_ISPERCENT, CheckInterval),
SDT_VAR(Patches, servint_trains, SLE_UINT16, 0,D0, 150, 5, 800, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_TRAINS, InValidateDetailsWindow),
SDT_VAR(Patches, servint_roadveh, SLE_UINT16, 0,D0, 150, 5, 800, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_ROADVEH, InValidateDetailsWindow),
SDT_VAR(Patches, servint_ships, SLE_UINT16, 0,D0, 360, 5, 800, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_SHIPS, InValidateDetailsWindow),
SDT_VAR(Patches, servint_aircraft, SLE_UINT16, 0,D0, 100, 5, 800, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_AIRCRAFT, InValidateDetailsWindow),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NOSERVICE, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, wagon_speed_limits, 0,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_WAGONSPEEDLIMITS, UpdateConsists),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, disable_elrails, 38, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, NN, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_DISABLE_ELRAILS, SettingsDisableElrail),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, plane_speed, SLE_UINT8, 90, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PLANE_SPEED, NULL),
/* Station section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, join_stations, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_JOINSTATIONS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, full_load_any, 0,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_FULLLOADANY, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, improved_load, 0,NN, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_IMPROVEDLOAD, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, selectgoods, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SELECTGOODS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, new_nonstop, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NEW_NONSTOP, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, nonuniform_stations, 0,NN, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NONUNIFORM_STATIONS,NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, station_spread,SLE_UINT8,0, 0, 12, 4, 64, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_STATION_SPREAD, InvalidateStationBuildWindow),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, serviceathelipad, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVICEATHELIPAD, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, modified_catchment, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_CATCHMENT, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, road_stop_on_town_road, 47, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_STOP_ON_TOWN_ROAD, NULL),
/* Economy section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, inflation, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INFLATION, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, multiple_industry_per_town, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MULTIPINDTOWN, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, same_industry_close, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SAMEINDCLOSE, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, bribe, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BRIBE, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, snow_line_height,SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 7, 2, 13, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, smooth_economy, 0, 0, true, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMOOTH_ECONOMY, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, allow_shares, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ALLOW_SHARES, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, town_growth_rate, SLE_UINT8, 54, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, MS, 2, 0, 4, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TOWN_GROWTH, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, larger_towns, SLE_UINT8, 54, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, D0, 4, 0, 255, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LARGER_TOWNS, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, initial_city_size, SLE_UINT8, 56, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 2, 1, 10, 1, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, mod_road_rebuild, 77, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD, NULL),
/* AI section of the GUI-configure patches window */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ainew_active, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AINEW_ACTIVE, AiNew_PatchActive_Warning),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ai_in_multiplayer, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_IN_MULTIPLAYER, Ai_In_Multiplayer_Warning),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ai_disable_veh_train, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_TRAINS, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ai_disable_veh_roadveh, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_ROADVEH, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ai_disable_veh_aircraft,0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_AIRCRAFT,NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, ai_disable_veh_ship, 0, 0, false, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS, NULL),
/* Patches without any GUI representation */
SDT_BOOL(Patches, keep_all_autosave, S, 0, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, autosave_on_exit, S, 0, false, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, max_num_autosaves, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 16, 0, 255, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, bridge_pillars, S, 0, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, extend_vehicle_life, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_BOOL(Patches, auto_euro, S, 0, true, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, dist_local_authority,SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 20, 5, 60, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, wait_oneway_signal, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 15, 2, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, wait_twoway_signal, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 41, 2, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* New Pathfinding patch settings */
SDT_VAR(Patches, pf_maxlength, SLE_UINT16, 0, 0, 4096, 64, 65535, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, pf_maxdepth, SLE_UINT8, 0, 0, 48, 4, 255, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* The maximum number of nodes to search */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_max_search_nodes,SLE_UINT, 0, 0, 10000, 500, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* When a red signal is encountered, a small detour can be made around
* it. This specifically occurs when a track is doubled, in which case
* the detour is typically 2 tiles. It is also often used at station
* entrances, when there is a choice of multiple platforms. If we take
* a typical 4 platform station, the detour is 4 tiles. To properly
* support larger stations we increase this value.
* We want to prevent that trains that want to leave at one side of a
* station, leave through the other side, turn around, enter the
* station on another platform and exit the station on the right side
* again, just because the sign at the right side was red. If we take
* a typical 5 length station, this detour is 10 or 11 tiles (not
* sure), so we set the default penalty at 10 (the station tile
* penalty will further prevent this.
* We give presignal exits (and combo's) a different (larger) penalty, because
* we really don't want trains waiting in front of a presignal exit. */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_firstred_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (10 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty,SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (100 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH),0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This penalty is for when the last signal before the target is red.
* This is useful for train stations, where there are multiple
* platforms to choose from, which lie in different signal blocks.
* Every target in a occupied signal block (ie an occupied platform)
* will get this penalty. */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_lastred_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (10 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* When a train plans a route over a station tile, this penalty is
* applied. We want that trains plan a route around a typical, 4x5
* station, which means two tiles to the right, and two tiles back to
* the left around it, or 5 tiles of station through it. If we assign
* a penalty of 1 tile for every station tile passed, the route will
* be around it. */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_station_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (1 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_slope_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (1 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This penalty is applied when a train makes a turn. Its value of 1 makes
* sure that it has a minimal impact on the pathfinding, only when two
* paths have equal length it will make a difference */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_curve_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* Ths penalty is applied when a vehicle reverses inside a depot (doesn't
* apply to ships, as they can just come out the other end). XXX: Is this a
* good value? */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty,SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (NPF_TILE_LENGTH * 50), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_buoy_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (2 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This penalty is applied when a ship makes a turn. It is bigger than the
* rail curve penalty, since ships (realisticly) have more trouble with
* making turns */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_water_curve_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (NPF_TILE_LENGTH / 4), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This is the penalty for road, same as for rail. */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_road_curve_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This is the penalty for level crossings, for both road and rail vehicles */
SDT_VAR(Patches, npf_crossing_penalty, SLE_UINT, 0, 0, (3 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH), 0, 100000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This is the penalty for drive-through road, stops. */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, npf_road_drive_through_penalty, SLE_UINT, 47, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 8 * NPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* The maximum number of nodes to search */
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, yapf.disable_node_optimization , 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, false , STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.max_search_nodes , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 10000 , 500, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDBOOL(Patches, yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol , 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, true , STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_firstred_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 10 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_firstred_exit_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 100 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_lastred_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 10 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_lastred_exit_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 100 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_station_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 30 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_slope_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 2 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_curve45_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 1 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_curve90_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 6 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This penalty is applied when a train reverses inside a depot */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_depot_reverse_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 50 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* This is the penalty for level crossings (for trains only) */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_crossing_penalty , SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 3 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* look-ahead how many signals are checked */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_look_ahead_max_signals, SLE_UINT, 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 10 , 1, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* look-ahead n-th red signal penalty polynomial: penalty = p2 * n^2 + p1 * n + p0 */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p0 , SLE_INT , 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 500 , -1000000, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p1 , SLE_INT , 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, -100 , -1000000, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p2 , SLE_INT , 28, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 5 , -1000000, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* penalties for too long or too short station platforms */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_longer_platform_penalty, SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 8 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 20000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_longer_platform_per_tile_penalty, SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 0 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 20000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_shorter_platform_penalty, SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 40 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 20000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty, SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 0 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 20000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* road vehicles - penalties */
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.road_slope_penalty , SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 2 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.road_curve_penalty , SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 1 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.road_crossing_penalty , SLE_UINT, 33, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 3 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR (Patches, yapf.road_stop_penalty , SLE_UINT, 47, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 8 * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH, 0, 1000000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
/* Terrain genation related patch options */
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, oil_refinery_limit, SLE_UINT8, 30, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, 32, 12, 48, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE, NULL),
SDT_CONDVAR(Patches, generation_seed, SLE_UINT32, 30, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, 0, GENERATE_NEW_SEED, 0, MAX_UVALUE(uint32), 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR (Patches, heightmap_rotation, SLE_UINT8, S, MS, 0, 0, 1, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION, NULL),
SDT_VAR (Patches, se_flat_world_height, SLE_UINT8, S, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SE_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT, NULL),
* Since the network code (CmdChangePatchSetting and friends) use the index in this array to decide
* which patch the server is talking about all conditional compilation of this array must be at the
* end. This isn't really the best solution, the patches the server can tell the client about should
* either use a seperate array or some other form of identifier.
#ifdef __APPLE__
/* We might need to emulate a right mouse button on mac */
SDT_VAR(Patches,right_mouse_btn_emulation,SLE_UINT8,S,MS,0, 0, 2, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU, NULL),
static const SettingDesc _currency_settings[] = {
SDT_VAR(CurrencySpec, rate, SLE_UINT16, S, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_CHR(CurrencySpec, separator, S, 0, ".", STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_VAR(CurrencySpec, to_euro, SLE_INT32, S, 0, 0, 0, 3000, 0, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_STR(CurrencySpec, prefix, SLE_STRBQ, S, 0, NULL, STR_NULL, NULL),
SDT_STR(CurrencySpec, suffix, SLE_STRBQ, S, 0, " credits", STR_NULL, NULL),
/* Undefine for the shortcut macros above */
#undef S
#undef C
#undef N
#undef D0
#undef NC
#undef MS
#undef NO
#undef CR
static uint NewsDisplayLoadConfig(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem *item;
/* By default, set everything to full (0xAAAAAAAA = 1010101010101010) */
uint res = 0xAAAAAAAA;
/* If no group exists, return everything full */
if (group == NULL) return res;
for (item = group->item; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
int news_item = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) {
if (strcasecmp(item->name, _news_display_name[i]) == 0) {
news_item = i;
if (news_item == -1) {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "Invalid display option: %s", item->name);
if (strcasecmp(item->value, "full") == 0) {
SB(res, news_item * 2, 2, 2);
} else if (strcasecmp(item->value, "off") == 0) {
SB(res, news_item * 2, 2, 0);
} else if (strcasecmp(item->value, "summarized") == 0) {
SB(res, news_item * 2, 2, 1);
} else {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "Invalid display value: %s", item->value);
return res;
/* Load a GRF configuration from the given group name */
static GRFConfig *GRFLoadConfig(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, bool is_static)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem *item;
GRFConfig *first = NULL;
GRFConfig **curr = &first;
if (group == NULL) return NULL;
for (item = group->item; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
GRFConfig *c = CallocT<GRFConfig>(1);
c->filename = strdup(item->name);
/* Parse parameters */
if (*item->value != '\0') {
c->num_params = parse_intlist(item->value, (int*)c->param, lengthof(c->param));
if (c->num_params == (byte)-1) {
ShowInfoF("ini: error in array '%s'", item->name);
c->num_params = 0;
/* Check if item is valid */
if (!FillGRFDetails(c, is_static)) {
const char *msg;
if (c->status == GCS_NOT_FOUND) {
msg = "not found";
} else if (HasBit(c->flags, GCF_UNSAFE)) {
msg = "unsafe for static use";
} else if (HasBit(c->flags, GCF_SYSTEM)) {
msg = "system NewGRF";
} else {
msg = "unknown";
ShowInfoF("ini: ignoring invalid NewGRF '%s': %s", item->name, msg);
/* Mark file as static to avoid saving in savegame. */
if (is_static) SetBit(c->flags, GCF_STATIC);
/* Add item to list */
*curr = c;
curr = &c->next;
return first;
static void NewsDisplaySaveConfig(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, uint news_display)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem **item;
if (group == NULL) return;
group->item = NULL;
item = &group->item;
for (int i = 0; i < NT_END; i++) {
const char *value;
int v = GB(news_display, i * 2, 2);
value = (v == 0 ? "off" : (v == 1 ? "summarized" : "full"));
*item = ini_item_alloc(group, _news_display_name[i], strlen(_news_display_name[i]));
(*item)->value = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, value, strlen(value));
item = &(*item)->next;
/* Save a GRF configuration to the given group name */
static void GRFSaveConfig(IniFile *ini, const char *grpname, const GRFConfig *list)
IniGroup *group = ini_getgroup(ini, grpname, -1);
IniItem **item;
const GRFConfig *c;
if (group == NULL) return;
group->item = NULL;
item = &group->item;
for (c = list; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
char params[512];
GRFBuildParamList(params, c, lastof(params));
*item = ini_item_alloc(group, c->filename, strlen(c->filename));
(*item)->value = (char*)pool_strdup(&ini->pool, params, strlen(params));
item = &(*item)->next;
/* Common handler for saving/loading variables to the configuration file */
static void HandleSettingDescs(IniFile *ini, SettingDescProc *proc, SettingDescProcList *proc_list)
proc(ini, (const SettingDesc*)_misc_settings, "misc", NULL);
proc(ini, (const SettingDesc*)_music_settings, "music", &msf);
#ifdef WIN32
proc(ini, (const SettingDesc*)_win32_settings, "win32", NULL);
#endif /* WIN32 */
proc(ini, _gameopt_settings, "gameopt", &_opt_newgame);
proc(ini, _patch_settings, "patches", &_patches_newgame);
proc(ini, _currency_settings,"currency", &_custom_currency);
proc(ini, (const SettingDesc*)_network_settings, "network", NULL);
proc_list(ini, "servers", _network_host_list, lengthof(_network_host_list), NULL);
proc_list(ini, "bans", _network_ban_list, lengthof(_network_ban_list), NULL);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
extern void CheckDifficultyLevels();
/** Load the values from the configuration files */
void LoadFromConfig()
IniFile *ini = ini_load(_config_file);
ResetCurrencies(false); // Initialize the array of curencies, without preserving the custom one
HandleSettingDescs(ini, ini_load_settings, ini_load_setting_list);
_grfconfig_newgame = GRFLoadConfig(ini, "newgrf", false);
_grfconfig_static = GRFLoadConfig(ini, "newgrf-static", true);
_news_display_opt = NewsDisplayLoadConfig(ini, "news_display");
/** Save the values to the configuration file */
void SaveToConfig()
IniFile *ini = ini_load(_config_file);
HandleSettingDescs(ini, ini_save_settings, ini_save_setting_list);
GRFSaveConfig(ini, "newgrf", _grfconfig_newgame);
GRFSaveConfig(ini, "newgrf-static", _grfconfig_static);
NewsDisplaySaveConfig(ini, "news_display", _news_display_opt);
ini_save(_config_file, ini);
static const SettingDesc *GetSettingDescription(uint index)
if (index >= lengthof(_patch_settings)) return NULL;
return &_patch_settings[index];
/** Network-safe changing of patch-settings (server-only).
* @param tile unused
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param p1 the index of the patch in the SettingDesc array which identifies it
* @param p2 the new value for the patch
* The new value is properly clamped to its minimum/maximum when setting
* @see _patch_settings
CommandCost CmdChangePatchSetting(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
const SettingDesc *sd = GetSettingDescription(p1);
if (sd == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!SlIsObjectCurrentlyValid(sd->save.version_from, sd->save.version_to)) return CMD_ERROR;
if ((sd->desc.flags & SGF_NETWORK_ONLY) && !_networking) return CMD_ERROR;
if ((sd->desc.flags & SGF_NO_NETWORK) && _networking) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
Patches *patches_ptr = (_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? &_patches_newgame : &_patches;
void *var = GetVariableAddress(patches_ptr, &sd->save);
Write_ValidateSetting(var, sd, (int32)p2);
if (sd->desc.proc != NULL) sd->desc.proc((int32)ReadValue(var, sd->save.conv));
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
return CommandCost();
/** Top function to save the new value of an element of the Patches struct
* @param index offset in the SettingDesc array of the Patches struct which
* identifies the patch member we want to change
* @param object pointer to a valid patches struct that has its settings change.
* This only affects patch-members that are not needed to be the same on all
* clients in a network game.
* @param value new value of the patch */
bool SetPatchValue(uint index, const Patches *object, int32 value)
const SettingDesc *sd = &_patch_settings[index];
/* If an item is player-based, we do not send it over the network
* (if any) to change. Also *hack*hack* we update the _newgame version
* of patches because changing a player-based setting in a game also
* changes its defaults. At least that is the convention we have chosen */
if (sd->save.conv & SLF_NETWORK_NO) {
void *var = GetVariableAddress(object, &sd->save);
Write_ValidateSetting(var, sd, value);
if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) {
void *var2 = GetVariableAddress(&_patches_newgame, &sd->save);
Write_ValidateSetting(var2, sd, value);
if (sd->desc.proc != NULL) sd->desc.proc((int32)ReadValue(var, sd->save.conv));
InvalidateWindow(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
return true;
/* send non-player-based settings over the network */
if (!_networking || (_networking && _network_server)) {
return DoCommandP(0, index, value, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_PATCH_SETTING);
return false;
const SettingDesc *GetPatchFromName(const char *name, uint *i)
const SettingDesc *sd;
for (*i = 0, sd = _patch_settings; sd->save.cmd != SL_END; sd++, (*i)++) {
if (!SlIsObjectCurrentlyValid(sd->save.version_from, sd->save.version_to)) continue;
if (strcmp(sd->desc.name, name) == 0) return sd;
return NULL;
/* Those 2 functions need to be here, else we have to make some stuff non-static
* and besides, it is also better to keep stuff like this at the same place */
bool IConsoleSetPatchSetting(const char *name, int32 value)
bool success;
uint index;
const SettingDesc *sd = GetPatchFromName(name, &index);
const Patches *patches_ptr;
void *ptr;
if (sd == NULL) {
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_warn, "'%s' is an unknown patch setting.", name);
return true;
patches_ptr = (_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? &_patches_newgame : &_patches;
ptr = GetVariableAddress(patches_ptr, &sd->save);
success = SetPatchValue(index, patches_ptr, value);
return success;
void IConsoleGetPatchSetting(const char *name)
char value[20];
uint index;
const SettingDesc *sd = GetPatchFromName(name, &index);
const void *ptr;
if (sd == NULL) {
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_warn, "'%s' is an unknown patch setting.", name);
ptr = GetVariableAddress((_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? &_patches_newgame : &_patches, &sd->save);
if (sd->desc.cmd == SDT_BOOLX) {
snprintf(value, sizeof(value), (*(bool*)ptr == 1) ? "on" : "off");
} else {
snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%d", (int32)ReadValue(ptr, sd->save.conv));
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_warn, "Current value for '%s' is: '%s' (min: %s%d, max: %d)",
name, value, (sd->desc.flags & SGF_0ISDISABLED) ? "(0) " : "", sd->desc.min, sd->desc.max);
void IConsoleListPatches()
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_warn, "All patches with their current value:");
for (const SettingDesc *sd = _patch_settings; sd->save.cmd != SL_END; sd++) {
char value[80];
const void *ptr = GetVariableAddress((_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? &_patches_newgame : &_patches, &sd->save);
if (sd->desc.cmd == SDT_BOOLX) {
snprintf(value, lengthof(value), (*(bool*)ptr == 1) ? "on" : "off");
} else {
snprintf(value, lengthof(value), "%d", (uint32)ReadValue(ptr, sd->save.conv));
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_def, "%s = %s", sd->desc.name, value);
IConsolePrintF(_icolour_warn, "Use 'patch' command to change a value");
/** Save and load handler for patches/settings
* @param osd SettingDesc struct containing all information
* @param object can be either NULL in which case we load global variables or
* a pointer to a struct which is getting saved */
static void LoadSettings(const SettingDesc *osd, void *object)
for (; osd->save.cmd != SL_END; osd++) {
const SaveLoad *sld = &osd->save;
void *ptr = GetVariableAddress(object, sld);
if (!SlObjectMember(ptr, sld)) continue;
/** Loadhandler for a list of global variables
* @param sdg pointer for the global variable list SettingDescGlobVarList
* @note this is actually a stub for LoadSettings with the
* object pointer set to NULL */
static inline void LoadSettingsGlobList(const SettingDescGlobVarList *sdg)
LoadSettings((const SettingDesc*)sdg, NULL);
/** Save and load handler for patches/settings
* @param sd SettingDesc struct containing all information
* @param object can be either NULL in which case we load global variables or
* a pointer to a struct which is getting saved */
static void SaveSettings(const SettingDesc *sd, void *object)
/* We need to write the CH_RIFF header, but unfortunately can't call
* SlCalcLength() because we have a different format. So do this manually */
const SettingDesc *i;
size_t length = 0;
for (i = sd; i->save.cmd != SL_END; i++) {
const void *ptr = GetVariableAddress(object, &i->save);
length += SlCalcObjMemberLength(ptr, &i->save);
for (i = sd; i->save.cmd != SL_END; i++) {
void *ptr = GetVariableAddress(object, &i->save);
SlObjectMember(ptr, &i->save);
/** Savehandler for a list of global variables
* @note this is actually a stub for SaveSettings with the
* object pointer set to NULL */
static inline void SaveSettingsGlobList(const SettingDescGlobVarList *sdg)
SaveSettings((const SettingDesc*)sdg, NULL);
static void Load_OPTS()
/* Copy over default setting since some might not get loaded in
* a networking environment. This ensures for example that the local
* autosave-frequency stays when joining a network-server */
_opt = _opt_newgame;
LoadSettings(_gameopt_settings, &_opt);
static void Save_OPTS()
SaveSettings(_gameopt_settings, &_opt);
static void Load_PATS()
/* Copy over default setting since some might not get loaded in
* a networking environment. This ensures for example that the local
* signal_side stays when joining a network-server */
_patches = _patches_newgame;
LoadSettings(_patch_settings, &_patches);
static void Save_PATS()
SaveSettings(_patch_settings, &_patches);
void CheckConfig()
// Increase old default values for pf_maxdepth and pf_maxlength
// to support big networks.
if (_patches_newgame.pf_maxdepth == 16 && _patches_newgame.pf_maxlength == 512) {
_patches_newgame.pf_maxdepth = 48;
_patches_newgame.pf_maxlength = 4096;
void UpdatePatches()
/* Since old(er) savegames don't have any patches saved, we initialise
* them with the default values just as it was in the old days.
* Also new games need this copying-over */
_patches = _patches_newgame; /* backwards compatibility */
extern const ChunkHandler _setting_chunk_handlers[] = {
{ 'OPTS', Save_OPTS, Load_OPTS, CH_RIFF},
static bool IsSignedVarMemType(VarType vt)
switch (GetVarMemType(vt)) {
case SLE_VAR_I8:
case SLE_VAR_I16:
case SLE_VAR_I32:
case SLE_VAR_I64:
return true;
return false;