Some nullptr checks have been removed as they were not triggered with nullptr with the null video driver and in dedicated server mode. |
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Table of contents
- 1.0) About
- 1.1) Downloading OpenTTD
- 1.2) OpenTTD gameplay manual
- 1.3) Supported platforms
- 1.4) Installing and running OpenTTD
- 1.5) Add-on content / mods
- 1.6) OpenTTD directories
- 1.7) Compiling OpenTTD
- 2.0) Contact and community
- 2.1) Contributing to OpenTTD
- 2.2) Reporting bugs
- 2.3) Translating
- 3.0) Licensing
- 4.0) Credits
1.0) About
OpenTTD is a transport simulation game based upon the popular game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.
OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0, but includes some 3rd party software under different licenses. See the section "Licensing" below for details.
1.1) Downloading OpenTTD
OpenTTD can be downloaded from the official OpenTTD website.
Both 'stable' and 'nightly' versions are available for download:
- most people should choose the 'stable' version, as this has been more extensively tested
- the 'nightly' version includes the latest changes and features, but may sometimes be less reliable
OpenTTD is also available for free on Steam,, and the Microsoft Store. On some platforms OpenTTD will be available via your OS package manager or a similar service.
1.2) OpenTTD gameplay manual
OpenTTD has a community-maintained wiki, including a gameplay manual and tips.
1.3) Supported platforms
OpenTTD has been ported to several platforms and operating systems.
The currently supported platforms are:
- Linux (SDL (OpenGL and non-OpenGL))
- macOS (universal) (Cocoa)
- Windows (Win32 GDI / OpenGL)
Other platforms may also work (in particular various BSD systems), but we don't actively test or maintain these.
1.3.1) Legacy support
Platforms, languages and compilers change. We'll keep support going on old platforms as long as someone is interested in supporting them, except where it means the project can't move forward to keep up with language and compiler features.
We guarantee that every revision of OpenTTD will be able to load savegames from every older revision (excepting where the savegame is corrupt). Please report a bug if you find a save that doesn't load.
1.4) Installing and running OpenTTD
OpenTTD is usually straightforward to install, but for more help the wiki includes an installation guide.
OpenTTD needs some additional graphics and sound files to run.
For some platforms these will be downloaded during the installation process if required.
For some platforms, you will need to refer to the installation guide.
1.4.1) Free graphics and sound files
The free data files, split into OpenGFX for graphics, OpenSFX for sounds and OpenMSX for music can be found at:
- for OpenGFX
- for OpenSFX
- for OpenMSX
Please follow the readme of these packages about the installation procedure. The Windows installer can optionally download and install these packages.
1.4.2) Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe graphics and sound files
If you want to play with the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files you have to copy the data files from the CD-ROM into the baseset/ directory. It does not matter whether you copy them from the DOS or Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. The Windows install can optionally copy these files.
You need to copy the following files:
- trg1r.grf or TRG1.GRF
- trgcr.grf or TRGC.GRF
- trghr.grf or TRGH.GRF
- trgir.grf or TRGI.GRF
- trgtr.grf or TRGT.GRF
1.4.3) Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe music
If you want the Transport Tycoon Deluxe music, copy the appropriate files from the original game into the baseset folder.
- TTD for Windows: All files in the gm/ folder ( up to
- TTD for DOS: The GM.CAT file
- Transport Tycoon Original: The GM.CAT file, but rename it to GM-TTO.CAT
1.5) Add-on content / mods
OpenTTD features multiple types of add-on content, which modify gameplay in different ways.
Most types of add-on content can be downloaded within OpenTTD via the 'Check Online Content' button in the main menu.
Add-on content can also be installed manually, but that's more complicated; the OpenTTD wiki may offer help with that, or the OpenTTD directory structure guide.
1.6) OpenTTD directories
OpenTTD uses its own directory structure to store game data, add-on content etc.
For more information, see the directory structure guide.
1.7) Compiling OpenTTD
If you want to compile OpenTTD from source, instructions can be found in
2.0) Contact and Community
'Official' channels
- OpenTTD website
- OpenTTD official Discord
- IRC chat using #openttd on more info about our irc channel
- OpenTTD on Github for code repositories and for reporting issues
- - the primary community forum site for discussing OpenTTD and related games
- OpenTTD wiki community-maintained wiki, including topics like gameplay guide, detailed explanation of some game mechanics, how to use add-on content (mods) and much more
'Unofficial' channels
- the OpenTTD wiki has a page listing OpenTTD communities including some in languages other than English
2.1) Contributing to OpenTTD
We welcome contributors to OpenTTD. More information for contributors can be found in
2.2) Reporting bugs
Good bug reports are very helpful. We have a guide to reporting bugs to help with this.
Desyncs in multiplayer are complex to debug and report (some software development skils are required). Instructions can be found in debugging and reporting desyncs.
2.3) Translating
OpenTTD is translated into many languages. Translations are added and updated via the online translation tool.
3.0) Licensing
OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. For the complete license text, see the file ''. This license applies to all files in this distribution, except as noted below.
The squirrel implementation in src/3rdparty/squirrel
is licensed under the Zlib license.
See src/3rdparty/squirrel/COPYRIGHT
for the complete license text.
The md5 implementation in src/3rdparty/md5
is licensed under the Zlib license.
See the comments in the source files in src/3rdparty/md5
for the complete license text.
The implementations of Posix getaddrinfo
and getnameinfo
for OS/2 in src/3rdparty/os2
are distributed partly under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1, and partly under the (3-clause) BSD license.
The exact licensing terms can be found in src/3rdparty/os2/getaddrinfo.c
resp. src/3rdparty/os2/getnameinfo.c
The fmt implementation in src/3rdparty/fmt
is licensed under the MIT license.
See src/3rdparty/fmt/LICENSE.rst
for the complete license text.
4.0 Credits