mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 07:29:44 +00:00
478 lines
24 KiB
478 lines
24 KiB
root = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_style = tab
charset = utf-8
#indent_size = <integer>
#tab_width = <integer>
#end_of_line = <lf, cf, crlf>
### C++ specific editor config rules ###
## Visual Studio ## https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/cpp-editorconfig-properties?view=vs-2019 ##
# Indentation #
# Do not indent braces
cpp_indent_braces = false
# When a new line is typed, it's indented relatively to the innermost open parenthesis
cpp_indent_multi_line_relative_to = innermost_parenthesis
# Indent new lines within parenthesis
cpp_indent_within_parentheses = indent
# In existing code, do not use the setting for alignment of new lines within parentheses
cpp_indent_preserve_within_parentheses = true
# Indent case contents
cpp_indent_case_contents = true
# Indent case labels
cpp_indent_case_labels = true
# Do not indent braces following a case statement
cpp_indent_case_contents_when_block = false
# Do not indent braces of lambdas used as parameters
cpp_indent_lambda_braces_when_parameter = false
# No override for "Position of goto labels" (Unspecified)
# Move preprocessor directives to the leftmost column
cpp_indent_preprocessor = leftmost_column
# Do not indent access specifiers
cpp_indent_access_specifiers = false
# Indent namespace contents
cpp_indent_namespace_contents = true
# Preserve indentation of comments
cpp_indent_preserve_comments = true
# Newline #
# Keep open braces for namespaces on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_new_line_before_open_brace_namespace = same_line
# Keep open braces for types/classes on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_new_line_before_open_brace_type = same_line
# Move open braces for functions to a new line
cpp_new_line_before_open_brace_function = new_line
# Keep open braces for control blocks on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_new_line_before_open_brace_block = same_line
# Keep open braces for lambdas on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_new_line_before_open_brace_lambda = same_line
# Place scope braces on separate lines
cpp_new_line_scope_braces_on_separate_lines = true
# Do not move closing braces to the same line as opening braces for empty types
cpp_new_line_close_brace_same_line_empty_type = false
# Do not move closing braces to the same line as opening braces for empty function bodies
cpp_new_line_close_brace_same_line_empty_function = false
# Do not place 'catch' and similar keywords on a new line
cpp_new_line_before_catch = false
# Do not place 'else' on a new line
cpp_new_line_before_else = false
# Do not place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line
cpp_new_line_before_while_in_do_while = false
# Spacing #
# Remove spaces between function names and opening parentheses of argument lists
cpp_space_before_function_open_parenthesis = remove
# Do not insert a space within parentheses of an argument list
cpp_space_within_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Do not insert a space between parentheses when argument list is empty
cpp_space_between_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Insert space between keyword and opening parenthesis in control flow statements
cpp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true
# Do not insert a space within parentheses of a control statement
cpp_space_within_control_flow_statement_parentheses = false
# Do not insert a space before opening parenthesis of lambda argument lists
cpp_space_before_lambda_open_parenthesis = false
# Do not insert a space within parentheses of a C-style cast
cpp_space_within_cast_parentheses = false
# Do not insert a space after closing parenthesis of C-style cast
cpp_space_after_cast_close_parenthesis = false
# Do not insert a space within parentheses of a parenthesized expression
cpp_space_within_expression_parentheses = false
# Insert space before opening brace of blocks
cpp_space_before_block_open_brace = true
# Do not insert a space between empty braces
cpp_space_between_empty_braces = false
# Do not insert a space before opening brace of uniform initialization and initializer lists
cpp_space_before_initializer_list_open_brace = false
# No override for "Insert space within braces of uniform initialization and initializer lists" (Spacing for this varies)
# Preserve spaces inside uniform initialization and initializer lists
cpp_space_preserve_in_initializer_list = true
# Do not insert space before opening square brackets
cpp_space_before_open_square_bracket = false
# Do not insert space within square bracket
cpp_space_within_square_brackets = false
# Do not insert space before empty square brackets
cpp_space_before_empty_square_brackets = false
# Do not insert space between empty square brackets
cpp_space_between_empty_square_brackets = false
# Group square brackets for multi-dimensional arrays together
cpp_space_group_square_brackets = true
# Do not insert space within square brackets for lambdas
cpp_space_within_lambda_brackets = false
# Do not insert space between empty lambda brackets
cpp_space_between_empty_lambda_brackets = false
# Do not insert space before commas
cpp_space_before_comma = false
# Insert space after commas
cpp_space_after_comma = true
# Remove spaces before and after member operators
cpp_space_remove_around_member_operators = true
# Insert space before colon for base in type declarations
cpp_space_before_inheritance_colon = true
# Insert space before colon for constructors
cpp_space_before_constructor_colon = true
# Remove space before semicolons
cpp_space_remove_before_semicolon = true
# No override for "Insert space after semicolons" (Depends on if loop is unconditional)
# Remove spaces between unary operators and their operands
cpp_space_remove_around_unary_operator = true
# Insert spaces before and after binary operators
cpp_space_around_binary_operator = insert
# Insert spaces around assignment operators
cpp_space_around_assignment_operator = insert
# Align pointer/reference symbol to the right
cpp_space_pointer_reference_alignment = right
# Insert spaces around conditional operators
cpp_space_around_ternary_operator = insert
# Wrapping #
# Always apply New Lines settings for blocks
cpp_wrap_preserve_blocks = never
## Rider & ReSharper ## https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/EditorConfig_CPP_CppBlankLinesPageScheme.html ##
# Blank Lines #
# No override for "Max blank lines in declarations" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Max blank lines in rest of source code" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around class/struct/enum definition" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around function declarations" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around function definitions" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around single line function definitions" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around namespaces" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# No override for "Number of blank lines around other definitions and declarations" (Unspecified; Not consistent across source code)
# Braces Layout #
# Keep open braces for namespace declarations on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_namespace_declaration_braces = end_of_line
# Keep open braces for linkage declarations on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_linkage_specification_braces = end_of_line
# Keep open braces for types/classes on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_type_declaration_braces = end_of_line
# Keep open braces for namespace definitions on the same line (does not modify spacing before the brace)
cpp_place_namespace_definitions_on_same_line = true
# Move open braces for functions to a new line
cpp_invocable_declaration_braces = next_line
# Keep open braces for lambdas on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_anonymous_method_declaration_braces = end_of_line
# Keep open braces for case blocks on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_case_block_braces = end_of_line
# No override for "Requires expression braces" style (requires expressions are a C++20 feature)
# Keep open braces for all other blocks on the same line, but add a space before the brace
cpp_other_braces = end_of_line
# Only indent the insides of multi-line expression braces
cpp_expression_braces = inside
# Place the braces of empty blocks together and on the same line
cpp_empty_block_style = together_same_line
# Force line breaks within simple compound statements
cpp_simple_block_style = line_break
# No override for "Regular expression for macros starting a block" (Marco blocks aren't used)
# No override for "Regular expression for macros ending a block" (Marco blocks aren't used)
# Tabs and indents #
# Redundant override (Already overriden globally by 'indent_style')
# Redundant override (Already overriden globally by 'indent_size')
# Redundant override (Already overriden globally by 'tab_width')
# Use spaces instead of tabs as indentation for precise alignment
cpp_alignment_tab_fill_style = use_spaces
# Allow alignment even if construct is located too far to the right, more than 2/3 of 'Hard wrap at' limit
cpp_allow_far_alignment = true
# Indentation and Alignment #
# No override for "Continuous line indent" (Varies throughout source code)
# Do not use continuous line indent in function declaration and invocation parentheses
cpp_use_continuous_line_indent_in_method_pars = false
# Do not use continuous line indent in initializer lists
cpp_use_continuous_line_indent_in_expression_braces = false
# Indent namespace members (including nested ones)
cpp_namespace_indentation = all
# No override for "Indent linkage specification block members" (Unspecified)
# Do not indent access specifier from class
cpp_indent_access_specifiers_from_class = false
# Indent class member from access specifier
cpp_indent_class_members_from_access_specifiers = true
# Do not indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type
cpp_indent_wrapped_function_names = false
# Indent 'case' labels from 'switch'
cpp_indent_switch_labels = true
# No override for "Indent function declarations' parentheses" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Indent method calls' parentheses" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Indent statement (if, while, for, etc) parentheses" (Varies throughout source code)
# Do not change preprocessor directives indenting
cpp_indent_preprocessor_directives = do_not_change
# No override for "Indent C++/CLI generic constraints" (C++/CLI is not used)
# Align/indent comments started at the first column
cpp_indent_comment = true
# Comments that comment out code will use the indentation level of the commented code.
cpp_place_comments_at_first_column = false
# Align multiline declarators in declaration
cpp_align_multiple_declaration = true
# Align multiline function parameters
cpp_align_multiline_parameter = true
# Align multiline call arguments
cpp_align_multiline_argument = true
# Do not align first of multiline call arguments with the opening parentheses
cpp_align_first_arg_by_paren = false
# Align multiline initializer list arguments
cpp_align_multiline_expression_brace = true
# No override for "Align multiline template parameters in template declaration" (Unspecified)
# No override for "Align multiline template arguments" (Unspecified)
# Align multiline base classes in class base clause
cpp_align_multiline_extends_list = true
# Align multiline member initializers in member initializer lists
cpp_align_multiline_ctor_init = true
# Outdent commas placed on new line
cpp_outdent_commas = true
# Do not align multiline ?: operator with first line (since alignment is incorrect)
cpp_align_ternary = none
# Do not indent aligned ?: operator (since indentation varies)
cpp_indent_aligned_ternary = false
# No override for "Align multiline chained method calls" (Unspecified)
# No override for "Outdent '.' and '->' in chained method calls on new lines" (Unspecified)
# Do not align multiline chained binary expressions
cpp_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain = false
# Fix column alignment in adjacent lines
cpp_int_align_fix_in_adjacent = true
# Align assignments with adjacent assignments
cpp_int_align_eq = true
# Do not align declaration names with adjacent declaration names
cpp_int_align_declaration_names = false
# Align end-of-line comments with adjacent end-of-line comments
cpp_int_align_comments = true
# Spaces #
# Do not put space before ANY commas
cpp_space_before_comma = false
# Put space after ALL commas
cpp_space_after_comma = true
# Put space before ptr in declaration of variable
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_member = true
# Do not put space after ptr in declaration of variable
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_member = false
# Put space before ptr in declaration of multiple variables
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_data_members = true
# Do not put space after ptr in declaration of multiple variables
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_data_members = false
# Put space before ptr in return type of function
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_method = true
# Do not put space after ptr in return type of function
cpp_space_after_ptr_in_method = false
# Do not put space before ptr in abstract declaration
cpp_space_before_ptr_in_abstract_decl = false
# Put space before ref in declaration of variable
cpp_space_before_ref_in_data_member = true
# Do not put space after ref in declaration of variable
cpp_space_after_ref_in_data_member = false
# Put space before ref in declaration of multiple variables
cpp_space_before_ref_in_data_members = true
# Do not put space after ref in declaration of multiple variables
cpp_space_after_ref_in_data_members = false
# Do not put space before ref in return type of function
cpp_space_before_ref_in_method = false
# Put space after ref in return type of function
cpp_space_after_ref_in_method = true
# Do not put space before ref in abstract declaration
cpp_space_before_ref_in_abstract_decl = false
# Do not put space before parentheses in function parameters
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis = false
# Do not put space before parentheses in lambda parameters
cpp_space_before_lambda_parentheses = false
# Do not put space within parentheses in function parameters
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Do not put space within empty parentheses in function parameters
cpp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Do not put space before angle brackets in template parameters
cpp_space_before_template_params = false
# Do not put space within angle brackets in template parameters
cpp_space_within_template_params = false
# Do not put space within empty angle brackets in template parameters
cpp_space_within_empty_template_params = false
# Do not put space before angle brackets in template arguments
cpp_space_before_template_args = false
# Do not put space within angle brackets in template arguments
cpp_space_within_template_args = false
# Do not put space between closing angle brackets in template arguments
cpp_space_between_closing_angle_brackets_in_template_args = false
# Put space around '=' in alias declaration and namespace alias
cpp_space_around_alias_eq = true
# Do not put space around '->' in trailing return types
cpp_space_around_deref_in_trailing_return_type = false
# Put space before base types list colon
cpp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
# Put space after base types list colon
cpp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
# No override for "Before C++/CLI generic constraint colon" (Unspecified)
# No override for "After C++/CLI generic constraint colon" (Unspecified)
# Put space before parentheses of control statements
cpp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true
# Do not put space within parentheses of control statements
cpp_space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements = false
# Do not put space before semicolon in 'for' statements
cpp_space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement = false
# Put space after semicolon in 'for' statements
cpp_space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement = true
# Put space before ':' in range-based for loop
cpp_space_before_for_colon = true
# Put space after ':' in range-based for loop
cpp_space_after_for_colon = true
# Do not put space before colon in switch case or label statement
cpp_space_before_colon_in_case = false
# Put space after colon in switch case or label statement
cpp_space_after_colon_in_case = true
# Put space around binary operator
cpp_space_around_binary_operator = true
# Put space around assignment operator
cpp_space_around_assignment_operator = true
# Do not put space around dot, '->', '.*' and '->.'
cpp_space_around_member_access_operator = false
# Do not put space within any parentheses
cpp_space_within_parentheses = false
# Do not put space before array subscript brackets
cpp_space_before_open_square_brackets = false
# Do not put space within array subscript brackets
cpp_space_between_square_brackets = false
# Do not put space before empty parentheses in function call and initialization
cpp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis = false
# Do not put space within parentheses in cast expressions
cpp_space_between_typecast_parentheses = false
# Do not put space after parentheses in cast expressions
cpp_space_after_cast = false
# Do not put space within parentheses in function call and initialization
cpp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Do not put space within empty parentheses in function call and initialization
cpp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
# Put space in ternary operator '? :' before '?'
cpp_space_before_ternary_quest = true
# Put space in ternary operator '? :' after '?'
cpp_space_after_ternary_quest = true
# Put space in ternary operator '? :' before ':'
cpp_space_before_ternary_colon = true
# Put space in ternary operator '? :' after ':'
cpp_space_after_ternary_colon = true
# Do not put space before uniform initialization braces
cpp_space_before_initializer_braces = false
# Do not put space within uniform initialization braces
cpp_space_within_initializer_braces = false
# Do not put space within empty uniform initialization braces
cpp_space_within_empty_initializer_braces = false
# Put space before end of line comment
cpp_space_before_trailing_comment = true
# Preserve spaces before end of line comment
cpp_disable_space_changes_before_trailing_comment = true
# Line breaks and Wrapping #
# Redundant override (Already overriden globally by 'insert_final_newline')
# Redundant override (Already overriden earlier in Visual Studio section)
# Do not place 'while' in a do-while loop on a new line
cpp_new_line_before_while = false
# Redundant override (Already overriden earlier in Visual Studio section)
# Do not change the line breaks of single embedded statements
cpp_simple_embedded_statement_style = do_not_change
# Do not change the line breaks of simple 'case' statement
cpp_simple_case_statement_style = do_not_change
# Put member function definition return type on same line
cpp_function_definition_return_type_style = on_single_line
# Put top-level function definition return type on same line
cpp_toplevel_function_definition_return_type_style = on_single_line
# Put member function declaration return type on same line
cpp_function_declaration_return_type_style = on_single_line
# Put top-level function declaration return type on same line
cpp_toplevel_function_declaration_return_type_style = on_single_line
# Force template<...> of a template declaration on new line
cpp_break_template_declaration = line_break
# No override for "Break line before the requires-clause" (requires-clause is a C++20 feature)
# Do not change the line break before the colon in member initializer lists
cpp_member_initializer_list_style = do_not_change
# Do not change the line break after the colon in member initializer lists
cpp_line_break_after_colon_in_member_initializer_lists = do_not_change
# No override for "Break line before comma in member initializer lists" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Break line after comma in member initializer lists" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Allow C++/CLI generic constraints on the same line" (C++/CLI is not used)
# No override for "Keep existing line breaks" (Varies throughout source code; depends on developer preference)
# No override for "Hard wrap at _ characters" (Unspecified)
# Do not prefer wrap before ','
cpp_wrap_before_comma = false
# Do not prefer wrap before ',' in base clause
cpp_wrap_before_comma_in_base_clause = false
# No override for "Wrap ternary expression" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Prefer wrap before '?' and ':' in ternary expressions" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Prefer wrap before ':'" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Prefer wrap before first C++/CLI generic constraint" (C++/CLI is not used)
# No override for "Wrap multiple C++/CLI generic constraints" (C++/CLI is not used)
# No override for "Wrap enum definition" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Wrap braced initializer list" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Wrap base classes list" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Wrap constructor initializer" (Varies throughout source code)
# No override for "Wrap formal parameters" (Varies throughout source code)
# Do not prefer wrap before '(' in declaration
cpp_wrap_before_declaration_lpar = false
# Prefer wrap after '(' in declaration
cpp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar = true
# Do not prefer wrap before ')' in declaration
cpp_wrap_before_declaration_rpar = false
# No override for "Wrap invocation arguments" (Varies throughout source code)
# Do not prefer wrap before '(' in invocation
cpp_wrap_before_invocation_lpar = false
# Prefer wrap after '(' in invocation
cpp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar = true
# Do not prefer wrap before ')' in invocation
cpp_wrap_before_invocation_rpar = false
# Prefer wrap after '{' in initializer lists
cpp_wrap_after_expression_lbrace = true
# Do not prefer wrap before '}' in initializer lists
cpp_wrap_before_expression_rbrace = false