
325 lines
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/* $Id$ */
/** @file newgrf_spritegroup.h Action 2 handling. */
#include "town_type.h"
#include "industry_type.h"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "gfx_type.h"
#include "engine_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_generic.h"
#include "newgrf_storage.h"
* Gets the value of a so-called newgrf "register".
* @param i index of the register
* @pre i < 0x110
* @return the value of the register
static inline uint32 GetRegister(uint i)
extern TemporaryStorageArray<uint32, 0x110> _temp_store;
return _temp_store.Get(i);
/* List of different sprite group types */
enum SpriteGroupType {
struct SpriteGroup;
typedef uint32 SpriteGroupID;
typedef Pool<SpriteGroup, SpriteGroupID, 512, 64000> SpriteGroupPool;
extern SpriteGroupPool _spritegroup_pool;
/* Common wrapper for all the different sprite group types */
struct SpriteGroup : SpriteGroupPool::PoolItem<&_spritegroup_pool> {
SpriteGroup(SpriteGroupType type) : type(type) {}
virtual ~SpriteGroup() {}
SpriteGroupType type;
virtual SpriteID GetResult() const { return 0; }
virtual byte GetNumResults() const { return 0; }
virtual uint16 GetCallbackResult() const { return CALLBACK_FAILED; }
/* 'Real' sprite groups contain a list of other result or callback sprite
* groups. */
struct RealSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
RealSpriteGroup() : SpriteGroup(SGT_REAL) {}
/* Loaded = in motion, loading = not moving
* Each group contains several spritesets, for various loading stages */
/* XXX: For stations the meaning is different - loaded is for stations
* with small amount of cargo whilst loading is for stations with a lot
* of da stuff. */
byte num_loaded; ///< Number of loaded groups
byte num_loading; ///< Number of loading groups
const SpriteGroup **loaded; ///< List of loaded groups (can be SpriteIDs or Callback results)
const SpriteGroup **loading; ///< List of loading groups (can be SpriteIDs or Callback results)
/* Shared by deterministic and random groups. */
enum VarSpriteGroupScope {
/* Engine of consists for vehicles, city for stations. */
/* Any vehicle in the consist (vehicles only) */
enum DeterministicSpriteGroupSize {
enum DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjustType {
enum DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjustOperation {
DSGA_OP_ADD, ///< a + b
DSGA_OP_SUB, ///< a - b
DSGA_OP_SMIN, ///< (signed) min(a, b)
DSGA_OP_SMAX, ///< (signed) max(a, b)
DSGA_OP_UMIN, ///< (unsigned) min(a, b)
DSGA_OP_UMAX, ///< (unsigned) max(a, b)
DSGA_OP_SDIV, ///< (signed) a / b
DSGA_OP_SMOD, ///< (signed) a % b
DSGA_OP_UDIV, ///< (unsigned) a / b
DSGA_OP_UMOD, ///< (unsigned) a & b
DSGA_OP_MUL, ///< a * b
DSGA_OP_AND, ///< a & b
DSGA_OP_OR, ///< a | b
DSGA_OP_XOR, ///< a ^ b
DSGA_OP_STO, ///< store a into temporary storage, indexed by b. return a
DSGA_OP_RST, ///< return b
DSGA_OP_STOP, ///< store a into persistent storage, indexed by b, return a
DSGA_OP_ROR, ///< rotate a b positions to the right
DSGA_OP_SCMP, ///< (signed) comparision (a < b -> 0, a == b = 1, a > b = 2)
DSGA_OP_UCMP, ///< (unsigned) comparision (a < b -> 0, a == b = 1, a > b = 2)
struct DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust {
DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjustOperation operation;
DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjustType type;
byte variable;
byte parameter; ///< Used for variables between 0x60 and 0x7F inclusive.
byte shift_num;
uint32 and_mask;
uint32 add_val;
uint32 divmod_val;
const SpriteGroup *subroutine;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroupRange {
const SpriteGroup *group;
uint32 low;
uint32 high;
struct DeterministicSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
DeterministicSpriteGroup() : SpriteGroup(SGT_DETERMINISTIC) {}
VarSpriteGroupScope var_scope;
DeterministicSpriteGroupSize size;
byte num_adjusts;
byte num_ranges;
DeterministicSpriteGroupAdjust *adjusts;
DeterministicSpriteGroupRange *ranges; // Dynamically allocated
/* Dynamically allocated, this is the sole owner */
const SpriteGroup *default_group;
enum RandomizedSpriteGroupCompareMode {
struct RandomizedSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
RandomizedSpriteGroup() : SpriteGroup(SGT_RANDOMIZED) {}
VarSpriteGroupScope var_scope; ///< Take this object:
RandomizedSpriteGroupCompareMode cmp_mode; ///< Check for these triggers:
byte triggers;
byte count;
byte lowest_randbit; ///< Look for this in the per-object randomized bitmask:
byte num_groups; ///< must be power of 2
const SpriteGroup **groups; ///< Take the group with appropriate index:
/* This contains a callback result. A failed callback has a value of
struct CallbackResultSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
* Creates a spritegroup representing a callback result
* @param result The value that was used to represent this callback result
CallbackResultSpriteGroup(uint16 value) :
/* Old style callback results have the highest byte 0xFF so signify it is a callback result
* New style ones only have the highest bit set (allows 15-bit results, instead of just 8) */
if ((this->result >> 8) == 0xFF) {
this->result &= ~0xFF00;
} else {
this->result &= ~0x8000;
uint16 result;
uint16 GetCallbackResult() const { return this->result; }
/* A result sprite group returns the first SpriteID and the number of
* sprites in the set */
struct ResultSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
* Creates a spritegroup representing a sprite number result.
* @param sprite The sprite number.
* @param num_sprites The number of sprites per set.
* @return A spritegroup representing the sprite number result.
ResultSpriteGroup(SpriteID sprite, byte num_sprites) :
SpriteID sprite;
byte num_sprites;
SpriteID GetResult() const { return this->sprite; }
byte GetNumResults() const { return this->num_sprites; }
struct TileLayoutSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
TileLayoutSpriteGroup() : SpriteGroup(SGT_TILELAYOUT) {}
byte num_sprites; ///< Number of sprites in the spriteset, used for loading stages
struct DrawTileSprites *dts;
struct IndustryProductionSpriteGroup : SpriteGroup {
IndustryProductionSpriteGroup() : SpriteGroup(SGT_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION) {}
uint8 version;
uint16 substract_input[3];
uint16 add_output[2];
uint8 again;
struct ResolverObject {
CallbackID callback;
uint32 callback_param1;
uint32 callback_param2;
bool procedure_call; ///< true if we are currently resolving a var 0x7E procedure result.
byte trigger;
byte count;
uint32 last_value;
uint32 reseed;
VarSpriteGroupScope scope;
bool info_view; ///< Indicates if the item is being drawn in an info window
BaseStorageArray *psa; ///< The persistent storage array of this resolved object.
const GRFFile *grffile; ///< GRFFile the resolved SpriteGroup belongs to
union {
struct {
const struct Vehicle *self;
const struct Vehicle *parent;
EngineID self_type;
} vehicle;
struct {
TileIndex tile;
} canal;
struct {
TileIndex tile;
const struct Station *st;
const struct StationSpec *statspec;
CargoID cargo_type;
} station;
struct {
TileIndex tile;
Town *town;
HouseID house_id;
} house;
struct {
TileIndex tile;
Industry *ind;
IndustryGfx gfx;
IndustryType type;
} industry;
struct {
const struct CargoSpec *cs;
} cargo;
struct {
CargoID cargo_type;
uint8 default_selection;
IndustryType src_industry;
IndustryType dst_industry;
uint8 distance;
AIConstructionEvent event;
uint8 count;
uint8 station_size;
} generic;
} u;
uint32 (*GetRandomBits)(const struct ResolverObject*);
uint32 (*GetTriggers)(const struct ResolverObject*);
void (*SetTriggers)(const struct ResolverObject*, int);
uint32 (*GetVariable)(const struct ResolverObject*, byte, byte, bool*);
const SpriteGroup *(*ResolveReal)(const struct ResolverObject*, const RealSpriteGroup*);
ResolverObject() : procedure_call(false) { }
/* Base sprite group resolver */
const SpriteGroup *Resolve(const SpriteGroup *group, ResolverObject *object);