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/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file roadveh_cmd.cpp Handling of road vehicles. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf_func.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "depot_map.h"
#include "effectvehicle_func.h"
#include "roadstop_base.h"
#include "spritecache.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "table/strings.h"
static const uint16 _roadveh_images[63] = {
0xCD4, 0xCDC, 0xCE4, 0xCEC, 0xCF4, 0xCFC, 0xD0C, 0xD14,
0xD24, 0xD1C, 0xD2C, 0xD04, 0xD1C, 0xD24, 0xD6C, 0xD74,
0xD7C, 0xC14, 0xC1C, 0xC24, 0xC2C, 0xC34, 0xC3C, 0xC4C,
0xC54, 0xC64, 0xC5C, 0xC6C, 0xC44, 0xC5C, 0xC64, 0xCAC,
0xCB4, 0xCBC, 0xD94, 0xD9C, 0xDA4, 0xDAC, 0xDB4, 0xDBC,
0xDCC, 0xDD4, 0xDE4, 0xDDC, 0xDEC, 0xDC4, 0xDDC, 0xDE4,
0xE2C, 0xE34, 0xE3C, 0xC14, 0xC1C, 0xC2C, 0xC3C, 0xC4C,
0xC5C, 0xC64, 0xC6C, 0xC74, 0xC84, 0xC94, 0xCA4
static const uint16 _roadveh_full_adder[63] = {
0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 48,
48, 48, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 16,
16, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48,
48, 48, 48, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0,
16, 16, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0,
48, 48, 48, 48, 0, 0, 64, 64,
0, 16, 16, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8,
0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8
/** 'Convert' the DiagDirection where a road vehicle enters to the trackdirs it can drive onto */
static const TrackdirBits _road_enter_dir_to_reachable_trackdirs[DIAGDIR_END] = {
static const Trackdir _road_reverse_table[DIAGDIR_END] = {
/** Converts the exit direction of a depot to trackdir the vehicle is going to drive to */
static const Trackdir _roadveh_depot_exit_trackdir[DIAGDIR_END] = {
* Check whether a roadvehicle is a bus
* @return true if bus
bool RoadVehicle::IsBus() const
return IsCargoInClass(this->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS);
* Get the width of a road vehicle image in the GUI.
* @param offset Additional offset for positioning the sprite; set to NULL if not needed
* @return Width in pixels
int RoadVehicle::GetDisplayImageWidth(Point *offset) const
if (offset != NULL) {
offset->x = reference_width / 2;
offset->y = 0;
return this->gcache.cached_veh_length * reference_width / 8;
static SpriteID GetRoadVehIcon(EngineID engine)
const Engine *e = Engine::Get(engine);
uint8 spritenum = e->u.road.image_index;
if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) {
SpriteID sprite = GetCustomVehicleIcon(engine, DIR_W);
if (sprite != 0) return sprite;
spritenum = e->original_image_index;
return DIR_W + _roadveh_images[spritenum];
SpriteID RoadVehicle::GetImage(Direction direction) const
uint8 spritenum = this->spritenum;
SpriteID sprite;
if (is_custom_sprite(spritenum)) {
sprite = GetCustomVehicleSprite(this, (Direction)(direction + 4 * IS_CUSTOM_SECONDHEAD_SPRITE(spritenum)));
if (sprite != 0) return sprite;
spritenum = Engine::Get(this->engine_type)->original_image_index;
sprite = direction + _roadveh_images[spritenum];
if (this->cargo.Count() >= this->cargo_cap / 2U) sprite += _roadveh_full_adder[spritenum];
return sprite;
* Draw a road vehicle engine.
* @param left Left edge to draw within.
* @param right Right edge to draw within.
* @param preferred_x Preferred position of the engine.
* @param y Vertical position of the engine.
* @param engine Engine to draw
* @param pal Palette to use.
void DrawRoadVehEngine(int left, int right, int preferred_x, int y, EngineID engine, PaletteID pal)
SpriteID sprite = GetRoadVehIcon(engine);
const Sprite *real_sprite = GetSprite(sprite, ST_NORMAL);
preferred_x = Clamp(preferred_x, left - real_sprite->x_offs, right - real_sprite->width - real_sprite->x_offs);
DrawSprite(sprite, pal, preferred_x, y);
static uint GetRoadVehLength(const RoadVehicle *v)
uint length = 8;
uint16 veh_len = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_LENGTH, 0, 0, v->engine_type, v);
if (veh_len != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
length -= Clamp(veh_len, 0, 7);
return length;
void RoadVehUpdateCache(RoadVehicle *v)
assert(v->type == VEH_ROAD);
v->gcache.cached_total_length = 0;
for (RoadVehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
/* Check the v->first cache. */
assert(u->First() == v);
/* Update the 'first engine' */
u->gcache.first_engine = (v == u) ? INVALID_ENGINE : v->engine_type;
/* Update the length of the vehicle. */
u->gcache.cached_veh_length = GetRoadVehLength(u);
v->gcache.cached_total_length += u->gcache.cached_veh_length;
/* Update visual effect */
/* Invalidate the vehicle colour map */
u->colourmap = PAL_NONE;
uint max_speed = GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_ROADVEH_SPEED, 0);
v->vcache.cached_max_speed = (max_speed != 0) ? max_speed * 4 : RoadVehInfo(v->engine_type)->max_speed;
* Build a road vehicle.
* @param tile tile of the depot where road vehicle is built.
* @param flags type of operation.
* @param e the engine to build.
* @param data unused.
* @param ret[out] the vehicle that has been built.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadVehicle(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, const Engine *e, uint16 data, Vehicle **ret)
if (HasTileRoadType(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM) != HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_DEPOT_WRONG_DEPOT_TYPE);
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
const RoadVehicleInfo *rvi = &e->u.road;
RoadVehicle *v = new RoadVehicle();
*ret = v;
v->direction = DiagDirToDir(GetRoadDepotDirection(tile));
v->owner = _current_company;
v->tile = tile;
int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
v->z_pos = GetSlopeZ(x, y);
v->state = RVSB_IN_DEPOT;
v->vehstatus = VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED | VS_DEFPAL;
v->spritenum = rvi->image_index;
v->cargo_type = e->GetDefaultCargoType();
v->cargo_cap = rvi->capacity;
v->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION;
v->engine_type = e->index;
v->gcache.first_engine = INVALID_ENGINE; // needs to be set before first callback
v->reliability = e->reliability;
v->reliability_spd_dec = e->reliability_spd_dec;
v->max_age = e->GetLifeLengthInDays();
_new_vehicle_id = v->index;
v->service_interval = Company::Get(v->owner)->settings.vehicle.servint_roadveh;
v->date_of_last_service = _date;
v->build_year = _cur_year;
v->cur_image = SPR_IMG_QUERY;
v->random_bits = VehicleRandomBits();
v->roadtype = HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM) ? ROADTYPE_TRAM : ROADTYPE_ROAD;
v->compatible_roadtypes = RoadTypeToRoadTypes(v->roadtype);
v->gcache.cached_veh_length = 8;
if (e->flags & ENGINE_EXCLUSIVE_PREVIEW) SetBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_BUILT_AS_PROTOTYPE);
/* Call various callbacks after the whole consist has been constructed */
for (RoadVehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
u->cargo_cap = GetVehicleCapacity(u);
/* Initialize cached values for realistic acceleration. */
if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL) v->CargoChanged();
VehicleMove(v, false);
return CommandCost();
bool RoadVehicle::IsStoppedInDepot() const
TileIndex tile = this->tile;
if (!IsRoadDepotTile(tile)) return false;
if (this->IsFrontEngine() && !(this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)) return false;
for (const RoadVehicle *v = this; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
if (v->state != RVSB_IN_DEPOT || v->tile != tile) return false;
return true;
static FindDepotData FindClosestRoadDepot(const RoadVehicle *v, int max_distance)
if (IsRoadDepotTile(v->tile)) return FindDepotData(v->tile, 0);
switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_roadvehs) {
case VPF_NPF: return NPFRoadVehicleFindNearestDepot(v, max_distance);
case VPF_YAPF: return YapfRoadVehicleFindNearestDepot(v, max_distance);
default: NOT_REACHED();
bool RoadVehicle::FindClosestDepot(TileIndex *location, DestinationID *destination, bool *reverse)
FindDepotData rfdd = FindClosestRoadDepot(this, 0);
if (rfdd.best_length == UINT_MAX) return false;
if (location != NULL) *location = rfdd.tile;
if (destination != NULL) *destination = GetDepotIndex(rfdd.tile);
return true;
* Turn a roadvehicle around.
* @param tile unused
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param p1 vehicle ID to turn
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdTurnRoadVeh(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
RoadVehicle *v = RoadVehicle::GetIfValid(p1);
if (v == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(v->owner);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if ((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) ||
(v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ||
v->breakdown_ctr != 0 ||
v->overtaking != 0 ||
v->state == RVSB_WORMHOLE ||
v->IsInDepot() ||
v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) {
return CMD_ERROR;
if (IsNormalRoadTile(v->tile) && GetDisallowedRoadDirections(v->tile) != DRD_NONE) return CMD_ERROR;
if (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == GetTunnelBridgeDirection(v->tile)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) v->reverse_ctr = 180;
return CommandCost();
void RoadVehicle::MarkDirty()
for (RoadVehicle *v = this; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
v->UpdateViewport(false, false);
void RoadVehicle::UpdateDeltaXY(Direction direction)
#define MKIT(a, b, c, d) ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((b & 0xFF) << 16) | ((c & 0xFF) << 8) | ((d & 0xFF) << 0)
static const uint32 _delta_xy_table[8] = {
MKIT(3, 3, -1, -1),
MKIT(3, 7, -1, -3),
MKIT(3, 3, -1, -1),
MKIT(7, 3, -3, -1),
MKIT(3, 3, -1, -1),
MKIT(3, 7, -1, -3),
MKIT(3, 3, -1, -1),
MKIT(7, 3, -3, -1),
#undef MKIT
uint32 x = _delta_xy_table[direction];
this->x_offs = GB(x, 0, 8);
this->y_offs = GB(x, 8, 8);
this->x_extent = GB(x, 16, 8);
this->y_extent = GB(x, 24, 8);
this->z_extent = 6;
* Calculates the maximum speed of the vehicle under its current conditions.
* @return Maximum speed of the vehicle.
FORCEINLINE int RoadVehicle::GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const
if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) return this->vcache.cached_max_speed;
int max_speed = this->vcache.cached_max_speed;
/* Limit speed to 50% while reversing, 75% in curves. */
for (const RoadVehicle *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (this->state <= RVSB_TRACKDIR_MASK && IsReversingRoadTrackdir((Trackdir)this->state)) {
max_speed = this->vcache.cached_max_speed / 2;
} else if ((u->direction & 1) == 0) {
max_speed = this->vcache.cached_max_speed * 3 / 4;
return max_speed;
static void DeleteLastRoadVeh(RoadVehicle *v)
Vehicle *u = v;
for (; v->Next() != NULL; v = v->Next()) u = v;
/* Only leave the road stop when we're really gone. */
if (IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP_END)) RoadStop::GetByTile(v->tile, GetRoadStopType(v->tile))->Leave(v);
delete v;
static void RoadVehSetRandomDirection(RoadVehicle *v)
static const DirDiff delta[] = {
do {
uint32 r = Random();
v->direction = ChangeDir(v->direction, delta[r & 3]);
v->UpdateInclination(false, true);
} while ((v = v->Next()) != NULL);
static bool RoadVehIsCrashed(RoadVehicle *v)
if (v->crashed_ctr == 2) {
CreateEffectVehicleRel(v, 4, 4, 8, EV_EXPLOSION_LARGE);
} else if (v->crashed_ctr <= 45) {
if ((v->tick_counter & 7) == 0) RoadVehSetRandomDirection(v);
} else if (v->crashed_ctr >= 2220 && !(v->tick_counter & 0x1F)) {
bool ret = v->Next() != NULL;
return ret;
return true;
static Vehicle *EnumCheckRoadVehCrashTrain(Vehicle *v, void *data)
const Vehicle *u = (Vehicle*)data;
return (v->type == VEH_TRAIN &&
abs(v->z_pos - u->z_pos) <= 6 &&
abs(v->x_pos - u->x_pos) <= 4 &&
abs(v->y_pos - u->y_pos) <= 4) ? v : NULL;
uint RoadVehicle::Crash(bool flooded)
uint pass = this->GroundVehicleBase::Crash(flooded);
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
pass += 1; // driver
/* If we're in a drive through road stop we ought to leave it */
if (IsInsideMM(this->state, RVSB_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP_END)) {
RoadStop::GetByTile(this->tile, GetRoadStopType(this->tile))->Leave(this);
this->crashed_ctr = flooded ? 2000 : 1; // max 2220, disappear pretty fast when flooded
return pass;
static void RoadVehCrash(RoadVehicle *v)
uint pass = v->Crash();
AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new AIEventVehicleCrashed(v->index, v->tile, AIEventVehicleCrashed::CRASH_RV_LEVEL_CROSSING));
SetDParam(0, pass);
(pass == 1) ?
ModifyStationRatingAround(v->tile, v->owner, -160, 22);
SndPlayVehicleFx(SND_12_EXPLOSION, v);
static bool RoadVehCheckTrainCrash(RoadVehicle *v)
for (RoadVehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->state == RVSB_WORMHOLE) continue;
TileIndex tile = u->tile;
if (!IsLevelCrossingTile(tile)) continue;
if (HasVehicleOnPosXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, u, EnumCheckRoadVehCrashTrain)) {
return true;
return false;
TileIndex RoadVehicle::GetOrderStationLocation(StationID station)
if (station == this->last_station_visited) this->last_station_visited = INVALID_STATION;
const Station *st = Station::Get(station);
if (!CanVehicleUseStation(this, st)) {
/* There is no stop left at the station, so don't even TRY to go there */
return 0;
return st->xy;
static void StartRoadVehSound(const RoadVehicle *v)
if (!PlayVehicleSound(v, VSE_START)) {
SoundID s = RoadVehInfo(v->engine_type)->sfx;
if (s == SND_19_BUS_START_PULL_AWAY && (v->tick_counter & 3) == 0) {
SndPlayVehicleFx(s, v);
struct RoadVehFindData {
int x;
int y;
const Vehicle *veh;
Vehicle *best;
uint best_diff;
Direction dir;
static Vehicle *EnumCheckRoadVehClose(Vehicle *v, void *data)
static const int8 dist_x[] = { -4, -8, -4, -1, 4, 8, 4, 1 };
static const int8 dist_y[] = { -4, -1, 4, 8, 4, 1, -4, -8 };
RoadVehFindData *rvf = (RoadVehFindData*)data;
short x_diff = v->x_pos - rvf->x;
short y_diff = v->y_pos - rvf->y;
if (v->type == VEH_ROAD &&
!v->IsInDepot() &&
abs(v->z_pos - rvf->veh->z_pos) < 6 &&
v->direction == rvf->dir &&
rvf->veh->First() != v->First() &&
(dist_x[v->direction] >= 0 || (x_diff > dist_x[v->direction] && x_diff <= 0)) &&
(dist_x[v->direction] <= 0 || (x_diff < dist_x[v->direction] && x_diff >= 0)) &&
(dist_y[v->direction] >= 0 || (y_diff > dist_y[v->direction] && y_diff <= 0)) &&
(dist_y[v->direction] <= 0 || (y_diff < dist_y[v->direction] && y_diff >= 0))) {
uint diff = abs(x_diff) + abs(y_diff);
if (diff < rvf->best_diff || (diff == rvf->best_diff && v->index < rvf->best->index)) {
rvf->best = v;
rvf->best_diff = diff;
return NULL;
static RoadVehicle *RoadVehFindCloseTo(RoadVehicle *v, int x, int y, Direction dir, bool update_blocked_ctr = true)
RoadVehFindData rvf;
RoadVehicle *front = v->First();
if (front->reverse_ctr != 0) return NULL;
rvf.x = x;
rvf.y = y;
rvf.dir = dir;
rvf.veh = v;
rvf.best_diff = UINT_MAX;
if (front->state == RVSB_WORMHOLE) {
FindVehicleOnPos(v->tile, &rvf, EnumCheckRoadVehClose);
FindVehicleOnPos(GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(v->tile), &rvf, EnumCheckRoadVehClose);
} else {
FindVehicleOnPosXY(x, y, &rvf, EnumCheckRoadVehClose);
/* This code protects a roadvehicle from being blocked for ever
* If more than 1480 / 74 days a road vehicle is blocked, it will
* drive just through it. The ultimate backup-code of TTD.
* It can be disabled. */
if (rvf.best_diff == UINT_MAX) {
front->blocked_ctr = 0;
return NULL;
if (update_blocked_ctr && ++front->blocked_ctr > 1480) return NULL;
return RoadVehicle::From(rvf.best);
* A road vehicle arrives at a station. If it is the first time, create a news item.
* @param v Road vehicle that arrived.
* @param st Station where the road vehicle arrived.
static void RoadVehArrivesAt(const RoadVehicle *v, Station *st)
if (v->IsBus()) {
/* Check if station was ever visited before */
if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_BUS)) {
st->had_vehicle_of_type |= HVOT_BUS;
SetDParam(0, st->index);
(v->owner == _local_company) ? NS_ARRIVAL_COMPANY : NS_ARRIVAL_OTHER,
AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new AIEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index));
} else {
/* Check if station was ever visited before */
if (!(st->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_TRUCK)) {
st->had_vehicle_of_type |= HVOT_TRUCK;
SetDParam(0, st->index);
(v->owner == _local_company) ? NS_ARRIVAL_COMPANY : NS_ARRIVAL_OTHER,
AI::NewEvent(v->owner, new AIEventStationFirstVehicle(st->index, v->index));
* This function looks at the vehicle and updates its speed (cur_speed
* and subspeed) variables. Furthermore, it returns the distance that
* the vehicle can drive this tick. #Vehicle::GetAdvanceDistance() determines
* the distance to drive before moving a step on the map.
* @return distance to drive.
static int RoadVehAccelerate(RoadVehicle *v)
uint accel = v->overtaking != 0 ? 256 : 0;
accel += (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) ? 256 : v->GetAcceleration();
uint spd = v->subspeed + accel;
v->subspeed = (uint8)spd;
int tempmax = v->GetCurrentMaxSpeed();
if (v->cur_speed > tempmax) {
tempmax = v->cur_speed - (v->cur_speed / 10) - 1;
/* Force a minimum speed of 1 km/h when realistic acceleration is on. */
int min_speed = (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) ? 0 : 4;
v->cur_speed = spd = Clamp(v->cur_speed + ((int)spd >> 8), min_speed, tempmax);
int scaled_spd = v->GetAdvanceSpeed(spd);
scaled_spd += v->progress;
v->progress = 0;
return scaled_spd;
static Direction RoadVehGetNewDirection(const RoadVehicle *v, int x, int y)
static const Direction _roadveh_new_dir[] = {
x = x - v->x_pos + 1;
y = y - v->y_pos + 1;
if ((uint)x > 2 || (uint)y > 2) return v->direction;
return _roadveh_new_dir[y * 4 + x];
static Direction RoadVehGetSlidingDirection(const RoadVehicle *v, int x, int y)
Direction new_dir = RoadVehGetNewDirection(v, x, y);
Direction old_dir = v->direction;
DirDiff delta;
if (new_dir == old_dir) return old_dir;
delta = (DirDifference(new_dir, old_dir) > DIRDIFF_REVERSE ? DIRDIFF_45LEFT : DIRDIFF_45RIGHT);
return ChangeDir(old_dir, delta);
struct OvertakeData {
const RoadVehicle *u;
const RoadVehicle *v;
TileIndex tile;
Trackdir trackdir;
static Vehicle *EnumFindVehBlockingOvertake(Vehicle *v, void *data)
const OvertakeData *od = (OvertakeData*)data;
return (v->type == VEH_ROAD && v->First() == v && v != od->u && v != od->v) ? v : NULL;
* Check if overtaking is possible on a piece of track
* @param od Information about the tile and the involved vehicles
* @return true if we have to abort overtaking
static bool CheckRoadBlockedForOvertaking(OvertakeData *od)
TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(od->tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, od->v->compatible_roadtypes);
TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts);
TrackdirBits red_signals = TrackStatusToRedSignals(ts); // barred level crossing
TrackBits trackbits = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(trackdirbits);
/* Track does not continue along overtaking direction || track has junction || levelcrossing is barred */
if (!HasBit(trackdirbits, od->trackdir) || (trackbits & ~TRACK_BIT_CROSS) || (red_signals != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE)) return true;
/* Are there more vehicles on the tile except the two vehicles involved in overtaking */
return HasVehicleOnPos(od->tile, od, EnumFindVehBlockingOvertake);
static void RoadVehCheckOvertake(RoadVehicle *v, RoadVehicle *u)
OvertakeData od;
od.v = v;
od.u = u;
if (u->vcache.cached_max_speed >= v->vcache.cached_max_speed &&
!(u->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) &&
u->cur_speed != 0) {
/* Trams can't overtake other trams */
if (v->roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM) return;
/* Don't overtake in stations */
if (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_STATION) || IsTileType(u->tile, MP_STATION)) return;
/* For now, articulated road vehicles can't overtake anything. */
if (v->HasArticulatedPart()) return;
/* Vehicles are not driving in same direction || direction is not a diagonal direction */
if (v->direction != u->direction || !(v->direction & 1)) return;
/* Check if vehicle is in a road stop, depot, tunnel or bridge or not on a straight road */
if (v->state >= RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP || !IsStraightRoadTrackdir((Trackdir)(v->state & RVSB_TRACKDIR_MASK))) return;
od.trackdir = DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(DirToDiagDir(v->direction));
/* Are the current and the next tile suitable for overtaking?
* - Does the track continue along od.trackdir
* - No junctions
* - No barred levelcrossing
* - No other vehicles in the way
od.tile = v->tile;
if (CheckRoadBlockedForOvertaking(&od)) return;
od.tile = v->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(DirToDiagDir(v->direction));
if (CheckRoadBlockedForOvertaking(&od)) return;
if (od.u->cur_speed == 0 || (od.u->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)) {
v->overtaking_ctr = 0x11;
v->overtaking = 0x10;
} else {
// if (CheckRoadBlockedForOvertaking(&od)) return;
v->overtaking_ctr = 0;
v->overtaking = 0x10;
static void RoadZPosAffectSpeed(RoadVehicle *v, byte old_z)
if (old_z == v->z_pos || _settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL) return;
if (old_z < v->z_pos) {
v->cur_speed = v->cur_speed * 232 / 256; // slow down by ~10%
} else {
uint16 spd = v->cur_speed + 2;
if (spd <= v->vcache.cached_max_speed) v->cur_speed = spd;
static int PickRandomBit(uint bits)
uint i;
uint num = RandomRange(CountBits(bits));
for (i = 0; !(bits & 1) || (int)--num >= 0; bits >>= 1, i++) {}
return i;
* Returns direction to for a road vehicle to take or
* INVALID_TRACKDIR if the direction is currently blocked
* @param v the Vehicle to do the pathfinding for
* @param tile the where to start the pathfinding
* @param enterdir the direction the vehicle enters the tile from
* @return the Trackdir to take
static Trackdir RoadFindPathToDest(RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
#define return_track(x) { best_track = (Trackdir)x; goto found_best_track; }
TileIndex desttile;
Trackdir best_track;
bool path_found = true;
TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, v->compatible_roadtypes);
TrackdirBits red_signals = TrackStatusToRedSignals(ts); // crossing
TrackdirBits trackdirs = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts);
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_ROAD)) {
if (IsRoadDepot(tile) && (!IsTileOwner(tile, v->owner) || GetRoadDepotDirection(tile) == enterdir || (GetRoadTypes(tile) & v->compatible_roadtypes) == 0)) {
/* Road depot owned by another company or with the wrong orientation */
trackdirs = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
} else if (IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) && IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile)) {
/* Standard road stop (drive-through stops are treated as normal road) */
if (!IsTileOwner(tile, v->owner) || GetRoadStopDir(tile) == enterdir || v->HasArticulatedPart()) {
/* different station owner or wrong orientation or the vehicle has articulated parts */
trackdirs = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
} else {
/* Our station */
RoadStopType rstype = v->IsBus() ? ROADSTOP_BUS : ROADSTOP_TRUCK;
if (GetRoadStopType(tile) != rstype) {
/* Wrong station type */
trackdirs = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
} else {
/* Proper station type, check if there is free loading bay */
if (!_settings_game.pf.roadveh_queue && IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile) &&
!RoadStop::GetByTile(tile, rstype)->HasFreeBay()) {
/* Station is full and RV queuing is off */
trackdirs = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
/* The above lookups should be moved to GetTileTrackStatus in the
* future, but that requires more changes to the pathfinder and other
* stuff, probably even more arguments to GTTS.
/* Remove tracks unreachable from the enter dir */
trackdirs &= _road_enter_dir_to_reachable_trackdirs[enterdir];
if (trackdirs == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
/* No reachable tracks, so we'll reverse */
if (v->reverse_ctr != 0) {
bool reverse = true;
if (v->roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM) {
/* Trams may only reverse on a tile if it contains at least the straight
* trackbits or when it is a valid turning tile (i.e. one roadbit) */
RoadBits rb = GetAnyRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
RoadBits straight = AxisToRoadBits(DiagDirToAxis(enterdir));
reverse = ((rb & straight) == straight) ||
(rb == DiagDirToRoadBits(enterdir));
if (reverse) {
v->reverse_ctr = 0;
if (v->tile != tile) {
desttile = v->dest_tile;
if (desttile == 0) {
/* We've got no destination, pick a random track */
/* Only one track to choose between? */
if (KillFirstBit(trackdirs) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_roadvehs) {
case VPF_NPF: best_track = NPFRoadVehicleChooseTrack(v, tile, enterdir, trackdirs, path_found); break;
case VPF_YAPF: best_track = YapfRoadVehicleChooseTrack(v, tile, enterdir, trackdirs, path_found); break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
if (HasBit(red_signals, best_track)) return INVALID_TRACKDIR;
return best_track;
struct RoadDriveEntry {
byte x, y;
#include "table/roadveh_movement.h"
static bool RoadVehLeaveDepot(RoadVehicle *v, bool first)
/* Don't leave if not all the wagons are in the depot. */
for (const RoadVehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if (u->state != RVSB_IN_DEPOT || u->tile != v->tile) return false;
DiagDirection dir = GetRoadDepotDirection(v->tile);
v->direction = DiagDirToDir(dir);
Trackdir tdir = _roadveh_depot_exit_trackdir[dir];
const RoadDriveEntry *rdp = _road_drive_data[v->roadtype][(_settings_game.vehicle.road_side << RVS_DRIVE_SIDE) + tdir];
int x = TileX(v->tile) * TILE_SIZE + (rdp[RVC_DEPOT_START_FRAME].x & 0xF);
int y = TileY(v->tile) * TILE_SIZE + (rdp[RVC_DEPOT_START_FRAME].y & 0xF);
if (first) {
if (RoadVehFindCloseTo(v, x, y, v->direction, false) != NULL) return true;
/* Vehicle is about to leave a depot */
v->cur_speed = 0;
v->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN;
v->state = tdir;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
v->UpdateInclination(true, true);
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
return true;
static Trackdir FollowPreviousRoadVehicle(const RoadVehicle *v, const RoadVehicle *prev, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection entry_dir, bool already_reversed)
if (prev->tile == v->tile && !already_reversed) {
/* If the previous vehicle is on the same tile as this vehicle is
* then it must have reversed. */
return _road_reverse_table[entry_dir];
byte prev_state = prev->state;
Trackdir dir;
if (prev_state == RVSB_WORMHOLE || prev_state == RVSB_IN_DEPOT) {
DiagDirection diag_dir = INVALID_DIAGDIR;
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
diag_dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);
} else if (IsRoadDepotTile(tile)) {
diag_dir = ReverseDiagDir(GetRoadDepotDirection(tile));
dir = DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(diag_dir);
} else {
if (already_reversed && prev->tile != tile) {
* The vehicle has reversed, but did not go straight back.
* It immediately turn onto another tile. This means that
* the roadstate of the previous vehicle cannot be used
* as the direction we have to go with this vehicle.
* Next table is build in the following way:
* - first row for when the vehicle in front went to the northern or
* western tile, second for southern and eastern.
* - columns represent the entry direction.
* - cell values are determined by the Trackdir one has to take from
* the entry dir (column) to the tile in north or south by only
* going over the trackdirs used for turning 90 degrees, i.e.
static const Trackdir reversed_turn_lookup[2][DIAGDIR_END] = {
dir = reversed_turn_lookup[prev->tile < tile ? 0 : 1][ReverseDiagDir(entry_dir)];
} else if (HasBit(prev_state, RVS_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP)) {
dir = (Trackdir)(prev_state & RVSB_ROAD_STOP_TRACKDIR_MASK);
} else if (prev_state < TRACKDIR_END) {
dir = (Trackdir)prev_state;
} else {
/* Do some sanity checking. */
static const RoadBits required_roadbits[] = {
RoadBits required = required_roadbits[dir & 0x07];
if ((required & GetAnyRoadBits(tile, v->roadtype, true)) == ROAD_NONE) {
return dir;
* Can a tram track build without destruction on the given tile?
* @param c the company that would be building the tram tracks
* @param t the tile to build on.
* @param r the road bits needed.
* @return true when a track track can be build on 't'
static bool CanBuildTramTrackOnTile(CompanyID c, TileIndex t, RoadBits r)
/* The 'current' company is not necessarily the owner of the vehicle. */
Backup<CompanyByte> cur_company(_current_company, c, FILE_LINE);
CommandCost ret = DoCommand(t, ROADTYPE_TRAM << 4 | r, 0, DC_NONE, CMD_BUILD_ROAD);
return ret.Succeeded();
static bool IndividualRoadVehicleController(RoadVehicle *v, const RoadVehicle *prev)
if (v->overtaking != 0) {
if (IsTileType(v->tile, MP_STATION)) {
/* Force us to be not overtaking! */
v->overtaking = 0;
} else if (++v->overtaking_ctr >= 35) {
/* If overtaking just aborts at a random moment, we can have a out-of-bound problem,
* if the vehicle started a corner. To protect that, only allow an abort of
* overtake if we are on straight roads */
if (v->state < RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP && IsStraightRoadTrackdir((Trackdir)v->state)) {
v->overtaking = 0;
/* If this vehicle is in a depot and we've reached this point it must be
* one of the articulated parts. It will stay in the depot until activated
* by the previous vehicle in the chain when it gets to the right place. */
if (v->IsInDepot()) return true;
if (v->state == RVSB_WORMHOLE) {
/* Vehicle is entering a depot or is on a bridge or in a tunnel */
GetNewVehiclePosResult gp = GetNewVehiclePos(v);
/* Apply bridge speed limit */
if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
RoadVehicle *first = v->First();
first->cur_speed = min(first->cur_speed, GetBridgeSpec(GetBridgeType(v->tile))->speed * 2);
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
const Vehicle *u = RoadVehFindCloseTo(v, gp.x, gp.y, v->direction);
if (u != NULL) {
v->cur_speed = u->First()->cur_speed;
return false;
if (IsTileType(gp.new_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && HasBit(VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y), VETS_ENTERED_WORMHOLE)) {
/* Vehicle has just entered a bridge or tunnel */
v->x_pos = gp.x;
v->y_pos = gp.y;
v->UpdateInclination(true, true);
return true;
v->x_pos = gp.x;
v->y_pos = gp.y;
VehicleMove(v, !(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN));
return true;
/* Get move position data for next frame.
* For a drive-through road stop use 'straight road' move data.
* In this case v->state is masked to give the road stop entry direction. */
RoadDriveEntry rd = _road_drive_data[v->roadtype][(
(HasBit(v->state, RVS_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP) ? v->state & RVSB_ROAD_STOP_TRACKDIR_MASK : v->state) +
(_settings_game.vehicle.road_side << RVS_DRIVE_SIDE)) ^ v->overtaking][v->frame + 1];
if (rd.x & RDE_NEXT_TILE) {
TileIndex tile = v->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir((DiagDirection)(rd.x & 3));
Trackdir dir;
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* If this is the front engine, look for the right path. */
dir = RoadFindPathToDest(v, tile, (DiagDirection)(rd.x & 3));
} else {
dir = FollowPreviousRoadVehicle(v, prev, tile, (DiagDirection)(rd.x & 3), false);
if (dir == INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
if (!v->IsFrontEngine()) error("Disconnecting road vehicle.");
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
uint start_frame = RVC_DEFAULT_START_FRAME;
if (IsReversingRoadTrackdir(dir)) {
/* Turning around */
if (v->roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM) {
/* Determine the road bits the tram needs to be able to turn around
* using the 'big' corner loop. */
RoadBits needed;
switch (dir) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TRACKDIR_RVREV_NE: needed = ROAD_SW; break;
case TRACKDIR_RVREV_SE: needed = ROAD_NW; break;
case TRACKDIR_RVREV_SW: needed = ROAD_NE; break;
case TRACKDIR_RVREV_NW: needed = ROAD_SE; break;
if ((v->Previous() != NULL && v->Previous()->tile == tile) ||
(v->IsFrontEngine() && IsNormalRoadTile(tile) && !HasRoadWorks(tile) &&
(needed & GetRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) != ROAD_NONE)) {
* Taking the 'big' corner for trams only happens when:
* - The previous vehicle in this (articulated) tram chain is
* already on the 'next' tile, we just follow them regardless of
* anything. When it is NOT on the 'next' tile, the tram started
* doing a reversing turn when the piece of tram track on the next
* tile did not exist yet. Do not use the big tram loop as that is
* going to cause the tram to split up.
* - Or the front of the tram can drive over the next tile.
} else if (!v->IsFrontEngine() || !CanBuildTramTrackOnTile(v->owner, tile, needed) || ((~needed & GetAnyRoadBits(v->tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM, false)) == ROAD_NONE)) {
* Taking the 'small' corner for trams only happens when:
* - We are not the from vehicle of an articulated tram.
* - Or when the company cannot build on the next tile.
* The 'small' corner means that the vehicle is on the end of a
* tram track and needs to start turning there. To do this properly
* the tram needs to start at an offset in the tram turning 'code'
* for 'big' corners. It furthermore does not go to the next tile,
* so that needs to be fixed too.
tile = v->tile;
} else {
/* The company can build on the next tile, so wait till (s)he does. */
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
} else if (IsNormalRoadTile(v->tile) && GetDisallowedRoadDirections(v->tile) != DRD_NONE) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
} else {
tile = v->tile;
/* Get position data for first frame on the new tile */
const RoadDriveEntry *rdp = _road_drive_data[v->roadtype][(dir + (_settings_game.vehicle.road_side << RVS_DRIVE_SIDE)) ^ v->overtaking];
int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + rdp[start_frame].x;
int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + rdp[start_frame].y;
Direction new_dir = RoadVehGetSlidingDirection(v, x, y);
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
Vehicle *u = RoadVehFindCloseTo(v, x, y, new_dir);
if (u != NULL) {
v->cur_speed = u->First()->cur_speed;
return false;
uint32 r = VehicleEnterTile(v, tile, x, y);
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
/* Try an about turn to re-enter the previous tile */
dir = _road_reverse_table[rd.x & 3];
goto again;
if (IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP_END) && IsTileType(v->tile, MP_STATION)) {
if (IsReversingRoadTrackdir(dir) && IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP_END)) {
/* New direction is trying to turn vehicle around.
* We can't turn at the exit of a road stop so wait.*/
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
/* If we are a drive through road stop and the next tile is of
* the same road stop and the next tile isn't this one (i.e. we
* are not reversing), then keep the reservation and state.
* This way we will not be shortly unregister from the road
* stop. It also makes it possible to load when on the edge of
* two road stops; otherwise you could get vehicles that should
* be loading but are not actually loading. */
if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(v->tile) &&
RoadStop::IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(v->tile, tile) &&
v->tile != tile) {
/* So, keep 'our' state */
dir = (Trackdir)v->state;
} else if (IsRoadStop(v->tile)) {
/* We're not continuing our drive through road stop, so leave. */
RoadStop::GetByTile(v->tile, GetRoadStopType(v->tile))->Leave(v);
v->tile = tile;
v->state = (byte)dir;
v->frame = start_frame;
if (new_dir != v->direction) {
v->direction = new_dir;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) v->cur_speed -= v->cur_speed >> 2;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
RoadZPosAffectSpeed(v, v->UpdateInclination(true, true));
return true;
if (rd.x & RDE_TURNED) {
/* Vehicle has finished turning around, it will now head back onto the same tile */
Trackdir dir;
uint turn_around_start_frame = RVC_TURN_AROUND_START_FRAME;
if (v->roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM && !IsRoadDepotTile(v->tile) && HasExactlyOneBit(GetAnyRoadBits(v->tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM, true))) {
* The tram is turning around with one tram 'roadbit'. This means that
* it is using the 'big' corner 'drive data'. However, to support the
* trams to take a small corner, there is a 'turned' marker in the middle
* of the turning 'drive data'. When the tram took the long corner, we
* will still use the 'big' corner drive data, but we advance it one
* frame. We furthermore set the driving direction so the turning is
* going to be properly shown.
turn_around_start_frame = RVC_START_FRAME_AFTER_LONG_TRAM;
switch (rd.x & 0x3) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case DIAGDIR_NW: dir = TRACKDIR_RVREV_SE; break;
case DIAGDIR_NE: dir = TRACKDIR_RVREV_SW; break;
case DIAGDIR_SE: dir = TRACKDIR_RVREV_NW; break;
case DIAGDIR_SW: dir = TRACKDIR_RVREV_NE; break;
} else {
if (v->IsFrontEngine()) {
/* If this is the front engine, look for the right path. */
dir = RoadFindPathToDest(v, v->tile, (DiagDirection)(rd.x & 3));
} else {
dir = FollowPreviousRoadVehicle(v, prev, v->tile, (DiagDirection)(rd.x & 3), true);
if (dir == INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
const RoadDriveEntry *rdp = _road_drive_data[v->roadtype][(_settings_game.vehicle.road_side << RVS_DRIVE_SIDE) + dir];
int x = TileX(v->tile) * TILE_SIZE + rdp[turn_around_start_frame].x;
int y = TileY(v->tile) * TILE_SIZE + rdp[turn_around_start_frame].y;
Direction new_dir = RoadVehGetSlidingDirection(v, x, y);
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && RoadVehFindCloseTo(v, x, y, new_dir) != NULL) return false;
uint32 r = VehicleEnterTile(v, v->tile, x, y);
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
v->state = dir;
v->frame = turn_around_start_frame;
if (new_dir != v->direction) {
v->direction = new_dir;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) v->cur_speed -= v->cur_speed >> 2;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
RoadZPosAffectSpeed(v, v->UpdateInclination(true, true));
return true;
/* This vehicle is not in a wormhole and it hasn't entered a new tile. If
* it's on a depot tile, check if it's time to activate the next vehicle in
* the chain yet. */
if (v->Next() != NULL && IsRoadDepotTile(v->tile)) {
if (v->frame == v->gcache.cached_veh_length + RVC_DEPOT_START_FRAME) {
RoadVehLeaveDepot(v->Next(), false);
/* Calculate new position for the vehicle */
int x = (v->x_pos & ~15) + (rd.x & 15);
int y = (v->y_pos & ~15) + (rd.y & 15);
Direction new_dir = RoadVehGetSlidingDirection(v, x, y);
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && !IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP_END)) {
/* Vehicle is not in a road stop.
* Check for another vehicle to overtake */
RoadVehicle *u = RoadVehFindCloseTo(v, x, y, new_dir);
if (u != NULL) {
u = u->First();
/* There is a vehicle in front overtake it if possible */
if (v->overtaking == 0) RoadVehCheckOvertake(v, u);
if (v->overtaking == 0) v->cur_speed = u->cur_speed;
/* In case an RV is stopped in a road stop, why not try to load? */
if (v->cur_speed == 0 && IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP_END) &&
v->current_order.ShouldStopAtStation(v, GetStationIndex(v->tile)) &&
v->owner == GetTileOwner(v->tile) && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION) &&
GetRoadStopType(v->tile) == (v->IsBus() ? ROADSTOP_BUS : ROADSTOP_TRUCK)) {
Station *st = Station::GetByTile(v->tile);
v->last_station_visited = st->index;
RoadVehArrivesAt(v, st);
return false;
Direction old_dir = v->direction;
if (new_dir != old_dir) {
v->direction = new_dir;
if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) v->cur_speed -= v->cur_speed >> 2;
if (old_dir != v->state) {
/* The vehicle is in a road stop */
v->UpdateInclination(false, true);
/* Note, return here means that the frame counter is not incremented
* for vehicles changing direction in a road stop. This causes frames to
* be repeated. (XXX) Is this intended? */
return true;
/* If the vehicle is in a normal road stop and the frame equals the stop frame OR
* if the vehicle is in a drive-through road stop and this is the destination station
* and it's the correct type of stop (bus or truck) and the frame equals the stop frame...
* (the station test and stop type test ensure that other vehicles, using the road stop as
* a through route, do not stop) */
if (v->IsFrontEngine() && ((IsInsideMM(v->state, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP, RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP_END) &&
_road_stop_stop_frame[v->state - RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP + (_settings_game.vehicle.road_side << RVS_DRIVE_SIDE)] == v->frame) ||
v->current_order.ShouldStopAtStation(v, GetStationIndex(v->tile)) &&
v->owner == GetTileOwner(v->tile) &&
GetRoadStopType(v->tile) == (v->IsBus() ? ROADSTOP_BUS : ROADSTOP_TRUCK) &&
RoadStop *rs = RoadStop::GetByTile(v->tile, GetRoadStopType(v->tile));
Station *st = Station::GetByTile(v->tile);
/* Vehicle is at the stop position (at a bay) in a road stop.
* Note, if vehicle is loading/unloading it has already been handled,
* so if we get here the vehicle has just arrived or is just ready to leave. */
if (!HasBit(v->state, RVS_ENTERED_STOP)) {
/* Vehicle has arrived at a bay in a road stop */
if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(v->tile)) {
TileIndex next_tile = TILE_ADD(v->tile, TileOffsByDir(v->direction));
/* Check if next inline bay is free and has compatible road. */
if (RoadStop::IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(v->tile, next_tile) && (GetRoadTypes(next_tile) & v->compatible_roadtypes) != 0) {
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
RoadZPosAffectSpeed(v, v->UpdateInclination(true, false));
return true;
SetBit(v->state, RVS_ENTERED_STOP);
v->last_station_visited = st->index;
if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(v->tile) || (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && v->current_order.GetDestination() == st->index)) {
RoadVehArrivesAt(v, st);
return false;
} else {
/* Vehicle is ready to leave a bay in a road stop */
if (rs->IsEntranceBusy()) {
/* Road stop entrance is busy, so wait as there is nowhere else to go */
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION)) v->current_order.Free();
if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(v->tile)) rs->SetEntranceBusy(true);
/* Check tile position conditions - i.e. stop position in depot,
* entry onto bridge or into tunnel */
uint32 r = VehicleEnterTile(v, v->tile, x, y);
if (HasBit(r, VETS_CANNOT_ENTER)) {
v->cur_speed = 0;
return false;
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LEAVESTATION) && IsDriveThroughStopTile(v->tile)) {
/* Move to next frame unless vehicle arrived at a stop position
* in a depot or entered a tunnel/bridge */
if (!HasBit(r, VETS_ENTERED_WORMHOLE)) v->frame++;
v->x_pos = x;
v->y_pos = y;
RoadZPosAffectSpeed(v, v->UpdateInclination(false, true));
return true;
static bool RoadVehController(RoadVehicle *v)
/* decrease counters */
if (v->reverse_ctr != 0) v->reverse_ctr--;
/* handle crashed */
if (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED || RoadVehCheckTrainCrash(v)) {
return RoadVehIsCrashed(v);
/* road vehicle has broken down? */
if (v->HandleBreakdown()) return true;
if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) return true;
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) return true;
if (v->IsInDepot() && RoadVehLeaveDepot(v, true)) return true;
/* Check how far the vehicle needs to proceed */
int j = RoadVehAccelerate(v);
int adv_spd = v->GetAdvanceDistance();
bool blocked = false;
while (j >= adv_spd) {
j -= adv_spd;
RoadVehicle *u = v;
for (RoadVehicle *prev = NULL; u != NULL; prev = u, u = u->Next()) {
if (!IndividualRoadVehicleController(u, prev)) {
blocked = true;
if (blocked) break;
/* Determine distance to next map position */
adv_spd = v->GetAdvanceDistance();
/* Test for a collision, but only if another movement will occur. */
if (j >= adv_spd && RoadVehCheckTrainCrash(v)) break;
for (RoadVehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
if ((u->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) != 0) continue;
u->UpdateViewport(false, false);
/* If movement is blocked, set 'progress' to its maximum, so the roadvehicle does
* not accelerate again before it can actually move. I.e. make sure it tries to advance again
* on next tick to discover whether it is still blocked. */
if (v->progress == 0) v->progress = blocked ? adv_spd - 1 : j;
return true;
Money RoadVehicle::GetRunningCost() const
const Engine *e = Engine::Get(this->engine_type);
if (e->u.road.running_cost_class == INVALID_PRICE) return 0;
uint cost_factor = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_ROADVEH_RUNNING_COST_FACTOR, e->u.road.running_cost);
if (cost_factor == 0) return 0;
return GetPrice(e->u.road.running_cost_class, cost_factor, e->grf_prop.grffile);
bool RoadVehicle::Tick()
if (this->IsFrontEngine()) {
if (!(this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)) this->running_ticks++;
return RoadVehController(this);
return true;
static void CheckIfRoadVehNeedsService(RoadVehicle *v)
/* If we already got a slot at a stop, use that FIRST, and go to a depot later */
if (Company::Get(v->owner)->settings.vehicle.servint_roadveh == 0 || !v->NeedsAutomaticServicing()) return;
if (v->IsInDepot()) {
uint max_penalty;
switch (_settings_game.pf.pathfinder_for_roadvehs) {
case VPF_NPF: max_penalty = _settings_game.pf.npf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty; break;
case VPF_YAPF: max_penalty = _settings_game.pf.yapf.maximum_go_to_depot_penalty; break;
default: NOT_REACHED();
FindDepotData rfdd = FindClosestRoadDepot(v, max_penalty);
/* Only go to the depot if it is not too far out of our way. */
if (rfdd.best_length == UINT_MAX || rfdd.best_length > max_penalty) {
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)) {
/* If we were already heading for a depot but it has
* suddenly moved farther away, we continue our normal
* schedule? */
DepotID depot = GetDepotIndex(rfdd.tile);
if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT) &&
v->current_order.GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS &&
!Chance16(1, 20)) {
v->current_order.MakeGoToDepot(depot, ODTFB_SERVICE);
v->dest_tile = rfdd.tile;
void RoadVehicle::OnNewDay()
if (!this->IsFrontEngine()) return;
if ((++this->day_counter & 7) == 0) DecreaseVehicleValue(this);
if (this->blocked_ctr == 0) CheckVehicleBreakdown(this);
if (this->running_ticks == 0) return;
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_ROADVEH_RUN, this->GetRunningCost() * this->running_ticks / (DAYS_IN_YEAR * DAY_TICKS));
this->profit_this_year -= cost.GetCost();
this->running_ticks = 0;
SubtractMoneyFromCompanyFract(this->owner, cost);
SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, this->index);
Trackdir RoadVehicle::GetVehicleTrackdir() const
if (this->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) return INVALID_TRACKDIR;
if (this->IsInDepot()) {
/* We'll assume the road vehicle is facing outwards */
return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetRoadDepotDirection(this->tile));
if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(this->tile)) {
/* We'll assume the road vehicle is facing outwards */
return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetRoadStopDir(this->tile)); // Road vehicle in a station
/* Drive through road stops / wormholes (tunnels) */
if (this->state > RVSB_TRACKDIR_MASK) return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(DirToDiagDir(this->direction));
/* If vehicle's state is a valid track direction (vehicle is not turning around) return it,
* otherwise transform it into a valid track direction */
return (Trackdir)((IsReversingRoadTrackdir((Trackdir)this->state)) ? (this->state - 6) : this->state);