mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 18:40:29 +00:00
The data will be transmitted as the length followed by the serialized data. This allows the command data to be different for every command type in the future.
627 lines
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627 lines
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file command.cpp Handling of commands. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "network/network_type.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "texteff.hpp"
#include "town.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "signal_func.h"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "object_base.h"
#include "autoreplace_cmd.h"
#include "company_cmd.h"
#include "depot_cmd.h"
#include "economy_cmd.h"
#include "engine_cmd.h"
#include "goal_cmd.h"
#include "group_cmd.h"
#include "industry_cmd.h"
#include "landscape_cmd.h"
#include "misc_cmd.h"
#include "news_cmd.h"
#include "object_cmd.h"
#include "order_cmd.h"
#include "rail_cmd.h"
#include "road_cmd.h"
#include "roadveh_cmd.h"
#include "settings_cmd.h"
#include "signs_cmd.h"
#include "station_cmd.h"
#include "story_cmd.h"
#include "subsidy_cmd.h"
#include "terraform_cmd.h"
#include "timetable_cmd.h"
#include "town_cmd.h"
#include "train_cmd.h"
#include "tree_cmd.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_cmd.h"
#include "vehicle_cmd.h"
#include "viewport_cmd.h"
#include "water_cmd.h"
#include "waypoint_cmd.h"
#include "misc/endian_buffer.hpp"
#include "string_func.h"
#include <array>
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
* Define a command with the flags which belongs to it.
* This struct connects a command handler function with the flags created with
* the #CMD_AUTO, #CMD_OFFLINE and #CMD_SERVER values.
struct CommandInfo {
CommandProc *proc; ///< The procedure to actually executing
const char *name; ///< A human readable name for the procedure
CommandFlags flags; ///< The (command) flags to that apply to this command
CommandType type; ///< The type of command.
/* Helpers to generate the master command table from the command traits. */
template <typename T>
inline constexpr CommandInfo CommandFromTrait() noexcept { return { T::proc, T::name, T::flags, T::type }; };
template<typename T, T... i>
inline constexpr auto MakeCommandsFromTraits(std::integer_sequence<T, i...>) noexcept {
return std::array<CommandInfo, sizeof...(i)>{{ CommandFromTrait<CommandTraits<static_cast<Commands>(i)>>()... }};
* The master command table
* This table contains all possible CommandProc functions with
* the flags which belongs to it. The indices are the same
* as the value from the CMD_* enums.
static constexpr auto _command_proc_table = MakeCommandsFromTraits(std::make_integer_sequence<std::underlying_type_t<Commands>, CMD_END>{});
* This function range-checks a cmd, and checks if the cmd is not nullptr
* @param cmd The integer value of a command
* @return true if the command is valid (and got a CommandProc function)
bool IsValidCommand(Commands cmd)
return cmd < _command_proc_table.size() && _command_proc_table[cmd].proc != nullptr;
* This function mask the parameter with CMD_ID_MASK and returns
* the flags which belongs to the given command.
* @param cmd The integer value of the command
* @return The flags for this command
CommandFlags GetCommandFlags(Commands cmd)
return _command_proc_table[cmd].flags;
* This function mask the parameter with CMD_ID_MASK and returns
* the name which belongs to the given command.
* @param cmd The integer value of the command
* @return The name for this command
const char *GetCommandName(Commands cmd)
return _command_proc_table[cmd].name;
* Returns whether the command is allowed while the game is paused.
* @param cmd The command to check.
* @return True if the command is allowed while paused, false otherwise.
bool IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(Commands cmd)
/* Lookup table for the command types that are allowed for a given pause level setting. */
static const int command_type_lookup[] = {
static_assert(lengthof(command_type_lookup) == CMDT_END);
return _game_mode == GM_EDITOR || command_type_lookup[_command_proc_table[cmd].type] <= _settings_game.construction.command_pause_level;
static int _docommand_recursive = 0;
* Shorthand for calling the long DoCommand with a container.
* @param container Container with (almost) all information
* @param flags Flags for the command and how to execute the command
* @see CommandProc
* @return the cost
CommandCost DoCommand(const CommandContainer *container, DoCommandFlag flags)
return DoCommand(flags, container->cmd, container->tile, container->p1, container->p2, container->text);
* This function executes a given command with the parameters from the #CommandProc parameter list.
* Depending on the flags parameter it execute or test a command.
* @param flags Flags for the command and how to execute the command
* @param cmd The command-id to execute (a value of the CMD_* enums)
* @param tile The tile to apply the command on (for the #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (for the #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @see CommandProc
* @return the cost
CommandCost DoCommand(DoCommandFlag flags, Commands cmd, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost res;
/* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands */
if (tile != 0 && (tile >= MapSize() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (flags & DC_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Chop of any CMD_MSG or other flags; we don't need those here */
CommandProc *proc = _command_proc_table[cmd].proc;
/* only execute the test call if it's toplevel, or we're not execing. */
if (_docommand_recursive == 1 || !(flags & DC_EXEC) ) {
if (_docommand_recursive == 1) _cleared_object_areas.clear();
res = proc(flags & ~DC_EXEC, tile, p1, p2, text);
if (res.Failed()) {
goto error;
if (_docommand_recursive == 1 &&
!(flags & DC_QUERY_COST) &&
!(flags & DC_BANKRUPT) &&
!CheckCompanyHasMoney(res)) { // CheckCompanyHasMoney() modifies 'res' to an error if it fails.
goto error;
if (!(flags & DC_EXEC)) {
return res;
/* Execute the command here. All cost-relevant functions set the expenses type
* themselves to the cost object at some point */
if (_docommand_recursive == 1) _cleared_object_areas.clear();
res = proc(flags, tile, p1, p2, text);
if (res.Failed()) {
return res;
/* if toplevel, subtract the money. */
if (--_docommand_recursive == 0 && !(flags & DC_BANKRUPT)) {
return res;
* This functions returns the money which can be used to execute a command.
* This is either the money of the current company or INT64_MAX if there
* is no such a company "at the moment" like the server itself.
* @return The available money of a company or INT64_MAX
Money GetAvailableMoneyForCommand()
CompanyID company = _current_company;
if (!Company::IsValidID(company)) return INT64_MAX;
return Company::Get(company)->money;
* Toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company. Must not be called recursively.
* The callback is called when the command succeeded or failed. The parameters
* \a tile, \a p1, and \a p2 are from the #CommandProc function. The parameter \a cmd is the command to execute.
* The parameter \a my_cmd is used to indicate if the command is from a company or the server.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
* @param network_command execute the command without sending it on the network
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
static bool DoCommandP(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool network_command, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
/* Cost estimation is generally only done when the
* local user presses shift while doing something.
* However, in case of incoming network commands,
* map generation or the pause button we do want
* to execute. */
bool estimate_only = _shift_pressed && IsLocalCompany() &&
!_generating_world &&
!network_command &&
!(GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_NO_EST);
/* We're only sending the command, so don't do
* fancy things for 'success'. */
bool only_sending = _networking && !network_command;
/* Where to show the message? */
int x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
int y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
if (_pause_mode != PM_UNPAUSED && !IsCommandAllowedWhilePaused(cmd) && !estimate_only) {
ShowErrorMessage(err_message, STR_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_WHILE_PAUSED, WL_INFO, x, y);
return false;
/* Only set p2 when the command does not come from the network. */
if (!network_command && GetCommandFlags(cmd) & CMD_CLIENT_ID && p2 == 0) p2 = CLIENT_ID_SERVER;
CommandCost res = DoCommandPInternal(cmd, err_message, callback, my_cmd, estimate_only, network_command, tile, p1, p2, text);
if (res.Failed()) {
/* Only show the error when it's for us. */
if (estimate_only || (IsLocalCompany() && err_message != 0 && my_cmd)) {
ShowErrorMessage(err_message, res.GetErrorMessage(), WL_INFO, x, y, res.GetTextRefStackGRF(), res.GetTextRefStackSize(), res.GetTextRefStack());
} else if (estimate_only) {
ShowEstimatedCostOrIncome(res.GetCost(), x, y);
} else if (!only_sending && res.GetCost() != 0 && tile != 0 && IsLocalCompany() && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
/* Only show the cost animation when we did actually
* execute the command, i.e. we're not sending it to
* the server, when it has cost the local company
* something. Furthermore in the editor there is no
* concept of cost, so don't show it there either. */
ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(x, y, GetSlopePixelZ(x, y), res.GetCost());
if (!estimate_only && !only_sending && callback != nullptr) {
callback(res, cmd, tile, p1, p2, text);
return res.Succeeded();
* Shortcut for the long DoCommandP when having a container with the data.
* @param container the container with information.
* @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
* @param network_command execute the command without sending it on the network
* @return true if the command succeeded, else false
bool DoCommandP(const CommandContainer *container, bool my_cmd, bool network_command)
return DoCommandP(container->cmd, container->err_msg, container->callback, my_cmd, network_command, container->tile, container->p1, container->p2, container->text);
* Shortcut for the long DoCommandP when not using a callback or error message.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool DoCommandP(Commands cmd, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return DoCommandP(cmd, STR_NULL, nullptr, true, false, tile, p1, p2, text);
* Shortcut for the long DoCommandP when not using an error message.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool DoCommandP(Commands cmd, CommandCallback *callback, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return DoCommandP(cmd, STR_NULL, callback, true, false, tile, p1, p2, text);
* Shortcut for the long DoCommandP when not using a callback.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param err_message Message prefix to show on error
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool DoCommandP(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return DoCommandP(cmd, err_message, nullptr, true, false, tile, p1, p2, text);
* Toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company. Must not be called recursively.
* The callback is called when the command succeeded or failed. The parameters
* \a tile, \a p1, and \a p2 are from the #CommandProc function. The parameter \a cmd is the command to execute.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param err_message Message prefix to show on error
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool DoCommandP(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return DoCommandP(cmd, err_message, callback, true, false, tile, p1, p2, text);
* Toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company. Must not be called recursively.
* The callback is called when the command succeeded or failed. The parameters
* \a tile, \a p1, and \a p2 are from the #CommandProc function. The parameter \a cmd is the command to execute.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param err_message Message prefix to show on error
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return \c true if the command succeeded, else \c false.
bool InjectNetworkCommand(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, bool my_cmd, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return DoCommandP(cmd, err_message, callback, my_cmd, true, tile, p1, p2, text);
* Helper to deduplicate the code for returning.
* @param cmd the command cost to return.
#define return_dcpi(cmd) { _docommand_recursive = 0; return cmd; }
/** Helper to format command parameters into a hex string. */
static std::string CommandParametersToHexString(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
return FormatArrayAsHex(EndianBufferWriter<>::FromValue(std::make_tuple(tile, p1, p2, text)));
* Helper function for the toplevel network safe docommand function for the current company.
* @param cmd The command to execute (a CMD_* value)
* @param err_message Message prefix to show on error
* @param callback A callback function to call after the command is finished
* @param my_cmd indicator if the command is from a company or server (to display error messages for a user)
* @param estimate_only whether to give only the estimate or also execute the command
* @param tile The tile to perform a command on (see #CommandProc)
* @param p1 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param p2 Additional data for the command (see #CommandProc)
* @param text The text to pass
* @return the command cost of this function.
CommandCost DoCommandPInternal(Commands cmd, StringID err_message, CommandCallback *callback, bool my_cmd, bool estimate_only, bool network_command, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
/* Prevent recursion; it gives a mess over the network */
assert(_docommand_recursive == 0);
_docommand_recursive = 1;
/* Reset the state. */
_additional_cash_required = 0;
/* Get pointer to command handler */
assert(cmd < _command_proc_table.size());
CommandProc *proc = _command_proc_table[cmd].proc;
/* Shouldn't happen, but you never know when someone adds
* NULLs to the _command_proc_table. */
assert(proc != nullptr);
/* Command flags are used internally */
CommandFlags cmd_flags = GetCommandFlags(cmd);
/* Flags get send to the DoCommand */
DoCommandFlag flags = CommandFlagsToDCFlags(cmd_flags);
/* Make sure p2 is properly set to a ClientID. */
assert(!(cmd_flags & CMD_CLIENT_ID) || p2 != 0);
/* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands */
if (tile != 0 && (tile >= MapSize() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (cmd_flags & CMD_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return_dcpi(CMD_ERROR);
/* Always execute server and spectator commands as spectator */
bool exec_as_spectator = (cmd_flags & (CMD_SPECTATOR | CMD_SERVER)) != 0;
/* If the company isn't valid it may only do server command or start a new company!
* The server will ditch any server commands a client sends to it, so effectively
* this guards the server from executing functions for an invalid company. */
if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && !exec_as_spectator && !Company::IsValidID(_current_company) && !(_current_company == OWNER_DEITY && (cmd_flags & CMD_DEITY) != 0)) {
Backup<CompanyID> cur_company(_current_company, FILE_LINE);
if (exec_as_spectator) cur_company.Change(COMPANY_SPECTATOR);
bool test_and_exec_can_differ = (cmd_flags & CMD_NO_TEST) != 0;
/* Test the command. */
CommandCost res = proc(flags, tile, p1, p2, text);
/* Make sure we're not messing things up here. */
assert(exec_as_spectator ? _current_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR : cur_company.Verify());
/* If the command fails, we're doing an estimate
* or the player does not have enough money
* (unless it's a command where the test and
* execution phase might return different costs)
* we bail out here. */
if (res.Failed() || estimate_only ||
(!test_and_exec_can_differ && !CheckCompanyHasMoney(res))) {
if (!_networking || _generating_world || network_command) {
/* Log the failed command as well. Just to be able to be find
* causes of desyncs due to bad command test implementations. */
Debug(desync, 1, "cmdf: {:08x}; {:02x}; {:02x}; {:08x}; {:08x}; {:06x}; {} ({})", _date, _date_fract, (int)_current_company, cmd, err_message, tile, CommandParametersToHexString(tile, p1, p2, text), GetCommandName(cmd));
* If we are in network, and the command is not from the network
* send it to the command-queue and abort execution
if (_networking && !_generating_world && !network_command) {
NetworkSendCommand(cmd, err_message, callback, _current_company, tile, p1, p2, text);
/* Don't return anything special here; no error, no costs.
* This way it's not handled by DoCommand and only the
* actual execution of the command causes messages. Also
* reset the storages as we've not executed the command. */
Debug(desync, 1, "cmd: {:08x}; {:02x}; {:02x}; {:08x}; {:08x}; {:06x}; {} ({})", _date, _date_fract, (int)_current_company, cmd, err_message, tile, CommandParametersToHexString(tile, p1, p2, text), GetCommandName(cmd));
/* Actually try and execute the command. If no cost-type is given
* use the construction one */
CommandCost res2 = proc(flags | DC_EXEC, tile, p1, p2, text);
if (cmd == CMD_COMPANY_CTRL) {
/* We are a new company -> Switch to new local company.
* We were closed down -> Switch to spectator
* Some other company opened/closed down -> The outside function will switch back */
_current_company = _local_company;
} else {
/* Make sure nothing bad happened, like changing the current company. */
assert(exec_as_spectator ? _current_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR : cur_company.Verify());
/* If the test and execution can differ we have to check the
* return of the command. Otherwise we can check whether the
* test and execution have yielded the same result,
* i.e. cost and error state are the same. */
if (!test_and_exec_can_differ) {
assert(res.GetCost() == res2.GetCost() && res.Failed() == res2.Failed()); // sanity check
} else if (res2.Failed()) {
/* If we're needing more money and we haven't done
* anything yet, ask for the money! */
if (_additional_cash_required != 0 && res2.GetCost() == 0) {
/* It could happen we removed rail, thus gained money, and deleted something else.
* So make sure the signal buffer is empty even in this case */
SetDParam(0, _additional_cash_required);
/* update last build coordinate of company. */
if (tile != 0) {
Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_current_company);
if (c != nullptr) c->last_build_coordinate = tile;
/* update signals if needed */
#undef return_dcpi
* Adds the cost of the given command return value to this cost.
* Also takes a possible error message when it is set.
* @param ret The command to add the cost of.
void CommandCost::AddCost(const CommandCost &ret)
if (this->success && !ret.success) {
this->message = ret.message;
this->success = false;
* Values to put on the #TextRefStack for the error message.
* There is only one static instance of the array, just like there is only one
* instance of normal DParams.
uint32 CommandCost::textref_stack[16];
* Activate usage of the NewGRF #TextRefStack for the error message.
* @param grffile NewGRF that provides the #TextRefStack
* @param num_registers number of entries to copy from the temporary NewGRF registers
void CommandCost::UseTextRefStack(const GRFFile *grffile, uint num_registers)
extern TemporaryStorageArray<int32, 0x110> _temp_store;
assert(num_registers < lengthof(textref_stack));
this->textref_stack_grffile = grffile;
this->textref_stack_size = num_registers;
for (uint i = 0; i < num_registers; i++) {
textref_stack[i] = _temp_store.GetValue(0x100 + i);