bjarni f91c43d792 (svn r6586) -Feature: [depot window] added a vehicle list window with all vehicles having a certain depot in their orders
It got one known issue though. The top bar got a plural issue so expect to see stuff like "1 trains" until we figure out why it behaves this way
  Added the button to the depot windows. Made the autoreplace button bigger while I was moving some widgets anyway
  Made road vehicle depot windows start with one more row to make room for the buttons
2006-09-30 13:39:34 +00:00

61 lines
2.1 KiB

/* $Id$ */
#include "window.h"
void DrawVehicleProfitButton(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y);
void ShowVehicleRefitWindow(const Vehicle *v);
void InitializeVehiclesGuiList(void);
/* sorter stuff */
void RebuildVehicleLists(void);
void ResortVehicleLists(void);
/* Vehicle List Window type flags */
enum {
VLW_STANDARD = 0 << 8,
VLW_DEPOT_LIST = 3 << 8,
VLW_MASK = 0x700,
static inline bool ValidVLWFlags(uint16 flags)
return (flags == VLW_STANDARD || flags == VLW_SHARED_ORDERS || flags == VLW_STATION_LIST || flags == VLW_DEPOT_LIST);
void PlayerVehWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e);
void DrawTrainEnginePurchaseInfo(int x, int y, EngineID engine_number);
void DrawTrainWagonPurchaseInfo(int x, int y, EngineID engine_number);
void DrawRoadVehPurchaseInfo(int x, int y, EngineID engine_number);
void DrawAircraftPurchaseInfo(int x, int y, EngineID engine_number);
void DrawShipPurchaseInfo(int x, int y, EngineID engine_number);
void DrawTrainImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, int count, int skip, VehicleID selection);
void DrawRoadVehImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection);
void DrawShipImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection);
void DrawSmallOrderListShip(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y);
void DrawAircraftImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection);
void DrawSmallOrderListAircraft(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y);
void ShowBuildTrainWindow(TileIndex tile);
void ShowBuildRoadVehWindow(TileIndex tile);
void ShowBuildShipWindow(TileIndex tile);
void ShowBuildAircraftWindow(TileIndex tile);
void ChangeVehicleViewWindow(const Vehicle *from_v, const Vehicle *to_v);
int ShowAdditionalText(int x, int y, int w, EngineID engine);
void ShowVehicleListWindow(PlayerID player, StationID station, byte vehicle_type);
void ShowVehWithSharedOrders(Vehicle *v, byte vehicle_type);
void ShowVehDepotOrders(PlayerID player, byte vehicle_type, TileIndex depot_tile);
#endif /* VEHICLE_GUI_H */