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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file newgrf_house.cpp Implementation of NewGRF houses. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "newgrf_house.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_town.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "newgrf_animation_base.h"
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
static BuildingCounts<uint32> _building_counts;
static HouseClassMapping _class_mapping[HOUSE_CLASS_MAX];
HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr(NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET, NUM_HOUSES, INVALID_HOUSE_ID);
* Retrieve the grf file associated with a house.
* @param house_id House to query.
* @return The associated GRF file (may be \c nullptr).
static const GRFFile *GetHouseSpecGrf(HouseID house_id)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
return (hs != nullptr) ? hs->grf_prop.grffile : nullptr;
* Construct a resolver for a house.
* @param house_id House to query.
* @param tile %Tile containing the house.
* @param town %Town containing the house.
* @param callback Callback ID.
* @param param1 First parameter (var 10) of the callback.
* @param param2 Second parameter (var 18) of the callback.
* @param not_yet_constructed House is still under construction.
* @param initial_random_bits Random bits during construction checks.
* @param watched_cargo_triggers Cargo types that triggered the watched cargo callback.
HouseResolverObject::HouseResolverObject(HouseID house_id, TileIndex tile, Town *town,
CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2,
bool not_yet_constructed, uint8 initial_random_bits, CargoTypes watched_cargo_triggers)
: ResolverObject(GetHouseSpecGrf(house_id), callback, param1, param2),
house_scope(*this, house_id, tile, town, not_yet_constructed, initial_random_bits, watched_cargo_triggers),
town_scope(*this, town, not_yet_constructed) // Don't access StorePSA if house is not yet constructed.
this->root_spritegroup = HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0];
GrfSpecFeature HouseResolverObject::GetFeature() const
return GSF_HOUSES;
uint32 HouseResolverObject::GetDebugID() const
return HouseSpec::Get(this->house_scope.house_id)->grf_prop.local_id;
HouseClassID AllocateHouseClassID(byte grf_class_id, uint32 grfid)
/* Start from 1 because 0 means that no class has been assigned. */
for (int i = 1; i != lengthof(_class_mapping); i++) {
HouseClassMapping *map = &_class_mapping[i];
if (map->class_id == grf_class_id && map->grfid == grfid) return (HouseClassID)i;
if (map->class_id == 0 && map->grfid == 0) {
map->class_id = grf_class_id;
map->grfid = grfid;
return (HouseClassID)i;
void InitializeBuildingCounts()
memset(&_building_counts, 0, sizeof(_building_counts));
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
memset(&t->cache.building_counts, 0, sizeof(t->cache.building_counts));
* IncreaseBuildingCount()
* Increase the count of a building when it has been added by a town.
* @param t The town that the building is being built in
* @param house_id The id of the house being added
void IncreaseBuildingCount(Town *t, HouseID house_id)
HouseClassID class_id = HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->class_id;
if (class_id == HOUSE_NO_CLASS) return;
* DecreaseBuildingCount()
* Decrease the number of a building when it is deleted.
* @param t The town that the building was built in
* @param house_id The id of the house being removed
void DecreaseBuildingCount(Town *t, HouseID house_id)
HouseClassID class_id = HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->class_id;
if (t->cache.building_counts.id_count[house_id] > 0) t->cache.building_counts.id_count[house_id]--;
if (_building_counts.id_count[house_id] > 0) _building_counts.id_count[house_id]--;
if (class_id == HOUSE_NO_CLASS) return;
if (t->cache.building_counts.class_count[class_id] > 0) t->cache.building_counts.class_count[class_id]--;
if (_building_counts.class_count[class_id] > 0) _building_counts.class_count[class_id]--;
/* virtual */ uint32 HouseScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const
/* Note: Towns build houses over houses. So during construction checks 'tile' may be a valid but unrelated house. */
assert(IsValidTile(this->tile) && (this->not_yet_constructed || IsTileType(this->tile, MP_HOUSE)));
return this->not_yet_constructed ? this->initial_random_bits : GetHouseRandomBits(this->tile);
/* virtual */ uint32 HouseScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const
/* Note: Towns build houses over houses. So during construction checks 'tile' may be a valid but unrelated house. */
assert(IsValidTile(this->tile) && (this->not_yet_constructed || IsTileType(this->tile, MP_HOUSE)));
return this->not_yet_constructed ? 0 : GetHouseTriggers(this->tile);
static uint32 GetNumHouses(HouseID house_id, const Town *town)
uint8 map_id_count, town_id_count, map_class_count, town_class_count;
HouseClassID class_id = HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->class_id;
map_id_count = ClampU(_building_counts.id_count[house_id], 0, 255);
map_class_count = ClampU(_building_counts.class_count[class_id], 0, 255);
town_id_count = ClampU(town->cache.building_counts.id_count[house_id], 0, 255);
town_class_count = ClampU(town->cache.building_counts.class_count[class_id], 0, 255);
return map_class_count << 24 | town_class_count << 16 | map_id_count << 8 | town_id_count;
* Get information about a nearby tile.
* @param parameter from callback. It's in fact a pair of coordinates
* @param tile TileIndex from which the callback was initiated
* @param grf_version8 True, if we are dealing with a new NewGRF which uses GRF version >= 8.
* @return a construction of bits obeying the newgrf format
static uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool grf_version8)
tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile);
return GetNearbyTileInformation(tile, grf_version8);
/** Structure with user-data for SearchNearbyHouseXXX - functions */
struct SearchNearbyHouseData {
const HouseSpec *hs; ///< Specs of the house that started the search.
TileIndex north_tile; ///< Northern tile of the house.
* Callback function to search a house by its HouseID
* @param tile TileIndex to be examined
* @param user_data SearchNearbyHouseData
* @return true or false, if found or not
static bool SearchNearbyHouseID(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile); // tile been examined
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
if (hs->grf_prop.grffile != nullptr) { // must be one from a grf file
SearchNearbyHouseData *nbhd = (SearchNearbyHouseData *)user_data;
TileIndex north_tile = tile + GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies 'house'!
if (north_tile == nbhd->north_tile) return false; // Always ignore origin house
return hs->grf_prop.local_id == nbhd->hs->grf_prop.local_id && // same local id as the one requested
hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid == nbhd->hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid; // from the same grf
return false;
* Callback function to search a house by its classID
* @param tile TileIndex to be examined
* @param user_data SearchNearbyHouseData
* @return true or false, if found or not
static bool SearchNearbyHouseClass(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile); // tile been examined
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
if (hs->grf_prop.grffile != nullptr) { // must be one from a grf file
SearchNearbyHouseData *nbhd = (SearchNearbyHouseData *)user_data;
TileIndex north_tile = tile + GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies 'house'!
if (north_tile == nbhd->north_tile) return false; // Always ignore origin house
return hs->class_id == nbhd->hs->class_id && // same classid as the one requested
hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid == nbhd->hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid; // from the same grf
return false;
* Callback function to search a house by its grfID
* @param tile TileIndex to be examined
* @param user_data SearchNearbyHouseData
* @return true or false, if found or not
static bool SearchNearbyHouseGRFID(TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
HouseID house = GetHouseType(tile); // tile been examined
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
if (hs->grf_prop.grffile != nullptr) { // must be one from a grf file
SearchNearbyHouseData *nbhd = (SearchNearbyHouseData *)user_data;
TileIndex north_tile = tile + GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies 'house'!
if (north_tile == nbhd->north_tile) return false; // Always ignore origin house
return hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid == nbhd->hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid; // from the same grf
return false;
* This function will activate a search around a central tile, looking for some houses
* that fit the requested characteristics
* @param parameter that is given by the callback.
* bits 0..6 radius of the search
* bits 7..8 search type i.e.: 0 = houseID/ 1 = classID/ 2 = grfID
* @param tile TileIndex from which to start the search
* @param house the HouseID that is associated to the house, the callback is called for
* @return the Manhattan distance from the center tile, if any, and 0 if failure
static uint32 GetDistanceFromNearbyHouse(uint8 parameter, TileIndex tile, HouseID house)
static TestTileOnSearchProc * const search_procs[3] = {
TileIndex found_tile = tile;
uint8 searchtype = GB(parameter, 6, 2);
uint8 searchradius = GB(parameter, 0, 6);
if (searchtype >= lengthof(search_procs)) return 0; // do not run on ill-defined code
if (searchradius < 1) return 0; // do not use a too low radius
SearchNearbyHouseData nbhd;
nbhd.hs = HouseSpec::Get(house);
nbhd.north_tile = tile + GetHouseNorthPart(house); // modifies 'house'!
/* Use a pointer for the tile to start the search. Will be required for calculating the distance*/
if (CircularTileSearch(&found_tile, 2 * searchradius + 1, search_procs[searchtype], &nbhd)) {
return DistanceManhattan(found_tile, tile);
return 0;
* @note Used by the resolver to get values for feature 07 deterministic spritegroups.
/* virtual */ uint32 HouseScopeResolver::GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const
switch (variable) {
/* Construction stage. */
case 0x40: return (IsTileType(this->tile, MP_HOUSE) ? GetHouseBuildingStage(this->tile) : 0) | TileHash2Bit(TileX(this->tile), TileY(this->tile)) << 2;
/* Building age. */
case 0x41: return IsTileType(this->tile, MP_HOUSE) ? GetHouseAge(this->tile) : 0;
/* Town zone */
case 0x42: return GetTownRadiusGroup(this->town, this->tile);
/* Terrain type */
case 0x43: return GetTerrainType(this->tile);
/* Number of this type of building on the map. */
case 0x44: return GetNumHouses(this->house_id, this->town);
/* Whether the town is being created or just expanded. */
case 0x45: return _generating_world ? 1 : 0;
/* Current animation frame. */
case 0x46: return IsTileType(this->tile, MP_HOUSE) ? GetAnimationFrame(this->tile) : 0;
/* Position of the house */
case 0x47: return TileY(this->tile) << 16 | TileX(this->tile);
/* Building counts for old houses with id = parameter. */
case 0x60: return parameter < NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET ? GetNumHouses(parameter, this->town) : 0;
/* Building counts for new houses with id = parameter. */
case 0x61: {
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(this->house_id);
if (hs->grf_prop.grffile == nullptr) return 0;
HouseID new_house = _house_mngr.GetID(parameter, hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);
return new_house == INVALID_HOUSE_ID ? 0 : GetNumHouses(new_house, this->town);
/* Land info for nearby tiles. */
case 0x62: return GetNearbyTileInformation(parameter, this->tile, this->ro.grffile->grf_version >= 8);
/* Current animation frame of nearby house tiles */
case 0x63: {
TileIndex testtile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
return IsTileType(testtile, MP_HOUSE) ? GetAnimationFrame(testtile) : 0;
/* Cargo acceptance history of nearby stations */
case 0x64: {
CargoID cid = GetCargoTranslation(parameter, this->ro.grffile);
if (cid == CT_INVALID) return 0;
/* Extract tile offset. */
int8 x_offs = GB(GetRegister(0x100), 0, 8);
int8 y_offs = GB(GetRegister(0x100), 8, 8);
TileIndex testtile = TILE_MASK(this->tile + TileDiffXY(x_offs, y_offs));
StationFinder stations(TileArea(testtile, 1, 1));
const StationList *sl = stations.GetStations();
/* Collect acceptance stats. */
uint32 res = 0;
for (Station *st : *sl) {
if (HasBit(st->goods[cid].status, GoodsEntry::GES_EVER_ACCEPTED)) SetBit(res, 0);
if (HasBit(st->goods[cid].status, GoodsEntry::GES_LAST_MONTH)) SetBit(res, 1);
if (HasBit(st->goods[cid].status, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH)) SetBit(res, 2);
if (HasBit(st->goods[cid].status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK)) SetBit(res, 3);
/* Cargo triggered CB 148? */
if (HasBit(this->watched_cargo_triggers, cid)) SetBit(res, 4);
return res;
/* Distance test for some house types */
case 0x65: return GetDistanceFromNearbyHouse(parameter, this->tile, this->house_id);
/* Class and ID of nearby house tile */
case 0x66: {
TileIndex testtile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
if (!IsTileType(testtile, MP_HOUSE)) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
HouseID nearby_house_id = GetHouseType(testtile);
HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(nearby_house_id);
/* Information about the grf local classid if the house has a class */
uint houseclass = 0;
if (hs->class_id != HOUSE_NO_CLASS) {
houseclass = (hs->grf_prop.grffile == this->ro.grffile ? 1 : 2) << 8;
houseclass |= _class_mapping[hs->class_id].class_id;
/* old house type or grf-local houseid */
uint local_houseid = 0;
if (nearby_house_id < NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) {
local_houseid = nearby_house_id;
} else {
local_houseid = (hs->grf_prop.grffile == this->ro.grffile ? 1 : 2) << 8;
local_houseid |= hs->grf_prop.local_id;
return houseclass << 16 | local_houseid;
/* GRFID of nearby house tile */
case 0x67: {
TileIndex testtile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile);
if (!IsTileType(testtile, MP_HOUSE)) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
HouseID house_id = GetHouseType(testtile);
if (house_id < NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) return 0;
/* Checking the grffile information via HouseSpec doesn't work
* in case the newgrf was removed. */
return _house_mngr.GetGRFID(house_id);
DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled house variable 0x%X", variable);
*available = false;
return UINT_MAX;
uint16 GetHouseCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, HouseID house_id, Town *town, TileIndex tile,
bool not_yet_constructed, uint8 initial_random_bits, CargoTypes watched_cargo_triggers)
assert(IsValidTile(tile) && (not_yet_constructed || IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)));
HouseResolverObject object(house_id, tile, town, callback, param1, param2,
not_yet_constructed, initial_random_bits, watched_cargo_triggers);
return object.ResolveCallback();
static void DrawTileLayout(const TileInfo *ti, const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *group, byte stage, HouseID house_id)
const DrawTileSprites *dts = group->ProcessRegisters(&stage);
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
PaletteID palette = hs->random_colour[TileHash2Bit(ti->x, ti->y)] + PALETTE_RECOLOUR_START;
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_COLOUR)) {
uint16 callback = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_COLOUR, 0, 0, house_id, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile), ti->tile);
if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
/* If bit 14 is set, we should use a 2cc colour map, else use the callback value. */
palette = HasBit(callback, 14) ? GB(callback, 0, 8) + SPR_2CCMAP_BASE : callback;
SpriteID image = dts->ground.sprite;
PaletteID pal = dts->ground.pal;
if (HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) image += stage;
if (HasBit(pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) pal += stage;
if (GB(image, 0, SPRITE_WIDTH) != 0) {
DrawGroundSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette));
DrawNewGRFTileSeq(ti, dts, TO_HOUSES, stage, palette);
void DrawNewHouseTile(TileInfo *ti, HouseID house_id)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_id);
if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
bool draw_old_one = true;
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS)) {
/* Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for the house tile */
uint32 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, 0, 0, house_id, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile), ti->tile);
if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) draw_old_one = ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS, callback_res);
if (draw_old_one) DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED);
HouseResolverObject object(house_id, ti->tile, Town::GetByTile(ti->tile));
const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve();
if (group != nullptr && group->type == SGT_TILELAYOUT) {
/* Limit the building stage to the number of stages supplied. */
const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *tlgroup = (const TileLayoutSpriteGroup *)group;
byte stage = GetHouseBuildingStage(ti->tile);
DrawTileLayout(ti, tlgroup, stage, house_id);
/* Simple wrapper for GetHouseCallback to keep the animation unified. */
uint16 GetSimpleHouseCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, const HouseSpec *spec, Town *town, TileIndex tile, CargoTypes extra_data)
return GetHouseCallback(callback, param1, param2, spec - HouseSpec::Get(0), town, tile, false, 0, extra_data);
/** Helper class for animation control. */
struct HouseAnimationBase : public AnimationBase<HouseAnimationBase, HouseSpec, Town, CargoTypes, GetSimpleHouseCallback> {
static const CallbackID cb_animation_speed = CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_SPEED;
static const CallbackID cb_animation_next_frame = CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME;
static const HouseCallbackMask cbm_animation_speed = CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_SPEED;
static const HouseCallbackMask cbm_animation_next_frame = CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME;
void AnimateNewHouseTile(TileIndex tile)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
if (hs == nullptr) return;
HouseAnimationBase::AnimateTile(hs, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile, HasBit(hs->extra_flags, CALLBACK_1A_RANDOM_BITS));
void AnimateNewHouseConstruction(TileIndex tile)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_CONSTRUCTION_STATE_CHANGE)) {
HouseAnimationBase::ChangeAnimationFrame(CBID_HOUSE_CONSTRUCTION_STATE_CHANGE, hs, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile, 0, 0);
bool CanDeleteHouse(TileIndex tile)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
/* Humans are always allowed to remove buildings, as is water and disasters and
* anyone using the scenario editor. */
if (Company::IsValidHumanID(_current_company) || _current_company == OWNER_WATER || _current_company == OWNER_NONE || _game_mode == GM_EDITOR || _generating_world) {
return true;
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION)) {
uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
return (callback_res == CALLBACK_FAILED || !ConvertBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION, callback_res));
} else {
return !(hs->extra_flags & BUILDING_IS_PROTECTED);
static void AnimationControl(TileIndex tile, uint16 random_bits)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP)) {
uint32 param = (hs->extra_flags & SYNCHRONISED_CALLBACK_1B) ? (GB(Random(), 0, 16) | random_bits << 16) : Random();
HouseAnimationBase::ChangeAnimationFrame(CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP, hs, Town::GetByTile(tile), tile, param, 0);
bool NewHouseTileLoop(TileIndex tile)
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
if (GetHouseProcessingTime(tile) > 0) {
return true;
TriggerHouse(tile, HOUSE_TRIGGER_TILE_LOOP);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE) TriggerHouse(tile, HOUSE_TRIGGER_TILE_LOOP_TOP);
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP)) {
/* If this house is marked as having a synchronised callback, all the
* tiles will have the callback called at once, rather than when the
* tile loop reaches them. This should only be enabled for the northern
* tile, or strange things will happen (here, and in TTDPatch). */
if (hs->extra_flags & SYNCHRONISED_CALLBACK_1B) {
uint16 random = GB(Random(), 0, 16);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_1_TILE) AnimationControl(tile, random);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, 1), random);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 0), random);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) AnimationControl(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 1), random);
} else {
AnimationControl(tile, 0);
/* Check callback 21, which determines if a house should be destroyed. */
if (HasBit(hs->callback_mask, CBM_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION)) {
uint16 callback_res = GetHouseCallback(CBID_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION, 0, 0, GetHouseType(tile), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
if (callback_res != CALLBACK_FAILED && Convert8bitBooleanCallback(hs->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION, callback_res)) {
ClearTownHouse(Town::GetByTile(tile), tile);
return false;
SetHouseProcessingTime(tile, hs->processing_time);
return true;
static void DoTriggerHouse(TileIndex tile, HouseTrigger trigger, byte base_random, bool first)
/* We can't trigger a non-existent building... */
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
HouseID hid = GetHouseType(tile);
HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(hid);
if (hs->grf_prop.spritegroup[0] == nullptr) return;
HouseResolverObject object(hid, tile, Town::GetByTile(tile), CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER);
object.waiting_triggers = GetHouseTriggers(tile) | trigger;
SetHouseTriggers(tile, object.waiting_triggers); // store now for var 5F
const SpriteGroup *group = object.Resolve();
if (group == nullptr) return;
/* Store remaining triggers. */
SetHouseTriggers(tile, object.GetRemainingTriggers());
/* Rerandomise bits. Scopes other than SELF are invalid for houses. For bug-to-bug-compatibility with TTDP we ignore the scope. */
byte new_random_bits = Random();
byte random_bits = GetHouseRandomBits(tile);
uint32 reseed = object.GetReseedSum();
random_bits &= ~reseed;
random_bits |= (first ? new_random_bits : base_random) & reseed;
SetHouseRandomBits(tile, random_bits);
switch (trigger) {
/* Random value already set. */
if (!first) {
/* The top tile is marked dirty by the usual TileLoop */
/* Random value of first tile already set. */
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) DoTriggerHouse(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 0, 1), trigger, random_bits, false);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) DoTriggerHouse(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 0), trigger, random_bits, false);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) DoTriggerHouse(TILE_ADDXY(tile, 1, 1), trigger, random_bits, false);
void TriggerHouse(TileIndex t, HouseTrigger trigger)
DoTriggerHouse(t, trigger, 0, true);
* Run the watched cargo accepted callback for a single house tile.
* @param tile The house tile.
* @param origin The triggering tile.
* @param trigger_cargoes Cargo types that triggered the callback.
* @param random Random bits.
void DoWatchedCargoCallback(TileIndex tile, TileIndex origin, CargoTypes trigger_cargoes, uint16 random)
TileIndexDiffC diff = TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(origin, tile);
uint32 cb_info = random << 16 | (uint8)diff.y << 8 | (uint8)diff.x;
HouseAnimationBase::ChangeAnimationFrame(CBID_HOUSE_WATCHED_CARGO_ACCEPTED, HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile)), Town::GetByTile(tile), tile, 0, cb_info, trigger_cargoes);
* Run watched cargo accepted callback for a house.
* @param tile House tile.
* @param trigger_cargoes Triggering cargo types.
* @pre IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)
void WatchedCargoCallback(TileIndex tile, CargoTypes trigger_cargoes)
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE));
HouseID id = GetHouseType(tile);
const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(id);
trigger_cargoes &= hs->watched_cargoes;
/* None of the trigger cargoes is watched? */
if (trigger_cargoes == 0) return;
/* Same random value for all tiles of a multi-tile house. */
uint16 r = Random();
/* Do the callback, start at northern tile. */
TileIndex north = tile + GetHouseNorthPart(id);
hs = HouseSpec::Get(id);
DoWatchedCargoCallback(north, tile, trigger_cargoes, r);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_Y) DoWatchedCargoCallback(TILE_ADDXY(north, 0, 1), tile, trigger_cargoes, r);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_2_TILES_X) DoWatchedCargoCallback(TILE_ADDXY(north, 1, 0), tile, trigger_cargoes, r);
if (hs->building_flags & BUILDING_HAS_4_TILES) DoWatchedCargoCallback(TILE_ADDXY(north, 1, 1), tile, trigger_cargoes, r);